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MRS. CAlllLRINE C. MORRISON .......Owner and Publisher
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NAT M I i IONAL VO I. M t fc OlilUKIAL D I T O Rl A l a^vkmtibV «
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oneAOO new rom
| Local and Personal
News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Scruggs
are on a short vacation in Fla.
We see Mr. F. N. Belk in a
shiny new big black Buick.
Mr. Cleron Kyzer Is attending
the Lions Club convention in
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Allison
spent a long week end with their
daughter and her family In Fla.
The Koger Reunion will be at
the old school house yard in
Trenton Sunday, July 23rd.
Tommy Sims and sons were
among the large crowd of spec¬
tators al the Air Show Sunday.
Miss Mildred Brandon spent
the week end with her sister Mrs.
Inez Johnson In Chattanooga.
Tol Jeffrey was called to Ala.,
to be with his father who under
went an operation Monday.
Mr. E. G. Wright, Jr was taken
to the hospital Monday for an
emergency appendectomy. He is
reported doing nicely.
Mr. W B. Connally from Gads¬
den, Ala. and his daughter were
Friday visitors of his cimsln,
Mrs. W. G. Morrison, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph* King and
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brandon
were at Mentone, Ala., Sunday
afternoon on a sightseeing tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Derrlll Morrison
are spending a week’s vacation
with his mother Mrs. W. G. Mor¬
rison, Sr.
The large turnip in The Times
office window weighs 3 lbs. and
Iloz. It was raised at the Dyer
Farm on Lookout Mountain.
Rural Carrier Roy McBryar
and family are on vacation. Ed¬
ward Huff is carrying the mail
while he is gone.
We hear that the key to the
jail was lost last week end and
we hear that some got out of
being locked up because of this.
Commander and Mrs. Murphy
Cureton and son, Michael, of
New York were Visiting with rel¬
atives in Dade County over the
week end.
Miss Kathleen Morrison,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray¬
mond Morrison has been spend¬
ing a week in Florida with her
aunt and uncle.
Mr. Max Forester, with his
wife and boys, from Morristown,
Tennessee has been spending
a few days with relatives and
friends in' Dade County.
Mr. E. R. Brandon visited- rel¬
atives on Gunters Mountain
near Scottsboro, Alabama. Mr.
Brandon said crops there were
really fine.
Postmaster and Mrs. E. L.
Raulston and family are on a
vacation in Florida. Mrs. Joe
Blevins is assisting Mrs. Ray¬
mond Morrison with the post¬
master's duties while the Rauls-
tons are gone.
The garden plots on the Court
House Square have had their
gras* cut. The Garden Club tells
us they are still trying to get
the landscape firm to come back
down and finish the north plot.
Miss Deima Foster from Pratt¬
ville, Ala. spent Saturday with
her brother Mr. Otis Foster and
Mrs. Foster. Mr. Foster is much
better, but still unable to get
around much even in his home.
Mrs Frank Morrison had ail
her children with her during the
week end. Charles, his wife and
daughter Pat. from Marietta,
were week end visitors, also Mrs.
Martha Henderson and children
and Lucille from Chattanooga
Mrs. Rowena Broome and son
Bobby from Chickamauga were
Saturday visitors and Mr. and
Mrs M J. Hale were Sunday
dinner guests.
Reporting so many vacations
reminds your publisher that she
New Home H. D.
Club Mel
The New Home H. D. Club
met in the home of Mrs. Mac
Crisp on July 19th .
Miss Vestel gave a demonstra¬
tion on making shuck hats,
making lamps from bottles and
The meeting was then called
to order by President Mrs.
Madge Ballard. Minutes of the
last meeting were read by Mrs.
Patton. 12 members were pre¬
sent with three new members
joining and 4 visitors.
Mrs. E. E. Ferguson gave a
report on her trip to
After our meeting and before
the refreshments were served
Miss Fannielu MacWhorter and
Mrs. Douglas Morrison gave a
short talk on the Red Cross
Nursing work and the new clinic
Dade County will get. Then Mrs.
Morrison gave out the Nursing
Certificates to Mesdames Madge
Ballard, E. E. Ferguson, Dora
Frisks, Adel Hurst, C. L. Ivey,
Faye Neely, Willadean Patton,
E. A. Stallenigs and Miss Ma¬
xine Crisp.
Refreshments were served by
our hostess Mrs. Crisp.
Our next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. R. T. Patton
on September 18th. We will have
a picnic in August. Everyone is
invited to attend our meetings.
Reporter, Mrs. E. E. Ferguson.
James M. Swader, passed away
at the home of his sister, Mrs,
R. L. Borin in St. Elmo Monday
July 17. Surviving
are his wife, Mrs. Hattie Manley
of Rising Fawn; three
daughters, Mrs. Gordon Chad¬
wick of Chattanooga, Mrs. Ollie
R. Bartlett of Chickamauga and
Mrs. Leons Bates of Dorsey, Miss,
four sons, Tommy, Arthur, Rob¬
ert and William Swader of Rising
Fawn ; parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. E Swader of Mentone, Ala.;
four sisters, Mrs. Annie Borin
and Mrs. R. L. Borin of Chatta¬
nooga, Mrs. Bill Reed of LaFay-
ette and Mrs. M. L. Edwards of
Knoxville; six brothers, C. D.
Swader of Lynch, Ky, Thomas
B. Swader of Atlanta, A. D., W.
A . and H. L. Swader of Chatta¬
nooga and D B. Swader, Jr. of
Mentone and a number of
"Crooked farming" is on the
level—if the crooked rows are
on the contour.
Special Meeting
North Dade School
Tuesday July 25th
A special meeting of the North
Dade Parent-Teachers Associa¬
tion has been called. It will be
held at the North Dade School
Tuesday night, July 25. 1950. at
8 o'clock All interested in plans
for a Cafeteria are urged to at¬
tend. The officers for the com¬
ing year will be installed.
Mrs. Edgar Moore.
is about to take her vacation
starting July 21st for two weeks.
She will visit her mother and
family in Maine. Mr«. E. A. Ellis
will be in the front office on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays dur¬
ing her absence. Hope you will
bring her lots of news. The regu¬
lar staff, Herman Moore and
Jorge Mascunana will be on duty
each day except Saturday to get
out the paper as usual and do
the job work.
Improvement Committee
Assumes New
The July County wide Im¬
provement meeting was held
Tuesday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Patton of
the New Home District. There
were over thirty people present
but only four of the twelve com¬
munities were represented. As
usual there were more men than
women present.
The meeting was opened with
prayer by Rev. Allen T. Newby
which given out on the lawn
under the stars was very im¬
Miss Bess Cureton, Chairman
in her introductory remarks ask¬
ed us to read the 104th Psalm
for inspiration in this work. A
brief report was given by Mrs.
Nethery for the Trenton As¬
sociation, Agent L. C. Adams for
New Salem, Miss Cureton for
Rising Fawn and many of the
New Home residents told of
their progress.
Mr. M. T. Patton, at whose
home the meeting was held and
who is the Justice cf the Peace
for this new militia district told
of the improvements made since
he had moved there in 1939. He
said there were about 4 houses
then and none north of him.
There were no stores and now
there are three, Coopers, Davis,
The early residents had no
mail route and got their mail
at Shellmound or at Dewey
Crisps which was 11 miles away.
The first mail route came up
from Wildwood but they were
now on Trenton route 2. Re¬
cently a new mile of road had
’been opened north and the mail
was delivered here also. ,
The New Home Baptist Church
was built 10 years ago and
they were working on additions
to it now. The power was
'brought in on July 5, 1948 and
126 meters were installed at this
time. There are now about 135
homes with electricity.
There are three stocked fish
ponds in this community. About
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Only Newspaper to bring
you your County news
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$2.00 for S2 issues
three years ago a grist mill was
established. There are many
tractors and Mr. C. G. Cooper,
proprietor of Cooper’s Store is
the agent for Ferguson tractor.
There are three power saws and
5 bush and bog harrows. The
farms average about 80 acres
and raise mostly corn, cotton,
and hay. Most of the residents
moved in from Alabama where
they had been practicing con¬
tour farming and terracing and
continuing these practices have
been able to do successful farm¬
Last year they were made the
1885 Georgia Militia District.
Also last year they were given
another school bus on their route
making two, but they are still
both very overcrowded.
One of their principal projects
at present is building of a ten-
nie court. The county has used
some of its machinery to help
them with this and they hope
to have it completed very soon
What the strip mining oper¬
ations in their community was
doing to their land was also dis¬
Brought up at this meeting
was the possibility of having a
rural telephone system. Be-,
cause this would mean a govern¬
ment loan there is a great deal
of red tape involved in this.
However it was agreed to circu¬
late a petition throughout the
county to see how many would
want to pay for the telephone 1
Service in their homes. These
lists would be presented at the j
next meeting on August 22nd at
the Davis High School to see if j
something could be worked out
on this.
The problem of getting an¬
other doctor in the county was
discussed at length. The popu¬
lation has grown to such an ex¬
tent that is was believed there
a serious need for more
care, as so many people
are having to go outside the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holtzhower
and daughter Joan of Dade City,
! Florida are visiting relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Douglas
and daughter of Nashville, Tenn.
visited Griff Johnson last week.
Mrs. James Schrock and child¬
ren of Rome, Ga., have returned
home after spending two weeks
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Forester and family.
James Schrock spent the last
week end here.
Mrs. Millard Koger and child¬
ren of Charleston, S. C., and
Elmer Ross of Rome visited rel¬
atives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and
children visited Mrs. J. W. Kcger
last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Fritz Schurch was called’
to Chattanooga recently to the
bedside of her daughter-in-law
Mrs. Gordon Schurch who is in
the hospital and reported to be
seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smith and
Mrs. B. W. Holtzhower visited
Mr. an ^ Mrs. Bill West of Chick-
amauga last Sunday,
Wiss Betty Smith spent last
with her cousin, Mrs. Loyal
Griffith of Flint Stone.
county for medical attention.
Also a need for a dentist. No
definate plans were made but it
was agreed this would be
, brought . . . ** 1 , °™ the group
DEAD OR INJURED ANIMALS Weighing Over 200 Pounds
Within A 3 r Mile Radius Removed FREE OF CHARGE
If Not Skinned or Decomposed. WE WILL PAY PHONE
turn 0 5*2602
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Mrs. Curtis Stephens and son
of Fort Riley, Kansas are guests
of Mrs. Stephen’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Wells.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephens, of Tus-
con, Arizona, visited Mr. and
Mrs. William Stephens last
Mrs. Elizabeth Guinn is spend¬
ing the week in Birmingham.
Mr. Carl Harris has returned
home from a visit with relatives
in Nashville, Tenn
Sandra Smith, of Hale’s Bar,
is a guest of Glenda Mitchum.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchum’s week
end guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Bufcrd Mitchum and daughter
Barbara, of Hale’s Bar, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Teat of Benton,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coates
have returned home from a vi¬
sit with Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Withrow at Gadsden, Ala. Ken¬
neth came home with them for
a visit.
Mrs. C. M. Carroll is recover¬
ing from a recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen and
grandson Carl, of Rossville, were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have a
new Pontiac.
Mr. & Mr.s. Stanley, of Hunts¬
ville, Ala., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Odie Haswell.