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0 Come Let Us Adore Him
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The Christmas Eve bath was quite a tradition in Finland be¬
fore the advent of modern plumbing.
The oldtime Finnish bath-room was usually a three-room hut;
one room was used for steaming and scrubbing, one for rubbing,
and one for dressing.
The hut was warmed by a stone
oven, heated for hours before the
scheduled bath, and the "bath¬
room” was really steaming. After
bathing came the rub-down and
the switching of the body with
birch twigs to increase the circula¬
tion, topped off by a roll in the
snow, supposedly to whet the ap¬
petite for Christmas Eve supper.
For supper there was usually
stockfish and prune tarts to be en¬
joyed, plus the traditional barley
porridge in which cream and
sugar and almonds were mixed.
After supper the boys and men
matched their strength: while the
girls—garbed in the men’s work
clothes—blackened their faces and
stole away to visit other homes in¬
cognito and “see Christmas." The
girls never spoke nor accepted
food, but went from house to house
merely to watch the festivities.
And when the evening’s festivi¬
ties were over, the smaller chil¬
dren made their beds in the clean
straw spread on the floor in com¬
memoration of the Christ Child.
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l or all oj its repetition it’s still beyond beating
That favorite “Merry Christinas ”
Is the world’s greatest greeting.
Indestructible Mistletoe
The flame-thrower and atomic
energy — lethal instruments bor¬
rowed from modern warfare—are
out to kill that ancient symbol of
peacemaking and love, the Christ¬
mas mistletoe.
The unusual battle front Is Aus¬
tralia where too many valuable
trees each year have been receiv¬
ing the kiss of death from the
harmless looking shrub. Despite
mistletoe’s popular reputation as
the Yultetide promoter of romance,
it is a public-enemy parasite in the
woodlands, killing off the trees
that play it host.
Australian foresters have finally
resorted to the flame-thrower as a
quick executioner for the plant and
are using radio-active tracers,
furnished by the U. S. atomic en¬
ergy commission, to study how the
mistletoe saps the water and min¬
eral salts from the trees, starving
them to death.
Biney Grove HD Club
Meets For Christmas
Party and Election
The Piney Grove H. D. Club
met December 13, at the h:me
of Mrs Jack Pryor for their
Club Christmas Party. Officers
were elected as several were ab¬
sent at the November meeiing.
Scripture reading was 2nd
Chapter of Luke which was
given by each one reading a few
verses. The Lord's Prayer by
group. There were nine present,
one new member, two visitors.
Officers elected: President,
Mrs. Ann Medley; Vice Presi¬
dent, Mrs. Alline Sullivan; Se¬
cretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Al¬
ma Pryor; 4-H Advisor, Mrs.
Gtady Goddis; Reporter, Mrs.
Ruth Pryor.
Club Goals: (1) To increase
membership and attendance;
(2) To have a community flow¬
er show; (3) To participate in
dress review show ; (.4) For our
Club to be represented at each
council meeting; (5) To have a
booth at the County Fair.
Miss Vestel showed posters on
different arangements for
Christmas decorations.
Gifts which had been placed
under the Christmas tree were
exchanged by the members with
little Larry Medley drawing the
number for each one..
Each member also presented
Miss Vestel with a gift, she in
turn presented the members-
with a beautiful coursage which
she had made and showed us
how to wear them correctly for
different occasions.
Pinning the beard on Santa
was played. Catherine Jenkins
presented a gift for nearest cor¬
rect and little Larry Medley for
the fartherest away.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess. We wecomed new!
members and visitors and urge,
all members to attend each
Ruth Pyror, reporter.
Hooker Colored News
By Mrs. Lula D. Paris
The Christmas Program to be
given by the Hooker School
children will be Friday night
December 22. All are asked to
bring 25c to help to get new
windows for the school. I am
sure you will do this because
they are badly needed.
Rev. Green, one of the white
Pastors of Trenton, visited Dea¬
con John C. Paris last Sunday
morning. They had a bible dis¬
cussion which w r as enjoyed by
the family They hope that he
wil repeat his visit again real
soon. He also preached at the
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and
made a nice donation to the
building fund. We appreciate
Rev. Green’s visit and certainly
enjoyed the sermon.
The Mr. Clarence Roberts fa¬
mily visited Santa Claus in Chat
tanooga Saturday.
fyeaiuAel PeAjosunaHce
Oj the MiAacle Plcuyi
Brazilian Christmas festivities
embrace an aggregation of mod¬
ern observances entwined with
ancient traditions brought over
from the motner country of Portu¬
The Christmas season In Brazil
begins on Christmas Eve and ends
with Epiphany on January 8 And
because it is really summertime
fsouth of the equator) festivities
and entertainments appropriate to
summertime hold sway throughout
the season
Miracle plays have always been
performed in adoration of the ITo 1 >
Child From olden tin-ms. the plays
have had all the dramatic fervor
of a religious performance together
with the gracious hospitality of a
social function
The scene is at once solemn and
fantastic, with costumes bedecked
with feathers, spangles j-v. el»
and what-not sparkling in n sett in-.'
of luxurious tropical fultnge and
Out of the great variety o' rt "a
cle plays, all on differpm th> i,e»
of which many are in ti e form o)
elaborate dances meticulously p-i
formed and accompanied by thr
music of an orchestra the df e<
of the Four Parts of the World
may be cited as a typical exam
pie. ■" girls
The roles are enacted by
dressed for the part and, in suc¬
cession, Europe, Asia. Africa and
America declaim The discussion
finally involves their respective
rights to make oblation to the
Christ Child Eventually Father
Time appears and settles the dis
pute to the satisfaction of all con
School for Santos
With all his experiences,
the modern trend makes the
old - fashioned Santa Claus
embark on technical educa¬
tion. "School for Santa
Clauses," sponsored by a
Hollywood actors' organiza¬
tion, is coaching Kris Kringle
"doubles" for their roles dur¬
ing the holidays, v
Cultivation of a hearty, or
belly, laugh is in the curricu¬
lum (top photo). Santa is
shown how he must open his
mouth wide to force booming
"Ha Ha" through chin brush.
Photo in center shows in¬
structor demonstrating ap¬
plication of tourniquet so
that Santa will know what to
do if a boisterous celebrant
happens to injure himself.
At bottom, melodious rendi¬
tions of "Silent Night" are
practised at each class ses¬
instead of Wreath, Hang
Bells, Ornaments on Door
Instead of the conventional wreath
on the outside of the door why not
string some bells and tree orna¬
ments on narrow baby ribbon and
hang from a huge red bow?
Make your door and window
frames bright and cheerful by
framing them with ribbon and
sprigs of holly You can hang the
ribbon in festoons across the cur
lains and tie at the sides in wide
•ash bows for colorful effect
, k /
F. C. Beaty and Fred A Bradford
i * rjLEASANT "White Christmas” as it is to with dream its . ol car a GfiEETinGS
ols and gifts, feasting and merry
making, the sparkling eyes of chil¬
dren delighting in Santa Claus arid with regards
the wonderful Christmas trees
these things never can symbolise
the tremendous significance of the and
The birth of the Saviour was the
greatest event in the history of the Best Wishes
world. In spite of all the back
slidings, Christian peoples have
pressed forward steadily.
H: wever vicious and corrupt
the world today is far bedcr than
I the world of pagan times: fa
I miliarity with the cross and oruei- WALLEN SERVICE
| fixirn has abolished legal tortures
I and much cruelty and. if given a STATION
| chance, might shame us into ban j GAS, OIL, FESD, GROCERIES
ishlng the curse of international
vic'ousne s for the sake of Him Birmingham Highway
who became the Saviour of Man
.kind Wildwood, Ga.
n. W, Massey
Georgia-Tennessee State Line Service
lay the Christmas
Season please you with its good
cheer and happiness and the
friendliness of the Yuletide
remain with you
South New England, Ga.
"Bring it on up, if you want it filled up."