The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 21, 1950, Image 6
Piney Grove News By Katherine Taylor Bill and Pearl Norton Sunday with Mr. John R. ker on Sand Mountain. Mrs. Hattie Ridley and Hall were Sunday guests of Lula Sitton. Mrs, Long and Mrs Medley spent Saturday Monday in Chattanooga mas shopping. We note that Ted Allen bought his mother Mrs. Sitton a Frigidalre. Ted, that a nice Christmas present we find your mother very py about it. Bill Norton reports to us he is taking charge of Garage. He wecomes your tronage. Mr. and Mrs. Marwin and son Butch from New Rhode Island, and Mrs. H. Gray from Lookout spent Saturday evening Mrs. Glenn Gray and Mrs. W. Lacy. Due to the Christmas growing near we had to cut news column short this week. More fo Mistletoe Than You'd Think In America the high - hanging mistletoe is treasured chiefly for its power to invite a kiss from a pretty girl The bulk of the holiday decoration comes from the Caro¬ lina* Tennessee and the southwest where off-season agricultural work¬ ers gather the branches for ship¬ ment throughout the nation. ? The white • berried plant also serves as a winter food supply for mockingbirds, robins, and wax- wings These small birds are re¬ sponsible for the spread of the tree-damaging parasite. After eat¬ ing the berries the birds clean their beaks on the trees, firmly planting the mistletoe seeds they ,1c not eat. The tap root of the needling pierces the tenderest por¬ tions of the tree—young branches nr buds and the tree sap is drawn into the thick leaves and translu¬ cent berries of the guest plant Though the mistletoe plays the dual characters of destructive kill- et and promoter of love, supersti¬ tion has it that the plant can •witch roles in a twinkle For in¬ stance if the yuletide mistletoe bough Isn't removed from a house by Candlemass Eve (February I), each leaf left will produce a goblin to plague the careless occupants during the year May the deeper meaning of the •If Christmas ed by the memories Season be it strengthen¬ will recall. May it bring to you a genuine happiness that will add to the ^" pleasure of this glorious time of the year. While you are enjoying the pleasant moments the occasion affords, we trust you will pause a moment to accept our kindest wishes and sincere greeting of the Season. McBryar Bros. GEXERA1. M ERCHANDISE TRENTON Georgia i ll I „ AUI COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 21, 1950 , COUNTY WORKERS GET ONE DAY FOR CHRISTMAS Dade County Ordinary A. W. Peck announced today that all county employees will get Christmas day as their Yule vacation. Peck said that mare would have been granted, but pressing c o u n t y business would not allow offices to get behind in their work. He said the ordinary’s office and tax office were particu¬ larly busy now and that the long week end would have to do this year. A fio'iscfufl of fiearty good cheer and laughter to tnc /n.-t wonderful people in tKe world - - - our ctlSWmcrs. DADE THEATER TRENTON, GEORGIA I DADE HIGH | Cfiatk&x.... By Norma Parson Both the girls and boys ketball teams of D. H. S host to the Dunlap, team Tuesday night 19, at their home gym. The was 7:30. This Friday night i ’Wildcats” will travel up Dunlap to visit and play Dunlap team at their home gym. Come on students let’s cheer this team on to victory. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Up to a certain point, a man goes with a woman, but after that he’s taken. ORCHIDS AND ONIONS Orchids—To the Senior pay. Onions—To the crowded halls Orchids — To the coming Christmas holidays. Onions—To the bad weather. Orchids — To the basketball team. Orchids—To the new cheer leaders. LETTERS TO SANTA Frcm DHS v Dear Santa: Please send me a I champion basketball team. Coach Woodall. Dear Santa: Now that I much have j a boy friend there’s not left to ask for. Use your judg¬ ment, but make it good. By the {ry | way, you could bring our Libra- 1 a new stapling machine so we can mend our books. As ever, Norma Parson. ! Dearest Santa: I’m not very' hard to please but I would like a life-size toy sailor that really breathes. I love you lots, Edna Henderson. Dear Santa: I’m not very par¬ ticular what you bring me, but “please” Santa bring Joe a new car. He says his old one rattles! Hopefully yours, Lessie Hampton Dear Santa: I don’t want much for Christmas just four semester A’s. Hopefully yours, “Junior” Wells. Dear Santa: I‘m not very hard to please but dear Santa please bring me a more success¬ ful year. Yours forever, Tommy Mitchum. Dear Santa: Please bring me some good grades when I go to East Lake School. Your truly, Elizabeth Bradford.. CHRISTMAS The day that commemorates 1 the birth of Christ in the man¬ ger of Bethelhem is the special festival of children, yet grown ups all over the world join in the Christmas spirit of hap- j piness and good will. Each country has its Santa! Clause but he has different! names in different countries. In! Holland and France, where chil- j [ dren set their wooden shoes on the hear:h to be filled, he is called St. Nicholas and Father Christmas, respectively. Scan¬ dinavian children await the coming of Kriss Kringle. In Italy children distribute gifts by ( a — . <-■ . A i WISH. ; COULD GET A TRADE-IN allowance on !) Bum.ED-OUT BULBS 11 f t HO'* AN SANTA ELECTRIC SPEAKING STOCKINGS of \ c-AM BETTER — • -A N INTO N\V VOU-D \ STOCKING 7 GET A CL£AN ONE '6 y—A- Y-"® '■ < ->>- -AT J f iWy LOOK, STANPliNG HANK ' j Or iC2R THE Mistletoe ' THE TAKE with to REELING EXTEND SLAT. THjS the ON, ia/TBu£D OPPORTUNITY SPIRIT TO I SHALL you of My ■ % WARMEST HOLIDAY ' BRING TwE GANG GEE 5 TNGS over, to things act C-FT-nN pull kcounp went jrm :s fvr, fu 4 m# n' j 0O6S SANTA CLAUS TOO KIDS SlliEvE grandpa in ? you HAD BETTER -HT.s BE GOOD' „ *— A 1 WAS (pO’.Lo \ r) \ -r ' TO B JY yOv a 0«DNiT n£Ckt{S, KNOW But I J • VCrtJR $: t / V'- -U \ m ij: \ ■ • Y ' lC-/, Sr-' ( THIS vviTH ACTIVITY, All \ ( " / ; nobcdt has. . l rsmembe to peed US y I'j (' •;> -t— -• T5-- A t drawing numbers from the Urn of Fate. In spite of the fact that we all look forward to Christmas as a time of exchanging gifts we must remember that Decem¬ ber 25, is also the day we cele¬ brate as the birth of Christ. A very Merry Christmas to all and to all a very Happy New Year. i k. E.w.wiSvt w*yi 4 -LvY.LixM. BOYS WILL BE BOYS . De¬ spite the spectacular mouse that Andrea Kleczek is dis¬ playing, Santa Claus being the jolly and understanding old gent that he is no doubt will let the seven-year-old off with a warning that time is running out for good behavior. mwMW&wmwmm he • ■ ef W - U - &* T© OF EACH THE SEASON OF YOU DEAN’S GARAGE RISING FAWN, GEORGIA SuASON'5 GREETINGS WITH REGARDS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL A. W. Peck ORDINARY