The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 21, 1950, Image 7
5 V CRIMP AND If CORRUGATED 8 GALVANIZED ROOFING b ALL LENGTHS | CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO. 2615 BROAD STREET I The quietness and peace of Christmas blends with the spirit of thanksgiving to remind us of the joys of associating with folks like you KYZER AUTOMOTIVE PARTS TRENTON, GEORGIA ? Byrd’s rs „ Fi Chapel “ her 1 F HD ,i es Club , At Christmas Party The Byrd’s Chapel Home De¬ monstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Horace Fischer, December 12, for the Christmas Program, with 12 present. Two visitors, Mrs. Newby, of Trenton, and Mrs. Carroll, of Byrd’s Chap el, and one new member, Mrs. Mark Fischer, who gave a read- ing “Christmas Prayer.” We had a short business meeting after which Miss Atha Vestel gave suggestions on Christmas decor¬ ations. Mrs. Fischer had a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the middle of her dining table. A Santa Claus was tacked on the wall, blindfolded we tried to pin the whiskers on his chin. Mrs. W. C. Payne got the prize for pinning the closest. Mrs. Carroll and Miss Fannie Stewart tied in pinning the fartherest. The club gave Miss Vestel, the home demonstration agent, and Mrs. W. C. Cureton, president, a gift. We then marched around the table and received gifts which we gave each other. Miss Ves- tel gave all the members a beau- tiful corsage of pine needles and °Z program was turned to the hostess and refreshments were served. Reporter, Mrs. C. T. Payne. wmmmmmmm Party Refreshment DR/NK y? A ri DEAD ANIMALS REM 0 VED 9 W MORSCS . COWS . HOCS • SHCIP . MUltt KAO OR INJURED ANIMALS Wngko, Ow loo W.iI,.« Aoo Milv R,d.w, FREE Of CHAAGC If Not Slinttod Of Docompotod WE WR.L PAL PSdONS CHARGES <od GUARANTEE PROMPT REMOVAL TTANOOOA RENDERING CD THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 21, 1950 (SmfonSi , .GREETING 1 A very Merry Christmas to our presen! ami idiurs friends. B. B. Kenimer ; Rising Fawn, Georgia w have found that the value of friendships in business is involuabltf and we 'Vtiare gratefvii for >our\ for ft A JOYOSJS SEASOX ms rot’ TRENTON BARBER SHOP Charles T. Sims & W. W. Tinker r^i TI 3> 1 NGS A bundle of glad tidings and good cheer to ail ou. customers and friends Rochester’s Store New Home, Georgia <zJan the C^Leety i tej- o\ CHRIST and accept best SEASON'S WISHES from ROY W. MOORE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS DADE COUNTY ttterrq m Even Ole Saint Nick Couldn’t be more sincere, In wishing you a Christmas Full of glad tidings and cheer. H. C. MOORE’S GROCERY NEW SALEM, GA.