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'rV * *-* r n ■ ,, »’■# A '' J -* ,- * ' IMP® _ . .
id# Co unli) ®in»s
6 ?c 2 ^ County's Only Newspaper^
Trenton Doorways
Beautifully Decorated
For Christmas
There were many beautiful
Ch r istmas decorations in the
home and on the doors through-
t ; ie county during this holiday
season. In Trenton, The Garden
Club had announced that on
Friday afterno'n they would
ju dge only the door decorations
in the city for the most original,
attractive and appropriate de¬
corations first
Mrs. John Hinton won
place with a piece of plywood,
painted red, nailed over the en¬
tire door. On this Santa Claus
had been outlined by a Santa
mask and white and black
plastic and paint for the buttons,
belt, cuffs and shoes. The Hin¬
tons had put a flood light on
their porch to shine on the door
and the whole picture doorway
was most realistic.
Mrs. Louise Wright took sec-
ond place also with an original . ,
decoration. She had taken a
coat hanger and trimmed it
with fur branches with a clus¬
ter of colored Christmas balls
in the center. Attached to the
bottom bar of the hanger were
hree long red streamers with
small Christmas bells sewn on
the ends which jingled as the
wind gently blew the ribbons
about. •>
Honorary mention went to
Mrs. M. J. Hale, who had ar¬
ranged green and silver colored
cedar branches into the form of
a star. In the flower boxes on
either side of the door were
pieces of drain pipe in the shape
of a cane These had been paint¬
ed with red and white stripes
to resemble a huge Christmas
candy cane and were tied with a
large red ribbon bow.
Mrs. A. L. Dyer had outlined
her doorway with fur and pine
branches with colored Christ¬
mas lights twinkling among the
Mrs. H. F. Allison had made
■fc? a wide green ribbon bow and
with red tape outlined “Merry
Christmas” on it. Above this
was a spray of pine cones. In
her flower box she had put
greens and candle type Christ
mas lights. Above this burned
bright star.
Mrs. A. T. Newby had a spray
of green with silver pine
and bells Mrs. G. C. Tatum
had a lovely hand made wreath
of pine with a large red
bow. Mrs. Bill Tatum had an
attractive spray of pine
with a red plastic bow and
Mrs. James Milton Case
a candy cane with a mistletoe
background on her door. Mrs.
Charles Powell had a green
tied with red bows in every
dow as well as on the door.
Many lighted trees were
in the windows and Mrs.
foster had a lighted outside
Judges for the Garden
were Mrs. A. T. Newby, Mrs.
E Morrison, Miss Bess
and Mr. H F. Allison.
New Salem News
Mr- and Mrs. Cecil Ward
■ acksonville, Fla., are visiting
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
McGuffey and family.
Mrs. Ira Pennington is
and Mrs. Hersell
and family.
Rect_ Howard McKaig of
cnn ing is visiting his
Mr and Mrs. Drew McKaig.
M seems that old Santa
Ver y good to everyone
: We had two Church
grarns with Christmas
Tr -e Methodist Church held
Program and tree
-”ght ' nday and the Baptist had
night. The public
“••lied to both programs
Misses Dola Ann Lynn
Ar.rta Marie Moore are
rt.atives in Alexandria, Va.,
”dle r -&nd there they plan to visit
at the Naval Base
^ a ”ixent River,
Mi s Eloise Pennington
here • r -pa, Fla., is visiting
Harry and Lamar Moore
Bfrr y School are visiting
Parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy
No Auto Accidents
Very Few Arrests
Over Long Weekend
Dade County Sheriff Bill
Lynch and Trenton Marshall J
H. Baty reported today that
trouble was held down to a min-
imum in the county over the
Christmas holidays. Lynch re¬
ported no accidents traffic or
otherwise and said only eight
were jailed for being under the
influence, public drunkeness,
and disorderly conduct.
Marshall Baty said other than
a few drunk cases all was quiet
around Trenton during the holi¬
days. Baty added that two
county youths were jailed over
night for violating the fireworks
ordinance. The youths were
jailed after they continued to
shoot firecrackers even after the
lawmen had warned them not
to do so
The State Patrol was on con-
stant duty in the county, ac-
cording to Sheriff Lynch, and
^ thelr cooperation , lo _
cal oficers had _ one of „ f the safest CQfoef
Christmas holidays on record.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, Jr.
are visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Autry visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
and family Sunday.
Mis Bessie Bradford of Wilkes
Bar, Penn., is visiting her mother
Mrs. M. G. Bradford and other
relatives here
Mr. and Mrs. Olen King and
girts, Mr. and Mrs. Hiltard Wall,
and Miss Anna Marie Moore of
Chattanooga, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Moore, Jr., and son had
with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore
Dinner guests of Mrs. C. L.
Moore Christmas were: Mr. and
Mrs_ Roy Moore and boys, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Craig and Joan,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore and
family, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore
and children, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Haygood and soon, Misses Eloise,
Deloris and Imogene Penning¬
ton. and Miss Mittie Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Patton, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert McKaig, Mr
and Mrs. H. L. Bradford and
Bill, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brad¬
ford and son and Mrs. H. V.
Moore and daughter visited
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKaig and
family during Christmas.
IliUSC VYalL CiiUjfwU ourisuusu)
uinuer wun Mr. and Mrs. Giauy, were Mr. ana Mrs.
<j. uass arm am, Mr. ana rvira.
Cecil McKaig, Mr. ana Mrs.
Marlin Braaiord and family,
Mrs. M. G. Bradford, Miss Bessie
Bradrord and last but not least
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore and
Sue have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Miller. Mrs. Miller
has been ill for about a week.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Gray and
son visited Mr. and Mrs. H.
Gray during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gray are
on a tour in Florida. A
from C. A. mailed in Key
last week, he said he needed his
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Neal visited
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bradford
during Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mathews
visited Mr. and Mrs_ Mike Hawk¬
ins during Chrsitmas.
Christmas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Bradford were Mr.
and Mrs. K. C. Adkins, Mr. and
Mrs. Duell Adkins and children.
Miss Jeannine Gardner had
Christmas dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Art Moore and Grover.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Reece and
family spent Sunday night with
Mr and Mrs. John Logan.
A family dinner was enjoyed
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Gray Sunday Those who at¬
tended were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs
j c. Abbott and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Fulghum and children,
m r a nd Mrs. Turner Morrow,
Mr, a nd Mrs. H. C. Moore and
family, Mr. and Mrs Sam Avans
and baby, Mrs. Grace Gray and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Scott W.
;Gray and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Gray, Mr. and Mrs
Woodrow Gray and famUy
and Mrs. Lincoln Gray and baby,
Devoted to the Best Interests oi Dade County and Georgia.
Glad to see “Scottie” Wheeler
j County Agent and Mrs. L. c
Adams were visiting relatives
over the holidays.
The W. C. Cureton’s of Byrd's
Chapel, had a large family din¬
ner on Christmas day.
Mrs. John R. Urban from
Chattanooga was the Christmas
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ellis.
Miss Joyce Case is spending
the Christmas holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jules
A. Case.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate from
Memphis, Tenn., will be holiday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S.
Ordlnary and Mrs. A. W.
Peck had Christmas dinner with
the D. T. Brown family. This
was a large family gahtering of
i the Brown and Street families,
Holiday guests of Patsy and
Peggy Renfroe were Miss Joanne
Moore and their cousin, Miss
Margaret Tate both of Jackson-
ville, v ihp Fla. in*
j Christmas Mr. James in Birmingham Morrison spent with
his wife’s family. Mrs. Morrison
f and children returned home
with him.
Superintendant and Mrs. Roy
Moore’s holiday guests were
theJr tw0 sons> Harry and La _
mar and Miss Bobbie Ruth Mc _
! Goldrick all from Berry School.
Mrs. “their J. G. ~famu7 Gray Mr.“and“ and Tommie : Mrl
Dan Gray and children from
East Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Grsy and family, Mrs. Virginia
Alderman and Miss Jessie for
Christmas dinner.
Mrs. Louise Wright’s brother
SXw E ll a herto^gues? 1
cTa S
tmas dinner, with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Ranies and children.
Five of Dade’s draftees who
are stationed at Fort Benning
are home for ten days. They are
Billy Joe Bradford, Willis Chris¬
topher, Howard McKaig, Han¬
sard Gray and Lawrence Mor¬
gan. We hear that Ray Castle¬
berry is home.
The Christmas program at
the Methodist Church began
with Carols by the choir and
congregation. Harriett Ann Wil¬
liams and Caroline Newby re¬
cited a Christmas verse. There
was a Bible reading by Mrs.
Charles Gray and a solo by Ellen
Morrison accompanied by Kath-
' leen Morrison. The play, “Why
Chimes RW was ac*d
in *, pantomine by the younger
children with the narrator .
4 -‘-r,
i •V.V--
& Locals
We see Mrs. Maxie Tatum in
a new Ford.
The J. A. Swansons were
Christmas dinner guests of the
h. F. Allisons.
E A EniSj Jr ^ and Eddie Pace
were home with their parents
for the Christmas holidays.
Miss Merrill Stewart is
for the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stew-
We were glad to see former
Veteran Farm Training Instruc-
tor now Lt. Alex Franklin, visit-
ing in the county this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rewcastle
have a son, John Douglas, born
Dec. 5. Mrs. Rewcastle is the
| *°™er Miss Lennie Page
I Pvt - Bil1 Cureton, who is sta-
tloned . in Colorado ls
spending the holidays with his
P ar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Cure ton of Byrds Chapel.
Mr - and ^rs. s - A - Wlult ' ^ s
; S uesta we ^ e Mrs.
iWhites niece and nephew, Miss
Barbara Ann and Mr. Billy
trelL •
^ r - and Mrs. Douglas Hale
and daughter from Aticeville^
Ala - are _visiting with his sister,
, 1 Mrs. H. F. Allison and Mr. Alli¬
; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hale’s
Christmas dinner guests were
Mrs. Frank Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. Duke Broome and children
fro ™ Chickamauga, and Miss
T Lucllle Morrison from Chatta -
no ° sa '
I Mr. and J Mrs. T. m S. _ Renfroe _ ,
Mr. and , Mrs. S. 0 A. . White, xr , .. Mr.
'and . „ Mrs. Martin w ,. Bradford _ .
i w Miss . Irene _ Forester _ . attended ,. , ,
hg annuaJ christmas dinner ol
Ge £ gia Power Company in
- O. Morrison, Sr., a„ d
Miss Gladys Morrison’s Christ¬
mas dinner guests were mem¬
bers of the immediate family;
Miss Dalue Morrison, and all
the Ernest, Douglas, Raymond,
W. G. Jr., and Derrill Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Tatum’s
Christmas guests were Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Tatum and children
from Chattanooga, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Gray and children,
Mr. and Mrs. John Tatum, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Tatum and Mrs.
James H. Tatum.
The Christmas Services at the
Trenton Baptist Church were
very impressive. There were no
carols and Candle Light Service,
there was a Manger scene in
j ^^the Uttto o^esjoo^
and Santa Claus and gifts wer e
best Christmas Ever
Lccal Merchants Say
After Record Sales
Dade County merchants were
a king stock of their few re-
maining items today after what
was described as the “best year
in Christmas sales the county
has seen”
Several bussiness houses re-
ported that the rush of local
j buyers and Santa Clauses did not
j start creased until through late Friday, Saturday but in-
Hhe point that some had to take
on extra help,
Merchants reported heavy
sales on clothing articles, shoes,
and “just everything.” The be-
ginning of the week was quiet,
;one salesman said but Saturday
made up for all that,
j Elsewhere throughout t h e
state and country sales were re-
ported up and it is expected that
this Christmas may top the all-
time shopping record set in the
u. S. in 1949.
Mr j ames c. Case’s Christmas
guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Graves and two children and
j^ r and M rs Patterson from
Ta n a hassee, Fla., Mr. and Mrs.
James Milton Case and children
Mr John Whitt, Sr., and Mrs.
Rubin Dulin.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dyer’s holi¬
day guests were Mr. Dyer’s
mother, Mrs. W .C. Dyer from
Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs.
John Andrews from Indinapolis
Ind., Mrs. Andrews will be re¬
membered as Miss Jessie Mae
Mrs. W. E. Page, Miss Sally
Mae and Mr. Gordon Page’s
Christmas guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Cousins and from
Geenville, Ga., Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Buchanan and children,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rewcastle
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Page and Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams
had as their Christmas guests
their immediate family on both
sides. They were: Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Gilbert and two children,
Mr. and Mr£. Joe Burnett, Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Williams, Jr.,
and three children, Mrs. Lillian
Williams, Miss Hattie Hammock,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mrs.
M A Brown aP „ , from Chatta-
- >
Out of town folks were
Mr - and Mrs ^ ran Me n
and daughter, from .Houston
Texas - and Mrs. Williams nep-
hew and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
d Berryman from Rl h _
: mond - Va - Man ? friend?
'during the day.
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Christmas holidays will be
over and all schools in Dade
County will re-open Monday
morning, January 1, superinten¬
dent Roy Moore said today.
Moore added that New Year’s
Day (Jan. 1) is not being given
as a holiday because the school
schedule is in danger of falling
behind its closing day of May
26 unless every day is used from
now until then.
Slygo News
By Jaunita Holmes
Hi Folks:
Hope every one had a very
nice Christmas and didn’t eat
too much candy.
Miss Nelle Purcell’s plans,
were not knocked in the head
by bad weather Last Friday
afternoon, she left for Waycross
Georgia and spent the remaind-
ing Christmas holidays with
her parents and ether relatives.
We are sorry to report the
death of Mr. Jimmy Hixson,
who died last Friday morning.
He was buried at Sarah’s Chap¬
el, Saturday at 3: P. M.
Jr. Smith who moved from
Slygo to Sand Mountain some¬
time during the past year was
killed in a car accident in Ala.,
last week. His wife was the
former Miss Tina Raines also
of Slygo.
It won’t be long till a new
car will be parked in every drive
way of Slygo. The Vernon Cure-
tons have a new Chevrolet sit¬
ting in theirs. >,
Mrs. E. C. Durham bas been
ill, but reported well, before the
holidays began.
Slygo was really lit up during
hte holidays. In almost every
house, a Christmas tree could
be seen in a window, with it’s
lights beautifully decorating it
The Moores had a family re¬
union Christmas day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Moore. Also Reeves’ had a re¬
union at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tommy Reeves.
We were very glad to have
Rev. Maurice Phillips and wife
at our Christmas program Sun¬
day night. We had a nice pro¬
gram and a very beautiful
Christmas tree. A large crowd
Hope everyone has a very
Happy New Year.
Hooker News Items
By Mrs. Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs J. E. Brasfield
and daughter, Margaret, spent
Christmas with relativest near
Memphis, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kirch-
meyer and son, Ernest spent
Christmas with Mr. Kirchmey-
er’s parents in Oklahoma.
Mr. Frank Mayhew and fami¬
ly of West Frankfort, 111., spent
Christmas with his mother, Mrs.
Ann Mayhew and other rela¬
tives here.
Mr. J. P. Haswell of Houston,
Texas Is a guest of his sister,
Mrs. Elmer Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs Stanley Winfrey
of Atanta spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn.
Mr. Johnnie Watley visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coates and
family at Bridgeport, Alabama
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn’s
Christmas dinner guests were
Mr. Prill Strawn and Mr and
Mrs. Hayden Strawn of Chatta¬
nooga; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Winfrey of Atlanta, Mr. and
Mrs. Grady Bell and Howard
Strawn of Hooker.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mitchum’s
guests Christmas day wtre
Mrs. Jones and family of Jasper,
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bell,
Howard Strawn and Tommy
Mitchum visited friends at
Whiteside Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs John Adams of
Chattanooga spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall
and family have gone to Hot
Springs, Arkansas to reside.
Mrs. Lily Mae Drew and child¬
ren spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Drew at Kensing-
j ton, Ga.
Christmas Observed
In Rising Fawn
Christmas was celebrated in
the Rising Fawn churches as
the birthday of the Christ child
rather than the coming of Santa
Claus. Both the Baptist and
jthe Methodist Churches had
their Christmas trees and child¬
ren’s programs on Saturday
night the religious services Sun¬
day. Incidently, one small child
said of the Christmas cake, “Oh
look! Here is Christ’s birthday
The Methodist Christmas Pa-
gent Sunday night was particu¬
larly effective with Sonny and
Myrna McMahan and baby,
“Mike” as the Holy Family and
Mesdames L. M. Allison and J.
L. Fricks as narrators. Spencer
Middleton, Clifton Cagle and
Glenn Smith portrayed the Wise
Men with Sonnie Harrison, L.
M. Allison, Jr., and Fred Phil¬ I
lips as shepherds. A chorus of
pre-school children presented
the-ir gifts of money for the
Holstcn Orphanage at the Man¬
ger as they sang “Away in a
Manger;” the intermediate chil¬
dren sang, "Oh Little Town of
Bethelehem” as they presented
their gifts. Mrs. Martha Gossett
Smith sang, “Cantique de Noel”
as the closing number following
which Rev. Allen Newby gave a
short forceful talk on the mean¬
ing of the birth and death of
the Savior. After this he admin¬
istered Holy Communion.
Practically every home in
Rising Fawn was gay with
Christmas lights and decora¬
tions. The Hershell Dean’s had
a very effective door arrange¬
ment of a large red and white
peppermint stick tied with holly
and red ribbons; the Homer
Halls showed a large spray of
holly and Christmas greens
with gay red bows; the Milton
Wilsons were lighted with a
Christmas angel, while the Pier¬
sons and Curetons added out of
doors Christmas trees to lovely
window decorations.
There were no fire works sold
nor shot in Rising Fawn during
si tpium uosieas suuiisuqo aqi
as it should be as fireworks are
Fourths of July celebration.
New Salem WSCS
Enjoys Party
The New Salem Woman’s So¬
ciety of Christian Service held
their Christmas Party in the
lunch room of the school Sat¬
urday n/ight, December 2, at
which time a delicious Pot Luck
supper was enjoyed by members
and their families.
After supper the group had
fun with a “pig in a poke”
party, increasing the treasury
by $13.50. The circle is helping
raise money for the new church,
a new site already having been
purchased for the building .
Everyone is working hard to
achieve this goal.
The meeting adjourned to
meet with Mrs. Grady Bradford
in January.
Cloverdale News
The Byron Foresters enter¬
tained the Cloverdale Fores ier
families at Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McGehee
from San Antonio, Texas are
visiting the Byron Forester
family during the holidays.
The Church was filled to
overflowing for the Christmas
play Gifts were exchanged.
During the holidays members
of the community remembered
their loved ones who had left
them, for many of the graves
in the Cemetery were freshly
The Charlie Bibles had most
of their children with their
families holme with them for
over the Christmas week end.
Mrs. Jennie Campbell is visit¬
ing in Breman, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bible spent
the Christmas holidays in Ma¬
con with their son Ed Jr. and
his family.
Some of Uncle Bill and Aunt
Mollie Amos’ visitors during the
holidays were Mr Grady Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bradford,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bradford
and W. M., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
McKaig and family, Billy Joe
Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. H. V.
Moore and Patricia.