The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, February 22, 1951, Image 3
Head River News By Mrs. Hugh Forester Raymond and Robert Ross spent last Monday in Rome. Mrs. Raymond Ross and chil¬ dren are spending this week in Rome visiting Mrs. J. M. Ross and family. Miss Imogene Schurch at¬ tended church in Fair View, New Rossville, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forester nad family had as their guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1:1. uma OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING 17 EAST MAIN STREET CHATTANOOGA, TENN. RESIDENCE PIIONE 6-0495 BUSINESS PHONE 6-9528 tow-tl For checking accounts ' ’ ' For savings accounts For safe deposit boxes For all up-to-date banking service —Come to the friendly Hamilton National —Seven offices for your convenience NATIONAL Of CHATTANOOCA Market at Seventh 1500 McCallie Ave.—8200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd. Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-Tenn. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System wm A p power»fill -O GET the top performance the manufacturer built into your car, try a fill of Crown Extra — the South’s most popular premium motor-fuel. Crown Extra is not just an ordinary gasoline, with extra additives to give it a high anti-knock rating. It is a premium gasoline from the ground up — made from selected base stocks with the proper distillation range, to assure fast start¬ ing, quick acceleration and extra power. It contains a special solvent to minimize gum deposits, and is made in seasonal grades to assure even, thorough vaporization. ; Try a tankful, and see for yourself the powerful difference Crown Extra makes in performance. * R.W. SUGGS, Agent-Trenton STANDARD OIL COMPANY (KENTUCKY) THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1951 ters Betty and Mrs. Bill West in Chickamauga, is spending this week at home. Betty Sue Ross spent Monday night with Doris Nell Forester. ^ . _,DEAD "'removed?^ ANIMALS HORSES • COWS • HOCS • SHIER • MULES DEAD OR INJURED ANIMALS Wwgkng Ovw loo A to Mil* Rtdiut FREE OF CUAAOC ” N°‘O. D*<o»po»*d VE 1X1 PAT PHONE CHARGES end GUARANTEE PROMPT REMOVAL (PfontS-lGOT! ^CHATTANOOGA RENDERING CO ^ ’I’v'.'bl .3301 *>*-. fYf ST. ftfr ELMO AVE. - ft WANT ADS WANTED: TAN BARK, $25. W PER TON DELIVERED TO OUR PLANT. WRITE OR CALL FOR YOUR CONTRACT. AL¬ SO SHIP OR BRING US YOUR HIDES. ROBERT SCHOLZE TANNERY, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., Telephone 6-5642 FOR SALE—Land: with terms to fit your payroll. Amos L. Taylor, owner, Piney Grove Woodwork Z x /z miles east of Trenton, Ga., will sell a truck load of Dirt or strip of Land, tf. HARD OF HEARING? YOU can again enjoy your ra¬ dio, C h u r c h sermon; the laughter of friends and family with an Otarion Hearing Aid. Free hearing test by our con¬ sultants. Batteries for all makes. Convenent terms. DR. G. K. MAC VANE Mill Crossing Fort Payne, Ala. Chiropractor & Physiotherist ELECTRIC APPLIANCES repair¬ ing — New service from old appliances. “If it’s electrical, we can repair it.” — Cali TA¬ TUM & CASE, Radio Electric, Trenton. Phone 22. FOR SALE—SWEET POTATOES Georgia certified bunch sweet potatoes seed and choice eat¬ ing sweet potatoes. See or write J. D. Pike, Avans, Ga. 4 t p -3-8. Quinton and Susan, of Chatta¬ nooga, and Rev. and Mrs. Phil- lips_ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Owens and family of Gadsden, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. James Schrock and children, of Rome, and Miss Ja¬ nie Sue Forester, of Chattanoo¬ ga. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stalvey vi- . §fted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and family last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Konrad and boys spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Konrad. Mr. Grady Smith, who has been visltnng with her daugh¬ RADIOS REPAIRED—Don’t Just have it “patched up” to work temporarily! Send it to us and have it made as good as new. “Call us for the Repair Service that makes it work!” — TA¬ TUM & CASE Radio Electric. Trenton, Phone 22. WANTED—Man to run grist mill near Trenton. Prefer married man. Will furnish house at mill. Small (guaran¬ teed income with possibilities of better income for right man. P. O. Box 153, Trenton, Georgia. 2 t p — 2-22 FOR SALE — Plenty of good mules and horses. Terms cash, or 1-2 and 3 years. Also have some good stock bulls. Here- fords and Black Angus. SEL- MAN MULE COMPANY, SUM¬ MERVILLE GEORGIA. 2 t — 2 - 22.' LAUNDRY 4 Day Service. Picked up Tues¬ day, Delivered Saturday Rea¬ sonable Rates REDS CLEANERS, Trenton FLOWERS for weddings, funer¬ als, parties, etc. delivered in Trenton. We are now agent for Miss Gertrude’s Flower Shop. Gray Service Station. 3 t p — 3 - 8 FOR SALE—Two corner lots in City of Trenton—J. A. Swan¬ son p^-3-8 Trenton, Georgia. 3 t WASHING MACHINES repaired. | Including automatics. We also convert gasoline models. TA¬ TUM & CASE Radio Electric Co., Phone 22, Trenton. Champion Home Town Contest Here’S an opportunity to show your mettle — to prove to other communities, Georgia and in other states, that your town is a Champion! This fourth annual Champion Home Town Contest is based on year-round accomplishments in community betterment. It’s a Contest in which you and everyone else in town can participate. iYou can help “tell the world’’ that your town is made up of proud citizens constantly striving to make it a better place in which to live, to play and to work. v So toss your hat in the ring — enter the 1951 Champion Home Town Contest. Closing date is March 31st. .Official Entry Blank, as well as rules and regulations, may be had at your nearest Georgia Povver sioie. Or write to the address below: ? • r "THxne “Piife. 7Ho«tetf! V ' THREE 51,000 Top Prizes 'THREE $750 Second Prizes THREE $500 Third Prizes $100 ' Georgia power TWELVE Hon. Mentions ONE $1,000 Sweepstakes “DcoelofciHeKt TJivtalet A in total this of Fourth'Annu,orCha«npton $8,950.90 Cosh' Awards „ 4 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Ho^r^icort.,-. Among Good Things In Life Coke By The Carton 5 V CRIMP AND 11” CORRUGATED GALVANIZED ROOFING ALL LENGTHS CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO. 2615 BROAD STREET YOUR STATE INCOME TAX IS DUE MARCH IS The law requires collection of penalties and. interest on late returns. Prompt fil¬ ing helps your State Revenue Department to perform its duties economically and efficiently, and saves you money. Intangibles Tax Returns MUST ALSO BE FILED BY MARCH 15th WITH THE STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT Make Your Returns NOW j STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT Atlanta, Georgia