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MAMOHAt ASYtrriWMO M/acMMiAiiva,
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Locals and Personals
Mrs. Annie Mae Combs Ls
very ill at her home
We hope Mr. Graham Hale
will i oon be recoverd He is In
a C af.anooga hospital
D d y Tatum, who enlisted
in he Air Force, left Saturday
f^r his base in Texas
Pvt. Dennis Brandon, now
with the -tic paratroopers paiduuvj;cia was n a 3
home over the Easter week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymmd
don of Chattanooga were Sun-
dav nay vi vi’ ..cis crs of or his his parents. narents Mr. Mr
and Mrs. E. R. Brandon.
Miss Irene Forester is ill in a
Chattanooga hospital. Hope
the docters will cure her this
Spencer Brandon, who is sta¬
tioned In England, wrote his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E . R.
Brandon, that he has been pro¬
moted to T/Sgt.
Misses Wilma Pace and Leila
Kimbrough with Ranger J. C.
Pace spent the Easter week end
wtth his sister, Mrs. .A H. Mor¬
row in Trussville, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wil¬
liams, of Hooker, announced
the birth of a daughter, Ellen
Rose last Sunday at the Wild¬
wood Sanitarium. Mother and
baby are reported doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case's
Easter week end guests were
Miss Joyce Case from Chatta¬
nooga, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mit¬
chell and Mr. Ronald
from Louden, Tenn.
Pfc Robert E Dearmon,
of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd
of the Avans community,
been with the paratroopers
Korea 'since last August
enlisted In February of
and last week celebrated
20 th birthday
Mr and Mrs. Harold
man, Mrs. Nellie Thurman
her sister from Canada
Easter dinner with Mr.
Mrs. Dan Carroll In
and visited with many old
County fi’ends during the day.
Principals J. C. Billue and
C. McIIughes were staying
the Hotel Georgia In
when It caught fire last week
Mr. McHughes was in
room on the 14th floor at
ttme of the fire. It was a
fire and quickly extinguished.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
had as their Sunday
guests Mrs. Williams’
Mrs. M. A. Brown, and two
ters Mrs. Grace Springer,
Mrs. C. D. Davis and her
band and their son Phillip,
Mrs. W c. Waton and Mr. L. A
Mr and Mrs. E. M.
Easter week end guests
their sen and his wife, Mr.
Mrs. Robert Parker from
kesville, Ky., their
Mrs. George Marcinko, her
band and their two
and Dick Marcinko all
Marietta, two other
dren Janice and Marie
from Chattanooga.
noon they also had Mr.
er’s sister, Miss Mary
from Chattanooga and
and Mrs. A. T. Newby
daughter Carolyn.
Dr. and Mrs.
Wildwood Direclor,
Announce Daughter
Dr. Alan Harmer, Medical
rector of the Wildwood
tarium and Hospital, and
wife, announced the birth of
daughter, Sylvia Marie,
day morning, March 27, at
The newly re-organized New
England Methodist Church has
been given a preacher to serve
from now until the end of this
W. M. Riser, an Emory Uni-
versity (Atlanta* student, has
' the
* been appointed 1 r to post and
be the community , St-
* n on
turda y and Sunda y through;
! »"<• >* ™
1 time until the end of the Sum-
It has also been announced ;
that the church will hold a sup-
per at the community
this Saturday night. The mea
will be prepared by the ladies
of the New England Church.
Plans and an annuoncement
of the stew-type supper were
made at an Easter egg hunt
conducted by the church Easter*
New England News
By Mary Patterson
and Martha June Derrvberry
Had an Easter Sunrise Ser-
vice at the Baptist Church and
also 11 0 clock services. A good
crowd attended and all enjoyed
the nice new benches they have
*k* re -
Rev. E. D. Worley, District
Supt. of the Chattanooga DLs-
trlct of the Holstein
from Chat.anooga, conducted
the Holy Comunion Services at
the New England Methodist
Church Easter Sunday
Mary Jane Price made a nice
speech and we enjoyed Betty
and Virginia Jo Blevins' duet at
the Sunday School service at
the Methodist Church Sunday.
Over 50 children attended the
Easter Egg Hunt at the Metho¬
dist Church Sunday afternoon.
Carl Castleberry, young son of
Lennie Castleberry and
Dean, a guest of the Allison Ble-
vias tied for first place In
bilnging in the most eggs.
Mrs. Maggie Blevins is bask
home and Is improving nicely.
Mrs. Addie Jeffrey Is still
very ill at her home.
Rev. and Mrs. Worley. Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Street and
Miss Pearl Street had Sunday
dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Mary Patterson visited
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hallum over
the week end.
Mr. Elbert Forester was
Sunday visitor of his brother,
Mr. Robert Forseter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and
family were in Alabama over
the week end.
We all hope the cold weather
will soon be over. It’s garden
planting time.
Mrs. J. L. Blevins and Jo vi¬
sited the Allison boys at Men¬
tone, Ala. Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Gordon Allison is seriously
ill at her home there.
Methodist Guild
Fetes Brainard Group
With Dinner-Meeting
The Wesleyan Service Guild,
of the Trenton Methodist
Church, entertained the Brain¬
ard Guild at a dinner meeting
last Thursday evening.
About 40 attended the dinner,
which was held at the Trenton
Church. A very special program
and meal was conducted,
The Guild is a group composed
of employed women and women
who have small children and
( cannot attend day-time meet-
favp vOtC WilKK upl lHga Hino NpWS
Well. Easter has c:me and
Igcne. We could not have hoped
.for a more beau.iful day. But
I the season’s worship services it
I was our privilege to attend were
j something to conment on. I
have never heard the season’s
service more sacredly or more
beautifully explained than
Newby did. Speaking
dually, I thoroughly
the entire program and I’m
I sure everybody else did.
The church was beautifully
decorated with spring and Eas¬
ter flowers which were paid
with money raised through the
church. The women collected
the flowers and did the decor¬
ating for the seasonal services.
Mr Roscoe Grant, of Ross-
vllle, Ga., visited his mother,
Mrs. Carson and Mr Carson,
last Sunday
Those from here who attend-
ed the worship service at Ris¬
ing Fawn Methodist Church
| last Friday night were Mes-
i dames Guinn L Forester. Car-
son H Forester. Will Bradford,
and Mr. Lester Forester and
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Guinn
and daughter, of Birmingham,
were vis'.ting his mother this
week end
Mrs. Effie Gross, of Anniston,
Ala., Mr and Mrs Billie Amos,
of Atlanta, and his sister, stop-
I>e d b y to see the Will Brad-
ford* a while Sunday enrout
to a birthday dinner at Uncle
Dill A mA -'
“ ’
Mr. Jim Reeves and Mes-
Bradford, attended J ar church “ n ' „ an at *
the Rising Fawn Baptist Sun-
day nigh:,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forester
and Helen also attended this
Mrs. Lydia Keith and son
Leon visited the Carsons Sun¬
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi*i Bradford
visited Aunt Laura Slaton and
the Keiths late Sunday even-
We are sorry to report we are
having to give Mrs. Guinn up
for a couple of months. She is
going to be with her mother
who is ill. She will take care of
her until school is out and her
sister can be home with her
moth er. The sister teaches
sc h 0 ol. We are really going to
Mrs. Guinn and will look
f;rward t0 her return home,
We were happy to have a real
nice crowd at church and Sun-
day School. Folks, it could be so
every Sunday not on just some
.special occasion. So come on
j{ eep the good work up however
some have been coming that
we missed from our membe r.
After our service was over
Sunday we were happy to send
our flowers to some of our sick
and shut in friends to
them enjoy some of the
ful out side world and to
them know we do think
We have bible study
prayer meeting every
day night Every5ody we l C
\y e need yd u r help and
If you don’t think it’s a
*j me ^ ry ge.ting somebody
do something. I’ve got to
my crop ground or fix my
den or my pasture and so
Well> u - s a busy time but
happy time to be able to do
these things.
There are 167 Dade Coun-
tians in the armed forces, ac¬
cording to a release from the
governmdnt. These include
draftees, volunteers, and re¬
servists called back into ser¬
vice since the beginning of
the 1948 draft call.
Of this group, not a one
has been killed during his
time of service, but— three
local men. all registered for
the draft, have been killed
here at home— in auto acci¬
The three accident deaths,
all during the past few
months, claimed the lives of
three men who w"ere subject
to call by the Army.
Thirst, Too Seeks Qur 1
S'vifc, 1 i* r;
HD and 4-H Club
Dress Revue Set
For Thurs. April 5
All of the Home Demonstra¬
tion Clubs and 4-H Clubs in the
county are getting ready for
their Dress Revue to be held at
the Court House on April 5.
This will be an all day meeting
for them but the modeling and
judging of the dresses will be in
the afternoon and the public is
cordially invited.
In the morning there will be
a short business session and
program. At noon a covered
a'-sh lunch will be served and
the Dress Revue will be in the
afternoon. Miss Melba Sparks,
District Agent will be on hand
and several other visitors and
judges Home Demonstration
ladies and 4-H’ers w'ill model
suits, house dresses, party and
sport dresses You may even see
some oilginal hats. Mrs. A.
°* e /- “ r i ^
E J. Bible walked off with top
honors in this field last year.
-»LRuius L. B:ake won
grand prize in the sh,w last
vea.. It was her second win but
Mrs Fred Henderson gave her a
very close race. There were
about 75 percent at last year’s :
Revue when over 40 garments
were modelled but this year
more entries and more ladies
are expected at this highly com
petttive affair. Over 200 of the
Home Demonstration ladies are
planning to attend and model
their garments because it is
Mmething thej don’t wan; t 0|
The Garden Club will have a
“Come as you are” party on Sa¬
turday night of this week. I.
will begin at 7:30 and will be in
the Dade High Cafeteria.
All members and guests are
to come the way they were
dressed then they receive the
announcement of the party.
They will be lined for any
changes made in their ccstume.
Club members are all invited
and if they fail to attend the
pary they will be fined SI.00.
This will not apply to husbands
and guests.
The state of Georgia has
combined its fishing and hunt¬
ing licenses this year and offers
the dual permit to state resi¬
dents for only SI.25. This li¬
cense will allow you to fish and
hunt anywhere in the state.
llfeve driven our 5 Dodge cars ■ I 1 ■x : :
million miles” i
over a
uoage dependability means. All those miles were safe,dependable,comfortable
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SpacHicatloni and
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change without notice.
Depend on it! This great new Dodge will see
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Tn mas like these, it pays to own a car you know more for a car and still not get all the extra-
I is engineered through and through to stand up value features of today’s big, dependable Dodge.
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That’s why we suggest you drive the oar whose
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Spend 5 Minutes With Us. Come in today. Five
minutes is all it takes to check and compare ... to
learn how much more Dodge dependability can
mean to you. Leam how you could pay up to *1,000
- 1951 Dependable
dust DODGE Absorber SMOOTHER "floats” you system RIDE over ... roads gives longer a that car truly stop life. new other New kind Oriflow cars. of Reduces ride Shock . . .
a few dollars more than the lowest-priced cars! wear on vital chassis parts. Adds miles to car 'ife.
Dyer Motor Co., Trenton, Georgia
1,000 Baby Chicks
Given Dade 4-H’ers
in Poultry Project
Eleven Dade County 4-H
and girls tfvided 1.000
chicks Tuesday as the
Poultry Project got under
here The 2 /ouths mostly
100 of the day-old New
shire Reds, but two 4-H’ers
only 50 each.
The poultry and egg
which was started in 1946
the Georgia Power Company,
carried on each year, with
workers returning 12 of
chickens at the time of the
county fat r in September.
These hens are sold to raise
money to re-tuy baby chicks
the next year
ject receive help from their lo-
cal 4-H Club advisors and
Extension Service office.
Those receiving chickens this
year are .
4-H Club—Bryan Gass;
New sa , em , „ ciub _ Eimer
Abbott, Gary Moore, Sarah
Dade High 4-H Club—
R ay Bobo. Charles Hill; Rising
Fawn 4-H Club—Wayne Brad-
ford , Ju dy Kenimer, Sam Kent-
mer , Jim Cureton, Jackie Wii*
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