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Dade County's Only
Graduation in Dade Schools
The closing Exercises for the schools in Dade County are
printed below. The first one is at the New Salem School this
Thursday night and the Rising Fawn’s program is Friday night.
The two High Schools are having their Baccalaureate services on
Sunday and at the same time. Dade High’s graduation will be
Monday night and Davis’ on Tuesday night. North Dade will have
their program on Wednesday night, and the Davis Elementary
School will have their exercises on Thursday night May 24. The
Hooker Colored School had their graduation exercises before the
end of school on May 6 in order to be able to hold them in their
MAY 20, 1951 3:00 P.M.
Processional______^______ ___«.__Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Song: “Holy, Holy, Holy”_________Congregation *
Invocation_______________ ____Rev. Maurice Phillips
Song_________________________________Senior Class
Introduction of Speaker _____Principal J. C. Billue
Baccalaureate Sermon_________Rev. T. Perry Brannon
Song: “This Is My Father’s World’’..Congregation *
Benediction__,_____________ Rev. Allen T. Newby
Recessional_____________________Mrs. M. R. Wilson
* Standing.
May 21, 1951 8:00 P. M.
THEME____________________OUR COUNTY
Processional_____________________Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Song: “All Hail The Power of Jesus Name”, Page 164
Salutatory________________Kathleen Rae Morrison
“Geography of Dade County”____Anna Joyce Moore
“People of Dade County”_________Ruby Irene Smith
“Industry in Dade County”_____________Ruth Paine
“The Future of Dade County”- Ruth Evelyn Wallen
Valedictory__________________Frances Janet
Presentation of Diplomas__________Principal J. C.
Recessional____________________Mrs. M. R.
Class of 1951
Walter Franklin Baker Margaret Elizabeth Kenlmer
Frances Janet Barnes Henry C. Kilgore
Barney Omar Bradford Betty Frances King
Marvin A. Bradford Joanna Massey
Louise Carver Anna Joyce Moore
Grade Mae Castleberry Kathleen Rae Morrison
Martha Janet Cross Jackson H. Murphy
Howard Cecil Daniel Lacey L. Neal
Clara Dean Ruth Paine
Dale Harleson Dover Lauretta Morgan
A. C. Durham Patsy R. Renfroe
Robert Elmer Fugatt Barry Ronelle Ryan
Cora Louise Gass Imogene Edna Schurch
Jacque Sue Greene Ruby Irene Smith
Charles R. Hollingsworth Ruth Evelyn Wallen
Athene Holtzhower Albert E. Wells, Jr.
John R. Ingram L. Frank Williams, Jr.
Ninaraq Keeton
T. R. Tucker Receives FHA
Special Service Award
"Talmadge R. Tucker, Farmers Home Administration Supervi-
scr for Walker, Dade and Catoosa Counties, will be one of 17 FHA
May 15. This announcement comes from the State Director of
i.he Farmers Home
etion, R. L. Vansant.
These 18 employees have been
selected from the several
dred Farmers Home Adminis-
tration workers throughout the
United States for outstanding
service to farm fmailies rural
communities and the Nation.
Mr. Tucker’s award reads in
part, “For demonstrating the
successful transition of bor-
rower-families from single cash
crop cotton farming to more
productive and remunerative
livestock farming, thereby
greatly increasing their
worth; and for constantly
identifying the work of the
Farmers Home Administration
with good farming in his area
cf the State.”
Mr. Tucker will be in Wash-
ingtcn throughout most of the
on Tuesday the group will be
entertained with tours of the
USDA and FHA Offices in
Washington a tour of the Ca-
pitol, a visit to the Agricultural
Research Center at Beltsville,
M. C, and other points of inter-
est in and around the city.
Mr. Tucker has served as Su-
pervisor cf the Farmers Home
Administration since 1935 and
since May 1938 has served in
(Continued on back page)
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and
Seven Cases Made On
[Traffic Violators
g even ca ses were made this
past week end as a very heavy
flow Qf tra f fic flooded the high
way trough Dade County.
Five of the cases have been
tried which included one viola-
tion of the automobile
tration law, two for speeding
because of having in his pos¬
session two driver’s license. He
H first, a license be-
t0 someon e else when
d fey state Troopers .
;Later he produced his own U -
for the purchase of the tele-
phone ■ --------- property of of Mrs. Mrs. J. j. G. u.
Gray. The hearing was held
last week ^ Atlanta at the
Georgia Public Utilities Com-
mission hearing room at Capi-
to! Square.
I No final decission has been
made by the commission, and it
may be from two to four weeks
before Mr. Tatum will become
the owner and operator of the
! Trenton Telephone Company.
8 o'clock
Processional____________________Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Invocation_______________________Rev. I\ C. Nelson
Salutatory____________________Shelby Jean
Class Will-___________________Barbara Ann
Awards_____________________Principal J. E.
Valedictory____________________Jane Marie
Graduation Address__________G. N. Duke A.B., B.D.
Pastor First Baptist Church, Cowan, Tenn.
Presentation of Certificates-----------D. B.
Benediction---------------------Rev. T. C.
Recessional_______________________Mrs. M. R.
Class of 1951
Jane Marie Forester Charles Barnard Woodyard
Elsie On York Betty Louise Steele
Barbara Ann Riddle Clara Nell Williams
Shelby Jean Powell Elizabeth Irene Dawkins
Peggy Dean George Leonard Wilson
Della Ruth Samples Billy Joe Wallin
8:00 P. M.
Commencement exercises will
be held at North Dade Elemen¬
tary School Wednesday night,
May 23, at 8:00 o’clock, with
the Rev. Maurice Philips, pas¬
tor of the Wildwood Methodist
Circuit and News Editor of the
Times, delivering the address,
i Douglas Cole will give an ad¬
dress on “Democracy: What It
Means To Us"; Hazel Prince
will present the “Farewell Ad¬
dress”; and Benita Bryant will
give the Class Will.
Fifteen students are candi¬
dates for certification. They
Include Douglas Cole, Deliah
Doyle, Sue Forshee, Melba Tin¬
ker, Hazel Prince, Janie Ruth
Haswell, Billy Brock, Linda
Blevins, Jack May, Billy Black-
stock, Roy Watson Clyde Ste¬
vens Clinton McBryar, Glenn
Massey and Benita Bryant.
1 The program will be of a pa-
i trlotic nature, with the school
band presenting music through
'out the program. The musical
program will be highlighted
] with the members of the Ton-
•ette Class, which is a new un¬
dertaking for Mrs. Gertrude
I Wallin's classes, and it will be
i their first commencement per-
; formance. Certificates will be
awarded members of the class
for the year’s achievements in
learning to play their tonettes.
Those receiving awards are
Joan Stowe, Evelyn Smyth, Ann
Foster, Peggy Poster, Shirley
Debter, Martha Tinker and
Bessie Moore.
1 The following program will
be given by the music class:
J* by arch the ^ band nd * r 7 Army 1 * Do Navy “; ble Eagle Ma
’ ' ’
new salem elementary school
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 7:30 P. M.
Processional — “Let’s Ccme Walking Into the Spring.”
Salutatorian ..................................Carolyn
Song — "Faith of Our Father, Faith”.
Introduction of Speaker...............Principal Claude E. Owens
Graduation Address.............................Rev. J. R. Clark
class History.......................................Gail Hughes
clas s Will............................................Betty Gray
Class Prophet...................................Vondell Plunkett
Presentation of Diplomas..........Superintendent Roy W. Moore
Song — “Follow the Gleam”.
Class of 1951
William Bearden Derrill Hughes
Louise Baker Gall Hughes
Maxine Everett Bobby Lee
Shelby Everett Herbert Matthews
Carolyn Fulghum Vondell Plunkett
Betty Gray Patsy Smith
Mickey Hodnett Billy Whited
judge Freeman C. McClure
wiir will be In Trenton Monday,
May 21, to set cases for trial,
hear motions and demurrers
and draw juries if juries are to
be called.
; it Is thought that Judge Me
dure will be primarily Interest-
ed in scheduled for trial those
cases that can be heard with-
out a jury.
Next court is scheduled for
June 18.
rine song; Musical
There Are Many Flags In
Lands, by Billy Hartman,
band accompaning;
You’re A Grand Old
Song The Red We Want Is
Red We’ve Got;
Waltz Whispering Hope
Amici, by the tonette
Piano duet—March of The
Soldiers, by Jaqueline
and Shirley Debter; Flag
cise, by 14 girls; Song—Till
Meet Again, by Peggy and
Foster and Martha
and, lastly, Playing The
Members of the band
Tommie Hughes, Joan
Patsy Hart line, Judy
Joyce Carver, Mary Ann
Billy Hartman, Wanda
Judy Guinn, Jaqueline
Edna Ballard, Euelah
Brenda Camp, Charlotte
ter, Barbara Blackstock,
Blackstock, Barbara
Carolyn Ford, Nancy
son, Bobby Ryan, Paul
man Wallen, Larry Moore,
iton Durham, Terrell
Tommie Carroll, Bobby
Jonah Deloy, Paul Dugan,
Shirley Debter, Mary
Wright, Glenda Mitchum,
ton Norris, George Carroll, Ha¬
rold Bradford, Ronnie
Joe Lee Tatum Charles
Joyce Patterson, Judy
Evelyn Mae Smyth,
Hunt, Peggy Foster,
Tinker, Joyce Davidson, Alo-
jean Word, Bessie Moore.
Drummer Boy: Paul
Majorettes: Helen Wrighit,
Glenda Mitchum.
The Senior Class at the Da-
vis High School will be the
guests of the school's faculty at
a banquet to be held Saturday
night May 19. It will be held at
the Davis Lunch room and a
fine party Is being planned.
The one power strong enough
t D banish the war spirit from
this world Is the power of reli-
glon—Bishop William T.
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Tuesday May 22, 1951 8:00 P. M.
Invocation__________________________________Mr. Crawford
“God of Our Fathers”_______________________Page 473
Salutatory______________________________Betty Crisp
Introduction of Speaker_______Principal D. V. Spenser
Commencement Address_______Rev. Allen T. Newby
Pastor First Methodist Church, Trenton, Ga.
Valedictory_________________________ Evelyn Meeks
Presentation of Diplomas_________Supt. Roy Moore
“Lead On, O King Eternal”________________Page 203
Benediction_______________________Rev. M. E. Morgan
Sunday May 20, 1951. 3:00 P. M.
Invocation_____________________Rev. Lewis Gaddis
“All Hail The Power” ________(Audience) standing
Introduction of Speaker____Principal D. V. Spenser
Sermon______________________Rev. *Conrad Morgan
Pastor Woodlawn Baptist Church, Avans, Ga.
“Holy, Holy, Holy”___________________(Audience)
Benediction J_____________________Mr. Henry Elliott
Class of 1951
Helena Josephine Dearman Veleda Mardell Daniel
Frances Marie Avery Maybell Beatrice Gass
Gladys Sarah Benefield Betty Jewell Hartline
John Ray Crawford Evelyn Mexine Meeks
Betty Alice Crisp Eugene Talmadge Pike
Lavon Logan Daniel Robbie Jewell Taley
MAY 24, 1951 8:00 P. M.
Eighth Grade
"Come Thou Almighty King"..............................No. 75
Salutatory ...........................................Joyce Ellis
Who’s Whc.....................................Betty Hardeman
“Sammy Graduates”...............................Rebecca Gray
Class Song.
"What School Has Meant To Me”...................Betty Patton
Valedictory .......................................Lyndal Daniel
Awarding of Certificates..................Principal D. V. Spenser
"Onward Christian Soldiers"..............................No. 35
Truck Farmers Received
50,000 Tomato Plants
Several of the Dade farmers who have gone into truck farm¬
ing on a cooperative basis on Tuesday of this week received fifty
I thousand Rutgers Tomato Plants'. These were grown at Tifton,
Ga., and Veteran Instructor W. H. Pullen brought them to Dade
in a ten hour truck ride.
These plants have been distributed to J. D. Pike, Jack Shaf-
Fire Destroys Barn j !
Of Hershel Hutchins |
Fire of unknown origin 1
completely destroyed the barn
Hershel Hutchins just before
noon Tuesday. The loss were
estimated at “over 54,000.”
The burning barn was first
discovered by neighbors and
ive-y soon people on the square
at Trenton first noticed the
| smoke and flames. Mr. Hut-
chins himself was one of those
on the court house yard who
saw the smoke and learned It
was his bam. i
The barn burned rapidly and
within a matter of minutes It
was a pile of smoltering ashes.
And had it not been for the
fact that there was absolutely
no wind, and that several tall,
stately trees spaced protect¬
ively around the barn, the
wood shed and hen house and
the home Itself would have
been In flames also. All build¬
ings were in a direct line with
each other and close together.
With volunteer workers
water was feed upon the wood
shed until the barn was no
longer indangering the shed.
Mr. Hutchins purchased the
farm, which ts just south of
Trenton, from L. C. Spears
about a year ago. He has been
farming some and dealing In
H ve stoc ^ A cow and a calf and
many chickens had been re-
leased early this morning from
(Continued on back page) |
Gray, A. J. Ivey, J. B. Boyd-
Caudell Clayton’, T. H.
and others, and have
planted on approximately
and a half acres. The
bad been prepared and
ready to receive these
lants which should be ready
marketing by the middle of
£ u5t -
T ^ is ls one °f the plantings
will be done in Dade this
on a cooperative basis.
control, packaging and
demonstration will be
These tomatoes will be
graded and sent to market
the “State of Dade” la-
Already planted by this group
fifteen acres of Golden
bantam sweet corn and
acres of collards. The
planting of sweet corn
be May 21 and the next
of tomato plants on
Tomato Blight Control
The County Agent announces
very soon there will be a
here to give an insect
demonstration infor-
on crcps and the use of
with special empha-
i s tomato blight. This will be
a joint meeting of the truck
and the Board of Di-
tors of the Co-op and should
beneficial to' all who are
tomatoes this sea-
for the date and ask
this demonstration so
you can plan to attend.