Newspaper Page Text
Locals and
We are glad to see
Little heme again after
in the hospital.
Mrs. I. H. Wheeler, Sr.,
very ill. She was taken to
hospital Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. D.
Scruggs are announcing
birth of a daughter, Pauline,
May 10.
Miss Earlene Rogers of
tanooga was visiting Mrs.
dred Brannon and
Monday afternoon.
Mr. Gilbert Prince and
of Rossville visited Mr.
Mrs. Robert Woolbright and
mily, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
ford of Birmingham
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Foster last week.
We see the M. J. Hales in
new gray Dodge. Mr. Hale
his wife didn’t like the color
the other one.
Mrs. Annie Hale was off
last week. She is now well
back at work in Mr. Peck’s
Miss Bess Cureton and
Douglas Morrison attended
Cherokee Regional
Board meeting in Trion
Mrs. R. C. Elzey with
daughter, Mrs. Vernon
ney from Clinton, Tenn.,
visiting her sister, Mrs. G.
Tatum and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
and daughters of Trion,
spent Sunday with Mr.
ton’s aunt, Mrs. P. A. Gates
other relatives.
County Agent and Mrs. L.
Adams spent the week end
Rome and Cedartown
ing a reunion on Sunday
Mrs. Adams’ family at
Springs, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown
Fort Payne, Ala., Mrs. Jack
vis of Chattanooga and Mrs.
D. Gossett of Rising Fawn
Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Otis Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. James
Go:dwin’s son, Millard,
been very ill this past week!
is home from the hospital
the doctor said he must be
very quiet.
Week end visitors of Mr.
Mrs. E. R. Brandon were
and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cooper,
and Mrs. James Johnson,
Layton Jackson, all of
nooga, and Mr. and Mrs.
Brandon and son Benny.
Mrs. Catherine Morrison
Mr. J. L. Fricks both
of the Tri-County
Auoihority Board attended
meeting in Rossville
night. Work on the
tion of the hospital is to
this summer.
Attending the W. S. C.
Officer Training Day in
tanooga were Mesdames H.
Allison, W. C. Cureton, H.
Gross, A. T. Newby, W. I.
and Cora Sells from
and Mesdames B. B.
R. P. Fricks, Homer Hall, W.
Pierson ,and Haley Dean
Rising Fawn.
The wedding of
Aaron S. Brandon and
Wendy A. Barham of
England took place on
21, 1951. Sgt. Brandon is a
of Mr. and Mrs.-E. R.'
of Trenton.
The bride, who was
away by her guardian, Mr.
Smith, wore a gown of
figured lace over taffeta with
veil held in place by red
She carried a bouquet of
roses, narcissus, white
and trailing fern. The
maids wore the Misses
Youell and Jean Laws and
train bearer was Miss
Payer. The best man was
H. Sayer.
Sgt. Brandon enlisted in
Army in 1941 and has been
England on this tour of
for the past 3 years. Sgt.
don served in the
Area during World War II.
The recepit-on was held at
Kingsway, and the
is being spent in London.
The Rising Fawn School
no flag pole and the
ing class decided to do
thing about it. These
didn’t seem to be able to
enough money before
closed, so they had a
Day.’’ On this day the
dressed in working cloths
set cut to find whatever kind
work they could do and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
spent Sunday with relatives
Sand Mountain.
Betty Derryberry spent
day night with Virginia Ble-
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
and family cf Texas are visit-
ing rleatives here for a while.
The Rev. William Risser
Sunday dinner with Mr.
Mrs. W. H. Swan,
1 Mr. D. T. Brown and Mr.
fus Street went to Suck
Mountain Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown
Tommy spent the week
with her sister Mr. and
Jim Rogers of Oak Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Brown
ited her parents Mr, and
Patterson of Morganville
day afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. T. R.
and family of LaFayette
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doyle
Larry of Tiftonia visited
parents Mr. and Mrs. D.
Brown and family over
week end.
Decoration Day and
Homecmoing will be held
Byrd’s Chapel Sunday, May
with the Rev. E. D. Worley,
trict Superintendent,
the memorial message at the
o’clock hour.
Byrd’s Chapel is the
Methodist Church in
County. It was organized as
brush arbor, then a log
was built. When the log
had served its time, a
building was erected: And
many years, the church held
services in the school house.
new church was built
after the church had moved
the school house, but this
building burned. Church
moved back into the
house, which now has
deeded to the church.
are in the making for
of the school into a
j new church,
Rev. Allen T. Newby is
The annual . working . . at .
Bethlehem Cemetery „ . in . OI
at Valley will . be held , ,, , two „ .
days , before the first Sunday
June t May at i 26. Basket „ , . lunch , ,
, be spread at , the ,, noon . hour.
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Neely
Funeral services for Mrs.
rah Elizabeth Neely, 73,
held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday
ternoon at the Wildwood
thodist Church with the
John Merrill and the Rev.
rice Phillips officiating.
ment was in Hooker
Active pallbearers were the
lewing nephews: Horace
lins, Clifford Carroll, B'oc
cock, Pat Baugh, Clarence
roll, and George A. Carroll,
Honorary pallbearers were
Lucas, Jim Austin, Raymond
Townsend, O. C. Turner,
Wallen and Rufus Massey.
vivors are husband, Van
of Wildwood; three sons,
M. Neely and Clyde C. Neely,
Wildwood, and Ira G. Neely,
St. Louis, Mo.; five brothers
M. Carroll of Trenton,
Tcm, George and Dan
of Wildwood; two sisters,
Nettie Forrester of
and Mrs. Roy Lea of
nine grandchildren and
Robert L. Cagle
Funeral services for
L. Cagle, who died in a
tanooga hospital Monday
were held at 2 p. m.
at the Rising Fawn
Church, with the Rev. A.
Newby and Rev. T. C.
officiating. Interment was
Hannah Cemetery, R.
j Ac tive paalbearers were
a:d Fricks, R. W. Thomas,
ther Allison, Dewey
James McMahan and
Cooper, Sr. Honcrary
ers were Dr. Middleton, S.
Wcodiri, Henry Kemmer,
Smith, Wiley Dean, Willis
vins, W. J. West, Dr.
Maddox Hale, Jerry Pace,
nest Stewart, Grover
Asa Reeves, J. Z. Bobo, Gus
Kaig and Jim Reeves.
paid for. They cut grass,
ed up yards, ran
whatever people would
them to do and when :he
was over and ,he pooled
they had made it was
than $15.00.
Commnnity News
Little Richard Dugan has
been ill with the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle spent
Sunday with their daughter
and family in Chattanooga.
Mrs. L. D. Keener is still ill
after having suffered a stroke
last Thursday.
Miss Elba Cole was the guest
of Miss Doris Gass in Trenton
Wednesday night.
Miss Juanita Holmes spent
Thursday night with Caroline
Hartline in Morganville.
Mrs. Edgar Moore had charge
the Mother s Day program at
the Sunday School hour Sun-
I Mrs. Della Genung of Chat-
tanoo f was a w f k end guest
of A Mr. and Mrs. Leighton
Mrs. Harold Dugan is inl¬
proving after having a cyst re ;
moved from her head last
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cole have
had their little granddaughter
visiting them for the past
Robert Lawson son cf Mr.
and j^ rs q q L awson< W ho is
a member of the u s Army>
was bome j as t W eek end for the
j ft rs t, time since his induction,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Du-
g an honored both of their par-
1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Du-
gan and Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Moore, with a dinner Sunday.
Judd Moore was also a
Miss Helen Moore and Miss
Nell Purcell spent the week
end in Nahunta, Ga., with Miss
Purcell’s parents. Her sister,
who is a student at Berry
School and her brother, who
has returned from Korea, were
1 to be there also
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burns
had as their dinner guests last
Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. B. San-
ders, Mr. and Mrs. Armond
Hayes, of Detroit Mich., Mrs.
George Goode of Eastdale, and
Mrs. Grey Holmes of Highland
Pa rk.
Those who visited Miss Pearl
Street Sunday were: Mr. and
“i (ft* I- R “ rS ’ D „ d
kttle i daughter ° Karen, ' Miss Eli- ~,
zabeth . , Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
„ Eric . Gay, „ Miss Allie Dugan, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Veal , and , Jim-
m my, Mr. and Mrs. ,, Martin ,. Street
: .. Mr. and , ,, Mrs. Donald Street,
A Mr. . and Mrs. Leighton T . u . Street
and Mrs. Della Genung.
The children of Mrs. Virgie
Cureton honored her with a
dinner Sunday, Mother’s Day,
and showered her with gifts,
Those present were Mrs. Louise
Austin and Betty from Chatta-
nooga, Mr. and Mrs. Grady
Durham and son from Wild-
wood, Mr. and Mrs. George
Cureton from New England,
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cureton
and Sussie, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Hughes, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cordell, Charles and
Ronny, from Slygo Valley.
hYRfys CHAPEL ^ cLub
Byrd's Chapel Heme Demon-
stratiori Club met at Mrs. Neal
Fischer’s May 8.
The meeting was called to
order by Mrs. W. C. Cureton,
president. Devotional reading—
a part of the second chapter of
St. Luke — was given by Miss
Ala Stewart, A series of read-
ings honoring mother were
given by Mrs. R. Barton, Mrs,
H. L. Bradford, Mrs. D. Dean,
Mrs. Mark Fischer and -Mrs. W.
C. Payne. The Mother’s Day
readings were followed by the
Lcrd’s Prayer.
Fifteen members were pres-
ent and two new members—
Mrs. J. N. Truelove and Mrs.
Bob Carroll—were added. Mrs.
G. L. Payne was a visitor.
In the business session, the
members, voted to take money
from the treasury to sponsor a
j 4-H girl to Athens. More trays
will be made if the aluminum
is still available. Mrs. Mark
Fischer, Food Production Chair
man, gave some very helpful
hints on gardening and can¬
Delicious refreshments were
A 40 Mr 1 * fltWoi Qf CHAMI
U Not $4 ia*«4 •* aSSSSnSf DkmmW VI naSn — I Kv
chapgw mmval
Mrs. Charlie Sills is ill at the
heme of her daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Grover Ballard under¬
went an operation at Erlanger
Miss Joan Austln and brother
g arr y 0 f Bridgeport, Ala., are
guests of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tittle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
and children of Tiftonia vi¬
sited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams
Howard Strawn, Henry Kil¬
gore and Tommy Mitchum vi¬
sited friends at Cleveland,
Tenn., Saturday.
Mrs. Lucille Hardeman and
son, Johnnie, of Florence, Ala.,
spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs Floyd Mitchum.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hale
and Mrs. Annie Parker and
daughter, Helen, of Chatta¬
nooga, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Strawn Sunday.
Hooker members of the 1951
graduating class of Dade Coun¬
ty High School are: Henry
Clyde Kilgore and A. E. Wells
Miss Betty Rose Meeks,
daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Pres¬
ton Meeks, has returned home
after a visit in Fort Worth,
Mr. L. L. Bridgman and
daughter, Mrs. Louise Gregory
and Buddy Bridgman have re¬
turned to Charleston, S. C. af¬
ter visiting Mrs. L. L. Bridgman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sesler and
daughter, Billie Sue, of Hale’s
Bar, visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mitchum Sunday. Billie Sue
was a mmeber of the 1951 gra¬
duating class of Marion County
High School.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith and
Mrs. Mayhew’s guests Sunday
were: Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles
Smith of Tiftonia; Mr. and Mrs
Tom Carroll of Wildwood; Mr.
and Mrs. Brad Doyle of White-
side; Mr. and Mrs. Hcmer Hall
of Rising Fawn; Mr. and Mrs.
Billie Bumpus of Whiteside ;
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ballard and
Mesdames Thelma Bell, Lillian
and Florence Strawn of Hooker.
Mrs. W. M. Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Smoak and son,
Bobby from Charleston, S. C.,
spent Saturday night with Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Fannin. On
Sunday the group attended the
annual decoration services at
Walker’s Chapel on Sand Moun
tain later going on to a family
reunion at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Price in Fort Payne.
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Lamp-
kin Bedford Jr., and Elizabeth,
of Birmingham, spent the week
end with the Cureton family.
Bedford, Jr., reports to the Na¬
val Airport in Pensacola, Fla.
on the 25th of May.
Mrs. Alfred Steele spent Tues¬
day in Tren’.on visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Red Goodwin.
Mr. and Mrs. £}tewart, par¬
ents of Mrs. W. N. Pierson, have
returned to their home in Fall¬
ing Water, Michigan.
Mrs. W. T. McCloud and son
Teddy of Knoxville Tennessee,
spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Coleman
and sons, spent Saturday and
Sunday night with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Wilson. The Cole¬
mans have moved from Nash¬
ville and are living in Trenton. !
Miss May I. Cureton attended i
a quilt show in Gadsden, Ala.
on Tuesday.
Mr. John B. Harrison, who
has been working in Indiana- j
polls, Indiana, for several
weeks, has returned home.
Mrs. W. A. McNair and son
Mick of Oak Ridge Tenn. at¬
tended the decoration at Deer
Head Cove Sunday.
The Rising Fawn Baptist W.
M. S. met at the home of Mrs.
W. J West, Saturday afternoon
May 12 with the president Mrs.
G. C. McKing presiding. Mrs. J.
Z. Bobo led the devotional
Scripture reading Matt. 27:55-
1, after which we had rsepon-
sive reading. The topic of the
program was “Women Under¬
going the Spread of the Gos¬
pel.” Those taking part were
Mrs. Dewey Bradford, Mrs. Ray
Smith, Mrs. J. E. Cagle, Mrs.
Will Bradfrod. After the busi¬
ness session refreshments were
served by the hostess to eleven
members and two visitors.
Head River News
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson
had as their guests last Sunday
Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Williams
and daughter.
Mrs. Lena Chambers of Ross¬
ville, Ga., spent last week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Arvlee Holtz-
Misses Grace Johnson, Athene
Holtzhower and Joan Massey
spent Saturday night and Sun¬
day with Griff Johnson.
Little Jimmy and Carolyn
Schrock spent a few days with
their grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Forester last week.
Mrs. L. E. Holtzhower and
daughter Athene spent last
Friday night in Chattanooga
with her sister Miss Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D:wner
and family visited his sister
and family Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Hawkins at Cloudland last Sun¬
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stalvey
and Bobbie, Mrs. R. L. Ross and
children attended the home
coming at Carl’s Mathes on
Sand Mountain last Sunday.
Mrs. Velma Smith had as her
visitors last Monday Mrs. B. W.
Holtzhower, Mrs. Fritz Schurch
Mrs. R. L. Ross and Mrs. Hugh I
Forester. Also Mr. and Mrs Bill
West of Chickamauga.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scruggs
had as their visitors last Thurs¬
day Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mathes
of Cedar Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Millcan, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Mathes and Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Mathes.
Mrs. Lillie Forester and her
sons Jack, Bunk and Freeman
visited Mr. and Mrs. Lem
Scruggs and family last week
end in Birmingham, Ala. Free¬
man has been in the Navy for
some time and is now at home
on a 30 day furlough.
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For all up-to-date banking service
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TV meant for electricity, terrific value) Georgia Two pennies Power'* V
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Tran*former* eo*t 65% more than they did
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mer pay* 23% let* for a kilowatt hour of
The Girl Scouts met in a
Court of Award with mothers
and friends present. Badges
were given as achievement
It was decided that the girls
would sell gum and candy in
order to send one girl to camp,
the cost of .which is $32 for two
Eight new members received
pins and cards.
Refreshmnets were served by
girls who received badges for
King of the Bull Whip
Lash Larue
SUN., MON., May 20 - 21
Dennis Morgan, Betsy Drake
WED., Ma* 22 - 23
Steve Cochran, Virginia Grey
FRI., May 24 - 25
Desperate Men
Preston Foster, Jim Davis,
Virginia Grey
Week Days: 7:39 P. M.
Saturday: 2:30 P. M.
Sunday: 3 P. M. (two shows in
Close for Church
reopen at 8:45 P. M.