Newspaper Page Text
The Byrd’s Chapel H. D. Club
met with Mrs. Horace Fischer,
July 10. Mrs. W. C. Cureton
presiding. Mrs. Neal Fischer led
the club song. Mrs. H. L. Brad-
ford led the group in the Lord’s
Prayer. Miss Ola Stewart gave
an interesting reading, she
composed on nature’s moun-
tains, trees flowers, etc.
We had 11 members present
one visitor, Mrs. Rogers, of
Chattanooga, plus several chil-
dren. The children’s holidays
from school means more at our
club meetings.
Some of the members are vi-
siting various places, Mrs. Ger¬
trude Bartcn, in Virginia; Mrs.
R. L. Blevins, in Arkansas; Mrs.
W. C. Payne is visiting her
parents in Omaha, Neb.
Mrs. Gene Reeves and Mrs.
Mark Fischer, both have new
baby boys to bring to our club
meeting. They should
known men never make as good
members as women.
Mrs. Cureton had a very
pretty flower arrangement to
show at the meeting. We are
glad to have her mother, Mrs.
Irby back with us.
We are looking forward
Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway De¬
partment of Georgia at the General Otfice at No. 2 Capitol
square, Atlanta, Ga., until 11 A. M. Eastern Standard Time,
August 3, 1951, and publicly opened for furnishing all labor, ma¬
terials, equipment and other things necessary for the construc¬
tion of 3.364 miles of grading and paving located in Dade County
on what is locally known as the Trenton-Alabama State Line
Road, State Route 143. Beginning in Trenton at State Route 58
and extending toward the Alabama State Line, otherwise known
as Federal Aid Secondary Project S 0812 (1) in Dade county. The
work will be, let in one contract.
39.934 Acres Clearing and Grubbing-Lump Sum
4.500 Acres Random Clearing and Grubbing-Per Acre
77874 C.Yds. Uncl.Excav. & Borrow, Incl. Ditches
440 Cu.Yds. Excavation for Culverts & Minor Structures
171580 Sta.Yds. Overhaul on Excavation
667 Lin.Ft. 15” Pipe SD
44 Lin .Ft. 18” Pipe SD
12 Lin.Ft. 15” Concrete Pipe SD Ext.
331 Lin.Ft. 18” Pipe CD
102 Li&,Ft. 24” Pipe CD
341 Lin.Ft. 30” Pipe CD
467 Lin.Ft. 36” Pipe CD
42 Lin.Ft. 42” Pipe CD
16 Lin.Ft. 18” Concrete Pipe CD Ext.
99 Lin.Ft. 36” Extra Strength Concrete or 12 Gauge CM
Pipe CD CD
1117 Lin.Ft. Culvert Pipe Removed SD or
30 Lin.Ft. Culvert Pipe Relaid SD or CD
98.87 Cu.Yds. Class “B”’ C:ncrete Headwalls & Pipe Plugs
59.10 Cu.Yds. Class “A” Concrete Culverts
2.28 Cu.Yds. Class “B” Concrete Steps, Incl. Reinf. Steel
3873 Lbs. Bar Reinforcing Steel
121 Each Concrete R/W Markers
2 Each Posts for FAP Markers
2 Each Plates for FAP Markers
2 Each Arrows for FAP Markers
39 Sq.Yds. Plain Sand Cement Bag Rip Rap
1 Each Concrete Drop Inlets, Std. 1019, Type “A”
H-4’ or Less
55 Cu.Yds. Selected Matl. Backfill, Culvert Foundation
29 Sq.Yds. Grouted Rubble Spillways
3 Sq.Yds. 4” Concrete Sidewalk
11784 Cu.Yds. Subgrade Treatment Material
68090 U.Yds. Overhaul on Subgrade Treatment Material
49561 Sq.Yds. Sprigging Slopes & Shoulders
530 Sq.Yds. Loose Sod Rip Rap for Side Drains
2037 Sq.Yds. Sod Ditch Checks
52.0 M.Gals. Water for Grassing
5.38 Tons First Application Fertilizer
5lS Lbs. Second Application Fertilizer
10 Each Remove Rubble Masonry Drop Inlets
16.5 Cu.Yds. Remove Grouted Rubble Masonry Headwalls
12.0 Cu.Yds. Remove Concrete Box Culvert
2.3 Cu.Yds. Remove Concrete Steps
4.0 Cu.Yds. Remove Rubble Masonry Culvert
7.0 Sq.Yds. Remove Concrete Sidewalk
1000 Lin.Ft. 6” Perforated Pipe Underdrain
1 Each Remove TVA Survey Marker
1 Each Reset TVA Survey Marker
15634 Cu.Yd. Graded Aggregate Base
15059 Gal. Bituminous Prime
41054 Sq.Yd. Single Surface Treatment, Type 1
41054 Sq.Yd. Liquid Seal
31578 Sq.Yd. _ Finishing and Dressing formal
Said work shall begin within ten (10) days after exe¬
cution of contract and shall be completed within 170 working
days. When conract has been executed, written notice shall be
given the Contractor, at which time, and not before, work may
be started. Notice is binding the
Contract executed pursuant to this on
State Highway Department, as such. Said contract will not create
liabilitv, expressed or implied, against the undersigned Chairman
of the'State Highway Board, as an individual his nor against indivi¬ any
employee of the State Highway Department, in or her
dual capacity. be paid under this , contract shall be
The minimum wage to
the amounts set out in the Labor Provisions included in the Pro¬
posal. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provi¬
sions covering employment of labor, methods of construction,
subletting or assigning the contract and to the use of domestic
materials office of the
Plans and specifications are on file at the un
dersigned at Atlanta, and at Gainesville, Georgia, and at the of¬
fice of the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County at
Trenton, Georgia, where they may be inspected free of charge.
Copies of the plans may be obtained upon payment in advance of
the sum of $13.00. Copies of the General Specifications may be
obtained upon payment in advance of the sum of $3.00, which
sums will not be refunded. which will be
Proposals must be submitted on regular obtained forms, by payment
supplied by the undersigned, and may be a
in advance of $5.00 for each proposal issued. When the proposal
is .submitted, it must be accompanied accompanied by by a a certified check,
cashier’s check, negotiable United States Bonds, and must or other be accept-1 plainly
able security in the amount of $3200.00, Number,
marked “Proposal for Road Construction,” County and
and show the time of opening as advertised. Check of the low
bidder will be cashed and all other checks will be returned as
soon as the contract is awarded, unless it is deemed advisable by
the State Highway Department to hold one or more checks. If an
unusual condition arises, the State Highway Department reserves
the right to cash all checks. Bidders Bond will not be accepted.
Bond will be required of the successful bidder as required by lrfw.
Contracts will not be awarded to contractors who have not
been placed on the list of qualified Contractors prior to the date
of award. No proposal will be issued to any bidder later than 12
Noon Eastern Standard Time cf the day prior to the date of open-
ing bids. each item . and J total . , , amount , of .
All bids must show totals for
bid. Right is reserved in the undersigned to delay the award of
the contract for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the
date of opening bids, during which period bids shall remain open
and not subject to withdrawal. Right is also reserved in the un¬
dersigned to reject any and all bids and to waive all formaliaes.
Upon compliance with the requirements of the Standard Spe¬
cifications, Ninety (90) percent’of the amount of work done in
any calendar month will be paid fer by the 25th. day of the suc¬
ceeding month, provided that payrolls have been submitted as re¬
quired and the remainder within thirty (30) days after the Final
Statement is approved by the Engineer.
This the 17th day of July. 1951. 5RGIA
Some attended the Bradford
reunion on Lookout Mt., Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Stowe and
family were visiting in Alaba-
ma over the week end.
Nancy Sue Bradford visited
friends in Ringgold, Thursday,
Mr - an d Mrs. Lake Gibson
and children spent the week
end in Charleston, Tenn.
Mrs. Pete Debter and daugh-
ter, Shirley, spent last week in
Alabama visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mull,
and Mrs. Vernon, entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bruce
Josephine, with a picnic lunch
and outing, Sunday.
A number of people from
South N. England are enjoying
the Revival at the Baptist
Church in New England.
Due to a severe case of Poison
Ivy, Effie Chambers has been
kept home for several days.
our picnic in August, which will
be at Mrs. Walter Simpson’s
home. Lets al be there with a
well filled basket. We plan to
talk Fair that day.
We enjoyed delicious refresh-
ments by the hostess.
Mrs. C. T. Payne reporter.
l News
' Th * s P as ^ wee ^ has been an
es P ecia hy hot one; one far-
mer’s wife remarked that when \
she went out to pull some car- \
rc ^ s ^ or su PP er > the ground was
so hard she had to dig with a
^ loe ' There are some pretty
'gardens in Rising Fawn.
; those visible from the highway
h* ve bright llowers growing i
ri °ht along with the vegetables.
and Susie Hale have
of the neatest gardens, while
next door, the C. B. Simmons’
nasturtiums and marigolds are
a blaze of color around the
doorstep. They are also the
new owners of a car. Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Pangle have a lovely
rose bush and gladioli bloom¬
ing in .their yard.
Glimpsed at the “swimmin’
hole” Sunday was a crowd of
swimmers, all beating the heat.
The Castleberry families fried
chickens in the Park Saturday
afternoon and afterwards sang
hymns. The Park is a popular
s.opping place for tourists who
take advantage of the tables,
benches, two barbecue pits and
running water.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Smith are their daughter, Mrs.
Wilmer McNair, and children
from Oak Ridge who will be
here about a week. Sunday
guests of the Smiths included
Mrs. A. B. Comer and Charles,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth,*
all from Chattanooga, Mr. and
Mrs. Russ Smith, and Mrs. Ida
McClellan Gearrin is vacation¬
ing in Florida. Mrs. Glenn Hol-
leman is the guest of his mo¬
ther this week.
Mrs. Chambers and children
have returned from Jasper,
Tenn., where they visited rel¬
Taking in the scenic Smokies
last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wilson and Leslie.
Wayne and Dion Bradford,
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Bradford, are visiting their
grandparents in Birmingham.
L. M. Allison has returned
from a stay with relatives at
Mrs. Nannie Hale remains ill
at .the home of her daughter,
Mrs. D. S. Middleton.
Pfc. Carlton L. Pittman son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Pitt¬
man Rising Fawn, Georgia, has
arrived at Kirtland from Shep¬
pard Air Force Base, Texas.
While at Kirtland he will serve
with the 4911th Air Police
Squadron. Pfc. Pittman attend¬
ed Rising Fawn School at Ris¬
ing Fawn, Georgia.
Miss Elizabeth Bradford and
Miss Patsy Forester, of Chatta-
no:ga, spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bradford
and sons, recently.
Misses Berthena and Inez
Cagle, Folar Belle Dean, Wanda
Johnson and Janie Keeton have
returned home after spending
a delightful and inspiring week
in the mountains. The girls at¬
tended Y.W.A. Camp at Ridge¬
crest, N. C.
Master Terry Thomas, of East
Ridge, Chattanooga is spend¬
ing the summer with Mrs. Haley
Dean and the Wiley Deans.
Miss Mary Katherine Fricks
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Eliza¬
beth Mormon in Miami. She
plans to visit another aunt,
Mrs. Patty Kipp in Jackson"
ville before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bertherime,
of Austin, Texas, stopped here
on their way to Minnesota for
a short visit with her brother,
Warner Pierson and Mrs. Pier¬
Mrs. Susie Hale is visiting
friends at Mentone with her
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Bone, from
Pvts. Jack Wilson and Ralph
Gearrin spent the week end
with their parents, the Walter
Wilsons and Lee Gearrins.
Mr. Clyde Delaney is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith.
Miss Melba Castleberry has
returned to her home in Chick-
amauga after spending two
weeks with Mrs. Haley Dean
and family.
Mrs. Nick Klentos, Wewoka,
UKla - visited visited Mr Mr. and and Mrs.
Homer Hall last week. She and
the Halls and their two boys ‘
have gone for a two weeks visit
their sister, Mrs. Ersaline
in Boliver, Ohio.
Mrs. Wilmer McNair and chil-!
Mrs. Charles Kirk and
Mr. and Mrs. L. M Al-
and L. M„ Jr., and Mr.
Mrs. .Sonny McMahan and
enjoyed a Sunday
supper at the home of
CecU McMahan .
The work has been started
church here, and a
for the time spent
so far. It will be real
it is finished. This
being done on the inside
building and then
the Sunday School
More progress is in
Mr. Cecil Guinn is
n g a new house.
The Reeves have just
a new rubber tile
their kitchen and also a
Mrs. Canova Guinn is
of a new electric
weather we have had
got, makes us hunt
mere comfort.
Vacation time in our
is about over.
Guinns, Holders,
two or three
gone back to their
forward to next time.
Mr. Lester Forester is
a pump in his well and
got a new kitchen sink
in the kitchen.
needed a pump for
me their well is 165 ft.
that is correct, who
them for wanting a
Joe Griffin left here Satur-
for Detroit, wehere he is
Oh, yes, I hear the Holders
water in their house now,
I guess Georgia Power Co.
we are on the map by
Mr. Leon Keith is driving a
Will Bradford is dealing in
this week. He is busy
his bees. The honey is
pretty but as for the
part, somebody else can
as for me, no like it.
Just got back from my vaca¬
and don’t know much
this time, hope somebody
tell me something by next
Miss Eloise Pennington has
to Tampa, Fla., after
friends and relatives
Misses Imogene and De-
Pennington went with her
a vsiit.
Mr. and Mrs. Linton Johnson
children of Oak Ridge Ten¬
have been visiting Mr.
Mrs. Art Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, of Birm¬
were visiting friends
relatives here during the
Mr. and Mrs. Troy
son, of Higdon, Ala., were
Mr. and Mrs.
We see Mr. and Mrs. Hershel
have a new Dodge.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore
visiting relatives in Ross-
Ga., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tripplett
sons, of Chicago, 111., and
and Mrs. Scott Gray, vi¬
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hart¬
and Mrs. J. A. Netsch, of
Fla., and Mrs. T. J. Roe,
Jacksonville, Fla., have been
guests of relatives here.
Our recent revival was a
success and we are still
Tuesday night Praver
at the Methodist
and also at the Baptist
on Wednesday nights.
is invited to attend
churches. There wil be a
beginning the second
in August at the Bap¬
Church. Come on out and
do our best.
The 4-H Club will meet at the
house Friday night at
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray are
proud parents of a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ferguson
family visited the E. A.
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gilbreath
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford
the week end.
Linda and Dale Ballard are
their grandfather Wil-
in Scottsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Cooper
their daughter and family
Dalton, as guests, on Sun-
The Church of Christ is hav-
a revival this week,
Bertie Lee Daniel and J. W.
were married Sunday, July
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ivey at-
The Women’s Society of
Christian Service of the Mor-
ganville Methodist Church will
sponsor a supper on the church
lawn, Saturday night, July 28.
Plate lunches, short orders, pie,
ice cream, etc., will be served.
The proceeds will go toward the
furnishing of the parsonage.
The public is invited.
The Fulghum-Jones reunion
was held at the M. E. Patter¬
sons, Sunday. Some 50 people
attending. Con Holmes took
pictures of the reunion.
Mrs. Bill Jackson is recover¬
ing from an operation in a
Chattanooga hospital. We are
happy to see R. Carter Blevins
out again. He was able to attend
several of the revival services
at Morganville and Slygo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Durham
announce the arrival of a baby
daughter, Marilyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis McHughes
1 were llome over the week end.
Mr ^Hughes is working on
Masters Degree at Peabody
e ^ e ’ Nashville, and Mrs. Me
Hu S hes is visiting relatives
w lile * ie * s avvay -
| Bernard Doyle is back at work
after being out for almost two
j months on sick leave,
a vacation Bible School is
j planned for the children of
1 Morganville and Slygo, starting
.July 23 at 2 p. m. The school
w ill continue Monday through
Friday, with Mrs. Hazel Street
as director of the school.
courses will be taught as fol-
lows: Beginners and Primaries,
Mrs. Bill Reiser and Mrs. Eve¬
lyn Reeves; Juniors, Mrs. Hazel
Street and Mrs. Eura Moore;
and Intermediates, Rev. Bill
Reiser and another teacher yet
to be named.
Prayer meeting at the Meth¬
odist Church, each Wednesday
night 8 p. m. Joe Doyle is lead¬
er for this coming Wednesday
tended a family reunion at the
home of her mother.
Dorthel Clayton is nursing at
i Erlanger’s, in Chattanoogaa.
j Thirst, JSN Too, Seeks Quality
S « t, U-.. > * i M
Up-To-Date Line of Hardware
j 511 Market St. Phone 7-1114
, 1 Chattanooga, Tennessee
Can p afford on&?
Complete Coverage On Fire,
Accident and Auto Insurance
Times Building Trenton, Ga.
For checking accounts
For savings accounts
For safe deposit boxes
For all up-to-date banking service
—Come to the friendly Hamilton National
—Seven offices for your convenience
Market at Seventh
1500 MeCallie Ave.—3200 Rrainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd.
Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-Tenn.
Member Federal Deposit .Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
The Rising Fawn W. M. S.
will sponsor a supper at the
Fawn Community Park,
July 28, from 4 to 8
Ice Cream, Cake, Hot
Drinks, Pie.
Everybody welcome .
SALE — One Sow and six
prgs medium type pole a*nd
Hampshire cross. Two sows,
will farrow- first of August.—
Robert Allison, New England.
tp— 7-19
can again enjoy your ra¬
dio, Ch urch sermon; the
laughter of friends and family
with an Otarion Hearing Aid.
Free hearing test by our con¬
sultants. Batteries for all
makes. Convenent terms.
Mill Crossing Fort Payne, Ala.
Chiropractor & Physiotherist
the J. L. Todd Car Auction,
Ga. Bring your cars to
for the highest casih price,
have buyers from through¬
the South with rolls of cash
any car that will roll.
every Saturday 1 P. M.
or shine. Phone 6339 (col¬
for an early number. We
in the sale of Real
West 3rd St. Rome, Ga.
Satin soft, lustrous curls, plus
very newest creations in
styling — these are yours
you come here. We have
skilled beauticians and the
latest equipment to pro¬
handle your hair prob-
Put your beauty in our
sure hands. May we make
appointment for you?
Eloise Beauty Salon
Next door to Trenton Baptist