Newspaper Page Text
Hooker Colored News
Mrs. Viola Paris Ward and
two children have returned to
Detroit after spending three
happy weeks visiting her father
Mr. J. C, Parris. She.w&s enter¬
tained while here by her sister,
Mrs. Ollie M. Owens, her bro¬
ther, Mr. Murphy Paris, ne¬
phews, Mr. Paul C. Mason, in
Chattanooga, by Mr. Walter
Paris and Mrs. Gladdis Ware.
pfc. Joe Louis Hughes has re¬
turned to service in the U. S.
Army after spending 30 days
with his aunt, Mrs. Ollie M.
We had a splendid white Bap¬
tist preacher and his wife wor¬
ship with us Sunday. He
preached a wonderful sermon,
and promised to come back
again real soon.
We are sorry to hear of Mrs.
Catherine C. Morrison’s illness,
as we think so much of her, and
hope for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Mattie Hugin and grand¬
son, of Hollins, Ga., spent a
week visiting Mrs. Adams, and
Mr. James Scott. Mrs. Adams
and Mrs. Hugin are old friends
of long standing.
Miss Doris Perry is spending
the summer in Chattanooga.
Mrs. Rosie Berry and Miss
Sue Evelyn Paris is in Detroit
for a two weeks visit.
WHEREAS, on January 23,
1950, L. P. DENNIS and wife,
and delivered to D. T. BROWN,
a certain Security Deed, con¬
veying the real estate herein-
aiter described, to secure an in¬
debtedness therein set out and
described, which Security Deed
is of record in office of Clerk of
Superior Court,; Dade County,
Georgia, in Deed Book No. 39,
page 400, reference to which is
hereby made for its terms and
provisions. And,
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of the
note due January 23, 1951 and
said default has continued for
more than thirty (30) days, and
the said D. T. BROWN, Holder
of said notes has elected to
exercise the option contained
in said notes and has declared
the entire indebtedness due and
payable at once and default
has been made in the payment
thereof, which default still con¬
of such default and pursuant to
the power and authority con¬
tained in said Security Deed,
the undersigned D. T. BROWN
will on Tuesday the 4th day of
September, 1951, within the
legal hours of sale at the court
house door in Trenton, Dade
County, Georgia, expose to sale
and will sell to the best and
highest bidder for cash the fol¬
lowing described real estate,
being the same property de¬
scribed in said Security Deed,
Lying and being in the 19th
Disi, 4th Section, Dade County,
Ga. Part of Lot of Land No. five
(5) being the east one-half (Vi)
of the west one-half (%) of
said lot,, containing forty (40)
acres, more or less. Mineral in¬
terests and mining privileges be¬
are excepted; said property by
ing bounded on the north
the Tenn. Georgia State line;
on the east by the W. F. Lofty
property; on the south by the
land lot line, and on the west -l
by the Mrs. Mary Dennis prc
perty. Being the same property v;
conveyed by E. J. Lowery to R.
K. Fox, by deed dated Jan. 2,
1947, and recorded in the Of¬
fice of the Clerk of Superior
Court of Dade County, Geor¬
gia, in Deed Book 33, page 479.
Said property w9il be sold as
the property of L. P. DENNIS
and/or their assigns and to di¬
vest out of the said L. P. DEN¬
NIS and wife, FRANKIE J.
DENNIS, and/or their assigns
all right, title, Interest, claim or
demand which they or either of
them have in and to said pro¬
perty and vest same in the
This August 1, 1951.
• Attorney.
The Appraisers, upon appli¬
cation of Mrs. Una Wilkinson,
widow of W. L. Wilkinson, for a
twelve months support for her¬
self, having filed their return,
all persons concerned are here
by cited, to show cause, if any
they have, at the next regular
term of this Court to be held on
the first Monday in September,
1951, why said application 6th
should not be granted. This
day of August, 1951. Peck
A. W.
Phil M. Keith, a resident of
this State, having in due form
applied to the undersigned to
be appointed guardian of the
person and property of Henry
B. Keith, a mental incompe¬
tent, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard
at the next Court of Ordinary
of said County, on the first
Monday in September, 1951. official
Witness my hand and
seal this 6th day of August,
A. W. Peck
Ordinary, Dade County, Ga
This is the world’s laziest re¬
again. How are you all?
folks around Wildwood
well—as usual. Some are
Mrs. Joe Lu¬
who is home from the hos¬
She had a heart attack—
Mrs. Dorothy peeves—she
in Campbell Clinic improving
a very serious operation.
folks are just not feeling
hot—namely Mrs. A. L.
who suffered a broken
when she fell on her back-
and Aunt Florence Ball,
hurt a shoulder when she
in the house.
We are really having a hum¬
of a bible school here at
this week. There’re
60 children attending.
The crowds are pretty good
the Revival Services at
Next week the preach¬
will be here at Wildwcod.
one is invited.
Now all you folks who didn't
opportunity to see our
Minstrel Show are going
have another opportunity.
have been made with Mr.
to give the play at the
on Saturday night, Sep¬
15 at 8 P. M. This is the
cf a lifetime for you
to really find out
Ladies’ Aidiers can do.
Last Monday night, I
I even set the dining
table and used my
It was in honor of Mrs.
W. Frye III. She is a
girl. Sonny used
good taste in selecting
wife, however, from
she will probably eat off the
table the way we
do. I was just sorta
a little.
The last two or three
around here have
themselves ragged
their vacations; a
bnnch I
seen. Things are
to normal now.
So lcng.
Among Good Things In Life
Coke By The Carton
your pianos
sheet music at Chick
Company, Athens and Grif¬
fin, Ga., where your
buys the most. We have a
small, used pianos, and we
not charge any interest
time contracts.
SALE — One kitchen
net. — Mrs. W. H.
Rising Fawn, Georgia.
to rent, a large
horse crop with 4 or 5
house, electricity, water,
pasture, on school bus
on Sand Mountain,
distance of Magby Gap
of Christ. Reference if
ed. Mrs. George Lawson. Rt.
3 t p — 9-6
SWAP, practically new
Comfort range for cow.
George Lawson, Trenton, Rt.
3 t p — 9-6
like to increase your
income $20 to $25 or
during your spare time
ling Rawleigh Products
consumers in Dade
Write Rawlaigh’s
ment GAH-10-247,
3 t — 8-16
YOU can a.gain enjoy your ra¬
dio, Church sermon; the
laughter of friends and family
with an Otarion Hearing Aid.
Free hearing test by our con-
sultants. Batteries for
makes. Convenent terms.
Mill Crossing Fort Payne, Ala.
Chrropractor & Physiotherist
L0ST _ Wire-Haired
type male dog, brown
white Reward for return
information as to what be-
came of him. — F. J. Horn,
p. O. Box 226, Trenton, Sand
Mountain Road.
t p — 8-23
Community News
The Rob Allisons entertained
with a barbecue at their home
in New England on Wednesday
night, August 15.
These who attended were:
The Hardy Price family, Joe
and Allison Blevins families,
and the W. G. Morrison, Jr.,
Chicken and pork was bar-
becued. Everyone enjoyed a
nice evening.
Mrs. C. M. Smith underwent
an operation at Campbell Cli-
nic in Cha tanooga, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and
children, of Memphis, Tenn.,
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Brasfield.
Mrs. Bobby Mitchum and
baby, of Camp Belvoir, Va., are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Man-
cil Forshee,, Sunday, were:Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Bruce and
family, of Tiftonia; Mr. and
Mrs. Justin Thomas and family
and Mr. and Mrs. John Hog-
Mrs. Delilah Wheeler and
children and Barbara Hill, of
Trenton, spent Wednesday with
Mrs. Thelma Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hale
and Mrs. Annie Parker, of
Chattanooga, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn, Sun¬
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hibbs and
children of New England, and
Mrs. Millard Durham and chil¬
dren. of Wildwood, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Grady Bell, Sunday.
The revival at Hooker Meth¬
odist Church conducted by Rev.
John Watkins, of Mascot, Tenn.,
will continue through this
Several children of this com¬
munity are attending Vacation
Bible School at Wildwood this
Mr. Milton Lyle visited rel¬
atives here Tuesday night.
Beulah Sue Ballard is a guest
of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, at
Miss Elzada Tittle visited
Rev. and Mrs. Bob Smith, at
Cleveland, Tenn.,, Sunday.
A series of Gospel Services at
the Church of Christ at Hooker
Ga., will begin August 26 at 8
p. m., with John T. Smithson,
Minister for the Central Church
of Christ in Chattanooga, do¬
ing the preaching. A hearty and
generous welcome is extended
to everyone to be sure to attend
these services.
Joe N. Mayhew will fill his
regular appointment Sunday
morning at eleven and will be
the speaker for the evening
service at eight.
Charles Kirk is home from the
Great Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. James Todd vi¬
sited relatives in Cookeville,
Tenn., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMa¬
han, Mrs. Cecil McMahan, and
Miss Patsy Lassiter visited the
Dick Morgans in Johnson’s
Crook, Sunday afternoon.
A Revival is in progress at
the Baptist Church.
The Wilson brothers, Milt,
Walter and Ben, with their fa¬
milies, enjoyed a reunion Sa¬
turday evening. About twenty
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McMa¬
han and family also enjoyed a
get-together Sunday. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie Sizemore Arthur and Mar¬
guerite; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sizemore and children; Mr.
and Mrs. Whitt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Hale and Mrs. Edith Wool-
bright, of Trenton.
A li tie excitement down Clo-
verdale way was caused when
little James Forester, son of
The Harold Foresters, ate lye
soap. He was rushed to Dr. Mid
dleton’s office and is now get-
.ing along all right. He didn’t
swallow enough to hurt him,
| but he has a mighty sore
j tongue. Mrs. L. M. Allison, Kakie
j Fricks, Helen Forester, Jo Ann
Steele, Ray Bobo and Don Ke-
' nimer are attending the State
4-H Council Meeting in Milled-
geville this week.
Mrs. Warner Pierson was hos-
ess ^ the w . S. C. S. at her
h ome Thursday night.
j WE estate SELL notes mortgage and automobile notes, real
bill of sale notes.
The revival at Hooker is be¬
ing at'.ended by several from
this community.
On Monday night a picnic
supper was served at the Park
site. More clearing was done by
the men and the brush burned.
A temporary table was erected
for serving the eats. About 35
were present,
The first Saturday in Sep-
tember (Sept. 1) is the day for
the annual working at the
Bethlehem Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dugan
and family were guest of Mrs.
Hassell Killian and family, at
Fiintville, Sunday.
Mr. Frank Waddell is ill at
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reeves,
Judy and Brenda, Mrs. E. F.
Moore .Jchnny and Ronny Gra
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Pat-
terson, and Connie, went to
Warner Park for a picnic Sa-
turday night. Johnny and Ron
rue returned to their home in
Daisy on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moore en¬
tertained with a family dinner
at their home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Armon Hayes,
from Detroit, Mich., are visit¬
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B Sanders, and her sister, Mrs.
Elmer Burns, and Mr. Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes will go to
Huntsville, to visit his family
before returning to Detroit.
Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Durham had as their
guest a large number of rel¬
atives and friends for a reunion
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Street
visited friends and relatives
here, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lawson,
Charles Johnson, Mrs.
Johnson and sons, were the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Lawson and family, in Chatta-
n:oga, Sunday.
Miss Cynthia Moore, with
sister, Helen, whom she was vi¬
siting last week at
attended an All Night
at Atlanta, Saturday night.
Mrs. John Patterson
Nancy spent the week end
relatives at Whitwell.
We are proud to see some of
our Korean Veterans heme.
Sgts. Bill and Ernest (Corky)
Logan are here on leave visit¬
ing their parents, Mr. and
iohn Logan; Carroll Moore
home from the Navy visiting
his wife and baby, and Neal
Gray, a Navy veteran is spend¬
ing a few days with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray. The
Logan brothers spent about
nine or ten months with the
Infantry in Korea.
We have been seeing Shorty
Bradford driving a new Dodge
car around the last few days.
Miss Lola Moore, of
Ridge, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Moore have been
ing Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adkins
and child, from Ohio, are
spending their vacation with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.
C. Adkins and Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. McCauley.
Mr. W. B. Logan and son
Bobby, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. John Logan and family,
Sunday night. Bcbby is in the
Army in California.
Mrs. Shirley Whaley and chil¬
dren have been visiting in
Jacksonville, Fla. Her sister,
Mrs. Sybil McGuffey Ward ac¬
companied them home.
Looks like we may have to do
some detouring on our way to
Trenton from here, as the
mountain road is under con¬
On my way to Trenton I saw
a bulldozer lying on its side in
the ditch in the cut at the top
of Lookout. The dozer was be¬
ing used on top of the cliff to
push loose dirt and rocks over
the cliff so the men using the
air drills could drill holes to
shoot the bluff down. A pin
came out of the clutch as the
dozer was near the cliff and
the operator had to leave his
machine. We don’t blame a man
for that. Riding a bulldozer
over a fifty foot cliff would be
bad business.
We are very proud to learn
Raymond Castleberry is home
from the hospital where he has
been for a few weeks. Also their
son, Ray, has been enjoying be¬
ing at home for a few days.
Bill Cureton Jr„ spent a few
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Cureton.
Mrs. R. S. Blevins is
trying to fill her deepfreeze
with chicken, rabbits, fruits
and vegetables.
As for myself I’m enjoying my
new back porch along with
other remodeling on our home.
We are glad to have ALex,
Ellen and Fannie Stewart move
in our neighborhood.
Folks, God has blessed us
with good health, good friends,
etc. so let’s lay aside everything
that would hinder, and attend
the Revival at the Baptist
Church at Rising Fawn, Rev. J.
C. Nelson, pastor, with Rev.
William Steele preaching and
try to help and be helped. Since
1 writing these notes, I’ve learned
'rea d-v Fischer’s death in Ko-
a son of Mr and Mrs. Ho-
race Fischer
j As a community in general
we W ish to extend our most
j heart f e l£ sympathy.
God is our refuge and strength,
a ver y present help in trouble,
—Psalm 46:1.
Reporter Mrs. C. T. Payne,
Can p afford one?
Complete Coverage On Fire,
Accident and Auto Insurance
Times Building Trenton, Ga.
Laurens County
Riches from the
Soil and Forests
Second largest county in Georgia, Laurens ranks next to
Burke as a cotton producer and is now busily diversifying
its sources of income . . . cattle and hog raising, peanuts,
com, used sweet high-grade potatoes, turpentine, pulpwood, and lumber
in cabinet work. A new woolen mill, a toy
furniture factory, the lumber processing business, two
livestock commission houses and a packing plant make
the county seat of Dublin a prosperous industrial center.
In this and other Georgia counties, the United States
Brewers Foundation works constantly to maintain whole¬
some conditions where beer and ale are sold. Close attention
is given areas near camps of the Armed Forces, and both
military officials and Georgia law enforcement officers
have commended the Foundation’s self-regulation pro¬
gram. Retailer educational meetings offer sound sugges¬
tions for continued operation in the community’s interest.
United Stales Brewers Foundation Georgia Division, Atlanta, Go.
Lv C,'
The beverage of moderation
f 0
START NOW . . . .
Organize Your Report of Progress
Be wise! Start now to get your Report in shape.
Give it the careful thought, the complete detail, the
attractive set-up it so justly deserves. Don’t wait
until deadline — get busy NOW!
How your skin looks is very
important if you want to stay
young and lovely looking. You
needn’t put up with dull, dry
skin when one of our facials
will bring back its smoothness
and beauty. Call today for an
early appointment.
Eloise Beauty Salon
Next door to Trenton Baptist