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MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON Owner am! Publto-hot
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Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like
charged at 50c and up for one insert: t. payable tr. advance
Advertising rates will be furnished on application
Locals and Personals
Mr. Jerry Pace has been ill
the past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A Sarrell
have moved into the Milt Case
house here from Lookou; Mt.
Veteran’s Service Representa¬
tives, Griffin, was in Trent n
MLss Ellen Morrison is driving
a new black Plymouth which
she purchased last week.
Another new car owner is
Mrs. Jimmy T Wils n, who has
purchased a Plymouth.
Wrodrow Tinker who we were
accusing of shirking his duty in
the barber shop Monday, was
home hauling hay.
The weather has been warm¬
er the past few days. The coun¬
ty had quite a downpour Sa¬
turday afternoon.
Noticed wielding a paint
brush in the post office Tues¬
day, was W. H. Brock, who just
can’t retire and take it easy.
The James Milton Rogers,
with his mother, Mrs. Mary Ro¬
gers, are spending the week in
Latest rumors are that
County and Rising Fawn will
play their playoff game at En¬
gel Stadium Sunday week.
Is now living in Birmingham,
iis now living in Birmingham,
is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
W. A. Scruggs.
Rev. George Wilson Elliott
was guest speaker at the Sun¬
day Church Services of the
Trenton Methodist Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ander¬
son and baby will arrive next
week for a visit with Mrs. An¬
derson’s aunt and uncle, the A.
L. Dyers.
Mrs. Pat Wheeler entertained
daughter Patricia's Sunday
School Class with a wiener
'roast Saturday night at her
Mr. T. S. Renfroe has return¬
ed from a fishing trip to Pana¬
ma City, Fla., which was also
attended by twenty-five other
local and district managers of
the Georgia Power Company.
Guests of Mr., and Mrs. E. R.
Brandon during the week end
were Dennis Brandon, who Is
stationed at Campbell, Ky.;
Mrs. Brandon’s sisters, Mrs.
Millie Jackson and Mrs. Opal
Cooper and Mr. Cooper.
Pfc. Robert S. Renfroe will
leave Saturday for Camp Stone-
man, Cal., where he will spend
a m*nth taking shots and in¬
fantry training before going to
Japan. He has visited his fami¬
ly the past three weeks.
Two nice ears of corn were
being displayed Monday by
Instructor Bill Pullen who had
just returned from C. L. Ivey's
corn patch on Sand Mountain.
He was accompanied on his
rounds by Veteran’s Represen¬
tative Johnson, of Atlanta.
The Methodist Church enter¬
tained Rev. and Mrs. Allen T.
Newby and Caroline with a
farewell party at the Church
Wednesday night. The Newbys
will move Wednesday to Lock-
wood Drive in Stuart Heights,
where Rev. Newby will be pas¬
Thanks to the many friends
and neighbors who sent me so
many nice birthday greetings. I
want to say that I really ap¬
preciate the thoughfulness you
people have shown.
Thanks again.
Cpl. Billy Joe Bradford,
Co. L, 8th Infantry
A P. O. 39 r r P O
New York, N. Y.
The Dade County P.T.A. will
meet Thursday, Sep’.ember
at 8:00 P. M , at the Dade
Don’t miss this i m p o r t a n
There will be a Revival at the
Trenton Baptist Church
Sunday, September 30, at 7:30
P. M. Rev. Luther Hixon,
the High Point Church, will
bring the message. Everyone is
cordially invited.
Caught In Passing
I: seems the Sand Mountain
read is really going to be built
his time Not only have the
stakes been driven, as they
have so many times before,
we see they have cleared s;me
of the right of way. The same
company’ won he contract as
is repairing the Lookout Moun-
:a j n R 0 ad, so maybe when that
is finished work will really start
in earnest on the Sand Moun¬
tain road.
The gap at the top of Lock¬
out Mountain seems to be ge -
ting wider and wider as the
rock bank is blasted out. The
failing rock at times cover the
road bed closing the road but
we understand the old Sitton
Mill road has been made pass¬
able in dry weather. This is the
old dirt road which ccmes off
the mountain beyond \Pete
Round ree’s place and joins the
paved road at the large horse
shoe curve. Better not try it in
a car until you ask someone
To you who have boys in the
service; it would be a help and
save lo[s of ,ime if - when there
is illness in the family and you
are going to want to try to get
your b:y home, you would stop
by or send someone by the Red
Cross office in the newspaper
office with the information and
who the doctor is. When we re¬
ceive a telegram it takes time
for us to find out where you
are to find out who the doctor
is so that we may verify the
This week, for the first time
in some weeks, we had some
ourists step by the office ask¬
ing for some information on
the ‘State of Dade.” All we had
to give them were the reprints
we had made from the July 4,
1945 issue of The Dade County
TIMES. When are we going to
get some circulars or something
which we can give tourists to
tell them about our county?
We see men with a gun across
their knees sitting on the Look¬
out Creek bridge gazing down
the water below. Shooting
is against the law but each
we seem to have some of¬
We saw one school bus go by
afternoon with the
open and children stand¬
down on the step and yell¬
and acting up. The bus was
overloaded, indeed it did
even appear to be full. This
Is extremely dangerous
should not be allowed.
Soil Conservation
Hugh Clark
The expanding cattle and hog
population’in Dade County has
increased the need for more
available stock water. This sum
mer several farmers have built
stock ponds.
Generally, the ponds built
with a bulldozer and without
pipe drains have cost from $50
to $300, depending upon the
pond site and the size and
depth of the pond.
J, D. Pike and W. E. Pike on
Sand Mountain, had ponds
built on their farms last week
The deepest pond depth for
each when full will be 8 or9 ft.
and will cover from Vg to 3 4
Other farmers on Sand
Mt. who have built smaller
ponds this summer are: James
Lancaster J. C. Justice, L. S
Summerford and others.
Burkett Miller on Lookout Mt.
has constructed a very nice
stock and fish pond. The pond
surface will be approximtely
1 acre and the deepest water
will be 12 to 14 f . An 8 inch
cast iron drain and riser was
installed to permit draining the
pond and to take care of the
natural spring flow after the
pond is filled. Most of the wa-
* er around the edges of the
pond will be at least 2 ft. deep
the banks were out down or
filled to give this depth.
Be sure to attend the Dadej
County Fair, Friday and Sa:ur
day, September 28 - 29
Mrs. W. G. Morrison
Sr.. Entertains
vs $ Tr
ft' .
.it-: T
,'CS two
ir.g A
Si.. each
ana after a tasty eal of
chicken. perk rib-, reamed
taloes, buttered pi 'V. “ ,
pickles cot:.icc cheese,
bread, home made rolls,
^ a. coffee and milk,
were served home-made
pit ■ topitd , .. ... a... ... •■..... , ..... . ...... .,.
After much eating and a
ame of iti. A--.*,..... , -n
rder .
meeting was called to
fv* 1
Th.> Is My Father’s Ea .i . * World” -
was used for the opening
The Spore arv and Treas
gave gave their tneir monthly repo rtpui
Pres . Mrs. H F. Alllson ;
most interesting report on
Seminar she a tended
in Chattanooga. She urged
program committee to use
rious materials to enlarc ■
their monthly programs
suggested were visual
worship centers,
Woman,” “World Ou look
the Methodist Hymnal.
We voted to have a
sometime b e f c re
and to begin our sale of
mas Cards at once.
The Socie y presented
Newby a lovely piece of
for her going away present.
Mrs. Irby was appointed
serve as Chairman of Status
Women in the absence of Mrs
W. H. Brock. Mrs. Dyer
appointed to serve with Mrs
Gross in visiting every
member of ous Church by
nuary 1st to try to
them in joining the W. S. C. S
or W. S. G.
Mrs. Nethery opened the
ship service with a
reading and a prayer.
theme for our program
next year is “The Earth Is
Lord’s.” Mrs. W. C. Cure.on
the program with Mesdames
L. Dyer, W. I. Price and G.
Tatum taking part in the
cussion. The benediction
pronounced by Mrs. Newby.
Those present were
dames H. F. Allison, J. E. Ne-
thery, W, C. Cureton, W. H.
S. E. Sells, W. L. Wilker-
son, W. I. Price, Irby,
C. Tatum, A. L. Dyer, Frank
A. T. Newby and the
Most of us, especially
to whom Home Economics
new. think of this unit as
teaching the students how
and sew. To To us, us, this this unit unit
of the , most . , f
in the hiph school
It teaches us many more
besides cooking and sew-
It includes sucli units as
Nursing, Crafts,
and Etiquette, Personal
Home Furnishings, Nu¬
trition, Cooking, Family Rela¬
tionship, Child Care,
and other interesting things.We
plan to enter something
each unit in the Fair.
Soon we’ll be having the
mal arid informal initiation
the new iriembers. We are
continue \he
and the sending of packages
our German pen-pals, attend
the Spring district meeting,
we also hope to have a
date for a district officer
year. Too numerous to
are the things we hope to do.
We would like to tell
the elec.ion of officers of
Dade High F. H. A. Chapter
this year. They were elected
follows: President, Janie
ford; Vice President,
Fricks; Secretary. Bessie Steele:
Treasurer, Faye Wheeler;
liamentarian, Jo Ann Steele;
Historian, Bernadine Moore:
prigram Chairman. Faye
ner; Reporter. Christine
Recreational Chairman,
Hartline, and Head of the
freshment Committee,
To make our chapter
these officers plus all
members of the F. H. A. are
ing to have to work together.
The dates of the
haven’t been anntunced
those and the election of
chapter mother and father
be planned soon.
Your F H. A.,
Christine Sims
Accidents Reported
In Dade County
Burin® The Week
A 1949 Ford, from
County, Tenn , ran under
of Mr.
Fi rd pick-up truck
o-t’-ht, between New
and Morganville.
The ftont end of the
was smashed up pretty bad.
car rammed ihe back end
the truck so hard that the
ter of of the truck was
against the radia or.
Ereedlcve pulled the car in
ih-.: Vvitliam wrecker.
Saturday night, abou
a car vwith an Alabama
driven by Mr - John Pox - of
hnsville, Ala., crashed into
plvmouth ’■ m r belcnein belonging „ to to
soldi- r, Charles Bryant,
- . countv The fr nt le
u ‘ ( county, the ir„n.
Wheel of Mr ’ Fox ’ s car
’knocked off with a
fpndpr lcncLr - Mr - H Bryants i, ,
, was smaihed up
cars were pulled to .he
Motor Co. by Breedlove.
a ° ed in Judge , , p Pecks
flc C “ u:t for driving
d r UI “', Tnf’T, ^ 7 m S
and an 1° clays m jad, -
11 Jail lf he 15
to pay the $50.
‘ Mrs, Fannie Walraven, 57.
Sulphur Springs, passed
Sunday morning, September
1951 following an illness of
iveral months,
j She was born in
( county, Tennessee, but
lived in Sulphur Springs
muni y for the last 30 years.
Jshe long as her health
was an active church
and a member of the
phur Springs Memorial
Survivors are her
[E. E. Walraven; a sister,
Mammie Kilg re, of
Pittsburgh, Tenn.; a
w. G. Ramsey, of Jasper,,
nessee; a brother-in-law,
Funeral services were
Tuesday morning at the
phur Springs,Memorial
church wi h Rev. Claude
ei > t r ?v j ess Workman and
j William Steele officiating.
Pallbearers were
Chadwick, Ernest Chadwick,
D Henderson, Abbott, R.
Hatfield, and Clark Byers,
interment was in ihe
Springs Cemetery with
Funeral Home in charge.
can a*ain enjoy your ra
d.o C h u re h sermon;
la ught er of friends and
with an Otarion Hearing
^ htarl „ s (M , QUr Mn
suitants. Batteries for
makes. Convenient terms.
^jm Crossing Fort Payne, Ala.
chiropractor & Physiotherist
NEW—2 Ton DODGE TRUCK, Two Speed Axle
1950—1,2 Ton DODGE PICK UP
1950— j /2 Ton CHEVROLET FICK-UP De Luxe Cab
1939.......i, Ton CHEVROLET PICK-UP
1949—li 2 Ton CHEVROLET Cab and Chassis
1946— 1' » Ton CHEVROLET
1940— 11 o Ton FORD. 2 Speed Axle
1941 FORD COUPE, Radio and Heater
1941— FORD. 2 Door Sedan
Qt//U/rV sciecno A-of.. dresion e
c/ Quality
For I IOOI >
Month af er month,
in the county decides to
or knock out a partition o
ther improve his or her
quarters, so Dade is
0 n an improvement
which is hard to s op.
The Methodist Parsonage
Rising Fawn has been
jng extensive repairs the
few weeks. A lovely new
floor has been laid
the house, while all
was painted ivory and
r ocm papered. A bathroom is
n -w feature of the
which will boast
bathroom and ki chen
curtains by Mrs. Bill
Gen.ral “cverteer” of remcdel-
j n g was Mi?s May Cureton
' has worked tirelessly with the
a Building ^ Commit ee which wnicn is is
composed of Mrs. R. P.
TY M rs Homer ,? Hall H and and M Mrs S
Campbell u Thomas. New furni-
ture will be moved in this week
in m order''to ordcr t0 have hove the the house hrmce
r£a dy for ,he new pastor, Rev.
and Mrs. Joe Baker and family
M and and Mrs Mrs - Vardie Vardle Castle Castle-
berry have cu an archway be .
tween the dining and living
V ° mS l ° make the tW ° r °° mS
more uni fi e d. Making another
,switch in room arrangement
are he Homer Halls, also of
Rising Fawn, who are planning
on changing their living, dining
rooms and kitchen from the
north side of the house to the
: south side. The Halls have also
: cample 1 ed a new bathroom,
Over in Deer Head Cove, Mr.
and Mrs, W. R. Austin have
screened in their porch and
have plans for installing as-
phalt tile on the concrete floor.
The roof of the Graham Hale
home has a new coa. of paint
and the house will soon receive
a reviving paint job also.
The Dyer M:tor Company, in
Trenton, is adding a new block
wing on the north side of the
Johnson’s Crook residents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Guinn, now
have two new comfortable
porches and a cedar-lined
closet. The moths will have
,hard time getting to clothing
! the Guinn heme.
A New Salem school, the
venee.r work has been
and a heating system
which will burn either wood
Davis High School also has a
Morrison Hardware
{ i * & Supply Co.
£ f
Trenton Georgia
Dade County was defeated in
their second game of the City
Series by Engineers, 8 to 5.
Manager Jim Geddie said
Dade County entered the ninth
inning, leading 5 to 4, but los..
the game :n loose infielding.
The Engineers ran 4 runs on 2
Roy McMahan really had his
eyes on the ball at bat and on
the field. Roy hit 2 triples and
singles for 4 times at bat.
Herman McMahan hit a home
run and a double. Bill Presley
played outs anding ball in the
Dade County got 12 hits, 5
runs while Engineers hit 12 and
ran S.
Don’t forget, fans of Dade
County, the hottest game of the
seastn is yet to be played in
Dade County, between the Dade
County team and Rising Fawn
for the Lookout Valley League
heating system and several new
classrooms. An athletic field is
being cleared with the veterans’
classes and various volunteers
dcing the work.
No matter what your face
type... no matter whether your
hair is long or short... our
skilled operators will create a
hair style most becoming to
y:ur personality—a style to
bring out a lovelier you. Call us
today for an appointment.
Eloise Beauty Salon
Next door to Trenton Baptist