Newspaper Page Text
The Dade County Times Entered
at the Post Office at Trenton,
Georgia, as second class mail.
Mrs. Catherine C. Morrison
Subscription Rates
One Year 52.00
Plus State 3D Sales Tax.
Locals and Personals
Alfred (Hawk) Moore who is
in Germany, Is home
on a 30 day furlough.
Don Gross in the Air Force
stationed in Washington, D. C.
was home on a three day pass,
A new subscription this week
was for Sheriff John W. Lynch,
Tallahassee, Fiorida.
Bernice Christopher is ill in
Clinic. She hopes to
be home Friday.
Jimmie Tom Wilson has sold
his garage business to Mr. A
L. Dyer and is now in Florida.
Mrs. James Morrison was
to a Plastics Party at
home Tu( sday night.
Cpl. Sidney Womack has re¬
turned to Camp Polk, La , after
a 14-day furlough
Misses Kathryn Fricks and
Morrison and Jiles Dean
Kathleen Morrison at
College last Saturday
Pfc. Eddie Pace visited his
Mrs. Ed Pace, over the
end. Bud Tatum was an¬
serviceman home for Sat¬
and Sunday.
The baby daughter of the
Scruggs remains ill* in a
hospital. She con¬
a chest infection while
Mrs. Smith, of Wildwood, left
of the most beautiful and
dahlias seen in the
in the Georgia Power
Tuesday. One white bloom
as large as a dinner plate.
Mr. Otis Foster returned to
home in Trenton, Thurs¬
Mrs. Fester went to the
and returned with
Mr. Foster is still confined
his bed.
Sgt. Russell Holland was
to S/Sgt., October 15.
is a son of Mr. and, Mrs.
Holland and stationed
Hunter Air Force Base, Sa¬
Col. and Mrs. Douglas Mor¬
were in Athens, Georgia,
the week end where Mrs
attended a State
Press meeting and Sat¬
afternoon they attended
University cf Georgia-Bos-
College football game.
Three stills were raided Sun-
by Deputies Mitchell ... and ,
and two State alcohol
unit oflicers.
One still was in oinsons ,
where two 55 gallon pots
found and confiscated.
other two stills were on the
end cf Sand Mountain. *
was a 400 gallon outfit and
other a 500 gallon one. As
as can be assertained. no
was found nor was any
brough t
The Extension Office in
was pleased to be hosts to
visiting County Agents last
Fred Geisler from
Minn., and Ross Hunt-
from Worthington, Minn.
on County Agent Adams
discuss and see Dade’s agri-
These two men were on a trip
the TV A area prior to
the National Associa¬
of County Agents’ meeting
Memphis. They were inter¬
in the type of agricultu¬
program we had and how
TV A tied in with it. They
particularly interested in
pasture program as their
is dessert, dry land.
The Avans Home Demonstra¬
Club will meet Friday
of this week at the home
Mrs. H. H Bodenhamer.
Slides will be shown on cur in- -1
pork. The husbands are
as this will be of interest
those who cure pork Hope;
members will " ■ be present. ‘ 1
Mrs. H H Bodenhamer,
For the convenience of those
wish to send telegrams, the
Union has given
Restaurant and Drug
authority to receive and
telegrams through the
office by tele-
*idtoconUnued 252
Mr. and Mrs. Luther West
have given the name
Richard to their baby boy, born
October 24, at Parkview
I Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas
visited relatives in
ga ever the week end.
Mrs. Jennie Martin of
ton, visited her daughter,
H. J. Barton and Mr. Barton
this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Thompson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Shelly
Summerford, Monday,
Mrs. Grace Dodd is leaving
this week for Davenport, Flo¬
rida, to reside for the winter.
Mrs. Eliza Michaels has rent¬
| ed her farm to Mr. and Mrs.
|Coffee, from Ider Ala. They will
occupy their home Nov. 1
Mrs. Mary Elliot celebrated
her 76th birthday Sunday, Oc¬
tober 28th with 35 relatives and
friends present at her home for
the birthday dinner. She also
received several nice presents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Meeks are
very busy with their new house
which is beginning to get un¬
derway very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson
announce the birth of a son.
Mr. W. E. Pike will be greatly
missed in our community. He
was always in the front leading
in new improvements on the
farm. In loosing him we have
lost a good leader, neighbor and
friend. He was always ready to
help everyone who was in need
and often deprived himself of
things to help others.
Improvements noted
The Elijah Elliots are instal¬
ling a new bath in their home.
The D. P. Hoods are installing
a water system and bath.
The H. H. Bodenhamers are
adding a new modern kitchen.
The J. D. Pikes have added a
large fish pond to their farm.
Mrs. W. E. Pike has a new
pond on her farm. This is one
of Mr. Pike’s last projects.
Misses May and Bess Cureton
were dinner guests of Rev. an,d
Mrs. Allen Newby and Caroline
in Stuart Heights Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heatherly
and daughters visited her pa¬
rents, the Russ Smiths, over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Rum-
ley have a new baby girl born
September 13th ghe has been ,
named Beverly Gale Mrs Rum _
ley is the former Beatrice Wil-
bams gbe and h er husband
maki ° their homf , in R[s .
ing Fawn
Mrs Donnie McMahan wa6 m
ovpr the week end
Rey Baker will preach at the
n 0>dock hour gunday at the
pawn Methodist church,
j s } 11V ited to come and
the fellowship and gain
with God’s word. ’
Mas Kathryn Fricks , v B i .. ed j i
a former classmate, Miss Kath-
Morrison, at Maryville Col¬
Mr and Mns. Hershel Dean
and daughter. Gall, are in Ar-
Kansas, where they are visiting
Deans father,
Misses Carol Kenimer and
Kenimer visited
friends and relatives over the
end. They are students at
the University of Georgia
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin vi¬
friends at Flat Rock, Sun¬
day afternoon.
Messers. Warner Pierson, Jim
Todd, Sonny McMahan and
Luther Allison took part in the
killing of the seasons first hog
Saturday. Mr. Pierson was the
owner of the animal which had
grown to be a pet and now : rests
in state in the family food
Mr. S. W. Woodin was honor-
ed a t Sunday School by those
present, who sang “Happy
Birthday” on the occasion of
bis 78th birthday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fannin
spent ... the week . end , with ... rela- , i
tlves in Ashland, Ala. i
t, . J T „ E. M,ckler , , ... ^clr,v-
L. The !LSf. condition of Mr. W? D J. ,° g D. / I
Gossett is improved. He remains
at the home of his son in Jas¬
per, Tenn.
Mrs. Bill Tatum and little
daughter, Pamela, were the
guests of Mrs. Ray Smith last
Nelson Truelove has bought
about five acres of land on the
.side of the stream by the
Improvement Column
On the judges’ tour of the
Slygo Community last
day many improvements were
shown and others pointed out.
Cole home. Here the registered
short horn bull and a ®
ed , , hog were shown, , also , the fall . ,,
interesting in that one wing is
the original old log cabin home.
The living room contains a
small reed bottom chair used by
children in slave days. The liv¬
ing room had been painted and
new rugj and pictures added.
The kitchen had been moder¬
nized. Fr^m walnut grown on
the place, kitchen cabinets had
been made and the sink had
been built in with more of this
beautiful walnut.
As the Earl Cole place was
passed the permanent pastures,
turkeys, new turkey house, new
roof of chicken house and fall
gardening were pointed out and
the canning Mrs. Cole had done
told about. .
A stop at the Leon Moore home
showed a new retaining wall
and inside a new r oil heater had
been installed. Kitchen im¬
provements included small ca¬
binets added over windows
which lighted a double sink en¬
cased with cabinets and coun¬
ter space running on either
The Vernon Cureton’s new
home was pointed out and as
Carl Waddell home w r as passed
the judges were told of the
beautiful woodwork, chimney
and fireplace added — also a
new kitchen and water pump.
A stop was made at the Slygo
Valley Grocery Store where Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Burns, whose
home is behind the store on a
small hill was told about. A new
driveway had been made, new
paint had been put on the home
which 'they had built them¬
selves. landscaping done in the
yard and his let sow'ed in clover
As the judges passed, the new
furniture in the Raymond
Waddell home was told about
and the new closet and cedar
chest in Mrs. Grace Patterson’s
A stop was made at the B. F.
Moore’s where the judges went
to see their chickens, cattle,
new pastures and their fields of
wheat, corn and oats. They
have installed running water in
the home and added a new
The group stopped at the new
Community Park. This is a
beautiful spot on the top of a
hill and a sign hangs which can
be seen for some distance in
either direction. While admir¬
ing the view, the judges were
^ d of be . improvements on the
Edgar Moore --- ---- place which in¬ —
cluded land sowed in red clo¬
ver, hogs raised for fattening, a
late garden and turnip patch,
and their flower garden with
notice to the dahlias.
Their son is a 4-H Club mem¬
At the L. H. Street place a
field has been cleared and sow-
anothcr lot dlsced (or plow _
ing, two hogs are fattening, a
new roof has been put on the
shed and Mrs. Street has
300 quarts of canned food on
her pantry shelves.
Improvements at Miss Pearl
Street’ included 7 additional
acres this year sowed in pas¬
tures and 12 more acres in per¬
manent pastures, the orchard
and sowed for chicken pasture,
a fall garden and as yet the in¬
complete pond.
The Martin Street house had
had new underpinning and new
steps. They had sowed grass in
their yard and had a winter
Lespedeza sowed was pointed
out on the Slaughter place.
At the Dan Massenagle place,
the judges went to the barn to
see his dairy heifers and pas¬
tures put in this year. They
were told of the new concrete
basement in the home, the new
bedroom cedar closets and new
linens added.
A lengthy tour was taken at
he Roland Kirchmeyer’s where
th jud ® saw his corn high
gear and potatoes, , . , his . chickens, . . .
ducb and „ at _
tie. They were told of Mrs.
Kirchmeyer’s canning and that
their sen is a 4-H member and
a wanner at the County Fair.
The next stop was at the Al¬
vin Reeves’ where work done on
the filling in of the gullies in
front of their home was point¬
ed out. The Reeves have added
a basement and a new pump
house and have running water
in the house. There is a new r
double sink in the kitchen w’ith
cabinets around it and small
cabinets overhead. We caught
glimpse in passing of a
flower arrangement cn the
ning room tal!>le - In a
flat china bowl - s P ri i? s of
were gracefully placed and
; aatumn red dahlias were at
bottom front of the
The Lawrence Dugan’s
;the „ next „ , to . last , . stop. , Here „
corating. This house was an
log house and much work
needed to modernize it.
floors had all to be
and sanded and the
wood polished. The living
with a very low ceiling was in
bright dark blue with
woodwork, very startling
krpt you from being
of the low ceiling The
was in a green and white
which gave a feeling of
and calmness. The Dugans
refinished some of their
ture and left the judges a
of the original wood to
what it had looked like to
with. A pump and running
ter had been added this
Outside the flowers and
bery about the yard were
tractively placed and across
road purple-blue wild
glories were nodding in a
Before ending the tour,
new barn, new pastures,
smoke house and hogs of
D;c Lawsons were pointed
and the improvements in
were enumerated.
At the Harold Dugans, a
pasture was pointed out and
were told of the
inside, new kitchen sink and
canning. Their son, Herschel,
a 4-H member and a
prize winner
The F. A. Pattersons had
siding on their home,
a stove and frigidaire
poultry was pointed out.
At the W. H. Dugans, a
wall had been built, the
a new pasture
a fall garden o ludges ______ was _____ j
As the did not
Mr. Dugan had put on
some of the wood
a lamp and a table,
White' does
face cattle were
the Bill Hughes.
At the John Cureton’s a
yard and a new
were pointed out.
At the last stop, the Frank K.
werd still in the pro-
of improvements. They had
a new porch to their
put in running water and
a bathroom. They had
some new electrical
in the kitchen. Re-
of the living and din-
rooms and adding a furn-
were still going on.
Rising Fawn
The Rising Fawn Baptist
was the first stop on
judges tour of Rising Fawn.
did not get out but were
of the walls being plaster¬
and painted white and that
had been hung to make
classrooms in the
of the church until fold¬
doors could be gotten. These
will be so hung that the
can again be converted
1 — 1/2 Ton DODGE PICK-UP Standard Cab
1—1/ 2 Ton DODGE PICK-UP DeLuxe Cab
l_i/ 2 Ton DODGE PICK-UP Standard with Vent Wings
1—1949 F-8 FORD 3 Ton, Good Tires, Ready to go
1—1946 CHEVROLET l»/ 2 Ton, Motor Reconditioned
1—1940 FORD iy 2 Ton
1—1949 CHEVROLET li/ 2 Ton, Clean Good Condition
1—1951 % Ton DODGE EXPRESS, with guarantee
1—1950 V 2 Ton DODGE PICK-UP DeLuxe Cab, Heater
1—1950 1/2 Ton DODGE PICK-UP, Standard Cab
1—1941—PLYMOUTH COUPE, Reconditioned Motor
1—1941 FORD 2 Door SEDAN, Radio and Heater
1— 1942 FORD SEDAN, Good Condition
1938—PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan
2— 1940 CHEVROLET, 2 Door
(UMifTM m
a into one large room
Mr. R. C. Thomas’
and field were shown by
ing right down into them.
hogs and cattle were seen
the way in and out.
A visit was made to the
York’s where his pasture
cover crops were seen and
new porches, , new roof
The Community Park
shown and the view from
of j; be farms and its value
the community pointed out.
Mrs. Cecil McMahan’s
garden—and flower garden
were pointed out as they
At the Vardie Castleberrys,
group ma de an extensive
At the bottrm of the hill is
£pr j ng an d a stream. The
tleberrys have built a
house and installed a pump
that lt ts no longer
to carry water up the hill
the house. At the home in
basement were the jars of
ned food and a good pile
sweet potatoes. In the
wa , s a new sink and new
nets. Ab out four feet up
wa]1 between the kitchen
d j n i ng room had been cut cut
i eave an arched opening for
and easier serving. The
from the front porch
lovely. Here the group
to also see the improved or-
chard and the pastures,
The next stop was at the
Mahan farm also off the
road - Here was seen the
P^ture and hogs, the cattle
°fher improved pastures,
: ^ ue McMahan’s 4-H
and cattle were Pointed out
was the Dawkins truck farm.
** Le f Gearrins
—.ssed the judges were told
e electric pump installed,
modern kitchen, the new bath-
room and of the remodeling
The Smiths pasture, co-
ver crops and cattle
P° inted out and the
cover crops and eight acres
pine trees onthe Fox
road were P° lnted out -
1 The °- B - Allens ’ home ’ which
had built themselves, was
^ i i
r i
f i
^ i
^ <
| j <1
^ 4
i r 4
► <
^ 4
^ 4
► There'll be a change in the Weather 4
► In the not too distant future temperatures will drop 4
► and there’ll be a long line of cars for anti-freeze and 4
► other cold weather needs. Don’t let yourself get stuck in 4
this line, or worse yet, run the risk of serious damage to 4
► your your car. car. Then Come in soon won’t and have let us thing thoroughly to winterize about 4
► you a worry
when the weather turns colder. Your car will be prepared 4
► for the worst. 4
pointed out and the improve-
; ments made this year.
| stops were made to see Sam-
m i e Kenimer’s and Jackie Wil
, SO n’s pr ize chickens. Both were
4 - H winners at the County Fair
A stop was made at the J. L.
Fricks’ new home. Here was
shown the modern kitchen with
blue accents with flowered wall
paper and the modern bath-
Frick’s canning was also on
The Methodist parsonage was
the next stop. Here the judges
were told of how a chimney had
been removed and some taker*
off the size of two tooms to
make room for a bathroom be-
two bedrooms. A furnace
had been installed, the floors
redone, new furniture, the kit-
furnished even to a supply
0 f fcod on the pantry shelf
when the new pastor moved in.
a stop was made down in the
w. L. Fannin fields to show im-
proved pastures, a new barn
an d cattle.
Afc the Roy Wallens the group
W as shown some of the cabinet
work which Roy does. A beauti-
f u n y inlaid coffee table and
kitchen cabinets were particu-
i ar iy pointed out. Their new
pump house made of rockS) cat _
and new pond were shown,
Frozen food in a home freezer
was shown at the Cureton’s
Monday when the area judges
arrived, the reads were muddy
and it was difficu i t to show the
j f j e ] ds but Rising Fawn came
forth with more improvements
not shown before. The same
tour wai made with these ad¬
They showed the home
* freezer at the R. C. Thomas and
the papering done in the din¬
ing room and living room.
A stop was made at the W. N»
Pierson home to show the home
!f reezer> the completed bathroom
and the new rooms completed
on tbe sec0 nd floor.
A pastor’s Study which has
i been made f. ro m a class room
iin the Methodist church was
sh0 wn.
! A stop was made at the Luth-
er Allison’s to show a home
freezer in use.