Newspaper Page Text
IjTS EASY TO surprised GET APART how
You’d be easy
ilectrical appliances come
f L It’s the getting again
ack : o g e t h e r
h . rd No, when your
L-jser 'appliances breakdown safer to let it’s an
p>ri need repairman fix
r you. Don’t take
[rely on us.
Radio Electric Co.
Trenton, Ga, Phone
Mrs Virginia Smith,
Idian of Frances Maurine
mow Frances Maurine
[la;urn) having filed her
hu s' for letters of
J Ici'ed is to show cite all cause parties before
to said
1 court of Ordinary of
ftv I at the next the first term Monday thereof
be held on why said
[December, should 1951, not issue as
Iters A. W. Peck,
4 t — 11-29
ant, TO J. B. Bethune,
whose address is
You are hereby notified
the ab:ve captioned action
filed in the Superior Court
Dade County, Georgia, on
25th day of September, 1951,
the office of the Clerk of
Court, and by virtue of an
for service by oublication
was signed by the Judge of
Court on the 22nd day cf
Imanded [ber, 1951, you are hereby
to be and appear
[said [days of Court the within date of sixty said
Jon jf;r service by publication,
the 23rd day of
■ 1951. to answer in said
Witness the Honorable
■ man C. McClure. Judge of
■ Court, this the 23rd day of
■ tober, 1951.
Graham Hale
Clerk of Superior Court
Dade County,
4 t — 11 - 15.
FOR SALE — Brick
known as Dade Coumty
Building, and lot. See
C. Case, Trenton.
3 t p — 11 - 29
RENT — Lease up to 5 years
sen — Farm 160 acres
or less in north edge
Trenton, Ga.—W. D.
201 High St.,
Tenn., Phone 6-0276.
X t p — 11-29
FOR SALE—Pigis and
H. C. Bates, on Creek
Wildwood, Georgia.
|3 t p—11-22
stock and moving, see H.
(Raymond) Crabtree,
3 t p — li _ 22
FOR RENT—Two rooms,
ished, with private bath,
month. No children. Mrs.
N. Pierson, Rising Fawn.
L R SALE—New 4 room
w *th lights and water and
acres in nice orchards,
and grapes. — G. H.
Rising Fawn, Ga.
3t P — 11-15
; 66 acres on Sand Mountain
school and mail route.
running through farm.
house, running water
Heetric lights. 35 acres clear
e<1 > 5 acres in tame
balance in regular
3 m| Allis- Chalmers
Mith tocls. Also for sale,
Piano, refrigerator, table
stove. See H. F. Allison
' R Ringer, Trenton,
*0 t Ga.
p — 11-15
U VRD OF hearing?
lot can again enjoy
10 ' your ra
h u r c h sermon;
ai 'Citer of friends and
an Utarion Hearing
stants. JS hearing Batteries test by our
n for
r i' Convenient terms.
• 'i r ( Fort Payne,
"QPractor & Physiotherist
Improvement Column
Mr. and Mrs. John Hinton
have selected very practical and
attractive colors for their boys’
bedroom. Three walls have been
painted brown, while the ceil-
in- sumhin/yello'w The"w“h’
able bedspreads are a brown
and yellow plaid, which carry
out the color scheme very well,
An economical idea the Hin¬
tons found useful was to buy
an unfinished chest and paint
it to match the col:rs in the
room. Polished wood floors
^ complete the very durable
r00 m and bedroom for their
three boys.
Another Trenton couple, Mr.
and Mrs. DeWitt Williams, have
begun work on a two-car gar¬
age at the rear of their home
a small shed was torn down to
make room for the building
Mrs. E. A. Ellis found an at¬
tractive way to use two old
kerosene lamps in her living
room. They were electrified and
received lovely . hades but
bases of the new lamps were
1 improved by filling them
water which had been colored
with a light turqoise cake color¬
ing. The lamps now pick up the
turqoise accents in the wall¬
For some of you who have
wondered what the little build-
ing behind the Willis
home is used for any one
knows that Mrs. Gass is an ac-
complished dressmaker will
readily tell you that it is her
sewing room. Formerly a gar¬
age, Mrs. Gass converted it into
a sewing headquarters a
of years ago, but the idea is so
good it should be passed on.
Her sewing, machine, shelves of
patterns and dress goods make
a very handy work center. A
heater warms the room in win¬
A Miss Elliott in Rising
takes several white
tissues and makes a
around a bobby pin. She
eolers the tips with lipstick
the artificial blossom looks
much like a pink carnation.
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
ges, of Trenton, have added
lovely drum lamp table to
living room.
The old Ben Brock (now
property of Mrs. W. G. Morri¬
son, Sr.) home is getting a
green roof. “Col. and
Morrison have been doing
repair work.
The C. W. Buffington home
in South Trenton is really
attractive since the white as¬
phalt shingles have been
on and the blue roof.
The Methodist parsonage now
has new concrete walks,
to several community
] A working was held Monday
accomplish this new feature.
Of interest to their
friends in Dade County is
announcement by Mr. and
T. Archibald O'Neal, former
sidents of Trenton, that
daughter, Sara Elizabeth,
married recently to Mr. Clif¬
ford Herbert Dwinell, Captain
in the Air Force.
The ceremony took place Sat¬
urday, the twentieth of Octo¬
ber, in the First Methodist
Church of LaFayette, where the
O’Neals have made their home.
The newly-weds will be at
home after the fifteenth of No¬
vember at Kelly Air Force Base
in San Antonio, Texas, where
Capt, Dwinell is stationed. Their
Dade County acquaintances
send them best wishes for a
happy life together.
Stop Taking
Harsh Drugs for
End Chronic Dosing! Rogoln Normal
Regularity Thli AH-VegWaM. Wa)4
make you feel ia need of repeated dosing.
..’ST&TMSSSBS well's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup
Pepsin. It’s all-vegetable. No salts, no harsh
drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains anexuact
of Senna, oldest and one of the finest
natural laxatives known to medicine.
Dr- Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes
good, acts mildly, bongs thorough relief
comfortably. Helps you get regular, ends
chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach
sourness that constipation often brings.
S- VOS* Ji-tSt
/ > N.r.i8,N.v.
SENNA . . .. y A 1 , A A V X A A T I I IV V E c
Contained in pleaeanf-tatting Syrup Pepun
Yesterday is another
ful Sabbath day gone. Also
° thei ' memorial ArmLstlce
is gone. Our mind went
seme ^ying7 33 shouting years ago tears"" to all
heartaches on that
11. Even over the
mothers, wives and loved
that missed their own’s
rejoiced for the ones
theirs did return. We hope
pray another Armistice can
signed, one that will last
the loved ones of every heme
every nation can come home
We had a nice Sunday
and everybody seemed to be
terested and in a hurry to
Mr. and Mrs. Canova
dad as gues t s Sunday, her
t der and s^ter, Mrs.
and Miss Maybelle Cushen,
Brainerd, and Mr. and Mrs.
Jones, of Chattanooga.
our quilting was
j as t week as our h. D. Club
on that day.
Mrs. Will Bradford and
John B. Harrison were
ping in Chattanooga
The ladies of the W. S. C.
met at Mrs. Jim Reeves’
ber 8 wit h 6 members. We
Baker and family with
; we sang “I Love To Tell
story’ and prayer by
Baker. Then the minutes
read and the business
treasurer’s report. Mrs.
favored us with a special
“Father Of All Mankind.”
Baker put two propositions
fore us. First, having one W.
C. S. for the circuit and
community having its own
cle meetings except one
ing of the entire W. S. C.
each quarter or whenever
work out for that. Then
agreed to help buy a
! ph machine. Bro.
seemed very grateful for
We had our program,
Lester Forester being in
Those having parts were
dames Carson, Bradford,
and Reeves. Mrs. Homer
ester gave the devotional.
ing prayer by Mrs. Baker.
the hostess served
and a social hour was
We all were glad to meet
grown-upts and the
Bakers, and invite them
come again.
The H. D. Club met at
Guinn’s with seven
present. We sang ‘Silent
and had 23rd Psalms as
ture reading. The Lord’s
was given by group. Then,
minutes read and a
taken up. Our treasurer
moved away so she sent
$3.30 back. We elected
for the next year. Mrs.
Forester, President; Mrs.
son, Vice President; Mrs.
Forester, Treasurer; and
Will Bradford Continues as
cretary and Reporter. We
cussed our Christmas Party
also what we would give
Baker family for Christmas.
party will also be at
Guinn’s. We drew months to
who had the club when,
our year starts in November
she drew December. They
a little birthday club along
it, too, and the day of
Christmas party happens to
on Mr.s. Guinn’s birthday, so we
will, as the saying goes, kill
birds with one stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb and
children, of Bessemer, Ala., vi¬
sited the Forester, Reeves
Carsons, Sunday.
Sorry Mr. Noah Forester is
the sick list again. Hope he
ioon O. K. again.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tatum had
Sunday dinner with Mr. and
Joe^Iree ™um.
an °
Mrs. Beulah Forester was
Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
„ . n Price
lne lar Sunday after-
Will ... , De ai Z.uu
n :on singing
O > clock Sunday. Everybody 15
Charles Bryant home on
j eave 0 ver the week end.
LS °™nZ where ry from
Cincinnati, Ohio,
attended the funeral of
Derryberry’s sister, Mrs.
S l V G 0
Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. '
Bill Hughes had as their guests, 1
Mrs. Sarah Scott, Mr. and Mrs. |
Ben Allen, Carl Allen, Mr. Sonny. andj I
Mrs. Grady Durham and
s r'.r=
J Bill Hughes were guests of Mr.
land Mrs Frank Corde li and
fami i yi at Tiftonia, this Sun-
Mrs. Edgar Moore is still ill
at her home here.
Miss Elba Earl Cole was the
guest of Miss Doris Gass at
Trenton, Wednesday night.
Mrs. Annie Slaughter and
Miss Pearl Street visited Mrs.
E. A. Cureton, Monday.
Elizabeth Dugan, who has
been for in a hospital weeks, in returned Atlanta;
home Tuesday. She 15 ™ U
improved and able . , ^ to go back ,
o sc 100
Mr. John Patterson continues
to improve at his home here
after being in Erlanger Hospi¬
tal from a heart attack. 1
Mrs. Martin Street has been
ill for the past week. Those who
visited her and Mr. Street,
Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Bu-
ford Street, Bebe Ann, and
Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Moore and family, and Mrs.
Donald Street.
Donald Street went wi h
fiiends, Sunday, on a deer
hunt. He will be gone for a few
days '
Pau Dugan has been ill , with ...
tbe * u ’
Robert Johnson, of Green-
ville, Ga., Miss Elizabeth John-
son, of Trion, Mrs. Polly John¬
son, of Rissenburg, Ohio, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Creenkmur and
children, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Phillips, of Chattanooga,
spent the week end visiting re¬
latives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mathes
and family, of Chattanooga,
visited Mark Scruggs and fa¬
mily here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stalvey, of
Calhoun, Ga., visited Mrs. R. .L
Ross this week end.
Last Friday night, _ . the Max
Konrad was returning home,'
his car went out of control on
the Cloundland road, not far
south of the LaFayette high- j
way. The car plunged down a
steep embankment and was al¬
most demolished. Max was only
slightly injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forester
and family attended the con¬
cert given by the Gospel Sun¬
shine Five, of Scottsboro, Ala.,
and the Fort Payne Melody
Girls on last Saturday night at
Moon Lake, Ala.
The Church here will observe
an all day Thanksgiving serv¬
ice with dinner on the ground
November 22. This service was
inaugurated about 1912 and
has been faithfully carried out
each year since that date. We
hope for a large crowd and
plenty of well-filled baskets.
Come out and join us in giving
thanks to our Creator for the
many blessings we have re¬
ceived the past year and for the
Free America in which we live.
Special music and several
speakers are expected for the
Our community has quite a
few improvements. The C. G.
Hardemans have a new green
pasture, also the Shelby Sum-
merfords. Fred Cooper’s have
sowed a new hog pasture, and
really have a stand. The Ethell
Whetzells have added more land
to their pasture. Jos Lancaster
has also added and sowed more
land. Mrs. Leona Wood has a
new stretch of pasture sowed.
j Barton „ sowing hog pas
tu Tr\Tm* % h
ponds 5 dug ™ recently. c. Also new
water systems and bathrooms
added to homes.
Mrs. John Oliver entertained
with a Hallowe’en party for
her daughter, Norma Jean, Oc-
tobe ^ 31 • r Games m , and re fresh-
ments were enjoyed.
Raymond Lancaster has been
at hJs h ome _ He is improv-
were Mr. Sunday and Mrs. visitors lave Odell of Campbell Mr. and
Mrs. R. Z. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper vi¬
sited in Chattanooga, Sunday.
Mrs. Cooper’s brother, Archie
Tinker was married recently in
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Patty,, and infant son,
Lloyd, with Mrs. Charles
visited the
and " mtts Sunda
^^L. Fricks are driving a
new biark Fo ‘ b -
Mrs - Christian, a noted
Sunday School Classes at
Methodist Church, Sunday.
The W. S. C. S. has ,
its regular meeting date,
will fall on Thanksgiving,
November 29th.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin
leave the first of next week for
Clearmont 'relatives Florida where thev
will visit They
remain all week Mrs.'
Rev. and Joe Baker
tended a Pastors’ Conference,
g in Chattanooga.
Several Several in in the community _______**—
p ar n c ip a ted in a working at
the parsonage Monday. The
sprinkle Qf rain about 5 p 'con-
threatened to ruin the new
crete walks until tar paper
was j^sed to cover them.
Mr. W. L. Fannin
cut his foot while
wood week. He was hob-
bling around wlth s e v e r a 1
sti t c hes taken at the last
The Fannin’s Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy
and daughter, Brenda, from
Fort Payne.
yy e are sorry t, 0 dear th a t
Lige williams is back in the
hospital Last Wednesday
ing, seven men from the
munity went up to Newelrs
donate a pint of blood each
him. His condition remains
Ed. Bible, Jr. was operated
i n Macon, Monday night,
appendicitis. *
The regular Thursday
Rolling Chorus Singing will
at the Trenton Baptist
November 15. This starts
7:30 and everyone has a
invitation to attend.
I want to thank the
of Dade County for the
that you have given me for
past five and a half years.
it has been very pleasant' to
WO rk for the fine people of
Dade County,
a.s I have accepted a position
n Chattanooga, I can still do
paint jobs.
Henry Barton.
,.. /// //m?m /mm smy-j/
In style,beauty, roominoss. ridinjj ease and dependability
The new Dodge fulfills your every wish and
gives you all the extra-value features you’ve ever
hoped for — in one fine car! The smooth Orifiow
(Qp/we St ysmrjrff. Ride takes the bounce out of bumps — and Dodge
WAY”! Gyro-Matic takes gear shifting out of your Ijfe
Tin: DODGI SIIim HOM Y forever! Dodge subtracts all driving effort and
Where others give you sell the free Dodge adds new value so outstanding that... You could
. ..
“Show Down Way” gives you PROOF! It still pay hundreds of dollars more and not get
gives you the “lowdown”—feature by feature everything this big, handsome Dodge gives you!
-on exactly what you’re getting when you
i Get your free copy. Specification! and equipment subject to change without notice.
y a new car.
'9, /e/ttemfal/e32 f T
Dyer Motor Co. Trenton, Ga.
W. M. U. Meets
With Mrs. Payne
The W. M. U. of Rising Fawn
Baptist Church met Saturday,
November 10, in the home of
Mrs. C. T. Payne for the regu-
lar monthly meeting with the
president, Mrs. G. C. McKaig,
presiding. Mrs, Payne gave the
devCtional( after which Mrs . j.
' Z. Bobo led in prayer. ,
Mrs Ray Smith presented , . an i
interesting . missionary program
i using the topic. Whither
Asia? ” She a J SJ * ted m td °
discussions , ---- by Mesdames El- (
bert Johnson, E. J. Cagle, De- 1
Bradford, W. F. Blevins,
J- Z. Bobo and Tina Minor.
After brief business ses- 1
!sion, ; delicious refreshments
(were served by the hostess to
27 rt members rnprnnpr - S! and arm friends, mentis.
! \MiMj 1
\ I
You can cook an l8’pound
turkey in your electric range
for about"7$ for electricity.
Takes the©Ake
li worth of electricity will run
your food mixer for 3 hours.
During the past 5 years
Georgia Power has spent
$114,000,000 for the
construction of power plants
and distribution facilities. It
expects to spend$125,000,000 more
for expansion by the end of 1953.
Avans H. D. Club
Meets November 2
The Avans Home Demonstra¬
tion Club met at the home of
Mrs. H. H. Bodenhamer No¬
vember 2.
The devotion was given by
Mrs Jiles Gass> after which
the group sang “The Quilting
Party.” The secretary then
called the roll and read the
minutes for approval.
Mrs. Gass led a discussion on
^ proce&3 Qf freezing meat
Qn curing meat were
sbown by Mr. L. C. Adams,
which were very helpful.
We are glad to have Mrs.
as a visitor and hope
will come again some time.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. H. H. Bodenhamer,