Newspaper Page Text
we know your
our experts know
applian ce3 inside
, When they
' r t working proper-
. call
be wise to
b fore the trouble
b c mes serious. with
, ;; be pleased
courteous, reason-
: u] urieed service.
call anytime.
Radi? Electric Co.
Up-To-Date Line of Hardware
| jail Market St. Phone 7-1114 f
Chattanooga, Tennessee
]about the
a a i
i I
Dyet- Motor Company
Dod ge-Plymou t h Dealer
Who said spring is here? It’s
snowing this Monday morning
as hard as we have ever seen
it. But it’s a pretty sight—lots
and lots of pretty pink peach
blooms and white pear blooms
and the evergreen trees and
g-cund all in white really re¬
flects the handiwork of God.
Well, it’s almost Easter.
Wonder what kind of weather
we will have for that season] 1
Not much farm work is go¬
ing on as yet. We have had, as
everybody knows, plenty of
rain and so it’s too wet to do
much except repair and clean
up work.
Our Sunday School seems to j
be holding its own as we have
had exactly the same number j
three Sundays strait. However,
lo + s of the regular attending
were out sick. We had enough
comers to keep up the '
Our W. S. C. S. had its re¬
gular meeting at Mrs. H. L.
Forester*. Nothing new except
we talked about a community
house we hope to get.
Last Thursday night Bro.
Joe Baker, of Rising Fawn,
came over and organized a
Methodist Youth Fellowship.
Glad to report on this news
item that we did get and open
a community house. The build¬
ing belongs to the Will Brad¬
fords but has been rented and
is also partly furnished and
we hope to finish it by differ¬
ent ones donating or lending
extra or odd pieces of furni¬
ture such as chairs, curtains,
lamps, dishes, good books, and
indoor game. So far we have
a heater, an ice box, a cabinet
base, oil range, and a safe or
dish cabinet, two pairs of
drapes (there are six windows),
one table lamp.
Mr. Roy Moore has told us
to go by his lumber yard and
get anvthing there we can use
for building shelves for our
books and we are looking for¬
ward to getting it all furnished
by this method. We had it
open Thursday night for the
youth fellowship group. They
played games and we served
'refreshments and had a grand
If anybody has anything to
donate, drop us a card or work.
We will be glad to pick it up.
We forgot to say this build¬
ing is just across the road from
the Cave Springs church. It‘s
the old school building. We
are really getting a thrill out
of fixing it up. We wonder Is
anyone has an old victrola and
some records (we don’t dare
hope for a radio) so we could
have good music for gather¬
ings . There were twenty-twio
there Tuesday night. Good fel¬
lowship counts.
Mr. Roscoe Grant and daugh¬
ter, of Rossville, were the Sat¬
urday guests of the Carsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guinn
and family, of Birminghom,
were week end callers of Mrs.
nova Guinn.
Mr. Charles and Robert
Bradford, of Bessemer, Ala.,
were Sunday visitors of the
Will Bradfords.
Mrs. B. W. Holtzhower spent
last Sunday with her parents, •
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith at
Menlo, Ga.
Mr. L. E. Holtzhower has ,
been real sick with flu. |
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Walker I
and little son, of Sweetwater,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schurch
and baby, of Chattanooga,
were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fritz church last Sun¬
Mr. Roy John visited his
uncle, Mr. John Johnson, last
Sunday, who is seriously ill at
his home at Gaylesville, Ala.
Mr. Robert Ross, who is
working near Aiken, S. C.,
spent last week end here with
his family.
Mr. B. W. Holtzhower made
a business trip to Chattanooga
last Saturday.
The A. H. Downer, family,
who have lived on what used
to be the G. W. Smith place
for the past year, have moved
back to Cloudland leaving the
place vacant .
Mr. and Mrs. Arvlee Holtz¬
hower announce the birth of a
son, weight 11 lbs., name Ed¬
die Steve. Mrs. Lannie Moore,
of New Salem, is spending this
week with them.
I. O. O. F.
Regular meeting each Tues¬
day night at 8:00 P. M.
M. Avery, N. G.
D. P. Hood, Secretary.
Community News
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hod-
nett announce the birth of a
baby girl.
.. Mr. and ... Mrs. Cecil _ „ McKaig „
;, nd daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. Terrance Moore and Sa-
'ah visited Mr. and Mrs. C.
L. Haygood and son in Culo-
den. Ga., over the week end.
We are glad to see Mrs. Bill
Gray home from the hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith
were visiting relatives over the
week end.
The guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Massey and Mr. R. A. Me
Kaig, Sunday, were Mr. and
Mrs - Grady McKaig, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Bradford, Mr. and
M-s. Louis McKaig, Mr. and
Mrs - G. P. McKaig, Mr. and
Mrs. John Plott, M”. and Mrs.
Jim Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Cornett
and son visited Mr. and Mrs.
Louis McKaig Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs. K. C Atkins
were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Newell Daniel Sunday.
One of our former citizens,
Mr. and Mrs. Arville Holtzho-
wer announced the birth of a
big boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Granvell Ba-
ker were visiting his parent
the last few days.
We were glad to see Ralph
Matthew home-Sunday.
We are sorry to hea.r aunt
Nan Collins is sick. Hope her
a speedy recovery.
We’re glad to have Mr. and
Mrs. Holland Wales back in
our community.
We give everyone a special
invitation to all our church
We were glad to see Mrs.
Lincoln Gray home Sunday
and hope it won’t be long until
she will be home to stay. She
is in the Wildwood Sanitarium,
week . v
(Intended for last
(Held over from list wee
Gray We are home glad from to see the Mrs^Bill hospital
We wish her a quick recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Avans
and son spent Saturday and
Sunday night on Sand Moun¬
tain withjdr. Avan’s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gass
spent Saturday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis McKaig and
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smith
visited relatives in Menlo, Sun-
We were glad to see Edwin
Gray home from Berry last
week end.
We see Ann Moore is back
from Florida.
Wonder why Kenneth Moore
is driving that new Dodge?
Most all our men are at
court this week. Hope they get
this settled.
We wish to thank all who at¬
tended the concert last Satur¬
day night for their support.
I’m sure everyone enjoyed the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C-raig are
chauffering a new Nash.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray
visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Martin Bradford and
daughter visited Mr. and Mrs.
-yy £> Bradford.
we a re sorry to report the
of Mrs. Lincoln Gray,
w ^o is in the Wildwood Sani-
several of our young people
attended the Tip ’O Holston
chatchie, Tenn., Monday night, X
All the kids reported having
a good time at the party Fri-
.ay night.
I ,
We Balance Wheels — Expert Workmanship
Some people do the
fngest things. My mother,
and Dub Harrison and
babes, Susie and Amy Ann
went all the way to Kentucky
last week end — they said to
visit the U. C. Allens, but my
| personal opinion is that they
wanted some first hand infor-
mation about tornadoes. Mo¬
ther said she was really sing¬
ing “Orange Colored Sky’’
: about 2 o’clock Saturday “ after-
noon when they were alerted
in oiasenw that the tornado
h eaded that way - It
: m - S sed them tho . Goody, goo-
The Lrdies Aid Minstrel will
pg g i ven Tiftonia this Friday
'night. There’s been some
changes made in the cast and
in the , S p- C i a i numbers. I do
we have a good crowd
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Strawn
were up here visiting Chas.
and Heck strawn ]ast week
end. Charles is slowing reco-
VPr j ng f rom recent injury
Brother—me and Moonbeam
McSwine have had some thing
in commcm this past week I
|tched as much as she does> l
just d j dn ’t have a hog-wallow.
j have had a p en i C jiii n reac-
j.j on and it and’I was a lu j u
Mother attended the
Grand Session, Order of East-
ern starj Wednesday night. It
was a beautiful service.
* My unc i e> Herbert Hartman,
of Knoxville, came to Chatta-
mooga as delegate to the Grand
Session. He spent Sunday
n i g ht with Mom and Dad, and
just between us, I think he
talked their right arms off.
Helena Fehlandt was one of
1 the models for the Ladies Day
out fashion show at the Y. W.
q a. last Tuesday. She was
' sure > n uff goo d, too. What
W ith her new poodle-hairdo,
j > n a n
i da Dantler had a Stanley
party a t her house Monday af-
ternoon. Haven’t had a report
as to the success of it.
Chief Petty Officer and Mrs.
Brent Brock and family, of
Maryland, were visiting the W.
F. Brocks last Saturday.
Pap Odell, Fannie Lea, foster
I father, is seriously ill at the
, Wildwood Sanitarium,
We are g i ad to see Boots
L rw.son in circulation again
after her serious operation at
jjrlanger a couple of weeks ago.
M yrna Lea who is attending
School at Collegedale, was
home with -Mom and Pap”,
Wor th and Minnie Lea last
week end
Ab and Sue Lawson, children
and Beulah Porter wandered
down to Fort p a yne last Sun-
day to see the J. T. Bowmans.
Wonder if Mrs. Catherine
Morrison would let me say “Hi
Joe” who is stationed in North
Africa? He says he gets so
^ enjoyment reading this
little piper from Dade, and he
appreciates Mrs. Morrison
Bobby Fugatt, Bus and Ha¬
zel’s son who is in the Navy,
enjeys The Dade County Times
too. We appreciate Mrs. Mor¬
rison “taking time out” to put
long addresses on our “Ser¬
vice” boys paper.
Kathleen Hughes from St.
Elmo, was out visiting Edna
Belle Cagle last week end.
Mrs. Della Jenkins came up
^ Cc ,, artown spen .j Iast
p ,j day wlth nlece Ima Borei j
mean Bea Ford.
Bobby, your girl friend Bon¬
nie Leibi, from East Lake, was
out h visiting your Mom and
b “ .:r «**
last week , end.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Skelton
and family went over Bridge¬
port way last week end to visit
relatives. The Skeltons are our
new neighbors who live “next
door” to the Lee Fords.
Well, guess this is all we can
think of, so ’bye till next week.
Ida and Mary.
Mrs. Verna Hood has return¬
ed from Saylesville, R. I.
when she was called last week
on the account of the serious
Illness of her daughter, Mrs.
E. V. Kayatta. We are glad she
is improving.
Mr. J. F. Cloud remains
very ill at the Owenby Hospi-
Calvin Kenencore, grandson
of Mrs. Mary Elliott, has re¬
turned to camp after a 30 day
furlough. He is expected to be
sent overseas on his return.
FOR RENT Furnished 3 room
house with bath — Mrs. J.
G. Gray, Trenton.
3 t c — 4 - 10
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mi-
chaels were honored by a
group of friends with a house-
, hold ,, shower , March 15, at their
home near Brown Gap load.
Mrs. Michaels is the former
Car’in? Spurgeon, daughter of
Mr . and Mrs. Clay Spurgeon
of Alabama.
M-. and Mrs. Irben Coffey
attended a birthday dinner in
honor of Mr. Coffey’s father.
of Ider, last Sunday.
Mrs. W. B. Pollard, of Chat-
tanooga, was the recent week
end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
James Lancaster.
Oliver _We are is out glad again, to hear after Norma
a se-
nous illness in a Chattanooga
Mrs. H J. Barton is ill at
her home. Her visitors this
week were Mr. and Mrs. I.
Foster and Mrs. Jennie Martin
of Trenton.
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Omer Barton has been confin-
ed to their home with a seige
of flu. All are impioving.
Connie Moore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore,
is ill at her home. We wish her
a speedy recovery.
Mr - and Mrs - R z Thomp-
son visited friends and rela-
tiVPS in Chattanooga last week
end -
Miss Ethel Moore has been a
patient at Owenby’s Clinic for
the past four weeks. She is
to be at home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holm-
gren, of Valparaiso, Indiana,
flew here in their private
plane for a week end visit with
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barton
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daily.
Mrs. J. D. Crisp Jr. made a
recent trip to Dundee, Florida,
J. D. caught such a big fish
broke the line, ~(JT it didn’t
! get away! He jumped in and
caught it. It was reported very
good eating
Mrs. Qmer Barton and
daughter shirley made a trip
to the Elks Hospital in Atlan¬
ta. Monday Shirley is very
much improved.
Mrs. Boyd Michaels had a bad
attack of flu. Also Joyce
fey and Hilda Barton. All are
Mr. Willaird Michaels suf-
fered a broken hand Thursday
at his work.
The Shiloh Nazarene Church
is beginning a revival March
26. Everyone is invited to at-
^ end
Mr and Mrs King, of Tren-
ton, were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Luther West.
Mrs. Buck „ , Gass _ spent . the .. ,
week end with her mother,
Mrs. Winie Richards.
Chattanooga, spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Castleberry.
Mr. James Smith spent the
week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wheeler Smith. He !
is on his way to Ft. Benning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fergu¬
son and children spent the
week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Stallings.
,, „ „ 0 v^ited .... . her
“»“ r
sinter In Clouds Springs, .,
Sunday evening.
In memory of our dear sister
that passed away March 11,
1935, Miss Ida May Whitzell.
will w5; awake M on S ss %
when the Dead in Christ shall
rise. Sadly missed by sister,
Mrs - Ali ce Cooper.
The flu epidemic around here
has given way to a measles
epidemic seems like. Richard
Dugan and Judy and Brenda
Reeves have them and several
children are out of the North
Dade School with them. We
also have a few cases of
mumps. Wanda Waddell is
just recovering from them.
Mrs. Willie Hughs returned
1 Monday from Dayton, Ohio,
where she was called several
days ago to the bedside of her
brother A. C. Curefon who
was in an automobile accident.
Although seriously injured he
is reported to be much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cole
left Friday for California
where they plan to make their
Mr. and Mrs. Lofton (Bud)
Patterson have been spending
a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Grace Patterson. Bud is
in the Navy, you know, and is
home on leave.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cole
were visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Mae Craig, Saturday.
Their little grandson, Buford
Lee, came back with them for
the week end.
Elizabeth Dugan spent Sun¬
day night with Bessie Moore.
Our community house is
slowly going up. If the rain
and snow lets up It shouldn’t
be too long before it Is under a
roof any way.
But the most improvement
in Slygo right now seems to be
at the Street place. They are
really bringing that farm out.
Have dug two big ponds, are
fencing and sowing a lot of it
down for pasture, I believe,
along with a lot of other im¬
provements .
Tune In on Station WCRI,
Scottsboro, each Thursday, Fri¬
day and Saturday at 2 P. M,
for Bible Study conducted by
the Rev. J. B. Igou.
12 t c -3-27
Pamphlet mailed on request.
Address: 2699 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
^oooQ4^ ir>n i » o oourwirrir>r>r iiw.i ci < x> .‘' toooocwpo oooooo o ooocr
Colors, Conditions, and Cleans
Sarah*s Coiffures
► <
Registered Pharmacist 4
On Duty 4
At All Times 4
LEE’S PHARMACY ■■ i. lit® 4 4
2525 Broad Street Phone 7-0732 4
Chattanooga, Tenn. 4
al. ▲ Jk. ▲ Jk, Jk. ▲▲▲▲ Jtk. JL. Jk. JL.Jk.jL. Jk. ▲
Red’s Cleaners
PRESSING CLEANING Dry Cleaning and Pressing
Closed on Wednesday Afternoons
Meet me at the places listed below for the purpose of making
your 1952 Tax Return. Every one who is eligible for the Home
exemption must make return and sign return blank. If you fail
to do this, the Board of Assessors cannot allow ycu any exemp¬
873 Slygo—W. P. Cole’s Home—9 A. M. to 12 N.....Mar. 7th
1089 Hooker—1 P. M. to 3 P. M......................Mar. 7th
875 Byrd’s Chapel— V. Stewart—9 A. M. to 12 N.....Mar. 8th
1129 Sulphur Springs—Amos Mill—1 PM. to 3 P. M. . .Mar, 8th
1038 Rising Fawn—B. B. Kenimer—All day..........Mar. 15th
974 Wildwood—R. S. Townsend’s—9 A. M to 12 N....Mar. 14th
1037 N. England—Brown’s Store—1 P. M. to 3 P. M. . .Mar. 14th
1885 New Home—9 A. M. to 10 A. M..................Mar. 21st
1222 Cole City—Christian’s Store—11 A. M. to 1 P. M..Mar. 21st
1222 Cole City—Crisp’s Store—1 P. M. to 3 P. M......Mar. 21st
1214 New Salem—9 A. M. to 12 N....................Mar. 22nd
If you have not already made your returns, please do so be¬
fore March 31st.
Ernest Stewart
Deputy Tax Commissioner.
SUN., MON., March 3ft - 31
A Place In The Sun
Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth
Taylor and Shelley Winters
TUES., WED., April 1 - 2
Ethel Barrymore,
, Maurice Evans
THURS., FRI., April 3 - 4
Francis Goes
To The Races
Donald O’Connor, Piper Laurie
Serial 8 of
Week Days: J:00 P. M.
Saturday: 2:39 P. M.
Sunday: 3 P. M. (two shows in
afternoon). Close for Church
and reopen at 8:45 P. M.
Trenton Lodge No. 179
F. & A. M. meet 8:00
p. m. every second Sat¬
urday night each month.
All Masons invited to a tend.
Noah Castleberry, W. M.
Robert Ryan, Secy.
Sarah’s Chapel Building
Morganville, Ga.
Sunday School......10:00 A. M.
Morning Service____11:00 A. M.
Evening Service____ 7:00 P. M.
Thursday Service... 7:00 P. M.
Rev. L. R Howell, Pastor
Ralph Durham, Sunday School