Newspaper Page Text
Oade County’s Only News
Mr Dwight Eisenhower made
his opening campaign address at
Abilene Kansas, Wednesday,
June 5.
In case that name doesn t
rin ; a bell in your mind, he’s
the" fellow called much. “Ike”, the one
they “Like” so
Harry Truman, who happened
be visiting Washington from
his home in Key West, was re¬
ported to have watched Ike on
television. This broke a White
House precedent of not allowing
the television sets to be on un¬
less Margaret is singing on a
The thunder and rain that
drenched those who came to see
the son returned home was
thought to have been promot¬
ed by Taft supporters.
* Looks like it’s going to be an
interesting summer. Ike even
used words like “thrift” and
“economy”, which were re¬
moved from the New Deal and
Pair Deal dictionaries years
ago No doubt they’ll be calling
him a reactionary now, for
using such old fashioned words
and long-forgotten ideas con¬
cerning less government and
more freedom.
A Democratic leader in Dade
County said after the address
that it was all a shame. He
said Ike was the best Democrat
in the country and they were
going ^to make a Republican
out of him.
The presidential race may be
interesting but it can’t beat our
own primary race in April.
Tommy Sims and Pete Brad¬
ford ran as an exciting polti-
cal race as was ever seen for
the office of Coroner.
They pulled lots of stunts
that later appeared in the
Snuffy Smith comic strip in
the race between Sut Tatter-
sal and Riddles Barlow.
Tommy nosed Pete out by a
small margin but not before he
had skinned his knees trying to
cut a quick trail un into the
Gulch in case of a Bradford
Getting back to Elsenhower,
he told reporters he was
against compulsory FEPC, say¬
ing it should be left to the
states, and adding that legis¬
lation is no solution to such
That makes Ike and Sen.
Russell the only two candi¬
dates with enough guts to
speak their minds on this issue.
No intelligent, self-respecting
American would possibly sup¬
port legislation which would
Make the federal government
a dictator over every business
in the country as the FEPC
would do. But many of the
candidates, like Kefauver, are
afraid to come out against it
for fear of turning the radical
eft-wing northern groups
against them, the groups that
Might hold the balance in the
key northern states.
Kefauver Is like some of the
C0 Lege basketball players who
d!G anything for a dollar.
With Estes, it’s anything for
a vote, regardless of how bad
“ mi Sht be for the country,
-ems we already have a pre-
sident of that character.
0* course, Kefauver has been
:-°- f in g lot
a of people so far.
a -king out of one side of his
1 Continued on back page)
wants to sing this
therVn Day him Honor ' Sun ^ ay ^ Dad Fa ‘
lills Sunday. „ ' your
ale €mtntn
Devoted to the Best Interests ot Dade County and Georgia.
Hey Kiddies! A Parade!
Belles and Beaus Parade at
A parade of all the entrants
in the State of Dade Belles and
Beaus contest will be held
around the Trenton square this
Saturday at 10:00 A. M. Chil-
dren of the ages 1-5 are eligible
and parents are urged to enter
their children as soon as pos¬
sible .
The contest Is sponsored by
the Dade County Library Board
in order to raise money to pay
for the Bookmobile services
given Dade by the Cherokee
Regonal Library. Community
Teacher Positions
For 1952-53 Term
The Dade County Board of
Education released its list of
teachers elected for the school
system for the year 1952-53
this week. Although the list in¬
cludes all those who taught
this year, there have been a
number of resignations which
must be filled, Superintendent
Roy W. Moore revealed.
According to principal J. C.
Billue, the following teachers
have been elected for Dade
High and Dade Elementary:
Mrs. Clara C. Stewart, Mrs.
Ethlyn Jackson, Mrs. Delilah
Wheeler, Mrs. Rubie L. Yar¬
brough, Mrs. Florence W. Wil¬
son, Miss Sarah Gilbert, Mrs.
Thelma Belle, Mrs. Margie
Newby, Mrs. Yvone Oliver, Mr.
William C. France, Mrs. Clis-
tie Barnes, Mrs. E. M. Parker,
Mrs. J. C. Billue, Miss Nora
Pickett, Mrs. Ersaline B. Car-
roll, Mrs. J L. Fricks, Mr.
Travis W. Montjoy, Jr., Mrs.
Stella T. Carroll, Mr. Carl G.
Roberts, and Mrs. Willie
The following teachers, said
Mr. Billue, have resigned:
Mrs. Florence W. Wilson,
Miss Sarah Gilbert, Mrs. Mar-
gie Newby, Mrs. J. C. Billue,
and Mr. Carl G. Roberts.
Announcements concerning
the filling of these vacancies
will be made soon, Mr. Billue
Davis High
The teaching staffs of the
other schools are not yet com-
plete either, according to Su-
perintendent Moore. The lists
given below do not include the
names of the teachers who
have resigned but only those
who are at present expected to
Those listed for Davis High
are David O. Chumley, Mr. &
Mrs. Henry Elliott, Mrs. Madge
Ballard, Mrs. Innes Simmons,
Mr. John H. Higgins, and Mr.
John Thornhilll.
Elementary Schools
The list for Rising Fawn in¬
cludes J. E. Mickler Mrs. B.
B. Kenimer, Mrs. Guinn Smith
Mrs. Agnes Castleberry, and
Mr. Clarence D. Cheatham.
Three additions are Mr. Dixie
Brown Mrs Nell Brown, and | I
Miss Mildred Price.
The North Dade list is in- j
complete but lists L. C. Me
Hughes and Mrs. Gertrude I
W ei j
At New Salem Mr. Claude
Owens, Mrs. Nae Cole Craig,
and Miss Irene Phillips. ,
Mrs. Lula D. Paris and Miss j
VI ginia Bone are listed at po- j
sitions at the Hooker Colored
Dade High Improvements
Principal J. C. Billue an-
nounced that courses in typing,
bookkeeping and shorthand
will be offered at Dade High
for the first time this fall.
Equipment and supplies have
already been ordered. Two
temporary classrooms for the
commercial courses are being
made in the old skating rink
building purchased this year by
the Beard of Education.
Due to poor attendance this
yea", there will be one less
teacher for Dade Elementary,
Billue "stated However, an ad-
ditional teacher will be added
t the Dade High staff. Over
600 s tudents U are expected for
E jg men tary and Dade
h this fall he added.
contests will be held.
from these communities
compete in a county
June 28.
All children who are
I in the community contests
requested to be present for
parade Saturday, at which
tures will be taken for use
the countly contest.
The North Dade
rhythm band will furnish nen mil- mu
J sic It’s at the parade.
at 10:00 A. M. at Tren-
I ton.
Yell Begins Watch
Repair Pickups
Ralph H. Yell, who recently
opened up the White Oak Gap
Watch Repair Service, will be-
le £ula: pickups in Trenton
tbis week -
On Tuesdays and Fridays he
will pickup any jewelry items—
watches, guns, etc.—at the
Trenton Furniture store.
Blanton's Double Wins for Dade
Seventh Over Point
A double by Cy Blanton
scoring two runs in the last
ning gave the Dade softball
team its first win of the sea¬
son, beating High Point 4-3, at
Flintctone Tuesday night .The
1 w jn gives the Dade team a re-
cord of 1-3 in the league with
two games remaining to be
played in the first half.
The Dade team, sponsored
by the Lions Club, chalked up
1 hits while pitcher Con
se ven
'Hampton held High Point to
: j hits. Blanton led with three
s x
hits, two of them doubles.
Dade broke a 1-1 deadlock in
the fifth inning when Jeral
j Cooper long fly scored hit by from Roy third McMahan. on a
1 High Point, last year’s Chatta-
nooga B League champions,
{went ahead on a two-run
1 hemer in the sixth and Dade
j seventh went into trailing the last by half 3-2. of Oscar the
Barton singled then went to
second on a single by Jeral
Cooper. Then Blanton came
through with his game-break-
ing double which scored Barton
and Cooper.
Jack Murphy was the out-
standing fielder, robbing High
Why inoculation Is
Important To Children
During The Summer
The Relationship Between
Inoculation and Poliomyelitis
(Polio). (Experts from a release
by State Department of Public
Health.) *
“There is evidence that infec¬
tions for the prevention of
diphtheria, whooping cough
and possibly tetanus, WHEN
MIC OF POLIO, may on rare
occasions localize the paralysis
in the inoculated arm. But
this occurs only if the indivi-
dual is infected with the polio
virus at the time of the immu-
The following .statements are
made concerning the immuni-
zation of children during the
summer months: “There ap¬
pears to be no good reason for
withholding these immuniza¬
tions during the summer
months in communities that
are not having an epidemic of
polio. Furthermore, polio is at
all times so rare in infants un¬
der six months of age and as
the danger from other infec¬
tions, particular whooping
cough, is so great that it is ad¬
visable to continue the immu¬
nizations of this age group
even during a polio epidemic.
“In short, the immunization
of infants under six months
'heuld be continued through-
out the summer without regard :
to the prevelance of polio and ;
that the immunization of older
children should not be inter-
rupted except DURING AN
Superior Court
]yj eets j une jg
1 Superior Court will
for a one-day session
June 16. The short session
due to this being the busy
sen for farmers, declared
Freeman C. McClure, Judge
Lookout Mountain
j Guilty pleas, divorce and
mony cases will be heard,
Michaels To Take
Camp Chaffer, Ark. — Pvt.
Benjamin H. Michaels, of
ton, Ga. has been transferred
Fort Benning where he will
Army Airborne Infantry
He recently completed
weeks basic training here
i the 5th Armored Division. Priv
ate Michaels will receive
cialized training at his new
ton to qualify him for
with an airborne unit.
His mother, Mrs. Ipsico Mi¬
chaels, resides on Star
Point players of would-be hits.
Dade plays the Chattanooga
Valley Bleachery at 8:30 p. m.
Thursday and then clashes
with Fairvlew next Tuesday
night, June 17.
High Point..... 010 002 0—3
Dade .... 100 010 2—4
Lions Install Officers
The new officers of the Dade
County Lions Club were in¬
stalled at a meeting Tuesday
night by retiring president J.
C. Billue.
New officers are James Mor¬
rison, president; Henry Gross,
first vice president; Roy Moore,
second vice president; W. H.
Pullen, third vice president; L.
C. Adams, secretary and treas¬
urer; Charley Gray, lion tamer;
and Dudley Cureton, tail twist¬
Home Freezer
Well Attended
Dade County had its first
county wide demonstration on
how to use home freezers last
Tuesday night. The demon¬
stration was sponsored by Geor
gia Power and given by Miss
Elaine Snedker, national au¬
thority on freezing foods.
Over 60 men and women from
all parts of the county enjoy¬
ed while they learned how to
better use their freezers. A
movie in sound and full color
showed how to prepare all
kinds of foods.
Mr. T. S. Renfroe, local
manager for Georgia Power, in
troduced Miss Snedker who
gave a well prepared and con¬
demonstration. She
illustrated with meats, vege¬
tables, fruits, cakes, bread and
even cigarettes.
Winners on the “draw prize”
were Mrs. Kate Morrison who
won a package of freezer wrap¬
ping papers, Miss Fannielu Me
Whorter, unbreakable freezer
jars and freezer packages were
won by Mrs. Charles Hixon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holder
and Mr. Harry Moore.
Attending from Georgia
Power were J. C. Morgan, Dis¬
trict Manager, Mr. Renfroe,
Miss Edna Fuller, Home Service
Agent and R. C. Hardeman,
Building Permits
Building permits are still re¬
quired for the constrtRtion of
any buildings within the cor-
porate limits of Trenton, city-
recorder J. Granville Pace de-
dared this week.
Several houses have been
built recently in which no ap-
had been made for a
he said.
The heat in the valleys is
torrid as the recent
campaign. Temperature
ings of 96 degrees were
ed Sunday and Monday.
People were so thick at
recreational spots Sunday
they outnumbered the chig-
gers. Dade County people
ed to Sitton’s Gulch, Hales
Lake, Lookout Creek,
State Park, Chickamauga
Lake Winnepausaukah and
ether place that had water.
Nights are still cool enough
for good sleeping, usually with
a blanket, so there’s not too
much to complain about.
Cynthia Moore and
Ray Bobo Compete
In District Contests
Miss Cynthia Moore, Dade
Farm Bureau Queen and Ray
Bobo, will compete in district
Farm Bureau contests to be
held at Model High School,
Shannon. Georgia, on Monday,
June 16.
Mi's Moore, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore, of
Slygo, will represent Dade
County in the district Farm
Burrau Quern contest. Ray, a
son of Mr. and Mrs, J. z. Bo¬
bo, of Rising Fawn, will com¬
pete for district honors in the
Farm Bureau Talent Contest.
Both won the Dade County
titles in contests held at Dade
High School on May 17. Miss
Moore is a graduate of Dade
High and Ray is a student at
Dade High.
Highway Department
Advertises Bids For
State Line Road
The State Highway Depart¬
ment of Georgia advertised
this week for bids on the grad¬
ing and paving of about two
miles of the Alabama State
Line Road, Star Route 143.
The road, beginning approx-
imately 3.4 miles west of Tren-
ton, will be paved to the Alaba-
ma state line. It will be let in
one contract.
Sealed proposals will be re¬
ceived by the Highway Depart-
ment at the general office at
No. 2 Capitol Square until 11
A. M., E. S. T. June 27, 1952. j
Trenton Clean-up Meeting 16 *h
A Trenton Clean-up meeting
will be held in the courthouse
Monday night, June 16, at 8:00
o’clock. The meeting will be
held jointly with a city council
All citizens of Trenton who
are interested in seeing their
city improved and cleaned up
are urged to be present to dis¬
Published Weekly — Since 1901
Dade Wins 1st Half With
4-3 Win; Play Davis Sunday
With nine straight victories
without a defeat, the American
; 1 Legion-sponsored Dade County
baseball team c linched the
first-half championship In the
[Lookout Valley League with a
4-3 win over Whitwell at Whit-
well, Tenn., Sunday. “Doc” Hi¬
xon was the winning pitcher
while also batting in the tying
and winning runs in the top
half of the ninth.
Whitwell pitching held Dade
' County only five hits—the
least gotten by the local team
, this season. Catcher J. D.
lins got 2 hits. Jeral Cooper
starred defensively.
Davis Victor
the meantime, Davis
Mrs. Millie Barbee, of Hook¬
er, celebrated her 97th birth-
da, May 1 Is there anyone
older in the country? 1
McBryar Has
Grand Opening
, The grand enln of the
I °P S
i new McBryars store at the
corner of Highway 11 and the
White ° ak Ga P Road in Tren-
I lon win be held Saturday, June
1 < 14 Th ’ new store is in a mo-
dern bulldin g and is of the su-
per-market type.
The store will be open at 7:30
Saturday morning. Free mer¬
chandise will be offered with
purchases of groceries during
the day.
McBryar Brothers were form¬
erly located in East Trenton
across from the railroad depot.
Thsy were in business at that
location for over 30 years.
McBryars is a member _________ of __ the ____ (
Dixie Savings Stores, Chatta- j i
nooga and handles groceries,
dry goods, and feed supplies
Georgia Health I
Director Attends
World Assembly I
Dr. T. F. Sellers, director of
the Georgia Department of
Public Health was one of three
men to represent the United
States al
sembly i
last month.
Dr. Seller
polntment as a delegate to the
quality of the Georgia public
health program.
cuss ideas with other citizens.
Plans for other types of im¬
provements will be made.
Trenton is entered in the
Georgia Power C o m p a n y’s
Champion Home Town Con¬
Thomas W. Fox, Sanitarian,
will be present at the meeting
and will try to work out means
* la 0P ed dow “ second-place
a ayette at the A V anS
b f a scor f of , J , 4 . ' 12 . 0 ’
“ ne ln a bg . second
leader at the v,„ bat, t getting three
for six.
Rising Fawn Game
The two local teams close
out their remaining game in
the first half by meeting at
Rising Fawn at 3:00 p. m. Sun¬
day. In the last meeting of
the t ^° tea f LS ’. Dade C ° unty
won 16-0 n • Davls haS shown
considerable improvement
since and should be able to
give the league champions a
good ball game.
The Dade County team will
play Fort Payne in an exhibi¬
tion game Saturday night,
June 21, at 7:30 C. S. T. (8:30
Dade time—E. S. T.).
COUNTY a r h
. .3 0 0
.5 0 0
H. McMahan, 2b . .5 0 1
R. McMahan, 3b .4 1 0
.2 0 0
.2 0 0
.2 0 0
.3 2 1
.3 1 2
.2 0 1
.0 0 0
31 4 5
Dade County . . .000 Oil 002—4
Whitwell......000 001 200—3
DAVIS a r h
Ellison, 3b .6 1 3
.5 2 2
.3 0 0
H. .5 2 2.
4 2 2
3 3 0
.3 1 2
lb ‘P 3 1 2
ross ’ 2b 4 1 1
e j eman 2b ,1 0 0
. p...........1 1 1 1 0
2 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
40 14 13
.... 340 000 023—12
091 000 04*—14
In the other league game,
beat Ryall Springs 16-0.
W L Pet.
County ... . . .9 0 1.000
........ . .6 3 .667
.. .5 3 ,625
.. ..5 4 .556
Hill..... . ..4 4 .500
... .4 5 .444
Springs.. . . ..1 8 .112
Out..... . .0 7 .000
with the city council of tight¬
ening on the city sanitation
laws. Fox is at present con¬
ducting a sanitary survey of
the city of Trenton which he
hopes to complete soon.
All organizations in the city
are urged to have representa¬
tives at the meeting.
Help Trenton wash its face.