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ill ale Connlu ones
uade County's Only Newspaper.
A Cottagifar Center at Rock Eagle
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This architect’s drawing shows how thecottages will look at the State 4-H Center at Rock Eagle Park.
Seventy-two cottages will be built, each with a capacity of 18 persons. Construction on 12 is now under¬
way, and recent developments virtually assure completion of the entire Center by 1955, Governor
Herman Taimadge approved ti e transfer of a skilled prisoner labor camp to Rock Eagle and announced
that the state would match, do! ar for dollar, all funds raised by 4-H members and their friends for
building the camp. Among buiMings at the 4-H Club Center, other than the cottages, will be an admin¬
istration building, camp store ; nd post office; four small recreation buildings and one large recreation
hall; three educational, demonstration and exhibit buildings; dining halls for 1,200; an auditorium for
the same number: one caretaker's house: and three camn nersonnel hnnsps
Grid Practice At
Dade Begins Monday
Uniforms Will Be Issued
Saturday; Davis Will Be
First Foe on Sept. 10
The call was issued this week
for the first football practice at
Dade High School, to begin
Monday, August 18. J. C. Bil-
lue, who will coach the team
this fall, announced that uni¬
forms would be issued anytime
Saturday and that the time of
the practice on Monday would
be announced then.
A good turnout of boys is ex¬
pected. Billue stated that if he
is able to field a squad of 30
boys this fall, he will plan to
have a baseball team next
spring also. “But there will
have to be a good turnout for
football or we will not be able
to even consider baseball,” he
Davis First
The Dade High Wildcats will
get their first taste of the gri¬
diron on September 10 at 3 p.
m. when they will clash with
their mountain cousins, the
Davis High Yellow Jackets.
Next game will be with sea¬
soned Dunlap (Tenn.), Billue
said, on September 19.
An assistant coach is expect-
(Continued on back page)
Patton Hurls, Bats Davis 8-7 Over
Dalton Dade 7-2
Davis and Dade to
Meet At Rising Fawn
Bim Patton put the Davis
team in the winning column
for the second straight week
as he pitched an 8-7 win over
LaFayette at the Avans field
Sunday afternoon.
The Davis team pounded out
14 hits in the win* with Ste¬
phens and Bim Patton getting
three each.
Dalton Has 3-Hitter
Oscar O’Bryant of Dalton
gave up only three hits as the
Dalton team trimmed Dade
County at Dalton 7-2. Bud
Page, Roy McMahan, and Har¬
Cooper registered the three
for Dade as thirteen Dade
players went out on strikes.
Harlan Cooper went all the
way for the American Legion’s
team on the mound, giving up
County Scrap
The on-coming Davis club
will meet the Dade County
Hill...........6 1
Dalton...............4 2
................3 5
.. •........ • 2 5
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
|Farm Bureau Membership
Drive Planned September 9
W. L. Fannin Heads
Membership Drive
The 1952 Farm Bureau mem¬
bership drive has been slated
for September 9, Dade County
members learned at the state
meeting at Macon last week.
Col. D. E. Morrison, W. L.
Fannin, L. C. Adams and Mrs.
Bill Pullen represented Dade
County at the meeting at which
plans for getting members for
the coming year were made.
W. L. Fannin was elected
County Membership Chairman
at a meeting held Monday
night of bureau oficers. L. C.
Adams and Browny Stephens
were named Publicity Chair¬
Another meeting is planned
for Thursday night, August 14,
at 8 o’clock. Officers and di¬
rectors will meet to plan a
county-wide meeting for Au¬
gust 28 at which Farm Bureau
members will be given definite
assignments to be carried out
on “M” Day—September 9.
“M” stands for Membership.
A kick-off breakfast on the
morning of September 9 will
get the drive underway. It is
planned to complete the drive
that day.
team at Rising Fawn next
Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
It will be the fourth m e e u„g
of the teams this season, Dade
winning the first three.
Avans...............5 0
Freeman.............5 1
Stephens............5 3
Philips..............5 2
D. Patton............5 2
Robinson............3 1
Culpepper....... 4 2
Richey.............. 4 0
B. Patton............. 4 3
LaFayette. . 040 001 010—6
Davis .000 015 001—7
.. ..
3 0
P. Ellison, ss.. .2 0
.1 0
.1 0
.2 1
.1 o
McMahan, 3b .4 1
C. Ellison, cf .3 0
.1 0
Miller, lb .2 0
.0 0
Hixon, rf .2 0
. ■ •
H. Cooper, p .4 1
27 3
Dade County 110 000 000—2
Dalton 300 301
Milt Lee Escapes
Jail Last Week
Milt Lee, being held in the
jail at Trenton on a charge of
murder, escaped, jail last Sat-
urday a. m. He had been cap-
tured July 28 at a cabin on
Lookout Mountain by police
from Fairyland and Lookout
Mountain, Tenn.
Deputy H. H. Hutchings re¬
ported that he and Constable
Bill Norton had placed someone
in jail at about la. m. Satur¬
day morning. Lee was there at
that time, he said. Hutchings
says he went home and Norton
came back into Trenton about
1:30 a. m. and saw a black
Ford coupe parked in front of
the Georgia Power office, next
to the jail. Norton investigated
and two persons were in the
car but caused no undue suspi¬
Lee was released by someone
from the outside, Hutchings
said. Lee’s daughter and son
both knew where the keys are
kept, he continued, and there
was no one at the jail at that
time except some of Sheriff
Lynch’s children and Phil
Ryan, a boy of 15. They were
Mrs. J. W. Lynch, acting
sheriff, had gone to Tallahas¬
see, Fla., to return home with
her husband, J. W. (Bill)
Lee was charged with murder
le arc ra fJ ^ m
connection . with the beating
and death of June Nesbitt.
Phil Woodard Will
Coach Davis High
Football Practice Will
Begin August 18 at 3
Davis High School has se¬
cured a coach for its first year
in football, Principal D. O.
Chumley announced last Sat¬
urday. He is Phil Woodard, a
towering six-foot-four, 240
pound tackle who played at
Carson-Newman College and at
Jacksonville State Teachers
Woodard immediately an¬
nounced that football practice
would begin at Davis on Mon¬
day, August 18, at 9 a. m. “All
boys who want to play, includ-
should be at this first practice
if possible,” Woodard said.
A graduate of DeKalb (Ala.)
County High School, Woodard
is married and his attractive
wife, Joan, will teach in the
(Continued on back page)
<£< )aoopi
The Fort Payne papers re-
ported last week that donations
for a gymnasium at Valley
Head for the high school now
total $1315.00. An alumni as¬
is heading the drive.
Also some citizens donated
lufctber for the roof.
Valley Head already has a
lighted ball field, built by the
citizens of the town and com¬
* * *
WANTED—Boy to crank out¬
board motor. Tom Sims.
* * •
Pop Williams gets a couple
more hours of work out of
Dewell Breedlove since he sold
the new long-wheel-base truck.
Dewell said it took him an
hour a day to maneuver the
long thing in and out of the
* * *
A trip to St. Louis for a ball
game a couple of weeks ago al¬
most caused a big fire in Piney.
• • *
If you want a good trimming
go to the Trenton Barber Shop
on Saturday. Haircut on Sat¬
urday $ 1 00 ' |
. . k _
Put The Show On The Road!
Dade County Fair
Be Held October
The Dade County Fair will
be held on Friday and Satur-
day, October 3-4.
The Fair committee, headed
by Cleron Kyzer, met last Frl-
day night and made plans for
the 1952 Dade County Fair, it
will be held in the old skating
rink building in Trenton.
Several committees were ap-
{pointed to make preliminary 1
arrangements for the big af-
f a j r l C. Adams, Jules Case, '
Douglas Morrison and Mrs.
Catherine Morrison were ap¬
pointed to the Catalogue Com¬
Planning Committee
Those appointed . . , to , the ,, Plan-
mug Comm.tfoe _ ... for * Exhibit
ore Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore. 1 ,
Mrs. Dewey Bradford, Mrs.
Homer Hall, Mrs. Bill Pullen,
Mrs. Jules Case, Mrs. Martin
Bradford, and Mrs. Beatrice
Freeman. Sonny McMahan, Jules |
and J. C. Billue were appoint-
ed to a committee to move the
stock pen between the skating
rink and the co-op building.
The Advertising Committee
Court to Convene
On September 15
The jurors for the Septem¬
ber term of the Superior Court
were drawn at an afternoon
session last Saturday, August 9.
Judge Freeman C. McClure
and Solicitor-General Warren
Akin were on hand at the
Dade County courthouse to per¬
form other business also.
McClure is Judge of the
Lookout Mountain Judicial Cir¬
cuit. He said that he plans to
complete business In one week.
A traverse jury was drawn that
will convene on Monday, Sep¬
tember 15, at 9 o’clock. Addi¬
tional traverse jurors were
drawn who will report on
Thursday, September 18._
The names of those drawn
for the Grand Jury and Tra¬
verse Jury are listed here.
September Term 1952
1 C. L. Holmes
2 Brown Newby
3 R. S. Townsend
4 W. L. Simpson
5 Paschal Porter
6 Roy DeVries
7 F. M. Neely
8 Gordon Forester
9 Harold Moore
10 A. L. Dyer
11 Charlie Bodenhammer
12 W. C. Holmes
13 Ernest Stewart
14 W. D. Durham
15 Gordon Steele
16 F. N. Belk
17 J. B. Austin
18 John Tatum
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Dade High WiU Offer Best
Program Ever This Year
Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand Courses Added;
Ambitious Musical to be Started
------—• ■
Sheriff Lynch
Welcomed Home
Sheriff J. W. (Bill) Lynch
was welcomed home Saturday
evening as he arrived in
Lynch expressed his joy at
being home and was gratified
at the large crowd that assem¬
bled to meet him. A party was
held for him at the Wheeler
Restaurant Saturday evening.
The Sheriff spent Monday
visiting friends around the
square and appeared to be
healthy and happy.
Citizens of Dade County join
in welcoming Bill Lynch back
to take his place with his fa¬
mily and in fulfilling the duties
of the office to which he was
will consist of Tommy Sims, J.
C. Herman, Sonny McMahan,
Tom McCauley, Tom Renfroe,
Morrison, Douglas Morri-
son ’ C E Kyzer> Maurice
f >ar * cer < an d Harold Gross,
Kyzer urged that all mer-
chants and communities plan
immediately for displays at the
Eair • It was also urged that
three be a large number of
cattle and other livestock to be
A parade is planned for Fri¬
day morning, October 3, to
open the 1952 Fair. Each school
,„ni will v, be represented t with
marchers and whatever
lhey may ha>e
The W. S. C. S. of the New
England Methodist Church is
sponsoring a fish fry on the
church lawn Saturday night
August 16th at 7:30. Plate $1.00
for adults and 50c for children.
Everyone cordially invited
*9 19 Charlie Bible
20 Malcom rtscher
21 D. S. Middleton
22 W. F. Fannin
23 Victor Quinton
24 S. C. Grant
25 W. H. Wilhite
26 R L. Blevins
27 Hugh Forester
28 C. T Sims
29 G. C. Tatum
30 H. C. Gray
Drawn for Monday, Sept. 15
1 W.O. Street
2 J. G. Hatfield
3 Mark A. Scruggs
4 N. E. Fugatt
5 W. H Patterson
6 J. E. Cole
7 R C. Thomas
8 W. J. Bradford
9 Charlie Sizemore
10 R. S. Boyd, Jr.
11 Glen M. York
12 Alford Gass
13 J. Z. Bobo
14 Jim Roberts
15 C. R. Lea
16 J. C. Wallen
17 Luther Beagles
18 C. B. Hale
19 Grady Bell
20 W. P Cole
21 D I Jenkins
22 J. M. Carroll
23 H G. Hawkins
24 Raymond C. Street
25 W. H. Dugan, Sr.
26 F. C. Patterson
27 B I Cole
28 A J. Carroll
29 K. D. Teet
30 Frank Patterson, Jr.
The best school program ever
offered at Dade High School
will be initiated this fall, ac¬
cording to Principal J. C. Bil¬
lue. Commercial and music
courses will be added to the
expanded program.
The commercial department
which will be housed in the
new skating rink building pur¬
chased by the Board of Educa¬
tion last spring will include
courses in typing, bookkeeping
and shorthand. Twenty type¬
writers will arrive on Septem¬
ber 1 to be ready for school,
Bllue revealed.
Music Program
A piano teacher will be hired
on a feg basis, Billue conti¬
nued . Mrs. Tichenor from
Chattanooga has been ar¬
ranged to teach piano.
In addition, voice training
will be taught by Mrs. Tony
Dyess. Plans are for a large
glee club, Including a boys
quartet and a girls trio and
Mrs. Dyess will also instruct
music In the elementary grades
to provide background for the
New Teachers
Several new teachers have
recently been added to the
staff at Dade, Billue said Mrs.
Edna B. Sutton will teach
home economics. Elementary
teachers added are Miss Carrie
Steincipher for the 3rd grade
and Miss Barbara Afln Wil¬
liams for the 4th grade.
The name of the new coach
will be released soon. Billue
will serve as football coach
this fall and the new coach
will serve as assistant. Billue
hopes he will be able to turn
over all coaching duties to a
regular coach next year.
Due to the increase in the
price of food, he anticipates
being compelled to charge 25c
per meal in the lunch room.
Disaster Loans Made
Available To Farmers
No Loan Application^
Filed in Dade County
Mr. R. L. Vansant, State
Farmers Home Adminsitration,
announces that the Secretary
of Agriculture has designated
all counties in Georgia as di¬
scontinued on back page)
31 O. F. Green
32 S. W. Woodin
33 H. E. Gross
34 Charles W. Gray
35 E. H. Burns, Sr.
36 Wiley Dean
37 L. E. Holtzhower
38 Burnard C. Doyle
39 Pat Baugh
40 R. C. Blevins
41 Jess Lynn
42 James H. Dean
43 William F. Jackson
44 Lyman Daniel
45 Thomas M. Riddle
46 E. V. Rochester
47 William Hicks Ryan
48 Lester Holland
49 E L. Holmes
50 H. F. Allison
51 M. A Walker
52 Dock Stephens, Jr.
53 Glen L. Smith
54 Estel Robertson
Drawn for Thursday, Sept. 18
1 L. L. McCurdy
2 E. G. Ferguson
3 Jess W. Clark
4 W. D. Duncan
5 D. E. Morrison
6 Loyd R. Moore
7 Ralph V. Cureton
8 S. E Holder
9 W. H. Gray
10 John Warren
11 Arvil Bradford
12 Pinkney Williams
13 C. B. Clark
14 D. F Long
15 L. A. Mitchell
16 William P. Burr
17 Hugh Coates
18 Clyde Gass