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bitored at the Postoflico at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail.
One Tear, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 73 Cento.
Plus State y'< Sales Tax.
mas. CATHERINE C MORRISON ........ Owner and Publishes
Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish their
names, otherwise the communication will not be published. Name
will be withheld on request, but all communications must be signed
The Dade County Times is
proud to join with the other
10,000 newspaper in America
as we celebrate the 13th an¬
nual National Newspaper
Week, October 1-8
Our calendars .are crowded
with special weeks and spe¬
cial days, but this one is dif¬
ferent. It Is almost entirely
non-commercial. We don’t
expect to sell more papers or
more advertising.
It is rather the time each
year when we newspaper
editors pause to rededicate
ourselves to our greatest res¬
ponsibility-community serv¬
ice. We Invite you, our read¬
ers, to look at us critically,
make suggestions to us, help
By comparing last year’s
Tax Levy with this year’s we
find the total valuation of
the county has gone up
$50,517 and the net value has
Increased $165,669.
The year’s tax levy is
twenty-five mills or $2.50 on
the $10o and last year’s was
thirty-five mills The levy
for the operation of the
County-wide school system
remains the same at fifteen
The Curent Expenses and/
or General County Purposes
remains the same at five
mills. Listed under Other
Expenses are a few dif¬
Only two have been raised:
For public health purpose in
county and for collection
and preservation of records
of vital statistics and pay for
old age assistance and neeay
blind and dependent children
and other welfare benefits.
Reduced are repair and
Ucals and
Mr. J. J. Farmer is very ill
at his home.
L. C Adams was confined
to bed with sickness last week.
Billy Joe Bradford and Hamp
Gray have just returned from
army service in Germany.
Tom Renfroe went on a fish¬
ing trip to Florida the latter
part of last week.
Miss Lei a Kimborough was in
the hospital She suffered ex¬
traction of three teeth.
E. A. Ellis has returned to
Georgia Tech, and Sidney Park¬
er to Vanderbilt
Miss Merrill Stewart, daugh¬
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Stewart, is librarian at Camp¬
bell High School at Smyrna.
Mrs. W F. Morison is reco¬
vering from a recent opera¬
tion. Her daughter-in-law,
Mrs James Morrison, is as¬
sisting her in the office.
I know of no better way
than through The Dade Coun¬
ty paper to try and thank all
the good people for their many
cards and letters of kindness
shown me for the four months
I have been sick.
I received one only today
us produce better newspapers
for you.
The theme of our observ¬
ance this year is “Your Right
to Know ... A Constitutional
Guarantee." Your right to
know, your right to the news
of your community, state and
nation gives your newspaper
the right to tell you this
The right to tell is much
more than a right or privil¬
ege; it is a grave responsibil¬
ity which we newspaper edi¬
tors cannot take lightly. It
is an essential element of a
free society.
On slogan this year is
“Your Newspaper Lights the
Way of Freedom" May we
always do just that. Our
pledge to you at National
Newspaper Week is that we
shall always do our best to
justify that slogan.
build public buildings and
bridges, support of paupers,
pay to County agent and
Home Demonstration agent,
providing for fire protection
of forest lands and conser¬
vation of natural resources,
provided medical and other
care and hospital fon indi¬
gent sick, salary of tax com¬
missioner and salary of soli¬
citor general.
Last year’s items amount¬
ing to 17 cents on the $100
which are ommited this year
are: acquire, improve and
maintain airports, public
parks and public libraries;
providing for workmen's
compensation and retirement
or pension funds for officers
and employees; and provid¬
ing a reasonable reserve for
public improvements as may
be fixed by law.
All of this reduces the to¬
tal for other expenses from
2.77 last year to 1.77 this
year making for the decrease
in the Total Tax Levy.
Glad to report all the sick
people in our community are
up and are much better.
Mrs. William Phillips has
returned to her mother’s home
after a serious operation.
Ed Bible, Jr., and family,
from Macon, were week end vi¬
sitors with home folks
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Alford,
Jr., (Frances Bible) are spend¬
ing a few days with Ma and Pa
Bible. Ben has finished 13
weeks training and is report¬
ing to California for further
with a very nice verse from
Psalms, “God is oun refuge and
strength: a very present help
in trouble.” How true this is
for without Him we can gain
Also, I want to thank the
people for the very, very beau¬
tiful flowers, especially the
State Line Methodist Church,
Cloverdale Baptist, Rising
Fawn Baptist, Byrd’s Chapel
Community group, the Com¬
bustion Boiler Makers group
and all the good neighbors and
friends for their flowers and
potted plants which they have
brought in. There is one bou-
Due to an emergency, I will not be abi l e to
reach Dade County until about 10:30 A. M., Fri¬
day, October 3rd instead of Thursday, October
2nd as previously announced. I will make a brief
stop at Rising Fawn and will reach Trenton by
11:00 A. M.
boxdUxo^ M. C.
It appearing to the Ordinary of said County that the taxable
value of real estate and personal property of said County as same
appears on the Tax Digest for the year 1952, aside from the pro¬
perty belonging to the Public Utilities located in said County, is
$1,769,677.00 and after deduction of $643,887.00 as Homestead
Exemptions and other property deductions, also less Reserve for
Shrinkage $112,579.00, there is a net value of $1,013,211.00.
And it furthering appearing that the property belonging to
the Public Utilities located in said County as furnished by the
Department of Revenue of the State of Georgia, is $1,162,726.00
making a total valuation of taxable property located in said
County amount to $2,175,937.00.
And it further appearing that $55,961.27 will be required to
pay the necessary expenses and obligations of the County.
It is therefore ordered that a levy of Twenty-five Mills or
$2.50 on the $100.00 worth of taxable property located in Dade
County, be and the same is hereby levied on every species of tax¬
able property, to pay the incurred indebtedness, necessary run¬
ning expenses and obligations of Dade County for the year 1952.
Tax Levy Estimated
Per $100 To Raise
1924 School Bonds .............................02 $ 571.09
1929 Road Bonds ..............................14 3,997.61
1941 Refunding Bonds ..........................07 1,998.80
Total Bond and Interest Levy.....................23 $ 6,567.50
4. To Build and Repair the Public Buildings and
County Government ........................25 $ 5,439.84
2. To pay Legal Indebtednes of the County......05 1,087.97
5. To pay Expenses of Court, the Maintenance and
Support of Prisoners and pay Sheriffs and
Coroners and for Litigation.................20 4,351.87
Total Current Expenses....................... .50 $10,879.68
4. To build and Repair the Public Bulldingsand
Bridges .....................................40 $ 8,703.75
6. To pay the Expenses of Working Public Roads
in the County ...............................40 8,703.75
7. For Public Health Purposes in County and for
Collection and Preservation of Records of Vi¬
tal Statistics .................... 20 4,351.87
9. To Support Paupers .........................02 435.19
10 . To pay County Agricultural and Home Demon-
startion Agents .............................07 1,523.15
11 . To pay Old Age Assistance to the Needy Blind
and Dependent Children and Other Welfare
Benefits ....................................25 5,439.84
To provide for Fire Protection of Forest Lands
and Conservation of Natural Resources......10 2,175.94
To Provide Medical and Other Care and Hos¬
pitalization for the Indigent Sick People of
the County .................................23 5,004.66
17. To Pay Salary of Tax Commissioner...........08 1,740.75
18. To Pay Salary of Solicitor General............02 435.19
Total Other Expenses...............1.77 $38,514.09
Total Levy ......................................2.50 $55,961.27
It is further ordered that a levy of Fifteen Mills or $1.5o on
the $100.00 worth of taxable property located in Dade County,
Georgia, be and the same is hereby levied on every species of tax¬
able property, both real and personal, to pay for the operation of
the County-wide school system of said County.
It Is further ordered by the Ordinary of Dade County, Geor¬
gia, that the tax for the maintenance of the Local School Dis»-
trlcts and for the Bonds and Interest on the Bonds of the Local
School Districts to be, and the same is hereby levied on all pro¬
perty, both real and personal, located in said local school dis¬
tricts as follows:
County-wide, for Bonds and Interest.............2 Mills
Cole City School District, Bonds and Interest____2 Mills
Rising Fawn School District. Bonds and Interest.. 2 Mills
North End School District, Bonds and Interest____1 Mill
Trenton School District. Bonds and Interest......2 Mills
New Salem School District, Bonds and Interest...4 Mills
All as per recommendation of the County School Superin-
tedent, copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof.
It is therefore ordered by the Ordinary that the Tax Com¬
missioner of said County collect the tax herein levied for all pur¬
poses conained in this levy and pay same over to the proper
authorities authorized to receive such funds under the laws of
Given under my official hand and seal of office, this 29 day
of August, 1952.
A. W. Peek
Ordinary, Dade County, Georgia
quet especially outstanding on
my mind, that I received, for
I had the pleasure about thirty
odd years ago of being out on
dear old Lookout Mountain in
this very flower garden of
Aunt Mary’s (as we children
all called her) and how it
brought back memories of
long gone by. Thanks to you,
I also want to thank each j
and ed take every one of of you me that and help- j
care espe¬
cially the Blood Donors. May
God’s richest blessing be with
each and every one of you is
my prayer. I will say again,
many many thanks.
Jewell Phillips.
By virtue of an order of the
ordinary of said State
County, there will be sold at
public outcry, on the first
Tuesday in October, 1952, at
the courthouse door in Tren¬
ton, Georgia, between the legal
i hours of sale, to the
I and best bidder for cash, the
following described land and
property in said county, to-
One 1950 International Pick¬
up Truck, Model L-120, Motor
No. 3073, Serial No. 1199;
All household and kitchen
furniture, consisting of one
small range stove; 1 Admiral
Refrigerator, size 9 ft. 7 in.;
1 enamel top table, 4 chairs;
1 small coal heater; 1 bed.
complete; and .approximately
15 bushels of corn.
Also, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
TRACT No. I—All that tract
or parcel of land lying and be¬
ing in the 19th District and 4th
..on of Dade County, Geor¬
gia, the following described
real estate, to-wit: Part of ori¬
ginal land lot No. 160 in the
19th District and 4th Section
of Dade County, Georgia, des¬
cribed as follows: Being all of
the 20 acres tract of land con¬
veyed by Andrew J. Carroll to
R. F. Little by deed dated
July 6, 1946, and recorded in
oltice of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Dade County, Georgia
in Deed Book 33, page 87,
which lies on the East side of
the Brow road as the same
now runs, said tract herein
conveyed containing two (2)
acres, more or less, being
bounded on the North by
North original lot line which is
the line between this property
and the property known as the
J. H. Davis tract; on the east
by the Brow or bluff of Sand
Mountain; on the South by the
lands known as the L. R. Da¬
niel estate property, and on
the West by said public road.
Mineral rights and mining
privileges are excepted and not
herein conveyed.
This is the same tract of
land which was conveyed by R.
F. Little to C. M. West, dated
the 13th day of August, 1947,
j and recorded in Deed Book 34,
I page 266 in office of Clerk of
Superior Court of Dade Coun¬
ty. Georgia.
TRACT No. H: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and be¬
ing in Dade County, Georgia,
Twenty acres (20) of land in
the northwest corner of lot of
land No. 160 in the 19th Dis¬
trict and 4th Section of Dade
County, Georgia, and which is
known as the J. E. Woods or
the J. R. Wyatt property, be¬
ing the property upon which
said Woods or Wyatt lived at
the time of his death, said
property being bounded on the
east by the bluff of Sand
tain, on the south and west by
L. R. Daniel property, and on
the north by the original lot
line, and being the same pro¬
perty conveyed by Norman Da¬
niel to W. A. Donaldson by
deed dated Feb. 5, 1933 and of
record in the office of the Clerk
of Superior Court of Dade
County, Georgia in Deed Book
X, page 416, also being the
same property conveyed by
Mrs. Blanch K. Beaver to Will
Bates dated March 12, 1937.
Also known as the same pro¬
perty conveyed by A. L. Wood
to Andrew J. Carroll by deed
dated Nov. 24, 1942 and of re¬
cord in Deed Book 29, page 305-
306, in the office of the clerk
of the superior court of Dade
Look Everywhere...
You Won't Find Better Bargains
Than Here
*********** »»♦»»»»»»»»»♦»»»»»»*■ ♦ * * » » * »»»»»»»»♦♦ **
1949 CHEVROLET 2 Tom, Heavy Duty
1949 DODGE V/z Ton
1946 CHEVROLET Vz Ton, Extra Clean
1949 FORD 2 Tan, Heavy Duty
1948 CHEVROLET, 2 Ton, 2 Speed
1947 FORD iy 2 Ton, 2 Speed, Good Tire*
1946 FORD iy 2 Ton
1941 FORD, 2 Door
irestone AND / hooe >7 >
Cummings and Birmingham
SUN., MON., October 5 - 6
Rod Cameron, Marie Windsor,
George Montgomery
In Technicolor
TUES., WfcD., October 7 - 8
The Las Vegas Story
Robert Mitchum, Jane Russell
Two Cartoons and Late News
THURS., FRI., October 9 - 10
Joan Douglas, Melvyn Douglas
Also Two Cartoons
a m •
SATURDAY, October 11
Bride of the Gorilla
Barbara Patton,
Lon Chaney, .Tr.
Also Four Cartoons
County, Georgia. The mineral
rights and mining privileges
are not conveyed.
EXCEPTING the two acres
which lies on the east side of
the Brow Road, as the same
now runs.
The sale will continue from
day to day between the same
hours, until all of said property
is sold.
This the 3rd day of Septem¬
ber, 1952.
Julian F. Henderson
As Administrator of the Estate
of R. F. Little, deceased.
Savings Accounts — To provide for the future’
Checking Accounts — To provide greater efficiency in
your day-to-day financial affairs;
Saf« Deposit Boxes —Offer your valuables protection
from fire and theft ot low cost;
Banking Services- |n fact, all financial services
which will add to your personal
or business efficiency are avail¬
j able here!
Market at Seventh
Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-?>in.
1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
SUN., MON., October 5 6
The Half Breed
Robert Young, Janis Carter
In Technicolor
TLES., WED., October 7 g
Fury of the Con go
Johnny Weissmuller
THURS., FRI., October 9 jo
The Denver and
Rio Grand?
Edmond O’Brien, Dean Ja g
Sterling Hayden g er
In Technicolor
SATURDAY, October 11
Tim Holt
r ★★★*★★*★★★***★***+** OPENING
Week Days: 7:00 P. M.
Saturday: 2:39 p. m.
Sunday: 3 P. M. (two shows in
afternoon). Close for Church
and reopen at 8:45 P. M.
WANTED—Truck to haul loads
of Squirrel. — Hubert Lacy,