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i'dae County’s Only Newspaper.
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New County Officers Assume Duties
New Year’s Day was 'not only
a holiday, but an occasion of
utmost importance to citizens
of Dade County. On that day,
precisely after the stroke of
midnight of December 31st, new
county officials took office,
Whether they were on hand to
receive the offices atthat hour
has not been determined, but
that is the traditional time when
the old is rung out and new is
rung in.
Most important among these
is the new Ordinary, Raymond
M. Morrison, who received the
oath of office a 'few weeks ago
United States Senators
Walter F. George
Richard B. Russell.
U. S. Representative from 7th
Congressional District
Henderson Lanham.
Senator from 44th Senatorial
O. C. ROllins, Catoosa Co.
Lookout Mtn. Judicial Circuit
Judge—Freeman C. McClure.
Solicitor General
Earl B. Self.
Sfa+e Representative from
Dade—Maddox J. Hale.
Raymond M. Morrison.
F. C. Graham
Clerk of Superior Court
Mrs. Grace Hale Williams.
Tax Commissioner
John W. Murphy.
James Virgil Jenkins.
Charles T. Sims.
N. C. Ellis.
of Some 1952 Events
New Fire tower opBied on
Sand Mountain.
Penny post cards cost 2c
New Trenton City Council as¬
sumes office.
Georgia Legislature convenes
January 14.
Dade County Primary set for
April 12. Run-off election an¬
nounced for first time in Dade
Terrence Moore wins 1951
Corn contest with 129 bu. to
John Whitt, George Wheeler
and Otis Foster die.
Dade gets 65,000 tree seed¬
lings from TVA.
Annual Farm Bureau meeting
Col. D. E. Morrison elected
Annual Co-op meeting. A. L.
McMahan, W. L. Fannin, J. B.
Boydston. W. H. Pullen, E. J.
Bible and James Lancaster new
Board of Directors.
Board of Education buys
Clark property west of Court
House Square for new High
New Salem Farmers win Soil
Conservation Contest.
Forest Fires dot county.
Dade has 18 students in col¬
lege this winter.
Jonquils blooming February
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade and
when Judge McClure was here,
and was greeted Thursday by
A. W. Peck, outgoing commis-
The Clerk of Court, Mrs. Grace
Hale Williams; Tax Commis-
sioner, John W. Murphy, and
i-------- Sheriff F. _. C. _. Graham --------- were
sworn in by Ordinary Peck this
week, and have been getting
introduced to their various du-
ties by the outgoing officers,
iGraham Hale Mrs. W. Mor-
rison, and J. W. Lynch, re-
| Mr. and Mrs. Lynch and
family moved Tuesday to the
Supt. of Schools
Roy W. Moore.
School Board—E. R. Wells,
Chairman, Cleron Kyzer, C.
L. Ivey, W T .C. Cureton, Jr.,
John McGuffey.
Department of Public Health
Miss Fannielu McWhorter,
Nurse, Thomas W. Fox, Sani¬
Health Board
Ordinary, School Supt. and
County P. H. Doctor.
Dept., of Public Welfare
Mrs Bess Cureton, director
Welfare Board—Mrs. F. N.
Belk, D. T. Brown, J. Z. Bobo,
and K. D. Teet.
Agricultura Extension Service
L. C. Adams, County Agent,
C. L. Bigham, Ass’t Agent,
Mrs. Virginia Konrad, Clerk.
Forestry Service
Jerry C. Pace, Ranger
Forestry Board—Pace Ordin¬
ary Morrison, County Agent
Adams,Pyron Lambert, K. D.
Browm and R. C. Thomas.
P. M. A.
Mrs. Louife Wright, Admin¬
istrator, Mrs. Clara Mae Bran¬
don, clerk.
Superior Court holds for
Twenty-one qualify for
ty Democratic Primary.
Mobile . Soil Testing
makes tests of Dade Soil.
Myron Gass heads
Farmer’s Association.
More forest fires.
Trenton and Rising Fawn en¬
ter Better Town Contest.
Ri:ing Fawn enters Chatta¬
nooga Area Improv^rent Con¬
More firest fires.
State donates Jeep for fire
4-H Club members receive
County Primary April 12.
Winners: Raymond Morrison,
Ordinary; Maddox J. Hale, Re¬
presentative; John W. Murphy,
Tax Commissioner; James V.
Jenkins, Treasurer; Roy W.
Moore, Supt. of Schools; Char¬
les T. Sims, Coroner; N. C. Ellis
Surveyor. G. C. Tatum and F.
C. Graham will have to have a
run-off race for sheriff and
Grace Hale Williams and Waldo
T. Simmons for Clerk of Court.
Cloverdale erects own phone
Old Jacoway place now call¬
ed Mountain View addition
opened for residences.
Montford Blevins home in Piney
and the new Sheriff and Mrs
Graham were settled in the jail
by Wednesday evening.
There are no changes in the
other county offices.
Ordinary Morrison, after tak-
office, announced he fol-
lowing appointments: Mrs. An-
i e Hale will continue as Clerk
and Allison Blevins will be the
new road work supervisor,
She Sheriff , iff Graham Graham announced
he had chosen Slater Hickman
as one of deputies. Other
appointments to be made 'later.
County Committee—C. L. Ivey
chairman, D. P. kood and Joe
Conservation Service
Soil Technician—Hugh Clark
Supervisor Coosa Rivfer Soil
District from Dade—
Col. D. E. Morrison.
Selective Service Board
Ernest Stewart, Clerk.
Members of Board — E. L.
Raul^ston, Chairman, W. H^
Kenimer and Robert White.
of Trenton
Mayor—A L. Dyer.
City Council — Jules Case,
Cleron Kyzer, Tom Tatum, I.
H. Wheeler, Jr.
City Recorder — Granville
Justices of the Peace
Trenton-Wayne W. Williams.
Byrds Chapel-Daniel F. Long.
Rising Fawn-C. A. Whited.
Sulphur Springs - E. J. Bible.
New England-Howard Doyle.
Wildwood - Worth T. Lea.
New Salem - H. V. Moore.
West Brow - G ,W. Austin.
New Home - Wm. J. Nixon.
Cole City - Murphy Burrell.
Hcoker - Carl G. Bell.
Siygo-W. P. Cole.
Mrs. Fred Harrison wins in
Dress Review.
Dade Public Health Depart-
ment adds Sanitarian to staff.
Cynthia Moore Farm Bureau
No High School graduation
classes as Dade changes over
from 11 to 12 grades.
State Democratic Primary. F.
C. Graham wins for Sheriff,
Mrs. Williams for Clerk of
Court. Earl B. Self wins for
Solicitor General of Lookout
Mountain Judicial Circuit.
Davis High School with 93.-
57% and New Salem Elementary
! School with 93.55% have best
average daily attendance for
Work starts on Sand Moun¬
tain and Lookout Mountain
McBryar Bros, store moves
; from RR to N. W. corner of
Sand Mountain road.
Belles and Beaus Contest for
Bookmobile funds.
Superior Court convenes for
one day.
Trenton Furniture Co., moves
to S. W. corner of Square.
j Trenton holds city-wide clean
up .
Old Tatum home north of
Square bums.
“^ c 3 Acres
Atlanta Ga., Dec. 17—Dade
County has been cited as one
of the counties having certi-
fied Georgia Tree Farms as
Qeorgia passed another forestry
milestone and the millionth
acre of woodland in the state
was certified under the Tree
Farms System.
Dade County’s Tree Farmers
are E. R. Wells with 3,500 acres
certified: Miss Bess Cureton
with 887 acres; Col. D. E. Mor¬
rison with 474 acres; Pyron
Lambert with 203 acres, J. A.
Case with 173 acres, W. C. Hol¬
mes with 156 acres, and E. J.
Bible, 73 acres certified.
In pointing out Dade County
and her outstanding forest en-
terprizes, Guyton DeLoach, Di¬
rector of the Georgia Forestry
Commission, paid tribute to the
Tree Farmers here and through
out the state.
“Those who qualify as Geor¬
gia Tree Farmers not only es¬
tablish and maintain for them¬
selves an excellent financial
undertaking,” said DeLoach,
“but they also take a forward
step in citizenship. The Tree
Farms System includes only
those landowners who demon¬
strate adequate protection and
sound managament,” “he con¬
tinued, “and awards are made
only on the basis of past ac-
comolishments and current
v••..«:tic.:. .- LaAcL certified as
Tree Farms serve as continuous
demonstration areas of good
forestry in its several phases.”
The Georgia Tree Farm was
started in 1948 and is sponsor¬
ed jointly by the Forestry Com¬
mission, the Georgia Forestry
Association and the Southern
Pine Association. The Tree Farm
movement is conducted nation¬
ally by the American Forest
Products Industries, Inc.
The Garden Club will meet
next Thursday, January 7, in¬
stead of January 1, the regular
meting date due to the holiday
Mrs. Dudley Cureton will be
hostess and all members are
urged to be present.
Kathryn Fricks and Ray
win first place in District
lic speaking.
I Work done on Davis and Dade
High football fields. Dave L.
. machinery to
Brown sends
with Dade’s field.
I Drought serious. Temperature
around 100.
Health Center completed.
Rains bring relief for farmers.
Kathryn Fricks elected State
4-H Club Secretary.
County schools open August
29 with 1770. Dade High adds
typing, bookkeeping, shorthand
and music.
Sand Mountain residents
form Athletic Board.
Garden Club annual Flower
Football practice starts. Davis
has football team for first time.
Georgia Power moves to north
of square September 23.
Farm Bureau drive nets 119
Superior Court holds 5 days.
Dade County Baseball team
ere League champs.
P. M. A. elections for 1953
County committeemen. Elected
C. L. Ivey, Chm.; D. P. Hood,
Joe Blevins, R. C. Thomas and
H G. Haw'kins.
Eight thousand attend annu¬
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Holiday Accidents Keep Patrol Busy
Among drivers brought in by
the State Patrol during the
holidays was Tom Walston, of
East Trenton, who was booked
cna charge of hit-run, driving
under the influence, opera-
il ng a vehicle without proper
brakes, and being involved in
accident. Walston was bound
over the the Grand Jury.
Ddiving an old model Stude-
aker from Chattanooga, Wals-
ten passed a Ford, driven by C.
W. Albertson of Sand Mt„ on
the wrong side, bumping the
right fender of a Ford. The
driver of this car then pulled
up alongside of Walston and
they exchanged a few words
which angered both parties.
The driver of the Ford de-
ided to pass Walston and get
to Trenton ahead of him so
he could report to authorities
The State Patrol had just
brought in a man from Wyom¬
ing, who was being questioned
n the Ordinary’s office, and
one trooper was sitting in the
car. Two men from the Ford
jumped out and bagan talking
to the trooper and gesturing
ack in the direction from which
j hey had come.
About this time, Walston
'drove around the square and
j he two men attempted to wave
| him down. He kept right on
going, so both the patrol car
: nd the Ford started in pur-
f uit.
! A few moments later, all cars
time back, with Walston prov¬
ing he had no brakes by
bouncing over the sidewalk as
he parked. He was found to
| ave been drinking, and he
cursed the arresting officers,
which added to his charges.
; Both he and his father, Miles
j Walstcn, put in who front was cells also of drunk, the
ail. Tom Walston bellowed
curses at passing cars and per-
ons and used abusive language
in such a loud voice that he
ould be heard all over the
quare. Since no one was around
ho could stop him, this went
n for some time. Clint Miller,
ity policeman, took out a
peace warrant against him, but
(only the sheriff or his deputies
al Clothesline Show at PPum
Parade and County Fair.
Head River wins community'
Congressman Henderson Lan¬
ham makes annual visit to
Hospital Authority of Walker
D^de and Catoosa counties em¬
ploys first Hospital Adminis-
t-ator as hospital nears com¬
Old Jacoway place burns.
Grand Jury recalled in spec¬
ial session in case of killing of
“Happy” Daniel.
Forest fires worst since spring,
Laura Guinn Slayton dies.
General Election November
4—Dwight D. Eisenhower elect¬
ed U. S. President, F. C. Gra¬
ham wins Sheriff’s office over
independent candidate.
Northwest Georgia forests
ablaze. National Guard called
Miss May I. Cureton honored
nationally for her contribution
to southern farm and home
State building funds approv¬
ed for Dade schools.
Ray Bobo, named Master
4-H member (Dade’s second,
George Carroll of Wildwood our
first) and wins trip to National
4-H Congress.
Art Moore wins 1952 Corn
were authorized to quiet him
down, it was understood Sheriff
i ^ nne nch at the in Ba layette SS e ^ trial, at the
Several accidents took place
cver the county during the
Christmas week end. About 3:30
Christmas morning, a 52 Buick
r n through the flower bed on
t-he north side of the square
? nd smashed into the jail fence
^ Bt }* unn wa5 " taken a woman to the occupant, hospital,
* hlle ^ man was ^ ut J 111 -> ail
B ° th ^
Ifrom Knoxville.
The night before near Town¬
send’s store, a ’51 Ford from
Michigan which hit a bank and
turned over, was completely
demolished, although no one
was hurt.
Friday a ’52 Pontiac hit a hog
in the road on Sand Mountain
and turned over, two boys who
were in the car were uninjured.
Damages to the car were esti¬
mated at $400.
O. B. Phillips was charged
with reckless driving after he
ran into a car driven by Mrs.
Gass on Sand Mountain Sun¬
day. He was bound over to the
Grand Jury.
Monday morning of the 29th,
a transfer truck from Eagle
Motor Lines hit A. J. (Bunk)
Clark’s truck as he was making
a left-hand turn at Wildwood.
Two were injured in Clark’s
Tuesday about 1 p. m. two
automobiles driven by Mrs.
Pauline Hartline Martin and
Curtis Rogers collided head-on
near Dock Stephens’ store on
Sand Mountain. Mrs. Martin
received a broken leg and face
cuts, while her mother, who
was riding with her, was seri¬
ously injured. Her head had
gone through the windshield.
Rogers received a injured hip.
Both cars were badly dam¬
aged. with Mrs. Martin’s car a
53 Mercury, smashed and the
windshield shattered. The front
end of the Ford was damaged
worse than Mrs. Martin’s car.
All cars were hauled in by
Dewell Breedlove with the Wil¬
liam Motor Co., Wrecker.
Contest with 159 bushels.
Cave Springs community in¬
stalls rural telephone system.
Sand Mountain and Lookout
Mountain roads opened. Sand
Mountain road still to be paved
and Lookout Mountain road
still has wash out place at foot
of original slide.
Donald Haggard and Durvall
Nixon named outstanding play-
j ers on Davis football team.
Rising Fawn wins $75 in
Chattanooga Area Improvement
Methodist Bishop Roy H.
; Short vi its Dade.
Lieht vote in J. P. and Con¬
stable election.
Nearly 150 of Dade’s school
1 children have perfect attend-
| ance record for nine months.
Dade entertains District For¬
est Rangers.
Dade’s Department of Public
| Health staff moves to new
! Health Center.
E. T. Holmes and Mrs. W. G.
Morrison., Sr., win county-wide
j Christmas Decoration contest.
J Sims Ronald named Steele all and regional Norris
; on
Class C football teams.
Ronald Steele named on All-
State Class C Team.
Col. D. E. Morrison elected
Dade County supervisor of the
Coosa River Soil Conservation