Newspaper Page Text
Dy Mrs. Jamea Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper
a: a the parents of a baby girl
born February 1st.
M s. H. J. Barton is improv¬
ing after an illness, and stay
in a Dalton, Ga., hospital.
The virus has really been
rampant on the mountain.
Practically all our families
have been ill the past two
Little Connie Moore, daughter
rf Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth
Mccre, ha' been seriously ill.
Mrs. Fred Daily, Jr., and
children. Mrs. Leona Wood
and children, also Mrs. John¬
ny West and family are im¬
proving after a week in bed
with flu.
Howard Sutton, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. O. Sutton, is ill
at his some.
Mrs. Eliza Michaels has
been ill at the home of her
/daughter, Mrs. A. L. Wood, in
Dundee, Florida.
Janice Faye, baby daughter
of the Rev. and Mrs. Harold
Mills, is able to be out after a
lengthy illness.
Mrs. Omer Barton and chil¬
dren are ill at their home with
Mrs. Charlie Moore is better
after her • illness. Mr. Moore
has also been ill.
Mrs. Epsico Michaels enter¬
tained with a birthday dinner
Sunday in honor of her daugh¬
ter. Miss Lenie Michaels, son
Williard Michaels and grand¬
daughter Geraldine Michaels
Miss Ruth Cole, of Trenton,
spent Sunday with her aunt,
Mrs. H. J. Barton and family.
EARN GOOD PAY representing
Avon Cosmetics as advertised
in Good Housekeeping. Open
territory in Rioing Fawn.
Write Mrs. Jeanet Coalson,
Ga. Route 3. ,
4 t p — 2-5
FOR SALE—English Shepherd
Pups, Good Stock and Watch¬
dogs. Natural Heelers, Easily
Trained. They’re Beauties. $10
Mrs. R. G. Peterson, Trenton,
Georgia, Rt. 2. 3t. Pd. 2-19
FOR SALE — U 2-A Interna¬
tional power unit, good con¬
dition, i arae motor as in
Formal! tractor. E. L. Holmes,
Morganville, Georgia
3 t p — 2 - 5
FOR SALE — 2t) acres land, 6
room house, good barn and
several outbuildings, 1 mile
south of Trenton. Well on
porch and 2 springs on place.
—Mrs. H. L. Reeves.
3 t - 2 - 5
FOR RENT — 4 room house
with lights and water. James
Hatfield, Rosing Fawn, Ga.
3 t p — 2 - 12
NESS. Real opportunity now
for permanent, profitable
work nearby. W’rite Raw-
le’ijhVs Dept. GAB - 10 - K.,
Memphis, Tenn.
1 t p—
model truck—36 acres wood
land in Cole City — J. B.
Adkins, Box 356, Bridgeport,
3 t p — 2 - 19
•mplete $19.85. Requires no
itteries, cords or ear button.
lirapraetor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.
By order of Hon. Freeman C.
McClure, Judge of Superior
Court, Dade County, Georgia,
notice Is given that on January
20, 1953, a petition was filed in
said Court by Earl B. Self, sol¬
icitor general, seeking to con¬
demn the following vehicle: 1
1937 Black Ford Tudor Coach
Automobile, Motor No. 4143181,
Tag No. C-40460, -52, same hav¬
ing been seized in the possession
of Alvin Ayers and person un¬
known, and persons unknown,
on the 9th day of January, 1953
on Scenic Highway in Dade
County, Georgia.
This, the 20 day of Jaunary,
Grace H. Williams
Dade County, Georgia
Clerk of Superior Court.
P»y James C. Holder
Mrs. Roy Wallin entertain¬
ed with a birthday party hon¬
oring her son. Butch, Saturday
afternoon. It was his sixth
birthday. Those present w|rre
Donald, Lynda, Wanda, Brenda
and Glenda Powell, Larry and
Ronnie Bradford, Eddie Po¬
well, Edie, Frankie and Morris
West, Danny Ilibbs, Bobby
Blevins, Hugh Don and Joey
Keith, and Butch, Gail and Joe
Alien Wallin.
Those helping with games
and refreshments were Mes-
dames Corroll Powell, Lydia
Keith, Ruby Wallin, Lamar
Powell, Roy West, Bill West
and Haston Hibbs. A nice time
was enjoyed by all.
Bud Nonnelly was the Satur¬
day night guests of Donald
Wayne Powell.
Dannie Goodwin, son of Mr.
Mrs. James Goodwin, of
Trenton, was the Friday night
of Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Forester and Helen.
Mrs. R. H. Mulligan, son
niece, of Birmingham, and
Mrs. Martha Forester, of Sul-
Springs, visited Mr, and
Mrs. Noah Forester Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy West and
sons of Puddin’ Ridge were the
evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Holder and son
and Mr. & Mrs. Myrl Holder.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Griffin
daughter of this commun¬
ity have moved to Florida.
Mr. Wesley Forester was the
Sunday dinner guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Reeves.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Clark were the Sunday visitors
■of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Clark
Mrs. Josie Nunnelly and
children were the weekend vi-
sitors of her son and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Nunnelly in
South Pittsburg, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shadden
baby, of Chattanooga,
the Sunday afternoon
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Haw-
kins, Jr., and girls, of Clover-
dale, were the supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Homer For-
ester and boys, Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Holder entertain-
ed Sunday with a dinner hon-
oring her son and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Myrl Holder. I hose
present were Mrs. Leon Castle-
berry and Ann and Marie children, Stee e, Frances o rs-
ing Fawn.
We have a lot of illness m
community and it consists
of flue and pneumonia. Ye
all those ill a speedy ie-
covery -
Mr. D. P. Self, 81, passed
away Friday evening, January
30 at the residence gf Mr. and
Mrs. Buff Bradford, in New
'England, Ga. He was a native
of Texas and had been in this
area about a year.Survivors are
a nephew, Roy Self, of Rule,
"Texas; two nieces, Mrs. Agnes
Clanton, Channing, Texas, and
Mrs. Hettle Queen, Dallas,
Texas, and a host of friends,
He was a member of the Ma-
sonic Lodge, of Marble Bluff,
Texas. Funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon at the
Trenton Baptist Church with
Rev. Jerry Mclnnis, and Elder
Frazee officiating. Masons of
the Trenton Lodge served as
pallbearers. Burial was in the
Trenton Baptist Church.
Bertha Ophelia Wooten
Miss Bertha Ophelia Wooten,
22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J w Wooten ol Lookout Mt,
fng died her January are her , paren • s, ur ^ ive v
sisters, Mrs. E a ae oo en,
Mrs Viola ViUld Veal, ’ Mrs. Grace
of Lookout , ... Mt.
Mrs. Dollie Morgan, Sheffield,
Ala., and Mrs. Pearl Gregg,
Knoxville, Tenm, roe ,___ r
thers, Charles j. ' e *V 1
ken, S C.. Clyde and Claude
Wooten. Lookout Mountain.
Funeral services were held at
the Wesley Chapel with Revs.
F A Goza and Hodges Moore
officiating Active pallbearers
were Paul Pell, Paul Voiles,
Kenneth D. Teet, Oscar Sum-
merford, Bill Lipham and
vin Pell. Honorary: Clifford
Black, Vernon Middlebrooks,
Marvin Pell, Lloyd Smith, Au-
brey Downer and Dempsey
Tiley. Interment was in the
Chapel Cemetery.
The talent show sponsored
by the PTA brought out a large
crowd. Approximately $75 was
raised. Taking part'were the
| glee club of the school, the 4-H
Quartet, Truett Abercrombie,
the Everette and Cole duet.
The ladies sponsored a snack
bar during the evening.
Family night was held Wed¬
nesday evening at the Meth¬
odist Church. The program
included a covered dish sup¬
per and an educational movie.
I Mrs. Fred Harrison is suf¬
fering from Lula a broken arm.
Mrs. McMahan has re¬
turned from an extended stay
jin Long Beach, Calif. She is
[residing with Mr... and Mrs.
! Lloyd Boren in Chattanooga
while her husband, Charles, is
on sea duty.
L. M. Allison was ill with
flu last week. He returned
Saturday to Berry Schools.
Making the trip also were Mrs.
Allison, Mrs. John B. Harri¬
son, Sammy and Aileen.
A farewell party was given
in honor of Frank Woodyard
j Thursday, January 29 at the
home of Ruth Wilson. Those
, present were Billy Joe Brad¬
ford, Helen Shankles, Howard
iMcKaig, Patsy a»d Peggy Ren-
ifroe, Janie and Nina Keeton,
, Lauretta Morgan, Dennis Bran
jdon, Martha and Glenn Smith,
[Fred Phillips, J. E. Combs,
jCleve Christopher, Thelma
Stinnett, Leslie Wilson, Frank
Woodyard and the hostess.
Games were played and re¬
freshments were served by
little Patsy Harrison.
By Mrs. Mary Patterson
and Mis. Charles Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raines
announced the birth of a
daughter recently.
Mrs. Steve Derryberry and
Mrs. Charles Bryant spent
Tuesday with Mrs. Lydia Alli¬
son and all.
Mrs. L. B. Underwood join¬
ed her husband, who is station¬
ed in Paris Island, S. C.
j Little Larry Doyle is doing
fine after having a case of
chicken pox.
I Mr. and Mrs. Willie Roberts
,of Chattanooga spent the week
jend with her parents, Mr. and
,Mrs. Dave Raines and family.
I Mr. and Mrs. Vance New¬
man of Rossville and Mr. and
Mrs. Lea Gearrin were the
afternoon guests of
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gearrin and
Mr. and Mrs. Adren Sadler
and baby.
Miss Betty Derryberry is on
sick list this week. She has
the flu and also a case of chi¬
cken pox.
Miss Louise Bates spent Sun
day with Nancy Crumley.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Castle¬
berry visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lennie Castleberry
over the weekend.
Benita Bryant spent the
weekend with Mrs. Charles
Bryant and Betty Derryberry.
Pvt. Curtis Forester of Fort
Jackson, S. C., was home over
the weekend visiting his par¬
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fo¬
Mrs. Mary Patterson was the
Sunday dinner guest of Mrs.
Steve Derryberry.
A Stanley party was held
Saturday night at the home of
Mrs. Joe Blevins with thirteen
Mr. Robert Allison of Guth-
rie, Ky„ spent the weekend
with home folks.
Mrs. R. T Quinton is im¬
proving after a lingering ill¬
Mrs. Willard Thrasher is un¬
dergoing an operation in a
Chattanooga hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K Raines
of Chattanooga visited Mr. and
Mrs. Sam York Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Higdon
and daughter Jean were the
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J B Cole and family.
Mrs. R. L. Wilson visited
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Tatum
Sunday. visited
Mrs. Ersaline Carroll
her mother, Mrs. J. L. Ble- j
vins, Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davies, _
of Chattanooga were visiting
in New England, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhite are
very sick with flu at the home
of their son.
The Birthday Club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Dora For-
•etor Fehruarv 19.
E*y Mrs. Hugh Forester
Miss Athene Holtzhower, of
Chattanooga, visited her par¬
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Holtz
hower last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Arvlee Holtz¬
hower and Mrs. Bonnie Cook
visited relatives in New Salem
j Miss Elizabeth Johnson of
[Trion Ison, and Miss Jennie John-
of Chattanooga, spent the
[weekend at their summer cot-
itage here.
J. W. Johnson, small son or
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, is
much improved after almost a
month's serious illness.
Mr. ad Ray Williams, form¬
erly of Hinkle, has moved into
our community and now lives
cn the Dr. Stephenson proper¬
ty is the home formrely owned
by Grady Smith.
Mr. B. W. Holtzhower at¬
tended the Farm meeting in
Trenton last Friday.
Rev. Henry Smith, of Chat¬
tanooga, visited Hugh Forester
and family recently. Rev.
Smith was pastor of the church
( here about twenty five years
« aP - 0
' *
^ rs . Wesley Massey and chil _
of M asseyville, visited
Mrs. B. W. Holtzhower last
Mrs. L. E. Holtzhower and
Mrs. B. W. Holtzhower w T ere
shopping in Chattanooga last
Mr. Robert L. Ross of this
place has moved his tire re¬
capping business from Cal-
ihoun, Ga. to Summerville. His
Ison Melvin, formerly with the
Army Air Corps, has joined the
f irm
Hi Folks:
Nope, I haven’t been on a va¬
cation. I’ve been one o’thtem
r’fluenzie” victims. Then Ray-
imond has been sick, Wednes-
day just comes before I know
it, and that is the deadline on
jthe paper. Then it’s too late
!for another week,
j j W on’t attempt to give a sick
f rom this end of the conn¬
^ y ^fter all, I’m sure you folks
h ave something else to do be-
sides sit and read a voters’ list
of the 974th District,
We bad a commun jt y supper
^ the c ommun jt y House Sat¬
lurday night. It was a covered
dish afIair We had a good
, time There i3 nothing does sQ
mucb f or th e mora ] e 0 f a com
mun jt y as t 0 g e j together and
have a good gab fest once in a
while. And while I’m about it
I’d like to tell the folks around
Wildwood that everyone in the
'out community is invited to come
and eat with us on the last
Saturday night in the month.
jThe only thing is you gotta
bring your own supper. The
meal is free. You help furnish
it. One time we had one of
these covered dish luncheons
and do you know what We
had 13 chocolate pies. That’s
one time I had my fill of pie.
j j want to thank Mr. Billue
f 0r the wonderful time that I
had at the PTA last time. They
rea ]i y g a ve us a good idea
' h ut the pupils’ schedule, and
a 0
besides, it was fun.
Did you all know that they I
had a Mardi Grass in Mobile?
I didn’t until this week. My
sister is in Mobile now and she
writes me that February 16
and 17 are the best days for
|the Mardi Gras, and that the I
city is already being decorated
fQr the big event. The Azalea
Trall „ Qpcn now bnt the
fi owers are no t open good,
Tbig wee ^ j s Gardenia week
! dQwn there and everyone is
gardenia. , . T If , any of f
wearing a
are planning a trip, why
not plan to see Mobile? Now
should I tell you what hotel
brother-in-law is manag-
i n g? Well, since you twist my
arm lrs the Laclede.
Raymond bgoing to hatch
™ on the lob it I don t
st °» lhls Babtomp; and get to
• Bye Folks, see you in
near future.
y ‘
SELL typewriting paper.
white and yellow second
sheets, thin paper marked
“copy” and two sires of mi-
meo paper.
By Mrs. Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lyle of
Chattanooga were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Mrs. C. M. Smith spent
I Saturday in Chattanooga.
Mrs. Mae Haswell has been
moved from Campbell Clinic,
j where she underwent an ope-
j ration, to her home here.
Mrs. J E. Tittle Ls recover¬
ing from a recent illness.
Miss Agnes Forshee spent
Tuesday night with her grand¬
mother at Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bell
and Mrs. Florence Strawn vi-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Lyle and Mr. and Mrs. Rpy
Eaves in St. Elmo Saturday.
Mrs. Ida McCauley has re-
turned to her home here from
Doyle Curry Clinic in Chatta-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eaves and
son, and Mrs. Robert Hamill
and daughter, Judy, of Chat-
tanooga, spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Dur¬
ham and children visited re¬
latives here Sunday.
Mr. Mitchum was seriously;
injured Sunday when thrown
by a horse.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and fa¬
mily, of Jasper, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
M'ss Lorena Watley under¬
went an operation Friday at
Campbell Clinic.
n i iMimnim mmn is
Let Us Keep Your Nice Sweat¬
and Wools Band-Box Clean Red’s
Phone 63 Tronton, Ga.
*'*'*-* 5QI * X wxmmWMXM ——v’raar
Coverage On Fire,
and Auto Insurance
Building Trenton, Ga.
Savings Accounts — To provide for the future'
Checking Accounts — To provide greater efficiency in
your doy-to-day financial affairs;
Safe Deposit Boxes—Offer your valuables protection
from fire and theft at low cost;
Banking Services- In fact, oil financial services
which will add to your persona!
or business efficiency are ava.I-
abie here!
w wn/mcocA HMOStt
Market at Seventh
M: in at Market —East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-T«m.
ldOO aicCaliie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee E. d.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
Mrs. W. H. Smith
Celebrates 70 Years
A surprise birthday dinner
was given in honor of Mrs. W.
H. Smith at her home in Ris¬
ing Fawn Sunday, January 25th.
Mrs. Smith celebrated her 70th
birthday. The occasion was also
the birthday of her sister, Mrs.
j Ida Wilson of Chattanooga.
Guests for dinner were: Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Smith and Becky, Mrs. G.
W. Gearrin, all of Rising Fawn,
Mrs. W. A. McNair and Don, of
Oak Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Smith and Ralph, Jr., of Ross-
jville, Mrs. Ida Wilson, Mrs. C
A. Comer and Charles, Mrs.
Glenn Holleman, Mrs. E. G.
Johnson, Julia, George and Sal-
ly, Mrs. D. E. Heatherly, Jane
and Mary Lynn, Miss Oda Ble-
jvins, Mr. W. T. McCormick, of
[Chattanooga, Miss Ruby Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Blevins of
Ider, Ala. the honoree and Mr.
[Smith. j OtheTs calling during the aft-
lernoon were Mrs. Cecil McMa-
han, Rosemary Kirk, Mr. and
Mrs. Jakie Smith and Jimmie,
and McClellan Gearrin.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nights each
vy' month at 8:00 p. m.
AH qualified Masons invited
to attend.
Raymond M. Morrison, W. M.
Early A. Ellis, Sr. Sec'.