The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, February 05, 1953, Image 4
Improvement Column The Dave L Brown home in Wildwood Ls an example of op¬ tical illusion, for the interior Ls much larger than the outside suggests Built in the shape of an H, the plan includes a rectangular living room with adjoining dining area, kitchen, two large bedrooms each with a dressing iroom and bath, a study and a playroom. The living room walls and carpet are done in an Identical r.hade of cocoa with white silk faille draperies ‘ outlining ' the large picture window Mrs Brown has combined beautiful modern and antique furniture very interestingly. Opposite fhe entrance hangs a huge landscape mural underneath which along, deep green sofa Is placed. Unusual black and white din- ing room furniture with the chairs done in "barrel” style occupy the dining space from which opens a very modern and convenient Hotpoint kitchen, complete to automatic washer and dryer. To the right of the living room Ls a small hallway lead¬ ing into the bedroom, bath and study The master bed¬ room walls are a dark green broken by two picture windows draped on either side with startling white faille White accents are further carried out in the dcl'eate white French furniture with pale pink spreads cn the two double beds. A large walk-in closet is convenient to thLs room which adjoins a bathroom. On the same side of the house Ls the study, which is a large panelled room holding all Mr. Brown’s racing tro¬ phies, pictures cf his horses and farm, desk, reading (lounge chairs and books. The floors are hardwood through- out the house except In playroom and study which are tiled. In the opposite wing are an- pther bedroom which was plan- ned originally for their daugh- * tors ..... who 1 __Y-* have n married and rT moved away since the house was built, and the playroom. The bedroom walLs are a lovely stark red and the draperies are a stain a brilliant white. A small copen blue couch is placed under the picture win¬ dow and there are white hob¬ nail spreads on the two double Hollywood beds. Large white rugs cover the floor. A blue and white powder room and bath make up the rest of thLs sleeping quarter which also in¬ cludes a walk-in closet and long dressing table. The playroom walls are also panelled with furniture includ¬ ing a sofa, refrigerator, and conversation grouping of chairs The house ls furnace heat¬ ed Perhaps the most appeal¬ ing feature are the picture windows through which are seen the rolling green hills and the sky. A terrace on the east side of the house is comfort¬ able for watching the horses train on the track down below the house Under the terrace is a large garage with concrete steps leading up to the terrace and house. The house is perfectly adapt¬ ed to its location and is si- tuated on a small hill which commands a view of the farm. Mrs Brown believes the best breeze blows toward their home during the summer BESSIE POWELL WED TO SGT. STONE DEC. 31 Of local interest Ls the mar¬ riage December 31st of MLss Bessie Powell, daughter of Mrs. Callie Powell of Rising Fawn, and the late Edward G. Powell, to Sgt Earl Stone of Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were married at the U. S Ma¬ rine Reserve Training Center in Chattanooga where Sgt. Stone is currently stationed, by the Rev W E Bishop of the Avondale Methodist Church. The bride is the sister of Mrs. William Davis, of Chat¬ tanooga, Mrs. Robert Lee, Car- roll Powell and Lamar Powell of Rising Fawn She was grad¬ uated from Dade High School and Ls employed at Davenport Hosiery Mills, Folowing a wedding* trip to Baltimore Sgt. and MTs. Stone are residing in Chattanooga THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTyN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1953 M B000>0ta»BP»fl » a SUL sm JLfi JULA -ft 0 ■ 1 K JavoxLU zJxzcifizi i/Ntt/e (Countiani »!nnmnrTTnr k nrsnnrs nnrtr «nr <nmnnns sir* s s n vs & sss ws svs. This week, Mrs. Catherine Morrison has some delicious , with an unusual flavor which she uses quite often. The first, “Spaghetti Supper,” she uses as a buffet supper, since an indefinite nunrber of persons can be served without a lot of bother. The ad- dition of mushrooms gives the dish an elegant flavor, and served with rolls or biscuits, hot coffee and perhaps a salad or light des- sert, the spaghetti is very fill- j n g Mrs. Morrison served this dish quite often when she was with Col Morrlson at various army posts, and reports that it was very successful. SPAGHETTI SUPPER Mrs. Douglas Morrison Approximately 1 box spaghetti 1 can tomato soup V 2 lb. ground beef 1 onion (chopped) Mushrooms (canned) Mushrooms canned Worcester Sauce Salt and Pepper Using either the long, Italian style spaghetti, or the shorter kind, crumble before putting into boiling, salted water. When cooked, drain, add other in¬ gredients and cook either in sauce pan or casserole until beef Ls cooked. (Mrs. Morrison prefers to cook the beef this way rather than browning it with onions to give the sauce a better flavor.) Serve with grated Parmesan cheese sprink¬ led on top. This amount will serve from 4 to 6 guests and the recipe can be doubled or tripled, according to the number you wLs!: to serve. Ail o us are familiar with corn brra ', but this particular c.rn b > d resembles spoon i. that it has a soft, center. Mrs. Morrison i .or breakfast or with cold n t, a salad and coffee a lt;tcheon-bridge. It is in the same manner as - c g-dar corn bread, blit she it midway up in a hot This is one of her grand- IV. H f.H HPV recipes and is a fav- xlte in Maine. SOFT CORN BREAD Mrs. Douglas Morrison 1 cup sifted corn meal (fine white meal) 2 cups milk 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tblsp. butter 1 egg Use large enough baking dish so that mixture is only about 1” thick in pan. VANILLA ICE CREAM Mrs. Douglas Morrison 1 egg 2/3 cup sugar 3 /* cup milk 1 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons vanilla Beat egg, add other Ingred¬ ients and freeze in a hand freezer. This will serve only two per¬ sons, she states, If they are ice cream lovers, like the Colonel and herself. MENLO, THIRD WINNER. FETED BY GA. POWER Menlo, our across-the moun¬ tain neighbor which received third place honors in the 1952 Georgia Power Better Home Contest, was entertained by the company with a victory banquet at the Menlo High School gymnasium January 15. J T. Morgan, district man¬ ager. was master of ceremo¬ nies, and introduced out-of- town guests, among them local manager T. S. Renfroe and Mrs. Renfroe, Mayor and Mrs. A L Dyer and Mr. and Mrs. Asa L, McMahan. A tribute to the champion community was given by Fred F Starr, Community Develop¬ ment Representative of Georgia Power, after which H. M. Old¬ ham, vice-president and divi¬ sion manager, introduced Charles A Collier as a founder of the contest Oldham then presented an award of achieve¬ ment to the Menlo Civic and Improvement Association. Dade County guests reported a sumptious meal of slabs of baked ham. cooking of which was supervised by Mr Starr, potato salad on lettuce, lima beans, spiced peach pickles with aspic salad, celery, olives, hot rolls, coffee and home¬ made cake North Georgia Horae Meet Saturday Feb. 18 At Dalton MLss Melba Sparks has an¬ nounced that the North Geor¬ gia Home Demonstration Coun¬ cil will meet February 18 at Dalton Club members and of- fleers of the Dade County Council are urged to attend the meeting, which will begin at 10 a. m. Ladies who plan to come are requested td arrive at nine thirty and bring a covered dish. As in the past, county re¬ ports will be heard^and exhi¬ bits from each county set up for showing. Although the Dade County Council is in¬ active and awaiting the placing of an agent here, Mrs. Asa L. McMahan, president, plans to get together an exhibit of work done here during the past year and a large group of ladies, if possible. Officers of the coun¬ cil are urged to get in touch with her to plan Dade’s exhibit and club members are request¬ ed to send articles for showing at the Dalton meeting. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Slop Taking Harsh Drugs for • Constipation End Chronic Dosing! Regain Normal Regularity This All-Vegetable Way! Taking harsh drugs for constipation can punish you brutally! Their cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of re¬ peated dosing. When you occasionally feel consti¬ pated. get gentle but sure relief. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's all-vegetable. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and oneol the hnest naruralHxzuvcs known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief comfortably. Helps you get regu-,' lar, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Try the new 25^ size Dr. Caldwell’s. Money back if not satisfied Mail bottle to Box 283, New York 18, N. Y. HEAR J. HAROLD SMITH, Pastor First Baptist Church Ft. Smith, Arkansas ▼ 6:00 te 6:30 AM Cl f:00 to P *1 PM CST ► OVER XERF <« 1570 on Di*l ▲ Send all mail to POX 183 FORT SMITH - - ARKANSAS TIRES NEW DIAMOND TIRES Used tires — all makes and odd sizes. Reeaping and Repairing. 100% cold rubber. Best obtainable repair material AH work guaranteed Compare our prices befsre you recap. BROAD STREET TIRE SHOP 3000 Broad at St. Elmo Phone 58278 H B Everette. Mgr. Soil Conservation By HUGH CLARK 5 000 Multiflora Rose plants were recently distributed to the following District Cooperators in the county: C. L. Ivey, Sand Mountain; Art Moore and Roy Roy Moore Moore Lookout Mountain - D E Mor . r j 3 0ni Trenton; W L Fannin and R. C. Thomas, Rising Fawn. I Multiflora Rose is a bushy type ^rose^ that is used for fen- fqlrp, frnm 4 t-n ,^ ' g years after s „ uing thf , p]an for the roses to be dense enough to turn hogs or cattle. The n ,._ h df® generally set . about , , 3 ^ Lbl g ,r e r 'o °? sa a o' 11 „ ' o ThrS ., ,, ffH Va ?! i , lona , a. mers in ■ the county became District Co- operators recently. Th.ey are L. C. Bates and George Bible from isteph^nson""who"owns S'nd Mountain and Dr. Wm. "farm G. a at Head River. Uty Recorder jt) j t S LOlirt r\ . In T „ a „ recent issue, a Mr. , Adkins drl . . was .. listed . . for , public ... drunkenness. His tt- correct and j giv.n name is Maurice. We are sorry that we did not have his first name for that issue. , Cases recorded up to Jan. 26 are as follows: Reckless Driving Carl Wilson and James W. Neal. Public Drunkenness Car] Kassler. Driving- While Under Influence of Liquor James Troy Cowart, Vernon C. Easter and Maurice Bridges. Permitting Minor to Drive Without License Paul McCurdy (Colored). Driving Without Licence John L. McCurdy (Colored) DON’T PUT UP WITH IT! Don’t get off to a bad start jn the morning with burned toast. You don’t have to put up with that or other appliance failures. At Tatum and Case we spe¬ cialize in prompt, dependable repair of faulty electrical ap- p.-anees Don’t discard thoic old appliances until we check them for you as we may be j able to fix them for you very reasonably. Give us a call! TATUM k CASE Radi« Electric Co. TBINTON TAX COMMISSIONER’S SCHEDULE Meet me at the places listed below for the purpose of making- your 1*953 Tax Return. Every one who is eligible for the Home exemption must make return and sign return blank. If you fail to do this, the Board of Tax Assessors cannot allow you any exemption. District 873 Slygo—W. P. Cole’s—9 to 11 February 9th arid 23rd 1089 Hooker—Watley’s Store—12 to 2 ___________Feb. 9th arid 23rd 974 Wildwood—Townsend’s Store—2:30 to 5 P. M. Feb. 9th and 23rd 1885 New Home—Cooper’s Store —9 to 11_________r Feb. 10th and 24th 1222 Cole City—Chirstian’s Store —12 to 2 ____ __ „ Feb. 10th and 24th 1222 Cole City—Simmon’s Store—3 to 5_____________Feb. 10th and 24th 1129 Cloverdale—Amos Mill — 9 to 11________ _Feb. 11th and 25th 1038 Rising Fawn—Fricks’ Store —12 to 4 _ _Feb. 11th and 25th 1889 West Brow—Teet’s Store—9 to 11______________Feb. 12th and 26th 1214 New Salem — Bradford’s Store—12 to 4_________Feb. 12th and 26th 1037 New England — Brown’s Store — 9 to 2 Feb. 13th and 27th 875 Byrd’s Chapel—Long’s Store—3 to 5_____________Feb. 13th and 27th If you have not already made your returns, pLase do so before March 31st. JOHN W. MURPHY Tax Commissioner, Dade-County. KNOW YOUR FIRE LAWS Ranger J. P Pace of the Dade County Forestry Unit U- sued a special warning this week on the impoitance of knowing and observing Geor- gia’s Forest Fire, Laws, now that the county is in the midst of the severe forest fire sea30n Stressing the fact that law enforcement is being stressed more tiian ever * n work °* tbe Geor 8 ia Forestry Commis- area^in^ the • SLal/ “ - n W WHICH hi C h an an incendiarist was sighted setting a fire, was tracked by ground and air forces of the Commission, was quickly apprehended, and the placed on trial. and sentenced to 12 memos imprisonment plus six months additional or court ..-pup,, particular instance," said Pace, ’’serves to show the increased intensity of law en- forcement throughout the state ‘ s woodlands. No longer does the ruthless or irrespon¬ sible woods burner go without answering for his actions. The public — and that means everybody here in Dade Coun- ty J and throughout the state— now realizes the tremendous m economic . and , social . , value . in- , herant , , forests , , and , ^ . in our publlc opiiaion * a f er tln ? t- m the ad ' out bat K U e agalMt the timber arsoniSts f , - The Ranger also emphasized the fact that in ways other than by incendiarism land- owners and other citizens can make infractions of the forest laws. “Any person who sets For Prompt, Low Rate Auto Financing It’s The X American National Bank AND TRUST COMPANY CHATTANOOGA MAIN OFFICE ST. HLMO BRANCH Righth and Market Sts. 8724 8A Rims Avenn* Member Federal Deposit Insarsns# CorporatiMi fire to his own land and allows that fire to cross onto a neigh- ^or's ] anc j without the neigh- bar's CO nsent is guilty of a mis- c j emeanorj —. anc j he is guilty whether or not he intended for th€ fire to cros3 the land'lines,” contitnued Pace “The land- own j r who allowed the fire to cross over is still responsible even if the fire crossed to an¬ other person’s land by acci¬ dent." ! TO PRISCILLA Seven for you, just one for me. That isn’t fair, we should agree. If it’s sabotage. I'm so afraid There's going to be some I changes made, Lay your cards upon the table Let me know, if you see Able Or call P A. seven Oh Oh three. Talk to a couple of boys and i m e. call collect, the bill is mine That would be a Valentine. John, Eden Valley. I. O O. F. TRENTON LODGE No. 38 Regular meeting each Tues¬ day night at 8:00 P. M. Harlan Taylor, N. G. Gene Brandon, Secy. CRISMAN ti p-Ta-Data Lima *i Hardware hll Market St. Pheae T-1I14| Chattaneega, TeaaMsei