Newspaper Page Text
Used tires — all makes and
odd sizes.
Recaping and Repairing.
100% cold rubber.
Best obtainable repair material
All work guaranteed
Compare our prices before
you recap.
3000 Broad at St. Elmo
Phone 532T8
H. B, Everette, Mgr.
Stop Taking
Harsh Drugs for
End Chronic Dosing! Regain Normal
Ragubi'ity This All-Vegetable Way!
Taking harsh drugs for constipation
can punish you brutally! Their cramps
and griping disrupt normal bowel
action, make you feel in need of re¬
peated dosing.
When you occasionally feel consti¬
pated, get gentle but sure relief. Take
Dr. Caldwell’s Senna Laxativecontained
in Syrup Pepsin. It’s all-vegetable. No
salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell’s
contains an extract of Senna, oldest and
one of the finest «u/«ra/laxatives known
to medicine.
Dr. Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes
relief good, acts mildly, brings thorough
comfortably. Helps you get regu-]
lar, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves
stomach sourness t-hat constipation
often brings.
Try the new I’oi size Dr. Caldwell’s.
Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle
to Box 2S0, New York 18, N. Y.
FOR SALE—4 loom house with
screened in back porch, wired
or stove and lights, with 1 V 2
acre of land. Located in
Piney Grove, See Ted W. Al¬
ley, Route 2, Rising Fawn on
Lookout Mountain.
3tp -—2-26
SION—I will be glad to serve
the florist needs of Dade
Countiams. Mrs. J. G. Gray,
Trenton, agent for Carroll’s
Flowers in Chattanooga.
3 t — 2 - 26
FOR SALE — 100 bagr, white
Irish seed potatoes. Bill Kon¬
rad, Rising Fawn, Ga.
3 t p — 2 - 26
house around 2 acres of land,
about 3 blocks off Highway
11 on the new Sand Moun¬
tain Highway. Chea?> The
price for rent 20 dollars per
mon'th. Mrs. Una Belle Stone
1 t p —
Fred Morgan, Trenton, Ga.
FOR SALE—English Shepherd
Pups, Good Stock and Watch¬
dogs. Natural Heelers, Easily
Trained. They’re Beauties. $10
Mrs. R. G. Peterson, Trenton,
Georgia, Rt. 2. 3t. Pd. 2-19
FOR SALE — 2b acres land, 6
room house, good barn and
several outbuildings, 1 mile
south of Trenton. W T ell on
porch and 2 springs on place.
—Mrs. H. L. Reeves.
3 t — 2 - 26
FOR RENT — 4 room house
with lights and water. James
Hatfield. Rising Fawn, Ga.
3 t p — 2 - 12
model truck—36 acres wood
land in Cole Crty — J. B.
Adkins, Box 356, Bridgeport,
3 t p — 2 - 19
Complete $19.85. Requires no
batteries, cords or ear button.
I)R. G. K. MacVANE
Chiropractor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.
By order of Hon. Freeman C.
McClure, Judge of Superior
Court, Dade County, Georgia,
notice is given that on January
20. 1953, a petition was filed in
said Court by Earl B. Self, sol¬
icitor general, seeking to con¬
demn the following vehicle: 1
1937 Black Ford Tudor Coach
Automobile, Motor No. 4143181,
Tag No. C-40460, -52, same hav¬
ing been 'eized in the possession
of Alvin Ayers and person un¬
known, and persons unknown,
on the 9th day of January, 1953
on Scenic Highway in Dade
County, Georgia.
This, the 20 day of Jaunary,
Grace H. Williams
Dade County, Georgia
Clerk of Superior Court,
Among those on the sick list
are: Mrs. Joe Baker and
daughter, Mrs. Walter Wilson
and Leslie, Lloyd Seay, Ray
Smith and Mr. & Mrs. George
|McMahan’s | baby.
The Curetons have had ouilb
a new wire fence on the north
side of their home and around
the Minor home across the
i Mr. and Mrs. Dan Austin
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin
and baby are in Florida visit¬
ing relatives.
Rising Fawn’s first television
set has been installed in the
j home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
| B. B Kenimer has begun
■several tourist cabins next to
his store. Construction of the
block buildings is being done
by Bill Austin.
Mrs. Charles McMahan visit¬
ed Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Me
Mahan over the weekend.
Other Sunday visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Boren and
children and Wilton Boren, of
The Will Jacoways from
Chattanooga were visiting rel¬
atives here Sunday.
! Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Holtz-
jhower visited Mr. and Mrs. G.
|W. Smith in Menlo last Sun¬
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Payne
and son, Tommy, of Lakeview,
visited the R. L. Ross family
here last Sunday. _
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scruggs
moved to the Dr. Stephenson’s
property last week. They now
live in the house formerly
owned by G. W. Smith.
| Mr. and Mrs. James Schrock
! and children Jimmy and Ca¬
rolyn, of Rome, spent last
week end with the Hugh For¬
ester family here.
Mrs. Minnie Hylan, of Cnat-
tanooga, visited Mrs. Hugh
Forested last week.
Miss Birdie Johnson, of
Hapeville, Ga., spent a few
| days at her old home place
here visiting her brother Griff
IJohnson, last week.
IjjUp-Tfl-Date Liae of Hardware
1511 Market St. Phone 7-1114
Chattanooga, Tenne-ssee K
Appliance repair service is
our business and we are ex¬
perts at it. We are trained and
equipped to give you the best
and most dependable service
promptly and at reasonable
If it can be fixed... Tatum
and Case can fix it.
Radia Electric Co.
First Baptist Church
Ft. Smith, Arkansas
6:00 to 6:30 PM CS.
P:00 to 8 "0 PM CST
1570 on Dial
Send all mail to
POX 183
Here I am just going like
:mad trying to get my letter in
bn time. Today I went up to
the Y. W. C. A. to the Ladies
Day Out Club. I had a good
Junch, but my bridge game
stunk. I must .have been low
man. Any way I had fun.
When the Wesleyan Choir
came to Chattanooga last Sun¬
day, we were all very Interest¬
ed because a Wildwood girl
sings in it. Miss Jeanne Tur-
her is her name, and we are
proud of her and Gaye. Gaye
is a member of the University
of Chattanooga choir. How’re
:we doing?
Little Diane Ayers,, broke her
leg while playing down at
Bro. Chas. Ward’s house the
other night. She’s doing okey
now. By the way, did you all
know that J. C. and Betty
'were building a new house
here at Wildwood? Well—they
jhave a big hole in the ground
•over there that will be a base-
if they ever get a house
Jion it.
Leta and Dub Harrison are
converting the old barn over on
the Cooley place into a right
comfy little house. These kids
Ho have the hoodooin;! < Y ■
j | ideas don’t they?
There’s a couple of church
dinners brewing, so everybody
jisave a lot of room. There will
be a charge wide dinner at the
'Community House as Soon as
jthe flu epidemic abates. Then
the Aid is planning a big
'chicken dinner on the night
February 28. The proceeds
will be used to pay off some
notes which we otge at the
bank. I hope you will plan to
come. You will get a good sup¬
per and be lending a helping
hand too.
Our crowd is awfully small
at church these days. WLsh
you would come out and wor¬
ship with us.
Well, I just don’t know any¬
more news, so I’ll be seeing you
hext week.
Don’t forget to be generous
when you are approached
about the new hospital fund.
It is a great need, and one that
we must have.
Goodbye now,
WE SELL typewriting paper
white and yellow s'econ d
sheets, thin paper marked .
“copy” and two sizes of mi-
meo paper.
Bv James C. Holder
The Home Demonstration
Club met at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Reeves Wednesday Fe¬
bruary 4. Those present were
as follows: Mesdames Homer
L. Forester, Lester Foboster,
Has ton Hibbs, J. R. Carson
and J. A. Reeves. Their ac¬
complishment was a quilt each
had quilted. Each one took a
covered dish and all enjoyed a
good time together.
Mrs. Tom Holder went shop¬
ping in Chattanooga and while
she was there she visited her
sister, Mrs. C. E. Maxwell. She
also was the dinner guest of
Mrs. George Alley.
Mrs. Josie Nunley and chil¬
dren had as their Sunday even¬
ing guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Barkley and Mrs. Will Haw¬
We are glad to report the
•ick of this community are on
the improving list.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley For¬
ester were the dinner guests of
the former’s son and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. For¬
ester and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder
motored to Atlanta Sunday to
visit their son Charles, who is
undegoing treatment at the V.
A. Hospital. They reported his
condition as being much im¬
We report that Sunday is re¬
gular church day and we wel¬
come everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i
Clark were the week end visi¬
tors of the latter’s parents and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Cooper and family of Valley
Head, Alabama.
Mrs. Louise Chadwick and
infant of Valley Head, Ala., and
Mrs. Grady Hawkins of Clo-
verdale were visiting Mrs. Jo-
Nunley and family Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Ray Hawkins February 5, a
baby girl. They have selected
Jits name to be Deborah Yvon¬
ne. Mr. Hawkins is stationed
with the armed forces in Ko¬
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Holder
were the Saturday evening
guests of the latter’s parents
and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Johnson and Bill, of Hamonds-
ville, Ala.
We see the jonquils are
blooming and it seems like
spring has opened up.
Mr. W. H. Dugan, of Slygo,
was in our community Thurs¬
day on a routine visit to add
and renew subscriptions to
The Chattanooga Times.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurst
and children were the Sunday
gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Wal¬
lace Blevins.
Mrs. Henry Morgan vijsited
her daughter, Mrs. Gordon
White, in Rossville, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Forester,
of Cloverdale were the Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs
Lester Forester and Helen.
Mrs. Canova Guinn who has
been visiting in Birmingham,
returned home Sunday.
Mr. Tom Holder was wel¬
comed back at the prayer
meeting here Wednesday even¬
Mrs. Leon Castleberry and
children, of Rising Fawn were
the Monday guests of Mrs.
Tom Holder and son James.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moreland
of Chattanooga spent Sunday
with the latter’s father, Mr.
Henry Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shafer
were the Saturday guests of
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Forester
of Cloverdale and Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Forester and
daughter, Helen, attended a
in Collinsville, Ala.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shafer
the Sunday guests of Mr
Mrs. James Hatfield, ol
The drink everybody
By Mrs. Mary Patterson
Mrs. Mary Patterson and Mrs.
Charles Bryant, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Lay, of Chattanooga,
visited Mrs. Lay's mother, Mrs.
R. L. Wilson, during the week
end. On Sunday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Cummings, also of
Chattanooga, visited Mrs. Wil¬
Mr. Clyde Patterson, of Bir¬
mingham, visited his mother,
Mrs. Mary Patterson, recently.
Mrs. Tipton’s brother from
Horida visited her over the
week end.
Mr. Buddy Crawford is home
from the army—to stay, we
| | HRmtGL yerj kssidi! gets d©
J -
*• » C Hlt tAU JF j
ter- ■ 'ii mf/Ssr
n' rtAtUftM Hit*Arp;
Vc"j s H know f!ie DIFFERENCE in
1 : j see the DIFFERENCE in results!
i One difference between Natural Noted for all-round efficiency.
Chilean Nilrate and other ni- Quick-acting 100% nitrate ni¬
Irogen fertilizers is quality — trogen makes rapid, sturdy
natural quality, (t is the world’s growth. Its 26% sodium con¬
only natural source of nitrate tent acts like potash when nec¬
nitrogen. essary and helps to increase
The nitrogen content of Chilean the supply of available phos¬
Nitrate is 100% nitrate nitro¬ phate in the soil.
gen — 100% available — 100% Chilean Nitrate's free flowing
j fast-act iug —100% dependable. pellets guarantee rapid, accu¬
i No antidote is necessary. Chil¬ rate distribution under all con¬
ean Nitrate is non-acid forming. ditions. No special precautions
Rich in sodium and minor ele¬ needed.
ments. Chilean Nitrate is rich Helps maintain productivity of
in benefit ial sodium that makes your land. When used consist¬
a stronger, deeper root system ently in a sound farming pro¬
improves crop health, vigor gram, Chilean Nitrate builds
and nutritive value. It also up fertility, increases efficiency.
contains small quantities of es¬ Year after Natural Chilean
sential minor elements. year.
Nitrate increases yields — im¬
Chilean Nitrate is the ONLY proves quality — defends
fertitiier that supplies ni¬ against disease — fortifies
trate nitrogen, bent fv ial against insect injury — coun-
sodium and ess etui a! lcruets soil acidity. Use Chilean
minor elements. Nitrate for solid satisfaction!
CH!!.EAN First!ATE of SODA
NfiW Red Ram V-8 Power
:;X$ Most efficient engine
New... design in any American
car. New surging 140
'%■ horsepower.
3 ■ NCW Spacious Travel
Lounge Interiors
All New Check the extra leg-
m room, head-room and
si el bow-room Dod ge offers!
For extra comfort, safety.
-and New Clean-lined,
Streamlined Beauty
Dodge is Styled for Action
, . with sleek, trim lines for
“Beauty with a Pur¬
ft. W& n mJ| n ____
/j 'i&i&ffi&jL...
^,1*1 C-jgg
The Action Car for Active Americans
A “Road Test Ride” will convince you
that the ’53 Dodge is the most completely new New-All New
car on the road. Its amazing nimbleness
and maneuverability, its roomy comfort 53
and flashing performance will change your Dodge
iaeas about how much solid enjoyment a car
can offer. And with all this, you get the
deep-down dependability that has been
a Dodge buy-word for thirty-nine years.
Dodge stands for dependability;
Dependability stands for Dodge. You’ll
know what this means when you own one. j -a*
road test and RATE the Himbtest Y-eight
D)er Motor Co., Trenton, Ga.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
& Saturday nights each
W' month at 8:00 p. m.
AH qualified Masons invited
to attend.
M. Morrison, W. M.
Early A. Ellis, Sr. Sec.
C. Raymond Street, Comm.
Manuel Avery, Adj.
First and third Friday every
month, 8 P M. Legion Hall