Newspaper Page Text
N ewspaper.
Demonstrates Here
y iss Susan Mathews, Exten- _
n Foods Specialist, will come
, Dade county Tuesday, May
, t: i 'ive a demonstration on
reparing special quick breads,
Ph demonstration will be held
1 p. m. in the Dade High
School Home Economics Bulid-
Anyone interested is invited
to come and watch some of
lll0 latest baking methods,
s me of which are very unique.
Members of all Home Demon-
Oade m t CilllCBF e% 7 DriV0 \ 1 Opens A April 71»ltT 27
S a. m.
The Crusade Against Cancer
opens its drive . Dade on
Monday night, April 27. The
meeting will be held at the
Dade High School lunch room.
Most types of cancer can be
cured if treated in time. Ad¬
vanced cancer is usually fatal.
In the past three years 17 peo¬
ple in Dade County have died
of cancer. Many of them could
have been saved if they had
secured treatment in time.
In the past two years 9 pa¬
tients from the county re¬
ceived free service from the
seventeen State Aid diagnostic
and treatment clinics. The
State and Federal govern-
N. Home Elects Improvement Group
Mr. Crawford reported that
£ e h^“id™C”t < S£:
ling telephones in the New
Pnmmnnitv nt this time
Th rhe group _ n asked asked Mr Mr. Crawford
to investigate the possibility
of getting a line from White-
Mr. C. L. Ivey was appoint¬
ed to try to find a location for
a community dump.
Avans Clilil Demonstrations « «■
The Avans Home Demonstra-
tion Club met at the home of
Mrs. F. W. Talley, Friday night
with nine members present.
Mrs. Beatrice Freeman, pre¬
sident, called the meeting to
order with Mrs. Syble Pike giv¬
ing the minutes of the previous
meeting. Mrs. F. W. Talley led
the Devotional with scripture
reading and Mrs. Grace Elliott
led the group in the Lord’s
At the request of little Jane
Freeman and Arthur Gass, Mrs.
D. P. Hood and Mrs. J. O.
Gass sang a duet. The songs
were enjoyed by the entire
Mrs. Hood gave a demonstra¬
tion on straw hat making. She
showed us a beautiful one she
Lists As Future
Attractiveness of North Dade School’s exterior adds to
over-all community picture.
Approximately twenty-two
years ago, residents in
north end of Dade
wanted a school building
Mrongly that they raised the
necessaiy funds with which
buy land frem a property
er in Morganville.
After that, a red-brick
mar and junior high
w as built with N. E.
off Sand Mountain its
Principal. About 1945, the
munity suffered a severe
•’•hen the building burned
ough of the foundation and
cade remained to permit the
Present replica, which is
fhe » tic ([’ tines
Clubs are . urged i to at-
tend, since Mi:s Mathews is
answering the countless re-
quests of Dade women for spe-
eial demonstrations.
since it has been some time
since such a demonstration has
been given here, the ladies are
requested to take special note
j^is.s Mathws work, so that
they may be able to pass this
information on to their resp¬
ective clubs.
^ion of the American Cancer
Society contribute to the fin¬
ancing of this work. Local
physicians serve at the clinics
without compensation for state
aid cares. The number of pri¬
vate cases receiving treatment
is, of course, not known.
The major objective of the
American Cancer Society’s
Georgia Division is to prevent
cancer deaths due to delay in
securing treatment. It is esti¬
mated that at least 24 people
living in Dade County now have
cancer. Next year about 25 new
ca es will develop if the pre¬
sent rate continues. They
must not die needlessly.
M. C. Crisp, Bob Friske,
Morgan; TTlrT Drive »
money for Club opera-
Mrs. M. C. Crisp, Mrs.
M Neely, Mrs. Madge Bal-
- -
The me next next meeting meeting will win be ue
held Saturday night, April 23,
in connection with the Chick-
en Stew, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Crawford.
had made. Mrs. Freeman ,with
Mrs. Grace Elliott assisting,
Tng cr a ve a demonstration on mak-
corsages from chenile ma-
terial. These were most at-
Games and contests were en¬
joyed. Mrs. Syble Pike assisted
the hostess in serving refresh¬
The Byrd’s Chapel Methodist
Church organized a young peo¬
ple’s league Sunday night,
April 19.
Officers elected w r ere Ercy-
lene Crane, president;
Cureton, „ , vice-president, . Ethel Trfnoi
Keith,' secretary, and Eugene
ed wdth Butane gas, to be
on the same spot. During
struction of the new
students attended classes
the New England
Church, at Dade High
and at the Wildwood
ity --j ------- House. Several — • classrooms
and the auditorium were
later, and there is a
now r that a new wing will
added when plans for the
School Building Program are
Patrons of the school live
New England, Creek
Wildwood, Slygo, State
Whiteside and Murphy’s
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Jjewer - PavillQ Planned for
Trenton planned for more
improvements and progress at
their Citv Council meeting this
month For some time more
water a sewer system and
paving of the city streets has
been of paramount interest to
the City Fahers These have
been held back by lack of mo-
of the city limits. A new
!**'*'l line nf^r>vpr has been completed, mi- at a
SRonn Addition residents
ln the case and in
the thg Mountain Mountain View View develop- develop¬
ment Residents, who lived on
the end of water lines and felt
they were not getting enough
water and lines for new homes
F. B. Queen, 4-H Talent Contest Hay
The annual Farm Bureau
Queen and Talent Contests
have , been set , for . Sat., _ , May
2, according to recent an-
nouncements. The county-wide
show will take place at the
Dade High School
at 8 p. m. and will feature
talent of all ages
talent of all ages. At this time,
4-H’ers from all over the coun-
try will present special num-
ibers in connection with the
OutdOOT MUSiCal Al NM? USf
i Students from North Dade
.School are readying a colorful,
1 three-hour-long musical
auction duction for ior public puuuc viewing viewing on un
May 1 and 2. Entitled “Hits
Through the Years,” the forty
musical numbers planned will
feature parents and patrons of
the school, as well as students_
This promised to be an
^^ affair, with the entire
produclion being staged re^ on an
!outdoor platform at the 1
the school. The area will be
specially lighted for the even-
ing, and chairs will be
ranged before the stage
the convenience of the large
crowd which is expected to at¬
tend .
Some outstanding selections
are as follows: “Moonlight
Bay’’, by the Barbershop
Quartet, compo'ed of Tylie
Holmes, Walt Smyth, Merrill
Smyth, R. C. Foster and
mer Oliver; “Jumbalaya,” by
Mudy Strawn, Ernest Kirch-
meyer, Lynnes Jones, Dale
Q 0 ] d> H, 3n Moreland, Bobby
Crowe and Hershel Dugan, ____ and o .
“Oh- y ou Beautiful Doll,” pres-
ented by Dianne Fuggatt,
low communities, and a hard-
er-working PTA will not be
'eaisy to find. For years this
group has worked toward the
building of a school cafeteria
and hopes to furnish the equip-
ment when the addition is
constructed. North Dade is the
only white school in the coun-
ty without a lunchroom, and
this lack has weighed heavily
i upon the peace of mind of the
The PTA, headed this year
by Mrs. A. O. Ward and as-
sisted by Mrs. Floyd Mitchum
and Robert Ryan, lists such
activities as the musical show,
“Hits Through the Years”,
which is currently in produc-
tion by the school, and under
its sponsorship.
The ladies of the organiza-
tion will decorate the stage,
make costumes and will be in
charge of refreshments for
that evening. During the last
meeting of the PTA, students
presented an Easter Style
Show and will give an Interest-
ing program at the April 28
meeting, the . last . of ... the
and at which tune new officers
will be elected. E. R Wells,
have been completed in this
area - Since the cit y bought
the water system many new
have been added each
y ear - Last year new lines were
aid in the east boundaries of
Trenton will be able to have
several more necessities and
improvements as the tax mo-
ney from residents i'planned begins to
streets can be repaired
and Perhaps have at least two
of them paved. Certainly the
pavin § of Sch001 street U P to
the Trenton school would make
it a lot easier riding for the
children in the school busses.
Another project being act¬
ively worked on by the city is
tween the ages of fifteen and
twenty, and to present a talent
number, such as a song, dance,
. recitation, or _ talk ... on a chosen
careeri e tc. Girls interested
hould contact someone on the
;committee or W. H. Pullen,
j j of Dade’s contest will where go to she the
district competition
will be eligible to enter the
state contest which will be
held in Savannah during the
Annual Farm Bureau Conven-
Cureton is .
Miss May I.
chairman ol the Queen and
, McHughes, Patsy M*ull,
Wayne Waddell, Sandra Jack-
Roland Durham, Alojean
Word, Neal Rogers,
; Ward and Bobby Ryan. The
mainder of the acts are
good, demonstrating
| The show is under the direc-
of Principal L. C.
Hughes, who is working
the following committees: Cos-
Mesdames Tom Street
and Roland Kirchmeyer;
; ing, Joe Blevins, Allison Blevins
Ewell Brown; Finances,
Jack Ford; Advertising,
Mrs. Raymond Townsend;
Food, Evelyn Reeves;
Mrs. Henry Moreland.
chairmen have
others on their committees
help make the production a
P uccess -
Tickets will be on sale at 50c
for adults and 25c for chil-
A poster contest was held
last week in the school to
VP| ve use .. me ,. sn . lth Larrv ‘
Moore winning first place,
Marvin Hunt second, and
Word, third.
|one of the PTA members, has
the honor of sei'ving his twen-
ty-first year as Chairman of
j Completing his third year
as principal, L. C. McHughes
as principal, I C. McHughes
provides the spark which ra-
pidly builds into a big blaze
any project undertaken by the
,250 students enrolled. Follow-
ing his arrival in Morganville,
the school raised $400 to pay
for 75 new metal folding audi¬
torium seats, with wooden bot-
toms. Last year, the old-fa-
shioned water fountains in the
hall were replaced by sanitary
fountains and most recently,
the school has installed a new
ditto machine, a 16mm sound
movie projector and an adding
machine. The projector is used
for the showing of health and
educational films to all classes.
At the County Fair last fall,
North Dade took first place
among other county schools
with an outstanding float and
recorded numerous entries in
the various classes in the Fair.
Rebates, ^ nterest 15 the hi 8 most h in spirited the w j ek i to y
date being thg world . wide ar-
gument, “Men Are More Intel-
ligent Than Women.”
a sewer system. With thei
growth of the city and
being built close together,
is getting to be a vital
for health reasons.
.from Atlanta have been
(to survey the entire town
sewerage. This survey will
to be worked on in detail so
a price estimate can be made.
Plans for paying for this will
; be another problem
j through Revenue Bonds
, be floated. .. ,
j With plenty of water and
sewer system Trenton
be able to attract businetfes^
or small factories which would
financially help the county and
give work at home to our resi¬
I dames W. H. Pullen, M. J.
Hale and R. M. Morrison as-
;sisting her.
j The Talent Contest is open
to the public, and entrants
not necessarily have to
members of the Farm Bureau.
At least two acts from each
Club in the county are expect-
ed, as well as several outstand-
ing numbers by well-known
Dade residents.
This one 0 f the mos t
! events
„ looked forward to ” in
jthe | county each year, and the
><>53 contest promises , to
„ 4 H rilJB
™» ° F
The Rising Fawn 4-H Club
'held its regular meeting at the
chool Ap:il 14, with Jim Cure-
,ton presiding. Jane Blevins
— 4-H --- Club ----- Pledge
the secretary called
roll and read the minutes.
Mr. Mickler talked to
group about Hobo Day,
was planned for Saturday,
April 18.
County Agent Adams
cribed to the girls some of the
contests they could enter,
as dress review, muffins, and
public speaking. He then dis-
cussed poultry and corn grow-
ing with the bojs.
; May 5 is the date of the next
Polly Chadwick, reportei.
The homemaking girls had
charge of the "at chapel program
last Friday Dade High and
did a very good job. •
Mrs. Maddcx Hale presented
Senior FHA girls with their
home nursing certtificates af-
ter which the girls gave a very
attractive style show,
(he garments they had made in
class and for home projects.
Officers have been elected in
each grade, as well as home¬
room mothers, who are very
active. 4-H meetings are held
each week, with the County
Agent, L. C. Adams, meeting
with the boys and girls once a
The first annual published In
the history of the school is on
sale now at $1.75 a copy, and
is the result of the efforts of
Principal McHughes, Mrs. El¬
bert Holmes and the following
students: Ernest Kirchmeyer,
Barbara Warren, Paul Dugan,
Wilma Durham, Shirley Deb¬
tor. Glenda Mitchum, Patsy
Hartline, Charlotte Porter and
Brenda Camp.
Miss Fannielu McWhorter,
Public Health Nurse, makes re¬
gular visits to the school and
will be on hand May 8 at the
pre-school clinic for prospect¬
ive first-graders to give shots
and advice.
The Cherokee Regional Book¬
mobile has been of tremen¬
dous help in rounding out the
library program for the school
which is badly in need of a
library in the building. This
year North Dade students read
more books than any other
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Plan Coun ‘y wide Meetin ? A P ril 21
The The Improvement T mnrnvnmnnt Contest
Committee, appointed by the
| Farm Known Bureau, county met wide last problems week,
niendations were talked over made and recom- j
were to be
Presented at the Farm Bureau
Board of Directors meeting
A Prtl 23. !
T he Farm Bureau at the last
,Board of Directors meeting
!voted to enter the County Act-
j jlvitle^Contest the Community and Improvement to spon sor
Contests. Prizes will be given
10 tlu)se communities in the
cium enteri an
N. Home H. D. Club to Hold Exhibi
The New Home Home Dem-
onstration Club met April 21 at
the home of Mrs. Joe Neely,
with president, Mrs. Virginia
Ferguson, presiding
Plans were made to present
a play for the benefit of the
Davis PTA. Directors will be
Mrs. Joe Neal and Mrs. Ches¬
ter Lane.
The members pledged $25.00
a year for three years to the
Tri-County Hospital. The
Chicken Stew, Saturday night,
April 25, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Crawford, will
be for the purpose of raising
this money. The balance of the
proceeds will be given to the
Community Improvement Club,
Home Demonstration Week
will be observed by an Exhibit,
Dade’s up-and-coming base¬
ball team bowed to Valley Point
last Friday to the tune of 10-8,
but regained their winning
...... style with Trion on Tuesday,
A pril 21.
Carl Steele pitched for the
home school scnooi and ana did aia some some out- out-
8tandi n g wor k on the mound,
.allowing only 6 hits and 4 runs. 1
Hitting a triple eajh, Ronald
gteele and Norris Sims, with
, Don Kenimer’s double base
'contributed to the victory.
Calhoun meets Dade on the
Trenton fie ld Friday, April 24
at 3 p m ^ W h e re they are ex-
; A11 chddren recording per-
j- ec ^ attendance for the year in
j^ ade county schools will re-
ceive a free trip to Lake Win-
nepesaukah on May 28, plan-'
ned sponsors and teachers
of the school system, Firm H. |
Cagle has announced.
Letters are being mailed to
parents of students who at-
tended every day describing
the trip and inviting the stu-
dents to take part in the affair,
All rides at the Lake will be re-
duced for the group and a spe-
eial picnic lunch will be
of its size in the Che¬
district, a noteworthy
Weekly relays are eagerly
as is the all-day
event which will take
before the close of school.
The County School Board re¬
acquired additional
for the school, and a
field is being built
the rear of the school. When
it will provide an
place for the baseball
softball games which are a
of each recess and
Accent is not placed on re¬
but rather in the
of education in which
and other extra curri¬
activities have their
places. All Dade Coun¬
grammar and junior highs
the same subjects which
students are required to
but the program of act¬
iu each school varies. It
this “change from routine”
makes each school more
interesting to read about, and
basis of this survey,
in the effectiveness of
in the efectiveness of
programs are the tea¬
mnnf rntifncf Contest and o^ it is u~— hope
several more, communitie
want to enter before th
of May 1.
A county wide meeting ha
called for April 29 to ge
from all parts of th
and talk over wha
be best for the county
Home has already linei
many things which will be
their community. Wit!
In the air and clean-up
and fix-up on every
mind by all of us work-
together lots can be ac
j which will be on display at C
G. Cooper’s Store during thi
week of May 3-10. Mrs. M. C
Crisp, Mrs. C. G. Cooper anc
Mrs. E. A. Stallings will be ix
Mrs. Floyd Patton, Mrs. Mi
Conal Hurst and Mrs. M. C
Crisp are responsible for plac
ing flowers in the Church or
May 3 and 10.
The Club will give a corsagi
to the youngest mother, thi
oldest mother and the mothei
with the most children who u
present on Mother’s Day. 4-P
Club girls will pin the flower. 1
on the mothers,
Three new members were ad-
ded to the roil at this meeting.
Delicious refreshments wer<
served by Mrs.
BRUNS Committee .A a £ A/
Farmers are urged to check
copies of Forms ACP-
for the materials ap¬
for assistance undei
1Q .„ . . .. . "f r
ogiam. f er en
f PP roV£ > we again wou c
JL,. 11Z ? ° rS 1Pmm may bp ^ rmer recelved ° a
irough the 4 , purchase ordei
m connection witlj
astu f e mai ntenance, serices
“ pe eza anc orean espe e-
Lett " s being mailed tt
producers who received TV/I
Nitrate to report
of this material im-
A report must be
for the count}
the cooperation of al!
in returning their let-
ers w dl be appreciated.
Work of the community com-t
has been suspendec
July 1, 1953 but if any
has questions, we fee:
that all committeemen
be glad to assist the farm-,
in his community in an}
possible. If the commits
are unable to answer
please contact the
PMA Office.
chers, who carry heavy respon¬
sibility. They can either
make or break a student’s de¬
sire to learn, and often are held
in adoration by small chil¬
North Dade’s teachers are:
Mrs. Joe Blevins, first grade;
Mrs. Henry Moreland, second
grade; Miss Elba Cole, third
grade; Mrs. Gertrude Wallen,
! fourth grade; Mrs. Bill Pullen,
i fifth grade; Mrs. Elbert
Holmes, sixth grade, and Mr,
L. C. McHughes, seventh
grade. Mr. Firm Cagle, as Vi¬
siting Teacher, has done a
commendable job with the few
problem attendance cases in
the school. Mr. Keith Delk, ol
Chattanooga, conducts music
'classes once a week, while a
member of the Presbyterian
Mission of Lookout Mountain
teaches Bible classes by Flan-
nelgraph, one day a week. Her .
service is voluntary and Is
greatly appreciated. Dr. Dolph
King serves as full tim& janitor
of the school, also opening the
building for PTA meetings, etc.
I Davis Grammar and High
School will be the subject of
next week’s feature.