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Entered at the Postofiice at Trenton, Ga.. as second esc -s rraii
HRS. CATHERINE C MORRISON ....... Owner and Publisher
One Year. $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents.
Plus State 3'' Sales Tax.
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Locals and Personals
a w .< t. w ek ; ;
of her sisters, Mr J A Swan-
l Ison and Mrs. J G. Nethery.
Sunday visitors of Mrs. Neth-
s ( ery and Mrs. Swanson were:
Mrs. George McDowell, Mrs.
John Tate and Cecil Allison, of
I Chattanooga, and the H. FT
Allisons, of Trenton Mrs. Bob
, Wagoner, of Lo, Angeles,
th " ' membel 1
s'famif*/ Mr. and get-together Mrs. Larkin Blake
•I entertained all but one of their
: igrandchildren and several
' ■great - grandchildren Sunday
t ,: .when Mrs. George Isaacson
and baby daughter from Kan-
l ; ,sas City. Mo.. Mr and Mrs.
Blake McMullen and two chil-
i 1 d:en, Mr. Dixie Lee McMullin.
with Mrs. Ripple Fornby visit-
ed them from Gurley, Ala.
We were happy to become
acquainted with Mr . , and . . Mrs -
1 John Fort, well-known Chat-
tanooga writers, on their
1 to Trenton Monday Mrs. Fort
.i ;
. .
' /•■Louise Fort, while her husband
■ is an established author
Among those who aie on
i sick list are Mrs Clistie Bar-
van; Mr. Alfred Part.ow, a
patient at Newell’s Hospital;
Ozell Clark, who brok
ank fe recently; and Joe Tuck-
er, who suffered an attack of
appendicitis a few days ago.
Miss Fannielu McWhorter
was on vacation last week due
to having to attend the Geo<r-
gia Public Health Association
; end <’**u the me oaumem Sauthern Branch oiaxtcu of ui
,ltFie American Public Health
Association meetings in At-
„ Jlanta.
There should be enough read-
ling in the paper this week to
/satisfy everyone, since the ac-
,; J (cumulation of “old news’’ which
we haven’t had room for, to-
. |gether with this week's copy,
i .made a pretty full newspaper
Miss Glenda Breedlove was
i jhnmr'H jhonor d rpnunlli; recently hv by her lipr par liar-
^ents with a wiener roast at
Gap on the occasion of her
,(birthday. About twenty-five
I, jguests were present.
'Alt Mrs. E G. Wright, Sr., and
and Mrs E G Wright, Jr.
(motored to Birmingham re¬
cently for a visit with relatives,
,tMrs. Wright, Sr., remained
■ jifor a stay of throe weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen ^ Gray
imd j of Muntford, Tenn.,
~ son,
j’are visiting her mother, Mrs.
(3W. R Lacy, and Hubert. Neal
- G ay has also been a visitor of
| Abe j Mesdames Lacys. C Tatun. and
, G.
ij. G. Nethery will attend the
Annual meeting of the Ten-
,'nessee Federation of Garden
,blubs at Gatlinburg, Tenr .
^ his Mr. weekend and Mrs. Rufus Blake’s
^Sunday guests were Mr and
i'vlrs. Royce Bible from Clover-
bal e, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blake
|ind Mr and Mrs. Gordon
: - * ;31ake from Sulphur Springs
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Coch-
: an were home for a weekend
Tisit from Ohio. Mrs Billo
:73as.s and Jerry, the Cochran's
-, oung son, who had been visit -
^ng them, W returned is to Trenton. patient
y Mrs. R Lacy a
■ J }n a Chattanooga hospital.
; ,>uring her illness, Mr. and
! /«l:s. Glen Gray and Neal Gray
'^.re helping out in the restau-
j Mr and Mrs Hank Lumpkin
.nd daughters, Linda and
>Iathy, of Detroit, Mich . visit -
<d Mr. and Mrs. H H Bo-
jyenhammer the past weekend.
.. The Garden Club will meet
..’hursday, May 7 at the home
j f Mrs. W. Gross C. Cureton, and Mrs. Jr. J.
jtrs. Irby H. will E. be co-hostesses,
Tommy Sims. Neal and Glen
and Hubert Lacy are
(laving all the luck—Tuesday's
spree at Hale's Bar
jelded 46 fish.
County-wide Meeting
Succ6ssi n e ul* i Another A I
Called For May 9
i Community leaders through-
out the county met Wednesday
night in the Court Hiuse to
(discuss communities entering
;(he Chattanooga Area Improve
me nt Contest and to talk over
- ! ' h could me to
improve Dade County in the
County-wide Activities Contest
which is sponsored by the state
Farm Bureau.
Many representatives from
both mountains and folks from
about half the valley commun-
itie talked over various things
of interest for the
of the county Several com-
munities which had entered
area contest in the past told of
what they had accomplished.
Mrs TT H. H r j Bodenhamer. f from
the Davis community, which
the first to enter told of
I their farm improvements ' and
, , .
Salem, spoke of the fellowship
gained from f working . . together , .,
Mr. Joe Doyle spoke of the
Slygo community house, and
P ar k and fbe building and
opening of their Teacherage
Joe Neely , gave a report .
on the New Hom? c3m ^ UI / lty
, and the projects which they
lc ‘ work °" thls year.JVIr.
E ^ Holtzhower turned in
the Head River community ap-
Plication to enter the Chatta-
n00ga Area Contest They have
bad only a few meetings and
MV y nut fit sel(,ctt ’d lh, ' ir . projects
In discussing improvments
f°f , tbe county as a whole the
tele P hor y situation kept com-
^ in omm ^’’ ll! yity ’ 1 v would ‘^icecj,<hat canvas their each
a f ea to see how many wanted
aiRi , ' bc in
\ouc anc nit et again , ay „
« ^port on this and any other
Which tfl(' P 6 O]) ('
thought could be done to im-
1 pi Mr. f, V1 ' W. c L. . oun ^ Simpson, y Chair-
v “'' “''“‘““T ,' 3
tee, spoke , about the county
having no basebal! teams
year and the need for a Ball
Park This is the first year in
a long time that Dade will not
;be represented in a ball club
| Everyone present was interest-
Fed • , in . this project y : and Mr. Simp
son asked . , a few to . meet . , back ,
with him to investigate and
talk over the possibilities of a
Ball Park for Dade County.
Mr Simpson also said there
Col. D. E. Morrison attended
a meeting Tuesday of the Coo¬
sa River Soil Conservation in
Harold Cox has returned
from a business trip to Wash¬
ington He reports an interest¬
ing drive.
J. G. Nethery was up from
Bremen for a short visit with
his mother. Sunday.
Little Miss Judy Presley is
suffering from a severe case of
poison ivy. i
Mrs. E C Bates will visit
her sister in Birmingham this
Mrs John Bruner is seriously
ill in an Albany, Ga., Hospital.
We see Robert Daniel driv¬
ing a new yellow Chevrolet.
t. O. O. F.
Regular meeting each Tues¬
day night at 8:00 P. M.
Harlan Taylor, N G.
Gene Brandon, Secy.
First ar.d third Friday every
month, 8 P. M. Legion Hall
C Raymond Street, Comm.
*■ < Qoooiflooeaotor a o9oato»ccg Qga r ggB g..g JLggJLOJLJLflJLflJULP
• ° \Ja<Jorit£ ccijiEi
'j^Lidz Countium
February is the month for
anything with a cheery flavor, !
and most appropriate for cake-
and-coffee time is the follow-
ing delicious recipe for Cherry
Cake, contributed by Mrs. John
Hinton, of Trenton.
Mrs. John Hinton
1 lb. butter (2 cups>
1 lb. sifted cake flour
10 eggs (separated)
1 lb sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream butter and work flour
in until mixture has a mealy
texture; beat egg yolks, sugar
and vanilla until thick and
Huffy. Add first mixture grad-
ually and beat thoroughly,
then fold in stiffly beaten egg
w'hites and beat five minutes
by hand or two minutes with
an electric mixer. crystalled Mix 1 lb
pecans, ^ lb. pine¬
, apple and ,/ 2 lbcandie dcher .
rier with flour and add to
cake Bake in a tube pan for
2 hours at 325 degrees Serve
with coffee or tea.
An easy and mouth-watering
dish is the dessert often pre-
was a S r eat x need . for , county
1 community house for meetings
such as this and a place where |
meals iIi~a.IO GUUIU could be IJC served I'iCl veu without WllilUUL
schools. Mr. R. M Morrison
1 , d he believed the ground
1 ’ ‘
.floor of the Masonic Lodge,
I h0U ^ P miK ht be obtained He
would . find . . out , and report back 1
as soon as possible what ar-
rangements could be made
about thls
reau, spoke of the barbecue
being planned July 4th and
the committee appointed to
work out plans. It would be
hoped that a large coun ty wide
barbecue with a good spea ker
might bring in enough money
j to help with these various pro¬
j ect5 which are p i anned .
k Misg May : Cure t on chair-
man man of oi the me Farm rurm Bureau Bureau Queen v^ueen
Contes t i and a member of the
Board of Directors'of the Farm
Bureau> reported on this con-
tMt which will be held in con .
junction with the 4 . H Talent
show on tbe n i gb (; Q f M a y 4
thp Dade schooI housp ghe
said she knew all would enjoy
attending, that th^» children ai-
wa y S pU {, on a good'show and
wp could back Qur girLs in the
Queen ^ Contest
After the meeting the County
'Agent showed a movie on the
i production" of corn, which
|though the hour was late, most
l everyone stayed to see and it
wag weH received _
Guaranteed To Perform
1953 1 7-8 DODGE , 4 Door Coronet, 8 cylinder — Black^^$2845.45 1953 NEW DODGE y 2 Ton Red Pickup $1614.24
1953 V-8 DODGE Club Coupe, 8 cylinder __ ____ $2839.30 1953 NEW DODGE / 2 Ton Green Pickup $1646.49
1953 DODGE Meadowbrook, 4 Do *', 6 cylinder ______ $2597.55
1950 DODGE y 2 Ton Express ____________________ $1045.00
1950 DODGE Club Coupe — All Extras — Clean __ 1445.00 1950 CHEVROLET y 2 Ton _____________________ $1045.00
1951 DODGE CORONET, 4 Door, Radio, Heater, 1950 G M C % Ton $1045.00
Gray Finish, Low Mileage __ __ __ ____ __$1795.00 1951 DODGE y 2 Ton DeLuxe Cab. Fluid Drive $ 1195.00
1949 FORD, 2 Door Sedan. Radio, Heater ______ 995.00 1949 DODGE y 2 Ton Panel $ 795.00
1946 FORD Club Coupe, Radio, Heater, Extra Clean 795.00 1949 DODGE iy Ton Cab and Chassis $ 795.00
1941 CHEVROLET, 2 Door, Heater. Priced sell. 2 _________________
Vtejirestone ANT
‘T&ftark TIRES 'T 1 RES'
Dyer Motor Company
TRENTON, GEORGIA Open 8 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily, except Wed. 8 a. m. to 12 noon TELEPHONE 40
by Mrs. Re “ froe-
Served with either earner .u whipped wmppea
cream or any kind of
this is a treat f that is better — if :*
eaten while still hot.
Mrs. T. S. Renfroe
>2 cup sugar
1 ! 2 cups boiling water
3 4 cup sugar
3 tbsp. butter
Vz tsp. vanilla
Caramelize V 2 cup sugar
gradually add boiling water,
Stil until dissolved, then
remaining sugar, butter
vanilla. Cook until dissolved,
1 1 2 cups self-rising flour
V 2 cup sugar
f: tbsp. butter
V 2 cup milk
V 2 tsp. vanilla
Sift dry ingredients togeth-
er; cut in butter.
add milk and vanilla until
ed Drop dumplings into
ing sauce and bake in a
oven at 400 degrees from 25
30 miutes. Turn upside
on a serving . plate, 1. and , 1
into squares.
James A. Cash
Jamei U a lilc > Albion /T-iUlUII Cash, do 11, Ol,
Wildwood, died April H 23 after
long illness. He was a
alderman and “““ city
sioner of Chattanooga,
the Sons of the American
volution and the
Chamber of Commerce.
his retirement from
he made his home in Dade
Cash; two sons, Dr. James R.
Cash of the University of Vir-
ginia Medical School, and
rold Cheney Cash,
ally known sculptor, of
wood; and three grandchil-
dren. Interipfi^ was in
Forest Hills Cemetery in
tanooga. Honorary
were Horace Collins,
A. Martin, Ernest Cushman,
Sam Keese, Raymond Town-
Alfred Mynders, Col.
ton Ochs, Judge Will Cum-
mings, Judge J. M. C. Town-
end, Jeff Wall, Charles
man, Harold Cadek.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and
M Saturday 0 , , nlghte ... ,
' month at 3:00 p. m.
All qualified Masons invited
M. Morrison, W. M.
Early A Ellis, Sr. Sec.
Ey Mrs. Mary Patterson
Well, I am back from La
Fayette, so here I am with a
little news and cold weather is
still here.
Mrs. R. L. Wilson visited
in Chattanooga over the week-
1 end at the home of her daugh-
-rr, Mrs Lay.
Mrs. Mrs. Mary Mary Patterson Patterson spent spent
Saturday night with Mr. and
. Mr-. Upton. .
Curtis Forester wa-, here on
the weekend to see his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fo: ester
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt ^ Castle-
berry have moved into their
new home in New England.
We are glad to have them in
our community.
Mrs. Bill Fugatt is visiting
in New England with her
daughter, Mrs. Joe Blevins,
Hope I can do better next
By Mr>>. Charles Bryant
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weems
and Doug spent Sunday night
with Mrs. Charles Bryant
while on their way to Detroit,
Michigan, to make their home.
The regular Birthday Club
met at the home of Mrs. Gus
Forester last Thursday. We
can’t give you a report on who
was there as your reporter
didin’t get to this time. ^ But i
2 ‘m sure “time everyone there had a
nice as we always do.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Roberts
of Chattanooga visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Raines, * VI* over ^ ^ A the *'**'-' weekend. »» -
Mr. and Mrs. George Crum-
fey and Nancy and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gearrin visited Mr
ur \ 13 1 on1 ™
sick list tor this week, Wish
her a speedy recovery,
1 Several of the boys have
been reported back in the
we can give an account of now
ar e the McBryar twins, Donald
and Doyle, sons of Frank Me
The weekly sewing circle met
at the home of Mrs. Vernon
Jenkins last week
E P E Charles Bryant has been
promoted to Sgt. while serving
with “Co. C”, 72nd Tank Bn.
1° Korea.
i Someone said Mr .and Mrs.
WaJ t Smith were on vacation
but we don't know where yet.
Ma ybe we can give a report on
that later on.
Mrs - steve Derryberry’s ne-
phew, Roy Bowman, and
of Hixson, Tenn.,
stopped by for awhile Sunday
a fternoon while passing
(through Gadsden, on their way home
:iom Ala.
1 Mrs. Renzie Hartline and
^ 0( Sand Mou „ laln
s P ent Monday with her sister,
Mrs, Elmer Raines,
Betty Derryberry and Benita
Bryant were shopping in Chat-
tanooga recently.
Two Dade Students
Compete !n State Meet
Two Bade High students re- j
pre sented the school last week
enc j a [ Macon in the State Li-
j rrry contest. Kathryn Fricks
tock third pIace in the Home
Economics Division, and Ray
Bobo did well in pian0i but the
school scboo i missed missed out out . on — fin al
j luri uugu5 _ n(r •
Kathryn has also been chosen
fjnalist in the Georgia High
g cboo i Queen Contest and will
compe t e with two others for
the s tate title this weekend.
winner will be chosen for aca-
dem j c achievement,
^ Qn j n scholastic, non-schol-
and c j v j c activities, hon¬
ors received, and variety cf in-
Crests A king will also be
chosen from three Georgia
The event will take place
Saturday night at the Univer¬
sity of Georgia.
MiASes Roselyn and Elene
Dyer entertained with a wiener
roast at the Dyer lodge on
Lookout Mountain Saturday
ni S'ht. Games were enjoyed by
tb e following group; Mr. and
Mrs - Neal Gray, Mr - and Mrs -
.Tam James pc ATilfnn Milton Pncrorc Rogers, TUT Mr. r and anrl
Mrs. Roy Combs, Mr. and Mrs.
Montford Tatum. Mrs. Gran-
ville Pace, Misses Patsy Ren-
froe - Ellen Morrison and Helen
Sanders, and Howard McKaig,
Jack Cameron, Hubert Lacy,
Neal Gray, Cleve Christopher
and j J ^ E ^—'-- C ora bs.
The following day, most of
Savings Accounts — To provide for the future’
Checking Accounts- - To provide greater efficiency in
your day-to-day financial affairs;
Safe Deposit Boxes- -Offer your valuables protection
from fire and theft at low cost;
Banking Services— In fact, ail financial services
which will add to your personal
or business efficiency are avail¬
able here!
V U..TWS 50 CA ‘ ■[■rSmii “ iwwssst*
Market at Seventh
Main at ^larket—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga^-Ts*n.
1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
Large Group Leaves
For Physicals
The following Dade Co
tlans left April 20 f Un '
or pre _ ln
duction physicials: j unj '
Henry Gerrett, Billy Philip Wa-
Castleberry, Stevie
John Eugene Parson, CharV
Curtis Homer Avans, Clarence ciaJ?
Eugene Moore Mm™’
Daniel ’ James Alii.™ rri ol 30
James Lloyd Baker, Alvin D;r-
rial Moore, Barney Gene Har
ris, Charles Robert Gas^, Mit-
chell Tinker, Chefey Monroe
Smith and Wilbur Marion Har-
This is the season when the
ver y best in talent and enter-
tainment is on the television
network. Make certain that
you get all your favorite nm piU-
grams clearly by keeping your
TV in top condition C0ndltl0n if If
are having trouble, call Tatum
Radio Electric Co.