The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, April 30, 1953, Image 3
HOOKER By .’Mrs. Thelma Bell Mr5 Louise Gregory, of Charleston, . S. C., spent se¬ al days with her parents, & Mrs. L. L. Bridgeman, :• Bridgeman went home with i[■ for a visit. Mr and Mrs. Fred Malloch ’ rt Mrs. Annie Barry, of Sew- Tenn. spent Sunda^y , - Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Ftrawn. and Mrs. Guests of Mr. n'd Mitchum Sunday were an d Mrs. Jones, of Jasper, • nn Mrs. Jones’ mother, of . Nashville, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. I ;eman, of Chattanooga, and - - and Mrs. McPeters and 'idren, of Tiftonia. Mrs. Lily Mae White under- n t a serious operation at , ( impbell Clinic last Wednes- *y- Miles Murphy Mr and Mrs. ad children, of Rossville, vi- ; . :e d Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bell, Tuesday Mr: : Mellie Miller is conva¬ lescing from an illness at Wild¬ wood Sanitarium. C M. Smith, who recently enli ted in the army, is sta¬ tioned at Camp Jackson, S. C. Mr and Mrs. Walter Lee and Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Lee, of Tiftonia, visited Mr. and Mrs J. E. Strawn, Sunday. Mrs. Bob Pendergrass was hostess at a Stanley Party Thursday night. Mr and Mrs. Stokes Me Cauley, of Panama, are guests of Mrs. McCauley's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Carroll. Mr J. E. Tittle, who un¬ derwent a serious operation at Erlanger Hospital Monday, is improving. Mrs. Walker Austin, of Bridgeport, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. Nat Tittle, of Lenoir City, Ten¬ nessee, were called here on ac¬ count at the illness of their father. Mr, Ben Davis, who has been residing in Florida for the past several years, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Odie Haswell. Mr J. V. Harris is seriously ill at Campbell Clinic in Chat¬ tanooga. RENT SEU suy TRADE ETC. WANT ADS are a cent a word with a minimum of 25c for one insertion—Try Our Want Ad Column. WANTED — EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. — Busy Bee Cafe Trenton, Georgia. 1 t p — FOR SALE — Kitchen Cabinet, SIOjOO. Mrs. Lee Gearrin, Ris¬ ing Fawn, Ga. 1 t p RELIABLE MAN WITH CAR wanted, part or full time, to call on farmers in Dade County. Wonderful opportu¬ nity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital requir¬ ed. Permanent. Write today. Furst-McNess Company, De Soto Station, Memphis, Tenn. 2 t p — 5-7 MIRACLE HEARING AID Complete $19.85. Requires no batteries, cords or ear button. DR. G. K. MacVANE Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. WANTED AT ONCE — Rawleigh Dealer in Dade County. Write Rawle'tgh’s Dept. GAC 10-R, Memphis, Tenn. 6 t p — 4-30 * (, R SALE Fresh Jersey and — Jersey and Guernsey cross heifer' with calves by their s ule. Dan Massengale, Slygo Valley Road. 3 t P — 5-7 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. — D' dy and fender work. Years e '-per.encc, a good job Powell, ~uaranteed_ — Raymond II. Back of Buck Gif¬ ford's Service Station. 6 t p — 6 4 - LITTON MILL — Now open for usincss. We will do cu/stom grinding of meal and feed. Dpen every afternoon after ^00 owell, p. owner m. — and Raymond operator. H. 4 1 P - 5 14 - TOT DADE COUNTY TIMES. TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1953 RISING FAWN The Parcel Post Sale, Movies and Bake Sale which the Young Adult Class of the Meth¬ odist Church sponsored Satur¬ day night brought in $50, ac¬ cording to reports. Acting as auctioneers were Bill Austin and Glen Smith. Sandwiches, doughnuts, coffee and Kool- Aid were also sold. Miss Patty Boren of Chatta¬ nooga was the weekend guest of Miss Lindsay McMahan. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Castle- berry visited relatives here during their weekend from Ohio. Returning with |them were the Clyde Wallins, who will share an apartment |with the Castleberrys and the Mickey Cochrans. Mrs. Carl Brooks returned last week from a visit in Chi- cago. j Mr. Sunday and Mrs. Roy West had as visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jake West and boys of ! Chickamauga. Sunday visitors of the Milt Wilson and Walter Wilson fa-| milies were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and grandson Mike Prosch, of Birmingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and three boys from Marietta. The entire group were entertained at dinner at the Fred Harri¬ sons. R. C. Thomas has returned from a visit in Birmingham. During his absence, Miss Ann Mitchell, of Boaz, Ala., was the guest of Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Barton. ! Seaman and Mrs. Charies McMahan are announcing the birth of a 5-lb-7V2 oz. daugh¬ ter on April 28. Mrs. McMahan 'and baby will be moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boren on Connelly Lane, East Ridge, this weekend. (Intended for lai>t week) Everyone is invited to the schoolhouse Saturday night, April 25 to a parcel post sale, movie and cake sale, sponsor¬ ed by the Young Adults Class of the Methodist Church. The time has been set at 8 p. m. The Parent-Teachers’ Club reports about $50 netted from the chicken stew last Saturday night. Proceeds will be added to the teacherage fund. Mrs. Doyle McBryar and children, Cynthia and Kirk, of New England, visited Mrs. Vir- parents in Newman, Ga., re- Thursday night guest of Mrs. Cagle was Mrs. Peggy McBryar of Koscuiska, Miss. Mrs. Ralph Smith and Ralph Jr., of Rossville, were recent visitors of Mrs. Henry Keni- mer. Mr. Bill Love is home on furlough for a few weeks. He and Mrs. Love visited his par¬ ents in Piedmont, Ala., over the weekend. , Mrs. L. M. Allison visited ,her mother, Mrs. Cox, in Car- Itersville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fricks and Ann Marie went to see her Cagle Wednesday night, Bob West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy West, is home on from Korea. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fannin Sunday visiting rela¬ in Ashland, Ala. Milt Wilson has opened a at the Texaco Station. L. M. Allison, Sr. operates the service station. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sonny McMahan were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Todd and chil¬ dren, of Gadsden, and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rogers, of Trenton. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Austin and and Mrs. Dan Austin at¬ the open house at the new Koehring plant in Chat¬ tanooga Mr°~and" Sunday afternoon. * Mrs. Stanley Me Mahan and children of Birm- ingham, visited his parents, McMa-' Mr and Mrs Charlie han Sunday Mrs. McMahan was honored with a surprise gift of a piano from her chil- dren Kathryn Fricks recently at- tended a State Home Demon- stration Banquet where she re- j presented the State 4-H Coun¬ cil, local 4-H clubs, and the Dade FHA chapter. She was listed among the speakers for the event. Rev. Joe Baker preached at Adairsville, G., Sunday in an evangelistic campaign. Rev. R. Q. Dyess of Trenton filled the pulpit at Bethel, Ga. Col. C. S. Williams gave a very in- spiring sermon at the M. E. Church in Rev. Baker’s ab- sence. Those attending the annual Community News L G 0 Mr. and Mrs. Armon Hays, siting Mrs. Hays 1 parents*Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy, of Chattanooga, were out vi¬ siting Mrs. Muirph\y’s .family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burns, Monday. Mesdames E. F. Moore, John ( Patterson, Leon Moore, Alvin Reeves and Lawrence attended a bridal shower given in honor of Mrs. Buddy Tripp, of Whitewell, Tenn., Saturday night. Mrs. Tripp is the former Joyce Rankins. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kil- lian Patterson and children Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. Charles Price in ry, Tenn. Mrs. Virginia Cureton, of Washington, D. C., is here vi- siting relatives. I The well-digger is back in Slygo again. At the time, they are drilling at Ray- mond Waddell’s, but plan to two or three more before leaving, we hope. i ——-- (Intended for last week) ! The Slygo Community Im- provement Club sponsored a at the community house Saturday night with a , good attendance and a net pro- fitof approximately $70 which I will go toward the indebted- ness of the club. Our pastor, Rev. Charles Ward, is awa ythis week in a revival near Atlanta. So, last Sunday we had Donald Street from the Wildwood Methodist Church as our guest speaker Donald is a former Slygo boy and we are all mightly proud of him. Slygo’s weekly Bible study is to be at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dugan’s this Wednesday night. These cotaage meetings are every Wednesday night and we urg everyone to come out and take part in them. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Craig and son, Buford Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Craig, all of Lookout Mountain, spent Sun¬ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pi. Cole. Miss Pearl Street visited her nephew, Bill Dugan, of Chat¬ tanooga last Sunday. Bill has been seriously ill for several months now. Several folks from nearby towns were out for our supper Saturday night. Among those were Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross and children, of Chattanooga, Mr. Duck Dabbs, who is visit- ing relatives here but lives in California, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fletcher of Lakeview, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham and two boys from Daisy. Mr. James Thompson and daughter, Virginia, of Chatta- nooga Valley, visited the Edgar Moores Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Lawson and family attended the fune¬ ral of Mr. Lawson’s nephew in Jasper, Tenn., Sunday after¬ noon. Mrs. Frances Dabbs, of Chat¬ tanooga, was out visiting her sister. Miss Pearl Street, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole of Lookout Mountain and Mrs. Buford Craig all motored to Murphy, N. C. recently on a business trip. The Alvin Reeves, Sunday guests were Mr. J. L. Moore of Chickamauga, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- ; ton Patterson and children and Mrs. Lawrence Dugan. Associational meeting was held at the Hinklje Church Tuesday from Fawn were Mr. and w - J West, Mesdames Dewey Bradford, W. F. Ble- vins, C. T Payne, Harold Castleberry, J. W. Abercrom- bie, Erbie Friedman, Owen Woodyard, Vardie Castleberry, Smith and Rev. T. C. '’ on — i HEAD RIVER % Mrs. Hugh Forester Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Walker and children, of Chattanooga, visited Mrs. Walker’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Fritts Schurch last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. „ Ben Flarity tt .1 ii. and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Johnson and family Ider last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weath- ers and children, of Chatta- nooga Valley, attended church services at Head River last Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L Ross and fa- mily and Mr. and Mrs. John Konrad. Frank lived here when he was just a boy. Mr. and Mrs. James Schrock children, of Rome, G| ./ spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Hugh Forester and Misses Lorena, **«c*.«. Jennie and Elizabeth Johnson, of Chatta- and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Philips, of Florida, spent last weekend here on the mountain at their summer cottage, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Konrad and boys, of Rising Fawn, vi- s ited Mr. and Mrs. John Kon- ad weekend. Mrs. R. L. Rods and Mrs. Hu S h Forester spent last Tues- aa y 111 n ' ' ' Ross and , family _ Mrs Gordon Barnes and a UU - children were in Chickamauga ^ as ^ Saturday. (Intended for laist week) Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smith formerly of this place, but now raiding in Aiken, S. C., visit ed f r i en ds and relatives here j as t W eek. Mr Frank Johnson and dren Arthur and Roxana, of Chattanooga, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flarity last week. MLss Mary Forester, of Ross- vidCi is visiting her brother, gam Forester and family. Mrs Par k s Johnson, of tanooga, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Flarity and family. They went shopping in Trion Summerville last Saturday. Mrs. Flora Hunt, of Trenton, is spending a few days at her old home here. Mrs. B. W. Holtzhower vi¬ her parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. Smith in Menlo last Mr. Leon Johnson and chil- visited the Konrad family last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Konrad and boys Billy and Larry, of Rising Fawn, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Konrad last Sun- day. Mrs. Lillian Stalvey, of Cal- houn, Ga., visited her parents Mr. and Mrs R. L. Ross last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barnes and children attended the fu- neral of Mr. Fred Isaac Keys at the Lookout Church near Point last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Johnson children, Phyllis and Terry Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fla¬ last Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Green and daughter, of Trenton, vi¬ our church last Sunday. The Head River Home Dem- Club will hold their meeting with a spe- children’s night program Saturday night, April 25. will be served adults as well as children invited. CLOVERDALE Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alford are the birth of their child, a boy, Ben F. AI III on Friday, April 24th Alford will be rerrember- as the former Miss Frances Her mother, Mrs. Ed is with her at their home Knoxville. Wilburn (Tadpole) Phillips, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phil¬ was very badly Diirned by explosion while at work week. He is now at home Mrs. Joe Phillips is improv¬ after her recent illnessses. Uncle Bill Amos is some bet¬ Gordon Bible, oldest son of Charlie Bibles, was oper¬ on last week. He is home doing fine. Lots of cotton being planted this community. US DO YOUR PRINTING THE DADE COUNTY TIMES CAVE SPRINGS PARTY LINE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allison and daughter and Mr. & Mrs. £™'^ Chattano ngham °S a - and were daaghter the dinner ' of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Forester, Sunday. Annie and Kathleen Lynch, i 1 of Atlanta, were’ visiting here last week Mrs. Tom Holder . and , sons were visiting Mrs. Ho'lder'S, sister, Mrs. C. E. Maxwell in Chattanooga Tuesday. Ruben Nunnelly, who has been visiting in South Pitts¬ burg, Tenn., returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradford attended Sunday School and Church Sunday in Cloverdale, and also visited Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Forester and Billy Barkley attended the birthday dinner of Mrs. For¬ ester’s mother, Mrs. Mary j Massey, at the home of Mr. ' Gorrion Massey in New Engl . and Sunday Mrs Forester re- ported thirty present. Mrs. Massey was seventy-eight years old. Mrs. Roy Wallin and chil¬ dren were visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Maxwell, in Chat¬ tanooga recently. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder and son James were the sun- [day evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Amos. , WelJ> it lookiS like the wea ther man dec j ded give U g a little snow last Monday morning. MORGANVILLE Mr. Sidney Hartline is very ill at his home. Sorry to hear it and we wish him a speedy 'recovery. The annual First Sunday De- coration Day will be held at Sarah’s Chapel on May 3 as usual. J A large number attended basement the supper in the church j last Saturday night, The Rev. Charles Ward has [returned from down the revival At- which he ran near lanta. Our revival will start at Morganville Church j The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing that you’ll make one. Soon We Will Be In Our Expanded Quarters... Watch For Our grand OPENING Prizes Galore First Prize at our Big Drawing will be a Beautiful 1953 Westinghouse Frost-Free Refrigerator To show our appreciation to our many friends and custom¬ ers we will give 1 FREE TICKET for each Dollar paid on ac¬ count, and 1 ticket for each dollar in purchases, between now and our Grand Opening .'* Don’t forget we offer the Easiest Credit Terms in Georgia on Westinghouse, Philcos, and L & H Appliances, Washers, and Television Sets. Gross Mercantile Co. TRENTON, GEORGIA ■hmbmmmi far Ybtijiincj fox Jbfixiny dfiaxml A flattering new hair-do can work wonders for you. Now is the time to take advantage of our $15.CO RAYETTE COLD WAVE which | has been cut to half price for the Spring k f season. Top off your new spring outfit with ^ Jr a individually an styled coiffure. Sarah’s Coiffures PHONE 69 TRENTON, GEORGIA x?poooooo o3 oooooooooooa<-*oooo p ooooocooooooooooooocr Why aaept less ? Get all these Dodge Extras at new low prices!* Two-speed electric wipers Safety-Rim wheels Uniformly curved one-piece windshield Oil bath air cleaner Oilite fuel filter Anti-rattle rotary door latches Weatherproof ignition system Longer-lasting baked enamel finish Resistor spark plugs Exhaust valve seat inserts Oriflow shock absorbers Save Up To $201.80 . . . across-the-board price reductions mark big sales gain! V-EIGHT OR SIX Come in! Compare! Spocifieatwat and «gi upatnU »»tv » c< to dt a» m without motion. Pick, up the PH0ME FOR. A "ROAD TEST" RIDE DYER MOTOR COMPANY TRENTON, GEORGIA