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Dade County's Only Newspaper.
Dade to Have Two Baseball Clubs
After starting a little
Dade is entering two clubs
the Volunteer Baseball
organized in
There- will be one team
Sand Mountain, playing
the name of Davis Club,
one from the rest of the
playing under the name C
Dade Club. Teams making
the Volunteer League are -
vis, Dade, Whitwell,'
Bay, Dixie and Wauhatchie.
Opening game for both
and Dade will be played
Sunday afternoon, Davis
ing on their field on the
tain and Dade vs. Dixie
ing at Rising Fawn.
Lions Elect W. D. Cnreton President
W. Dudley Cureton was
elected president of the Dade
County Lions Club in an elec¬
tion of officers Tuesday night
in the Dade High Cafeteria.
Bob Alexander was elected vice
president of the organization,
while W. G. Morrison, Jr. and
Lucien Wilkinson are the club’s
new second and third vice
presidents, respectively.
L. C. Adams was voted to
continue as secretary and
treasurer. Adams is currently
serving his tenth year in that
office. Raymond Morrison will
have the task of taming the
Lions, while Martin Nethery
will be Tail Twister.
Directors elected to serve one
year were Douglas Morrison,
Leon Dyer and Maddox Hale.
Tom Renfroe, who was elected
last year for two terms, will
continue as director. Cureton
(received the gavel of office
from James Morrison, past pre¬
sident, and is well-qualified to
serve in that capacity. He
Joined the club in 1950, acting
as tail twister last year. Oper¬
ator of the El Rancho Tourist
Courts here, the new president
is also Engineer forthe City of
ton City Council.
Guest? Impressed With
County’s Possibilities
Guest speakers for the oc-
Dade School Advances in Field of Education
Dade Hijh School before additions were made on south side.
cafeteria was located in this wing until new lunchroom was
A school which has
a lot of changes in the
few years, and more than
ough to earn its accredited
ing, is Dade County
School. Located where
•ty activities center, the
is logically the largest of
five county schools.
415 pupils are enrolled
the grammar school which,
to the present building
tion, has been unable to
up to the high school’s
dited standing. There are
high school students on
complete, accurate records
kept through an improved
ing system, inaugurated
the last four years.
taries are also kept current
grammar school students.
tendance is normally
The Trenton school’s
gress is marked by the
that all teachers hold
cates of from tw r o to five
of college work. J. C.
who has been principal of
school for the past four
has incorporated his five
of experience as an officer
the Army and eight as a
cher into the school’s
ade (fotiniu tines
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
J. B. Geddie will again man-
a ® e the ^ a de team with Mout-
ford Tatum as ********* man-
ager. The team is not com-
M ye[ but Jeri] Coo .
per> R 0y McMahan, Bud Page,
Oscar Barton, Ronald Steele, J.
D Collins, Jimmy Johnson,
Pressley, J. M. Rogers, Bob
f (Williams, Leslie Wilson, Jr.
Pinkney Williams and Doe
Hixon will probably be on
it. Anyone else interested in
playing is asked to appear at
the Rising Fawn” field this Sun¬
day afternoon.
Looks like the county nr/ay
have two fast amateur teams
again this year.
were R. H. Birch, Su¬
of State Highway
Parks, and his assist¬
ant, Judge Smith, who were
on a tour of the county
the afternoon.Both were
impressed with Dade
scenic beauty and
tourist attractions,
the drive along
highways among the most
in the state.
The Lions Club voted at an
meeting to make county
parks a project, elect¬
M. J. Hale as chairman of
committee. Birch and
were present to describe
the group the possibilities
advantages of such an un¬
Roadside Park? Valuable As
Tourist Attractions
Birch told that the state was
in this project for
reasons, one of which
the parks’ tourist value.
car stopping at these
would mean from ten to
dollars to the county
state, because if they en¬
their surroundings, they
more than likely stay
somewhere in the
“At least three or four such
on the Birmingham and
Highway would be suf¬
as a beginning,” Birch
schedule, thereby insuring
smooth blend of scholastic
extra-curricular activities,
portant to the welfare of
This progress also
the advancement other
schools are making, and
general opinion is that
Dade County School System
on the threshold of
one of the best anywhere.
this can be
through a closer
between the school and
community is Principal
belief; and he is attempting
bring this about in Dade
Teachers of each grade
it a point to talk
with parents of students at
beginning of the school
Student relationships are
emphasized as essential to
successful educational
gram; therefore the new
tice of inter-county and
school activities, such as
recent literary contests,
develop social as well as
lastic qualities.
First Graduates.
Twelve-Year Program
This month, the first
Interested Cooks
To Try New Methods I
Dade County women are
making preparations for at¬
tending the special demonstra¬
tion on quick breads at Dade
High's Home Economics Build¬
ing Tuesday, the 19th. Miss
Susan Mathews, who is coming
up from Athens for this special
occasion, hopes that each com¬
munity will be represented in
order that these ladies might [
repeat her demonstration in
their respective clubs.
Everyone interested is cor¬
dially invited to attend. The
meeting will begin at 1 p. m.
'advised, “then later, parks
(could be added on the Sand
Mountain highway after' it is
| S paved. t t ” He Highway said the Department Georgia
j a e
i would carry out this project |
from the building of tables,
benches and barbecue grill to
the maintenance of the area.
All Dade would have to do is
secure the land, preferably from j
one to three acres alongside
highways. The State Pa¬
trol has received instruction to
protect the area.
Property Owners Along
Highway Urged to Co-operate
Property owners who are in¬
terested in performing a much-
needed service to the county
are requested to get in touch
with Chairman Hale as soon as
possible. With summer practic¬
ally here, tourists are already
on the road, and would appre¬
ciate this consideration by the
county. It is important that
Dade impress visitors with out
concern for their welfare by
providing good, clean and at¬
tractive places for food and ;
Nineteen members of the
Lions Club and one visitor, |
Lion Bob Hunt from the Druid
Hills Club in Atlanta, were pre¬ I
sent. The group was served a |
delicious meal by members of
the Trenton WSCS. I
class under the new twelve year
program will graduate. The
added year of study leaves the
students better prepared for
college or a vocational position
and increases their maturity so
they are more capable of tak-
ing over their position in life,
One of the most important
strides Dade High has made
was the addition of a commer-
cial course this term. For two
of the last four years, C. E.
Kyzer has generously donated
his time and knowledge of me-
chanics each day to the teach-
,ing of a class of boys.
j The present elementary schol
teacher list includes Mesdames
Clara Stewart and J. C. Bil-
lue, first grade; Mrs. Delilah
Wheeler, second; Mrs. Rubye
Yarborough, second and third;
Mrs. Carrie Stinecipher, third;
Miss Barbara Ann Williams,
fourth; Mrs. Thelma Bell,
fourth; Samuel Q. Tallant,
fifth; William France, sixth;
Mrs. Clistie Barnds, seventh
and Mrs. Cora D. Parker,
j High School subjects are
taught by the following: Mrs.
Edna B. Sutton, Home Econo¬
mics; Mrs. Nora P. Thomas,
English; Mrs. Ersaline Carroll,
Social Science; Mrs. Willie
Hughes, Commercial Course;
Horace Blevins, Health, Social
Science and Athletics; Mrs. J.
L. Fricks, Mathematics and
Foreign Languages; Mrs. Stella
Carroll, Librarian and History
and Travis Montjoy, Jr., Science
(and Athletics.
New Athletic Coach
Blevins and Montjoy coached
Dade High’s baseball and bas-
ketball teams respectively the
'past year and the school is
welcome Delmas Freeman as
athletic coach next term. Mu-
Both Davis and Dade
announced their
mencement exercises this
to be held
May 23, at 7:30 p. m.,
Dade High’s to take place
22, 24 and 25. Parents
friends are invited to
these closing programs,
of which will feature
by well-known speakers, as
as by outstanding students
the graduating classes.
Derval Nixon has been
valedictorian of Davis
senior class, while
is Lillie Mae Manning. The
culty of Dade High has
ed Bessie Steele to deliver
Valedictory address, with
Fricks to give a talk as
Hale to Speak at Davit?
Revs. Lewis Gaddis and
H. Wheeler, Jr., have been
to deliver the
and benediction,
at the Davis School.
Maddox Hale,
to the State Legislature, will
guest speaker for the
nies, while Superintendent
Schools Roy W. Moore
present the six members of
graduating class with their
plopias apd awards. David
is principal of
and will introduce
Hospital Drive
Nearing Conclusion
Workers in the
Drive met
to try to make a
Over $1500 was
in at this time but the
district and the south end
the county is not finished.
As some pledges have
turned in direct to the
tal Authority and clubs
organization gifts go to
Tri-County Chairman it is
ficult to know exactly
much Dade County people
pledged until the drive is
but an estimate would
$10,000. No
quota’s were set but
Dade’s capital assessment
share of the needed
would be $20,000.
sic is also taught at the school
on Monday,* Tuesday and Wcfi-
nesday of each week by Keith
Delk. He is now in charge of
the Glee Club, which traveled
to Lee High in Chickamauga
Tuesday to present a musical
program; the Girls Sextet and
a boys quartet,
The latter took fourth place
} n the Seventh District Literary
contest: Ray Bobo, senior
^ent, won first at that time as
pianist, while the activities of
Kathryn Fricks, home econo-
mjes student, ranked with the
highest. Other students placed
we n j n various divisions, re¬
suiting in the naming of Dade
High School as second in the
District Literary Contest. The
Debate Club, under the super-
of Mrs. Fricks, made an
showing, while the
Dramatics Club and the school |
newspaper, “The Wildcat News”
both under Mrs. Nora P. Tho-
mas’ direction, were respon¬
sible for good organized stu¬
dent activity.
Among other school organi-
zations are the 4-H Club, which
is rapidly coming to life, and
the very active F.H.A. Club,
composed of home ec. students,
with Mrs. Sutton as sponsor.
The P.T.A. has added several
necessary improvements to
school buildings and is an im r
portant group.
From an athletic standpoint,
Dade High is also growing.
Football was added four years
ago, the second year being the
most successful since the team
lost to Calhoun by one point
the title of Region champs.
, „ ____
signs 0 impro
patrons are looking for-
word to the coming season.
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Set Commencement Date
Dade Class Night May 22
Dade High’s exercises
begin Friday, May 22 at 8 p.
m. in the school
(with Class Night, followed
Baccalaureate Sunday
noon at 3 p. m., and the
event, graduation, on Monday
night at 8 p. m.
i Class Night is the time
jthe seniors dress formally
an entertaining program
turing the presentation
awards, announcement of
[nent seniors, songs and
class history and prophecy.
Kathryn Fricks, class
dent, will welcome the
dience, after which Peggy
froe will gave the Class
tory. A girls quartet,
of Bettye Price, Deloris Pen¬
nington and Bernadine
will sing, folowed by
Hartline’s prophecy of the
ture of the departing seniors.
Giftorians have been
nounced as Jo Ann Steele
Lawrence Woodyard.
Hixon and Benny Bradford
read the Class Will after
Benny Bradford, Donald
Ronald Steele and
Smyth will present a song.
“Who’s Who” will be an¬
nounced by Wanda
Holder and Ronald Steele.
Principal J. C. Billue
(present special awards at
close of the program
Phone Officials Asked Here 20
j At Saturday night’s
of Dade residents interested
community improvement,
main topic of discussion
the possible expansion of
sent telephone service in
county. Members of the
wood, New Home, and
Fawn communities were
tent. W. H. Pullen, Farm
reau president, presided
the meeting.
It was voted to invite
cials of the Trenton
Co., and representatives of
REA and Southern Bell to
next meeting to give
County citizens a clear
of telephone possibilities
than forty players
out for practice
August on the football
made possible by the Board
Education and Dave L.
of Wildwood.
The school organized a
ball team this year that
second in district
Prospects for next spring
bright, according to those
so Dade may be
out future baseball stars.
ketball practice was
after the gymnasium
but chances are slim that
good team will be
until the building program
lows the construction of a
Modern, Grade “A”
Important to the way a
learns is the way he is
Dade High’s Grade “A”
room provides balanced
planned a month ln
by Mrs. Sutton, home
mics teacher, and Mrs.
ack, lunch room supervisor.
fact the entire lunch
is planned a month ahead
order to operate more
and economically.
of approximately
3 kept current to provide
needs of the program.
The cafeteria has
recently from a Grade
rating to Grade “A” after
ni e r o u s improvements
made inside and outside
building. It is separate
the main school building,
with its n e w 1 y-p 1 a s t e r e
white-painted walls and
ing, and attractive
makes for a, cheerful and
pular meeting place for
orgamzatlons . .
Listed among late
ments are the addition of
“sneeze board”—glass
which the entire class will sing
the class song.
Rev. Cushman Baccalaureate
'Rev. Ernest Cushman is to
deliver the Baccalaureate Ser¬
mon. Rev. Cushman is well-
known in the county, having
'served as pastor of the Rising
Fawn Methodist Church last
summer while Rev. Joe Baker
was completing his college
studies. He is related to se¬
veral prominent Dade Coun-
tians, and is at present pastor
of the South Pittsburg Tenn.
Methodist Church.
I Rev. T. C. Nelson; pastor of
the Rising Fawn Baptist
Church, will give both the in¬
vocation and benediction.
“Our State” Theme of
Dade Graduation
i The theme of graduation
night will be “Our State” des¬
cribed by Faye Turner who will
speak on the history and geo¬
graphy of the state; Janie
Bradford, who wlli tell of edu¬
cation in the state and Ray
Bobo, who will talk on the fu¬
ture of Georgia.
, The valedictory and saluta¬
tory will be given during the
program and, Principal Billme
will award the diplomas. Mr.
Keith Delk, music instructor,
will play for the processional
and recessional for both the
Baccalaureate and graduation.
Only after this has been done
can any definite action take
Everyone interested is urged
to attend this meeting, which
will be held in the courthouse
Wednesday night, May 20 at 8
p. m. Communities wishing to
install telephones should have
maps made describing the
number of miles between pos¬
sible phones and a list of per¬
sons desiring phone service.
The New Home and Rising
Fawn communities, under the
direction of J. M. Crawford
and Miss Bess Cureton, have
already completed maps.
at the serving counter—hot
water heater, grease trap, two
refrigerators, linoleum covered
table tops, large potato peel¬
er, twenty-efuart mixer, pnd
several dozen plastic plates,
cups and eating utensils. The
exterior of the building has
been painted white and the
numerous windows are well-
Mesdames Delia Christopher,
Pearl Womack and Ethel Gif¬
ford prepare and serve meals.
Building Improvements
a Improvements to the main
building include new stage cur¬
tains, black-out curtains for
the windows and the painting
of five class-rooms and the
outside of the windows.
Several years ago, Principal
Billue and boys from the school
tore down a fifty foot barracks
from Port Oglethorpe, hauled
it and re-built it at the rear of
the school. It houses the 12th
grade, the library, (kepr, up to
high standards) and the of¬
fice, which was made comfort¬
able by home ec. girls last year
with light green paint, cheer¬
ful drapes and slip covers.
Dade Countians might well
be proud of Dade High, for it is
their school; children from all
communities, excepting Davis
which has its own high school
eventually become pupils there.
And later on, these same boys
and girls emerge from the co¬ r!
coon of childhood to flap their j
d wings in the adult world. <’ \
Whether or not they are
proud of their school for lay¬
ing the brickwork of their suc¬
cess depends upon the amount J
of cooperation shown by you— 1
Dade County—so, wake up to
a the needs of your school, and . 1
lend a helping hand!