The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 21, 1953, Image 3
THE DADE COUNTY TlftlfiS, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 if n °*. / See Cycla~* naHC TRENTON FRIGIDAIR T & , Food Freeier-Refrigerator Combined! Furniture iE And Appliance Co. Phone 8 TRENTON CA. Model IS-108 $509.95 Low down payment Easy, Low Terms Livings better, easier, ALL THESE WONDERFUL NEW IDEAS, TOO! cheaper with • Big 73-lb. capacity Food • Quickube Ice Trays, with a Freezer—with separate Instant Tray and Cube- • — door Release • Giant Levelcold refrigera¬ • Powered by the famous Prigidaire Freezer • tor Roll-to-You Rust-proof compartment aluminum Shelves Meter-Miser with Plan 5-Year Mechanism Protection Yes, a Frigidaire Food Freezer is the modern way to store foods and enjoy wonderful meals the year round. It actually puts o super-market right in your kitchen . . . and saves time, work and money! You saire money - sittlifll • by buying food in larger quantities at ylvXjvXvI^vIvIv.j; !-Z-, bargain prices • by taking advantage of low "in sea¬ son" food sales ‘ ‘V t • by keeping leftovers cr ext-a quan¬ 1»SP' tities fresh and good fer future use 0 / • by making fewer trips to the store 4)# ^ Frigidaire HR-132 Ml%J ( 13.2 cu. ft.) holds %J up to 462 lbs. frozen foods ..... ■■■:. - -. You sa/e time, work- * by having • big variety ef food right in yeur home — to make meal planning easy * * by by preparing having everything whole meals, handy schael far special lunches, needs SS party snacks in advance * by using simple freezing methods to r ^Frigidaire preserve foeds FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range with most cleanable oven ever designed! Food Freezers Frigidaire holds frozen HR-92 up to foods 322 (9.2 lbs. cu. ft. these Check deluxe all • Cook-Master • Lifetime Porcelain Oven Clock Cabinet, Control Oven features! • Oven and Surface Unit Signal-Lights New counter-height design, with flat fop extra thick insulation • Thermizer Deep-Well Cooker . . . Also the uniform cold, top to bottom greater operating economy see Frigidaire HM-18r $ 589.75 • Fluorescent Cooking-Top Lamp . . . . . . (18 ft.) and dependability powered by famous Meter-Miser. Built and cu. holds up to 630 • Tilt-up Radiantube Cooking Units . . . lbs. frozen foods Full-width Storage tacked by Frigidaire and Genera! Motors. Drawer iiimi • Convenient Appliance Outlet