The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 21, 1953, Image 5
LOOKOUT DRIVE THEATER Cummings and Birmingham Highway SUN., MON., May 24 - 25 Against All Flags In Techncolor Errol Flynn, Maureen O’Hara Also Four Cartoons TUES., WED May 26 - 27 Open 7 First Show 8:00 LITTLE EGYPT In Technicolor Rhonda Fleming, Mark . • • THURS., FRI., May 28 - 29 The Winning Team Ronald Reagan, Doris Day Cartoon & News • • • SATURDAY, May S) Texas Rangers In Technicolor George Montgomery, Gale Storm Four Cartoons & Kiddie Gift DADE THEATER SUN., MON., May 24 - 25 FLAT TOP Sterling Hayden, Richard Carlson In Color -♦**************★*+****** TUESDAY, May 26 Young Man Wittl Wltn lltooc Glenn Ford ♦ * ★ + ★★★♦♦★★★★♦'A-★ WEDNESDAY, May 27 The Girl In White June Allyson CALENDAR NITE **************** ******** THURS,. FRI., May 28 - 29 Thunder In The East Alan Ladd, Deborah Kerr, Corinne Calvet, Charles Boyer SATURDAY, May 30 Horizons West Robert Ryan OPENING TIMES Week Days: 7:30 P. M. Saturday: 2:30 P. M. Sunday: 3 P M. (two shows in afternoon). Close for Church and reopen at 8:45 P. M. WANT ADS AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. — Body and fender work. Years of experience, a good job guaranteed j— Ranmjond H. Powell, Back of Buck Gif¬ ford’s Service Station. 6 t p — 6 - 4 WILL SWAP 8 disc lift type Bush and Bog for Ford trac¬ tor— for mowing machine or will sell cheap. — J. D. Mas sengale, Slygo Valley. 3 t p — 5 - 21 ' STRAYED or STOLEN One black and tan hound, female. 1 Reward offered. — J. Whited, Rising Fawm, Rt. 3. 3 t p _ 5-21 - ---— HAY FOR SALE — Also for rent, 5 room house, IV 2 miles from Trenton—Fred A. Mor¬ gan. 3 t p — 5 - 28 LOST — Near Sand Mountain Highway — Black and white Poland China boar, 6 months old, weighing about 60 lbs. with short tail. — Ben Yell, Gen. Delivery, Trenton, Ga. 3 t p — 5 - 28 FOR SALE OR TRADE — 1950 Studebaker truck, % ton.—< R. H. Yell, Trentan, Ga. Rt. 1 ; 4 t p — 6 - 4 I ; MIRACLE HEARING AID Complete $19.85. Requires no batteries, cords or ear button. DR. G. K. Mac VANE Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. RED WIGGLERS, FISHING WORMS for sale at Albert Bruce’s, across from Price Jeffery’s Grocery, between Trenton and New England. 3 t p — 6 - 4 THF. DADE COUNTY TIMES. TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 SLYGO The Slygo Improvement met Saturday night at community house for the gular monthly meeting with covered dish supper which enjoyed by all after which business session followed. was decided to have an working the third Saturday June which is the meeting day to try to get 14 .., ,, , , ‘ . . Die Our' ed revival, which charge-wide, and at the S Se .i, la fif , "•“"y* a t ."l ay “f ,“ ht we feel that it , was one of , ha ^ d r for f evivals sometime. this char We 8 e df„ ay, e eight at Mor t0 anville l0 !f 0 one at Slygo. In spite of all the rain sorm several of our young p e attended the MYF at the Wauhatchie arch M ° nday n * ght ' , c/ an< L Mr,S E F , ' an cL aug i ei ™ r.,. Dugan, spent Sunday Sd “and".,, amau 0 a. Mr. and Mrs. Shambaugh and children, W - H Dugan5 ' | ! Mr. and Mrs. Sam of Texas are back here relatives and spent might with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moore. Friends and relatives of ton ion (Bud) (buai Patterson Fatterson were were to welcome him home week. He has a discharge serving a four-year term in U. S. Navy I Mr. and Mrs. Buddy of Chattanooga, were the T A g ,T U 0t M / and Mrs - Moore and „ family. I M:. & Mrs. W. ]>. Cole vi- sited relatives in East Saturday. I The Edgar Moore’s guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Phillips, Mrs. Alice Phi- lips, Ralph Smith and son, LaVerne, all of nooga, and Cynthia and Tatum. Mr. Roscoe Grant and daughter, of Rossville, were visiting the Alvin Re;vss Sun- day- Evelyn and Alvin nave an- other bunch of baby chicks, 2,000, that are two weeks old now. Mrs. W. P. Cole and Mrs. Edgar Moore attended the cooking demonstration at the Home Economics building Tues day afternoon and took home some good hints for quick bread. OBITUARY Mrs. Josephine O’Neal Mrs. Josephine O’Neal, 86 died at the home of her son in Memphis, Tenn., on May 13. She was the wife of the late George W. O’Neal of Trenton. She is survived by three daugh¬ ters, Mrs. W. L. Critchell, Chattanooga; Mrs. G. D. Prince, Trenton; and Mrs, R. R. Kelly, Scottsboro, Ala.; one Frank White, Memphis, Funeral services were from the Trenton Meth¬ Church with Rev. R. Q. officiating. Active pall- were James C. Case, A. Case, Raymond Mor- Stonewall Hale, Jerry Wiley Gass • and Robert Burial was in the Baptist Cemetery. Stop Taking I • j Harsh Drugs for • Constipation | ■ t End Chronic Dosing! Regain Normal j Regularity This All-Vegetable Way! , and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of re- Pe e 0 g occasionally feel consti- w hen you relief. Take pated, get gentle but sure t-v Dr. Caldwell's 1 1 Senna Laxative T «votiiio CAnMi contained npo saltsf'no hars^drugs “ Dr.^Caldwell r< s cont’ains an extract «*/#r*/laxatives of Senna, oldest known and one of the finest to medicine. Laxative Dr. Caldwell’s Senna thorough^ tastes good, acts mildly, dosIng.'Even'ebeves' brings h!|lds m {hromc constipation , stomach soutness that often brings. i Dr. Caldwell Try the new 25 size s. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. ________________________ US DO YOUR JOB WORK THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Community News HEAD RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and children, all of Chattanoo¬ ga, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flarity last Sat¬ urday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Schrock and children Jimmy and Ca- ' i"»*■• °f lth Ro™. the spent last Sun- *' H “ Bh F ° rest ' r , Mr and ^ Ho|tz l'hewer, t7Roi7vllIe.'a'nd Mr" . & Mrs. tanooga*^spent*"last Lather Hartllne, of °Sunday Chat- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs B B. W W. Holtzhower ' ; I Mrs. L E Holtzhower spent last Friday and Saturday in Chattanooga visiting relatives. Mrs. B w Ho i tzhower has returned home after di ; two wee ks in Chattanooga “. i ! helping to care for her siste 4n-law, Mrs. Charlie Smith, of Fort Payne, who is recovering f rom an operation in a Chatta- nooga hospital. “d i ot ot *L“rs Lakeview, Mrs. W Call Stalvey |and Mr and Mrs Tom McE1 _ J roy, of Fairmount, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ross last BOS, formerly o, the U S Arm J Air Cor Pf has gone to M Marietta where h he is now a civilian employee at the Dobbins Air Force Base. Melvin ! is a highly skilled aircraft me- | chanic, also an experienced ra -' dio and radar technician, and l know help ' we he will keep those blg B ' 29s and other aircraft ! j based at Dobbins Field a hum- ming - , Hugh Forester attended the j funeral of Mr. Donald Brown in Valley Head, Ala. last Mon¬ day. When Donald was a very Ismail boy. y ' his mother, the late Mrs E „ Porester Blw „ dled . ' and f or a number of years he lived here at Head River with ^ unc i e and au nt, the late I Mr. and and family. Mrs. We J. M. Forester deeply j are saddened by the untimely pas- ;sing of this good man and we grieve with his sorrowing fa- mily and extend to them our deepest sympathy. 1 Mr - and Mrs. Willard Hig- gins, of Chattanooga, visited ! ’ h e K ° n P ld fan l ily laSt Mi . /r . s S Betty Ross spent the |weekend weekend visiting visiting friends fr in m N. N . I j ;Salem I Mrs. Flora Hunt, of Trenton, spent last weekend with Mrs. Ben Flarity. RISING FAWN Mrs. B. A. Lampkin, of Birm- | ingham, was the guest of the ;Misses Cureton and Mrs. Lil¬ lian Stroud, Sunday. “Miss ;May” is improving after an at- tack of Rocky Mountain aa j . Spot- __ , | \ . !ted 4-n rl 17* Fever, incurred after f FU the ^ ntrAv* a a bite of a tick recently, 1 Little Miss Rebecca Smith |has returned from a week’s vi? sit with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McCloud in Knoxville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith at- tended the Stock Car Races at Indianapolis over the weekend and also vi ited several of Mrs. Smith’s relatives Clifton Cagle „ , was welcomed , . home week ________„____ from i ________ over „ a ago a i long period of overseas service with the Army. Mr.s. Matt Allison, Mrs. Ri¬ chard Domineck, both of Birm- ingham, and Claire Jacoway, of Chattanooga, were the Sunday guests'of Misses Maud and Lil- lie Willis. Mrs. Allison re- for a visit due to the of Mss Lillie. Nancy St ee 1 e has been home from Newell’s Mrs. Mike Thomas and Kathryn and Mary of Saltsbury, N. C., are guests of the Campbell The Misses Thomas entered in the current golf being held in Chat Kathryn qualifying the top 32 ' h ™P»n 5 'mp and Mary Jane in the division. Mrs. L. M. Allison attended exercises at Berry . Saturday .— 1 and also Vi L. M , Jr., Who is a StU- there. and John B. Har- also visited their chil- ren, Aileen and Sammy, at before continuing to Georgia for a visit with New members of the Masonic from the community are Smith, Jeril Cooper, Jr., Wilson, Fred Harrison Leon Castleberry, HOOKER By Mrs. Thelma Bell Mr* iiuii. ^ , ^ , w”' IL hnmp Z fmm rl p»f Z h r - 1 rs p 0 , ., ', dL . ■Jen^' ' “ Perrv at y ’ Mi.s Limbaugh and children and Mi. and Mrs. J. E. Bras- field and children attended the funeral of Mr. Ed Lively Lively at Tiftonia Sunday P. M. Mrs. Thelma Bell, Howard Strawn and Glend a Mitchum ^ nt Sunday with Mrs ° scar - Thomasson at Jasper, Tenn. S,m<lay ^ Amon S the graduates at North Dade School this year are: Lynnes Jones, J. D. Harris, Juanita Per degrass, Opal Welk and M ^rvin Hunt from Hooker. Mr. Prill Strawn visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn Satur- day. He was on route home from a fishing trip to Florida mers, of Chattanooga, visited Mr and Mrs. J. E. Strawn M ,. ~ nH I “ iT Zt d S | and children, Mr and Joe Henness Mrs Ar . We]don and chi]dren vi . | Mr and Mrs Jim Drew Kensington, Georgia Suki- ‘ _ and 1 ls ' F d Glvens ’ Bill Harris, Mr. and I Hugh Hugh, of of Murfreesboro, last weekend with Mr. Mrs. Joe Harris and fa¬ NEW ENGLAND By Mrs. Mary Patterson and Mrs. Charles Bryant It seemS that summer is here with the wild flow¬ blooming and birds singing. seems to be enjoying lovely weather. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sltevens family visited Mr. and Dave Raines Sunday af¬ In s P^ e ra i n y morn- ^ertain^ whh ^ y Party ‘ y at her home. . few . nt but a were preae hostess had a real nice or¬ and a good time was re¬ by all. The Birthday Club will meet the home of Mrs. E. Lj. Thursday. Linda Blevins visited the recently. A nice crowd was reported at Old 4 Note singing Sunday from what everyone says that didn’t come missed good dinner and good sing- ®^ , Nancy Crumley spent Satur¬ night with her grand par¬ Mr and Mrs. Steve Der- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tucker family, of LaFayette, vi- , her , parents, , Mr. and Mrs. . T. Brown over the weekend. We are glad to report that Charles Bryant, serving the 72nd Tank Bn. in ran into . , one of . , his . old ,, from home while on over there. He was none than Cpl. Burel Raines. both wrote home and it really made you feel to see somebody from there. Burel is ex- DODGE Offers YOU MORE Value than Ever! prices lower — $ 60 ^ to $ 201 ?® jfep En for the best deal in town a Dodge priced below many models ... in the lowest-priced field. Step hp to the Mobilgas Economy “eights” Winner that topped all other on performance. St0p Out in the nimblest piece of live action on four wheels . . . The Action Car for Active Americans. Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. See Your Dependable Dodge-Plymouth Dealer . . . NOW Dyer Motor Co., Trenton, Ga, pecting to get to come bacli Mrs. Charles Bryant Monday home in July. afternoon. Mrs. L. C. McHughes and Curtis Forester who is sta*- baby spent Thursday with Mrs. tioned at Fort Jackson, S. C., Allison Blevins. spent a 3-day leave with his O. J. (Cooter) Gold who is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert with the Air Force is spending Forester and other relatives. a leave with his parents, Mr. We were out running around and Mrs - Charlie Gold and Monday afternoon and who did relatives. we catch on the creek bank Sue Lowe, of Ooltewah, Ten- fishing. Nobody besides EmJtt “veral “1 Annie Belle Gold. with her cousin, Betty Derry- j Delilah Doyle visited her berry, and family. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Miss Benito Bryant visited Crisp and had merry Sunday. a j XPOBO — ----------- CO OOOO C OOOOOaOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOXCIi WATCH FOR Grand Opening OF Scruggs Grocery Westinghouse DeLuxe Sewing Machine $189.99 value for First Prize. Several other prizes includ¬ ing 8 or 10 baskets of groceries. Register for one of these prizes. V on do not have to he present to win. Eooooeoc o oec o oooooi Watch For GRAND OPENING EVERYTHING YOU WANT WHEN YOU BUY A NEW REFRIGERATOR TOP-FLIGHT MANUFACTURER Wkstinghouse NO MESSY DEFROSTING ^ 100% AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING PLUS ALL THIS SPACE AND CONVENIENCE t 28-POUND, FULL-WIDTH FREEZER ■rff FW0 TEMPERATURE CONTROLS ★ ADJUSTACLt AiiD PIT-OUT SHELVES ir %-BUSHEL HUMiDRAYVEf -k ONLY 28 I'iCHES WIDE —TO FIT IN . C0MFACT K! T CiEi*S • . . of course, it's electrii ' 'Lamiz-*&**-*•■ modei. DFL-7S "U. 8. Pan Hi ? 'M,30j «nd VOL3 CAN BE SURE... IF ITsW&Still^hoUSe down payment delivers, and you make small monthly payments F> "Gross Mercantile Co. . TRENTON, GA.