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latared at the Postoffico at Trenton, Ga.. as second class mail
MRS. CATHERINE 1 MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
One Year, $2 00, Six Months, *1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents
Plus State V/> Sales Tax.
Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish their
uames, othe:wLse the communication will not be published. Name
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Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be
chained at 50c and up for one insertion, payable in advance
Advertising rates will be furnished on application_
' Johnnie Bice
Smedley and
have been visiting here.
Mrs. Virginia Konrad is on
vacation this week from the
County Agent's office.
The Robert Daniels are driv¬ i
ing a new sun gold and cream
Miss Katherine Bates i s
spending her vacation in Mia¬
mi, Florida.
Other localites bound for Flo¬
rida the first of this week were
Mr and Mrs. T S. Renfroe
and daughters, Pat and Peggy l
Mrs. D E Morrison will at¬
tend a board of directors meet¬
ing of the Georgia Press Asso¬
ciation in Macon Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Simpson
and family, from Pennsylvania,
are visiting Mr and Mrs. Wal¬
and other * home
ter Simpson ,
Jules Case will go to Knoxville
next week as delegate from the
Trenton Methodist Church to
the HoLston Conference. M J.
Hale also will attend as alter¬
Muss Janie Bradford and
Bill Hampton were married
Sunday by Rev. Ed Kelley in
Plney Grove. The newly-weds
will make their home in the
Morrison Apartments in Tren¬
Mrs C. M Carroll suffered
an unusual accident recently
when a wheelbarrow overturn¬
ed, causing injury to a leg. She
has been returned from New¬
ell’s Hospital with a serious in¬
Mr. and Mrs BUI Keaton,
who are living at Wildwood,
plan to move into their new
home next week near Longfs
Store at Rising Fawn. They
will add to the house later on.
making it much larger.
Mr. and Mrs. D E Hale, of
Aliceville, Ala., were weekend
vtsitors of Mr. and Mrs. H F.
Allison, Mr, and Mrs. M J.
Hale and also Mr. and Mrs. S
P Hale, of Ryall Springs, where
a family get-together was held j
on Saturday night.
Dr. D. S. Middleton recently
received a life time membership
award by the Medical Associa¬
tion of the State of Georgia. The
The U. S. Civil Service Com¬
mission will conduct a Con¬
gressional examination for de¬
signation to the U. S. Military
and Naval Academies on Mon¬
day, July 13, 1953, for the Se¬
venth District of Georgia, Can¬
didates temporarily absent from
their own Congressional Dis¬
trict may be examined else¬
where, at such examination
points as may be desired.
The examination is open on¬
ly to candidates designated by
members of Congress There¬
fore, any young man between
the ages of 17 and 22 who
wishes to take this v examina¬
tion should notify Congress¬
man Henderson Lanham, Suite
109, House Office Building,
Washington 25, D. C., before
June 5th. 1953, so that he can
make arrangements for all in¬
terested young men to take the
Congressman Lanham makes
his appointments to both Aca¬
demies on the basis of this exa¬
mination. The highest grade
receives designation as a prin¬
cipal and succeeding grades as
first, second and third alter¬
nates. After this examination,
a candidate must then pass a
mental examination given by
the Academy of his choice
(which is very similar to the
Civil Service examination! as
well as a physical examination
before he is admitted to the
Academy. These appointments
will be made in 1954
Medical Association,
which he is a member sent
formal congratulations and
Countians would like to
Dade Countians will be sorry
learn that Frank Wilkerson,
of Louise Simpson,
killed last week. He was
resident of Richmond, Va.
is the daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Glenn Simpson, of
Elmo, formerly of Dade
The Garden Club will meet
the home of Mrs. Arthur
on 2313 Wilder St. in
Thursday, June
Mrs. W. S. Shadow of De¬
Tenn., will be guest
Members are request¬
to meet at the church early
to leave by 1:30 p.m.
Williams Motor Co. is display¬
an interesting contrast be¬
the old and new Chevro-
In the showroom stands a
model four-cylinder Chevvie,
by Mr. Williams, who
that thus model was the
4-cylinder job of that make
Sheriff F. C. (Trahan under¬
an operation Wednesday
in a Chattanooga hos¬ j
Dade Countians wish him
speedy recovery During his
Chief Deputy
will be in charge. Mrs.
sister, Mrs. F. P.
Meade, of DeTuniak Springs,
Fla., will be her guest this week.
Mr and Mrs. Archibald Brock
and Mrs. Duke Brock of Birm¬
ingham, Ala., were visiting re¬
latives over the weekend. Archie
came around looking up old ac¬
who were very glad
to see him. Mrs. Duke Brock re¬
mained for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Pauline Purdy in
You Get Service As Well As Savings... 4 VHEN YOU SHOP AT HOMUE!
All Cars And Trucks Fully Guaranteed As Represented
New DODGE V-8, 4-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Tinted New DODGE / x Ton, Custom Cab, 6 Ply Tires $1674.39
Windows, Two-Tone Paint, White Side-wall 2 ________
Over-Drive and other accessories, New DODGE l / 2 Ton, Standard Cab, 6 PI yTires $1646.24
Tires, many ______
only _________________________________ $2794.50 USED TRUCKS
New DODGE 4-Door Six, Fully Equipped, only ------ $2564.75
USED CARS 1952 DODGE 2 Ton, 2 Speed, Rebuilt Motor, New Brakes
4 New Tires (825 x 20 x 10 Ply) Fully Guar¬
1951 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater. We have anteed $1500.00
three of these cars, one light blue; two light 1951 DODGE y 2 Ton Express, Looks and Runs Like
gray. All of these cars fully guaranteed. Priced New, Good Tires ___ ______ $1195.00
from __ __ __ __ __ -- -- $1695.00 to $1795.00 1951 FORD V-8 ]/ 2 Ton Pick-up, Radio, Heater, Clean $1195.00
1950 DODGE 4-Door Sedan. You Must See And Drive 1951 CHEVROLET y 2 Ton, Perfect Condition $1195.00
This Car. Only .... --------- ----------- $1295.00 1950 GMC l / 2 Ton Pick-up. Drive This Truck For $1095.00
1950 DODGE Club Coupe, Radio, Heater. All Extras. 1950 DODGE V 2 Ton, Dark Blue, You Can’t Believe It
This Car Drives, Rides, Looks and Runs Like Without Driving it; Come In Today $1095.00
New -- ______ $1375.00 1950 DODGE V 2 Ton Pick-up. Priced to Sell $ 945.00
1949 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Radio. Heater, Motor Over¬ 1950 3,4 Ton. One Owner. Excellent Condition $1195.00
hauled. Priced to Sell at __ __ __ __ __ 1095.00 1949 DODGE 1V Ton. Priced to Sell $ 795.00
DODGE 4-Door Coronet, Radio, Heater, Gydro- 2 __ __________
1949 1942 STUDEBAKER ]/ 2 Ton. Plenty of Miles Left $ 195.00
matic Transmission, Extra Clean, Good Tires„-$1195.00
1948 MERCURY 4-Door Sedan; Radio, Heater, Black
i Finish, Look Like New, The Buy of a Lifetime $ 795.00
One Owner, A Car Worth the Money ________ $ 795.00 TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD CAR OR TRUCK
1938 FORD 2-Door. See This For Good Cheap
Transportation ------------ ------ $ 295.00
tfflirestone AND
OUjkrh ifOxalHy TIRES IRE
Dyer Motor Company
TRENTON GEORGIA Open 8 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. daily, except Wed. 8 a. m. to 12 noon TELEPHONE 4,0
memorial day
“Got God so loved the World, that He gave His only begotten Son , that
helieveth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
—John 111:16.
On Memorial Lay we think of our loved ones who have pa sed on and especially of those who
given their lives for the cause of freedom. They have paid the supreme sacrifice to pre¬
our life, liberty and happiness.
There is consolation for us who remain, in the word of Gcd and the teaching of Jesus Christ.
us all offer a prayer on this day for better understanding and peace among all the peoples
the world
At New
A collision between a black
Mercury and a trailer truck
to Fishback Truck¬
Co. early Tuesday morning
the result of driving too
under the influence.
Willie May, who gave his ad¬
as Rising Fawn, ran his
into the back of the
about two-thirty a. m.
morning near New
He was reported to
uninjured, but Raymond
also of Rising Fawn,
was riding in the car, re¬
serious cuts about the
- and knee. He was taken
Chattanooga hospital.
May’s automobile was dam¬
considerably. He was
with reckless driving
driving under the influence
Sheriff F. C. Graham and
Deputy Russell Smith,
officers, after
arrived upon the scene.
Waters, of Kentucky,
Athens, Ga.—More than 1200
shcrt films on everything from
accounting to the Yukon are
available for showing before
civic and educational groups in
Dade County through the faci¬
lities of the University of
The film service is provided
at cost to Georgia organiza¬
tions with charges based upon
the cost of the film. Average
rentals range from one dollar
to two dollars per day plus
mailing costs. Information
may be secured from the Uni¬
versity’s Division of General
In the catalog of 16mm. mo¬
tion picture films just issued
are listed hundreds of films
suitable for showing before
groups of all ages and interest.
Many of these films are edu¬
cational in nature and deal
with such subjects as soil con¬
servation or working fractions
and arithmetic.
was listed as the driver of the
May’s trial was set for the
following day.
with car coming to work
from Lookout Mountain (E.
Brow) to Trenton and back.
—The Times.
for irale. — See J. M. Carter,
Back Valley Road.
—6 - 4
Body and fender work. Years
of experience, a good job
g varan teed — Raymond H.
Powell, Back of Buck Gif¬
ford’s Service Station.
6 t p — 6 - 4
WILL SWAP 8 disc lift type
Bush and Bog for Ford trac¬
tor— for mowing machine or
will sell cheap. — J. D. Ma,?-
sengale, Slygo Valley.
3 t p — 5 - 21
black and tan hound, female.
Reward offered. — J. E.
Whited, Rising Fawn, Rt. 3.
3 t p — 5 - 21
HAY FOR SALE *— Also for
rent, 5 room house, 1 y 2 miles
from Trenton—Fred A. Mor¬
3 t p — 5 - 28
LOST — Near Sand Mountain
Highway — Black and white
Poland China boar, 6 month?
old, weighing about 6ft lbs.
with short tail. — Ben Yell,
Gen. Delivery, Trenton, Ga.
3 t p — 5 - 28
Studebaker truck, % ton .—<
R. H. Yell, Trenton, Ga, Rt. 1
4 t p — 6 - 4
i Complete $19.85. Requires no
; batteries, cords or ear button.
DR. G. K. Mac VANE
Chiropractor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.
I WORMS for sale at Albert
Bruce’s, across from Price
Jeffery’s Grocery, between
1 Trenton and New England.
3 t p — 6 - 4
WANTED — Your combining.
New combine, motor driven—
See Walter H. Wilson, Rising
Fawn, Ga.
3 t p —6 - 11
STRAYED—One Beagle hound,
male. Answers to the name
Runt. Joe M. Neely, Trenton,
Route 2.
Text Book List
Checked By Comm.
The recently appointed Dade
County School System Text
Adoption Committee met re¬
cently to check on the text
books being used in the school
system. They also discussed the
merits cf new school books
which had been published dur¬
ing the year to see if any
be added to the present
lit. They go over worn out
books, count the books to see if
there will be enough left for
next year. It takes several
meetings for this but the or¬
dering of new books has to be
done in the spring that all may
be in readiness for the open¬
ing of school in the fall.
; On this committee are J. C.
Billue, D. o. Chumley, J. E.
Mickler, L. C. McHughes,
Claude Owens, Jr., and Mes-
dames Willie Hughes, Edna
Sutton, Marjorie Fricks, Stella
T. Carroll, Delillah Wheeler,
Ersaline Carroll, Innes Sim¬
mons and Mr. Henry Elliott.