Newspaper Page Text
What good i; your car radio
if it isn’t working properly?
Do you get lots of noise and
vitr ticn., are the stations li¬
mited? Let us 1 ix it for you, we
can give you prompt, depend¬
able service and the low cost
will please you. We repair and
adjust all makes and we gua¬
rantee our work.
Let us check your car radio
now be all set tor hours of
pleasure in your car this sum¬
Radio Electric Co.
Used tires — all makes and
odd sizes,
Recaping and Repairing.
100% <old rubber.
Bcsi obtainable repair material
AH werk guaranteed
Compare our prices before
you recap.
broad street
tire shop
3000 Broad at St. Elmo
Phone 53278
H B Everett*, Mgr.
There will be sold at public
outcry to the highest and best
bidder for .cash, between the
legal hours of sale before the
courthouse door in Dade Coun¬
ty, Georgia, on the 30th day of
May, 1953, the following des¬
cribed property, to-wit: One
1941 Ford Car Black Tudor Se¬
dan, Motor No. 8-6573159 and
Edward Watley; said property
having been condemned by
virtue of law, Georgia Code
58-207, said vehicle having
been seized while conveying,
removing, concealing and stor¬
ing prohibited beverages and
This 18th day of May, 1953.
F. C. Graham
Sheriff, Dade County, Georgia
There will be sold at public
utcry to the highest and best
idder for cash, between the
gal hours of sale before the
mrthouse door in Dade Coun-
/, Georgia, on the 30th day of
[ay. 1953, the following des-
rlbed property, to-wit: One
337 Black Ford Tudor Coach
utomobile, Motor No. 4143181,
ag No. C-40460, Ga. 52; said
roperty having been condemn-
d by virtue of law, Georgia
ode 58-207, said vehicle hav-
rg been seized while convey-
lg, removing, concealing and
:oring prohibited beverages
nd liquors.
This 18th day of May, 1953.
F. C. Graham
heriff, Dade County, Georgia
Lowell Adams Discount Co.,
nc. by Nat Goodside, Auct’r.
ale May 29, 1953 at 9 A. M.
t Garage of Williams Motor
o. Trenton, Georgia, 1949
lymouth sedan, No. 12161277,
lotor No. B1864758. (Collusion
oss), in re: Ignatius A V.i-
ala and Jennie Vadala.
You are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of
Ordinary to be held at the
court house in said County on
the first Monday in June, 1953.
why the petition of Hardee J.
Price, an heir at law of the said
C. L. Price, setting out that
the said C. L. Price died in¬
testate in the county of Dade,
State of Georgia, and that the
said estate owes no debts, and
that the heirs at law of the
said C L Price have agreed
upon a division of said estate,
and praying for an order find¬
ing that no administration up¬
on said estate is necessary,
should not be granted and said
order entered.
This May 4, 1953
R. M. Morrison
Ordinary of Dade County, Ga
Dade P.T.A. Supports
Recreation Plans
; The Dade County High School
held its last meeting of the
school year May 14 New of¬
ficers elected ewre: President.
Mrs Edgar Moore; Vice Presi¬
dent, Mrs. E L Raulston;
Treasurer, Mrs. Opal Gifl'ord;
;Recording Secretary, Mr;.
Hugh Clark; Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs James Morri-
b~n. The retiring office s list-
led in the ame order were Mrs.
j R p Fricks, Cleron Kyzer,
|Moore Mrs Charles Gray. Mrs. Rauls- Edgar j
and Ms. E. L.
A summer project planned
by the P.T.A. is to get the out¬
side of (he barracks painted,
Mr PTA. furnishing the paint
and the school system doing
♦be lrbor.
Tnvis Mont joy gave a report
on a Youth meeting he had at¬
tended as a representative of
♦ he school. He told of the pro¬
gress being made for a Recrea
tion Center for the summer
months and of its need. At
th ; s meeting, he told the P.T.A
ermm „ioup, it it had ha been decided . that |
if the organizations m the !
county would give $5.00 a
train e d recreation worker
could be employed one night a
week and some equipment could
be bought A collection was i
taken up after his talk and $12
was raised
Principal J. C Billue gave a
talk on the P.T.A progress
dneo it had been reorganized.
He told of the which many had fine been ma- j
terial things
accomplished and hoped that
the parent-teacher relation-
dtips would > "m to •' p!,* |
understanding of each others
Attendance won by ,
prize was
the first grade with Mrs. Clara
Stewart, teacher
Refreshments were provided
and served by Mesdames R. P.
Fricks, Ersaline Carroll, E. L.
Raulston and James Morrison.
The next meeting will be in
mm Kills
fro m the County PMA Committee
Only 30 percent of Dade
County farmers have turned in
urgently needed information
on their wheat acreage required
by PMA to make equitable al¬
lotments in event that nation¬
al wheat acreage allotments
are proclaimed, Chairman Ivey
reported today. He urged wheat
growers who have not yet done
so to bring a legal description
of their farm and the number
of acres they had in wheat for
1951, ’52, and '53, to the county
PMA office at their earliest op¬
portunity. “This information is
needed right away in order
that each farm growing wheat
• Dade _ , County n , might ... receive .
in -
an allotment representing its
fair share of a county allot¬
ment,” Chairman Ivey explain¬
The information must be col¬
and assembled at once
in order that the Secretary of
Agriculture can carry out the
law on allotment programs. ;
This legislation directs him to
ascertain and proclaim the to-
tal supply and the normal sup-
Ply of wheat for the 19 53-54
year by July 15, and
to proclaim by that date a na-
acreage allotment for
1954 crop of wheat unless
he finds that a national emer¬
gency exists or a material in-
in exports is expected.
Secretary Benson has stated
that he will make no final de-
on 1954 wheat controls
until the latest information is
\ The national acreage allot-
ment for the 1954 crop must be
that acreage, which at the na
tional average yield, will pro-
duceenough wheat — plus the
carryover and imports — for a
. normal iiuimui j year's utti o domestic uomooviv con- v-v**
sumption and exports plus 30
|percent. This is apportioned
among the States, then among
the counties in the State ac-
1 cording to average acreage
i eeded to wheat during the 10
preceding years
; Dade County’s wheat allot-
ment is apportioned among
farms on the ba is of (It til-
liable acres. i2i crop rotation
I practices. including acreage
planted to wheat (3 > type of
j soil, and ( 4 ) topography.
Under the allotment program
only producers who comply
with their wheat acreage allot-
ment would be eligible for price
.supports at full 90 percent of
j parity.
Community News
M s. Charles Bible has re¬
turned from her visit with re¬
latives in Michigan
Mr. Charles Bible had a pret-
ty bad accident Monday. While „ r , ..
working at the saw mill, he
Tipped, fell backwatds and hit
his head on a log. He is re¬
ported resting fairly well.
The Ed Bibles had had com-
^ y week but they ha.c
now all left lor points north.
By James C. Holder
M ami ivI ‘ J A R fVf
as then Sunday guests
Mr and Mrs'. Asa Rm» and i
,laughter, or Chattanooga, Mr
and Mrs. Alvin Hooves and ;
children , of Slygo, and ... Mr. and
Ha ton Hibbs and son. j !
Mrs Purdle Slaton of Piney
last week with Mrs. Ly- ;
d *a Keith. I
Mr. and Mrs. Tom tt Holder
and son James, were the Sun-
day evening guests of Mr. and 1
C. E Maxwell of Chat-
w are glad to report that
Mrs. Will Bradford is home ’
from the hospital and her
daughter, Mrs Carl Riley, of
j ac kson, Ga is staying a while
jth her.
Mr and MrS John B Har-
rison of Ris { ng pawn, were vi-
Mr and Mrs. Will Brad-
ord Sunday.
Mrs. Beulah Blevins has re-
homc aIter a short ..lay
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Bradford and children in Chat-
Mr. Canova Guinn, who is
in Birmingham, was
visiting relatives for the
and w’e see he is driv -
ing a new '53 Mercury.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Forest-
and Billy Barkley motored
Ringgold on a fishing trip
and they reported
fishing good as they caught 15
Charles Holder was home for
weekend He is the son of i
and Mrs Tom Holder.
Miss Jane West, daughter of
and Mrs W R. West of
Puddin' Ridge, is spending a
few days with her cousin,
Bv Mrs. Mary Patterson
Mrs. Charles Bryant
and Martha June B yant
Mr. & Mrs. L. C. McHughes
| had as their guests this week
her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Austin from Tuscaloosa,
Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Smyth of Tuscaloosa also vi¬
sited here over the weekend.
Sunday, along with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Doyle, they all went
to Rock City, then had a picnic
lunch at Warner Park.
Mrs. Long and granddaugh¬
ter, Della May Hallum, visited
Ms. R. L. Wilson over the
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hig-
ins and d Mrs. Rudy /
,ld , fa _ “% .. vls,teti **• _ Plt ‘
1 ™ 0 "
L “ n « "■*«<! „ w w “- ,
sen Sunday afternoon,
Mr and Mrs Sam Fugatt
and visited his mother and
s * Ster ’ Sunday evening.
We are & lad to re P OTt Mrs -
Cole is improving from
Mrs. Mary Patterson visited
her son Clyde and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tatum
Mrs. J. L. Blevins and Mrs.
Ersaline Cat roll visited the
Owens at Trenton Sunday af-
Mr. and Mr-. H. H, Oliver
had as their guest Sunday, / Mr.
and Mrs . Gcorge Cruml y a nd
Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Holmes and Derris and Mr. &
Mrs. Mrs. J J. W. Beasley and .... chil-
The Ben Raines had a few'
days deep sea fishing on the
coast and at Mobile last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fraley
are now residing with Mr. and
Mrs. Derlard Fraley of Tifto-
nia. Mrs. Fraley is the former
Bettye Hixson.
Ruth and J. W. Moore have
returned from a week’s vaca-
in Panama City, Fla.
Mrs. Cora Raines had the M.
M Stephens and Margaret as
h '- r guests over the weekend.
Since it’s so hot, I don’t think !
anyone does anything but lie I
the creek, etc., so I guess j
news will be pretty dull for a i
“Slick Tricks For
Summer” Shown
At New Home HD Club
Mrs. W. J. Leverett was
hostess to the New Home Dem¬
onstratlon club Tuesday, May
19. Mrs. Virginia Ferguson,
president, was in .charge of the
Mrs. Arval Hundley was
elected as secretary to fill the
place of Mrs. R. T. D’odson,
who resigned.
Mrs. Neely gave a demon-
During the recreation period,
Nee P riz . f y s ani w «« won 1S *“5* , T A
~ '
Mrs. Leverett , served . del- ,
cious refreshments at the close
of the meetm g-
Monday sclaool f a11 ov " tl “
county turned 1 1Plr s u ea S
lo ° cp and closed their doors for
another summer. Boys anr
§ irls went to school only to get
their report cards and find out
whether or not they were
P assed , then they could be seen
flitting about like leaves in e
The recent summer weather
|contributed a lot to their caie-
lree abates of minds. The tea-
chcrs will be busy tor a few
more days with reeoids and
such, then they, too will take
a much-earned vaca non-
I This Thursday, students who
attended school every day the :
past term will be taken on a
picnic to Lake Winnepesaukah.
Cost of the rides and the swim-
tiling pool will be cut for the
outing to about ten cents per
ride and a delicious picnic
lunch will be served at noon,
Visiting Teacher Finn Cagle is
in charge of this event which
will certainly inspire more stu-
dents to attend regularly next’
! year. I
Complete Coverage On Fire,
Accident and Auto Insurance
T|mcs Rujld;jls Trenton, Ga.
O»XCO000C00f<M00Cg000 0 0900000C0C1 0 C0 0 0^
Complete Beauty Care
Summertime is probably the most important
time for you tz have regular and complete beauty
jur care.
Sun end hot winds are very hard on your hair and skin.
Y u can enjoy carefree, outdoo: life more if you depend on
expert .care at Sarah’s Coiffures to help you to look your
love lie t this summer.
Make an appointment without delay.
Sarah’s Coiffures
Prompt, Low Rate
Auto Financing
the It’s
American National Bank
Eighth and Market Sts. 3734 St. Elmo Avenue
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
you can f-n buy!
nu II
pq =4 II
New ’53 Dodge Coronet V-8 Four-Door Sedan
Compare what yon get for what you pay. Discover that Dodge prices safety start and below style
many models in the lowest-priced field. Size up the extra comfort,
distinction Dodge offers. Step up to a solid, dependable Dodge.
Step out in the smartest bargain on the road—the Mobilgas Economy Winner!
i:? Extras like these at no extra cost l
Only Dodge gives you all (His Action! • Two-speed electric windshield wipers
• Flashing 140-h.p. Red Ram V-Eight • Two brake cylinders in front wheels
• Gyro-Torque Drive with“SCAT”gear ! • Safety Rim "Wheels • Independent
• Less “deadweight” parking brake • Oil bath air cleaner
Only Dodge gives you all this Comfort! • Oilite fuel filter • Weatherproof Igni¬
• Chair-high “Comfort-Contour” Seats * tion System • Anti-rattle rotary door
• Road-leveling Oriflow ride control | latches • Resistor spark plugs • Exhaust
• Added head, leg, elbow-room valve seat inserts
Only Dodge gives you all this added Safety ALWAYS DEPENDABLE
• Takes curves like a true sports car
• Oversize Safe-Guard hydraulic brakes |
• Anti-distortion curved windshield
Only Dodge gives you all this Dependability!
• Extra-rugged box-girder frame
• Longer-lasting baked enamel finish ;;;
• Solid, substantial Dodge construction 3
A ft T'Z-'V Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice.
Dyer Motor Co., Trenton, Ga.