Newspaper Page Text
Entered at he Post Office at
Trenton, Georgia, as second
class mail.
Mrs. Oatheiine C. Morrison
Owner -Publisher
Locals and Personals
T R. Tucker, F H A Ad-
ministrator of Dade County,
owns 2 new Diplomat Dodge.
Billy Raeves w'ho was oper¬
ated on Saturday a week ago,
Li now at home doing fine.
Mr and Mrs Charles W
Gray are spending ten days in
St Louis Mr Gray is up
there on a business trip.
Mrs. Jean Graves and two
sons, from Tallahassee, Fla.,
are visiting her father, Mr. J.
C Case.
Mr and Mrs. Bob Chitwood
have gone to Louisville, Ga.^
to reside. Evelyn Gray went
with them for a few weeks vi-
George Simmons, Sr., family
have moved from Trenton to
Rising Fawn. They aie living
in the old Wayne Hale house,
Mrs. Inman Bledsoe and lit-
tie daughter, Elizabeth Ann, of
Fort Wayne, Ala , are visiting
their aunts, the Misses Cure-
tons and Miss Stroud.
The Trenton Church of
Christ is preparing to hold an-
other tent revival in the vacant
lot back of Richard Fricks
store in Rising Fawn.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L Blake’s
Sunday guests were Mr and
Mrs. Gene Abercrombie, of
Chattanooga, and Mr. Aber-
crombie’s mother, from Jack-
sonville Fla.
Last Saturday night a host
of people attended the singing
that Ls held monthly.
from New England and Piney
sang. Three preachers gave
brief talks. The singing was
held at the Cloverdale Baptist
Church and was enjoyed by all.
Chicken Stew at Mrs. W. B.
Haiyives New Store, June 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Arval Hundley
attended the wedding of Mr.
Hundley’s sister, Merrel Hund¬
ley in Chattanooga, Friday
Mr. and Mrs.
Hunt and Mr and Mrs. Earl
Clayton visited Mr. Clayton’s
brother in Section, Ala., Sun¬
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ivey
went to Ringgold, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E Fergu¬
son and family visited the Ro¬
bert Dunn's in Sevierville, Ten¬
nessee this weekend.
Mr. Jim Tinker thas gone to
St. Louis, Mo
Adele Nelson has gone to
Atlanta, Ga.
Rev. and Mrs. Tom Line
and Mrs. Cecil Gilbreath, ate
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M Crawford, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Cooper
had as their guests, Sunday,
Mrs. Ruth Jamison, from Illi¬
nois . Mr. Tom Griffin, from
Cleveland, Ohio, Mr and Mrs.
Claud Those and Mrs. and
Mrs. Stayter Hickman.
Lighting killed Mr Monroe
Dennis' mule Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray
won a refrigerator at Gross’
and Mr. and Mrs. R T. Dod¬
son won a chair.
Mrs. Floyd Patten visited
last week in Dallas, Ga
Mark Lee, Henry and Ray
Gray, Mr. C L. Ivey and Jack
Ivey went fishing at Bennets’
Lake this weekend.
James Robert Smith is in
Newell’s Hospital. He had an
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. B A. David¬
son and Mrs. Mac Davis went
to Nashville, Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Barney Ri¬
chards visited his mother, Mrs.
Richard, Sunday.
Up-To-Date Lise jf Hardware
[511 Market St. Phone 7-1114}
Chattanooga. Tennessee
Mn Lydia Allison and
Mrs. Mary Patterson spent
Monday with Mrs Steve Der-
ryberry and Mrs. Charles
The regular Birthday Club
met at the home of Mrs. Kath-
leen We don’t know
w h° a '^ or how many were
present as I didn’t get to at¬
tend this month.
Sgt. & Mrs Charles Bryant
announced the birth of a son,
Edward, on June 11, at
Newell’s Hospital Mothe: and
baby are doing fine and since
Charles is serving in the Army
In Korea, we don t yet know
how the father is doing. The
haby weighed 7 lbs. 7 ounces.
The mother will be remember-
ed as the former Martha June
We also have another new
baby in the community. Mr.
Mrs. Sidney Hallum an-
nounced the birth of a daugh-
ter on June 15th.
Mrs. J. W Forshee ar^,
children visited Mrs. Dave
Raines Sunday afternoon,
Mr and Mrs T. R. Tucker
and family, of LaFayette, vi-
sited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Dave Brown over the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gearrin
visited hLs parents, Mr. and
Mrs Lea Gearin, Sunday,
Mr and Mrs. Steve Deiry-
berry had as their Sunday
guests Mr. and Mrs Paul Dul-
ton and Emitt, of Tunnel Hill,
Mr and Mrs. Derry-
berry and family, Mr. and
Wallace Bryant and fa-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gear-
Betty Derryberry and Jean-
Gilbreath visited Eioise
of Hooker, Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Fuller,
of Rossville, visited her moth¬
er, Mrs Jack Gilbreat Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart White
and Susan, Mrs. Lydia Allison
and Namis visited Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Allison, of Pembroke,
Kentucky. A nice time was re¬
ported by all.
Miss Jeanette Gilbreath has
returned home after spending
a week with her sister, Mrs.
Marvin Fuller and family.
Seatt Lynn, who is station¬
ed at Fort Jackson, S. C., vi¬
sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Lynn while on leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruce
and family, of Texas, visited
their parent*, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Bruce and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Raines. While they were
here Mrs. Bruce had all of her
family together on -Sunday.
The Annual Home-coming
and all day singing is being
held at the Woodlawn Baptist
Church this Sunday,. June 28.
Wayne Bradford and Ronnie
Castleberry have returned af¬
ter three weeks in Bessemer,
Ala. Mrs. T S Castleberry
returned with them.
Sunday guests of Mr and
Mrs. J* Z Bobo and sons
were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Sn. Micky Babo lef Monday
for St. Petersburg, Fla., after
.spending a sixteen d^y leave
at home with his parents, Mr’
and Mrs. J. Z Bobo.
Weekend guest of Mr and
Mrs. G. R Hatfield was Mrs.
Annie Grigsby, of Panama Ci¬
ty, Florida.
The Rising Fawn Baptist
Church presented the oldest
youngest Fathers with
gifts of'candy. Bill West was
the youngest father present
and Mr. R D. Castleberry, of
Flat Rock, Ala., the oldest.
Mrs. Newman played and sang
we’ll never grow old”,
and dedicated it to the Fathers.
Sunday night visitors at the
Baptist Church were Mr and
Mrs. Joe Phillips, Mrs. Donald
Tatum and children, from Clo-
verdale, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Chadwick, from Valley Head,
Mrs. Mickler, Mrs. T. C. Cas¬
tleberry, from Bessemer, Ala.,
and a group from Sand Moun¬
No need to put up with a car
radio that doesn’t work pro¬
perly when it can be repaired
expertly and promptly at Ta¬
tum & Case.
Get real enjoyment from
your car radio this summer by
having it checked and repair¬
ed at Tatum & Case.
We sell and install car ra¬
dios, too, and we have a good
line of dependable new and
used radios from which you
can choose. Stop in today...
Look them over
Radio Electric Co.
You Get Service As Well As Savings... ^VHEN YOU SHOP AY HOME!
All Cars And Trucks Fully Guaranteed As Represented
New DODGE V-8 Club Coupe, Radio, Heater, Tinted New DODGE, 2 Ton, 2 Speed, 825 x 20 Tires $2652.00
Tires, Overdrive __________
Windows, White Side-wall New DODGE y 4 Ton, DeLuxe Cab, 6 Ply Tires $1762.50
..$2758.25 ________
and many other accessories, only — . __ —
DODGE 4-Door Six, Fully Equipped, only ------ $2564.75
1952 DODGE, / l 2 ton, DeLuxe Cab, 17,000 miles,
PLYMOUTH Suburban, reconditioned motor, excellent condition $1295.00
$1395.00 ________________________
new paint, 5 new tires .. -------------------- 1951 DODGE / l 2 Ton Express, Looks and Runs Like
1951 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, radio, heater, light gray ..1695.00 New, Good Tires $1195.00
1950 DODGE Club Coupe, Radio, Heater. All Extras. 1951 FORD V-8 y 2 Ton Pick-up, Radio, Heater, Clean $1195.00
This Cat Drives, Rides, Looks and Runs Like 1951 CHEVROLET y 2 Ton, Perfect Condition $1195.00
$1395.00 ______
New ______________________________________ 1950 GMC l / 2 Ton Pick-up. Drive This Truck For $1095.00
1949 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Motor Over¬ 1950 DODGE / l 2 Ton, Dark Blue, You Can’t Believe It
hauled. Priced to Sell at .. ________________ $1095.00 Without Driving it; Come In Today $1095.00
Coronet, Radio, __________
1949 DODGE 4-Door Heater, Gydro- 1950 DODGE J / 2 Ton Pick-up. Priced to Sell $ 945.00
matic Transmission. Extra Clean, Good Tires..$1195.00 _________
1949 CHEVROLET y 4 ton ______________________ $ 995.00
1949 PLYMOUTH . 4 Door, good tires, motor 1949 DODGE D/ Ton. Priced to Sell $ 795.00
completely reconditioned $1050.00 2 ________________
.. ____________
1948 CHEVROLET Fleetline, radio, heater, spotlight,
white wall tires, extra clean .. __ ________ SEE US BEFORE YOU TRADE FOR THE MOST LIBERAL
1947 FORD, 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Clean.. ____ $ 795.00
1947 FORD. 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater __________ $ 695.00 TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD CAR OR TRUCK
1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe .. .. ________ ..$ 795.00
T,RES ^tTSTs 1 ^
Dyer Motor Company
TRENTON GEORGIA Open 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. daily, except Wed. 8 a. m. to 12 noon TELEPHONE 40
tain, including a quartet.
Mr and Mrs. Alfred Steele
were entertained with a
ner in the Rising Fawn
last Sunday, June 21. The
er was in honor of their
Wedding Anniversary.
friends and relatives enjoyed
the food and the fellowship.
Mrs. L M. Allison’s nieces
from Rome visited her recent¬
ly. L M. Allison is home from
Berry and is suffering from
Strip throat.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Hoxworth
and three children, of Los An¬
geles, Calif.; Mr. Carl Hox¬
r •
■’MB' ' M0 ....
“ '' -
- -L .1 . „ .
Mmemm. Dot* CoTOMt v-e«iu CM (Mo*
Specification, and equipment object to chant,. without noti*.
.....< ; Low and lithe in every line . . . here is
! ( jh »A incomparable trim in modern BEAUTY. design here
Sleek and . . .
pff\ I • V • is incomparable STYLE.
Smooth and smart in curve and contour . .
i I P? VS* here is incomparable FASHION.
V iv; i dependable
► \ ...... A jf% ill nun ■ .*• : >r # I i I A DODGE
1 you've Gof To Drive It To Believe It
Dyer Motor Co., Trenton, Ga.
worth, of Chattanooga; Mrs.
Jack Floyd, of Rossville,
Ma-ter Eddie Bleck, of
Ohio, were recent visitors of
the Slaughter-Konrad family.
Cambell Thomas’ brother
and wife, from Scottsborough,
spent Sunday with them.
The cast has been removed
from Hershell Powell’s leg and
on the next trip to flhe doctor
he will get braces and crutches.
Mis Kath.yn Fricks and
Spencer Middleton were the
weekend guests of the Frank
Cantrells in Ooltewah, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Castle-
| berry have returned from Cle¬
veland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. James Baker
and two children, from Henry,
Tenn., visited the Hershell
Deans over the weekend. The
two families spent Saturday at
Fontana Dam.
Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Fannin were Mr.
Fannin’j brother and wife
from Sand Mountain, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lowery and daughter,
Brenda, from Fort Payne.
Mrs. Burton Kenimer, Sam,
and Bob, are visiting relatives
in Oklahoma,