Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Postoifice at Trenton, Ga., as second class
MRS. CATHERINE C MORRISON ........ Owner and
One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents.
Ulus State 3% Sales Tax.
Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish
names, otherwise the communication will not be published.
will b. vwihhrld on request, but all communications must be
Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be
charged at 50c and up for one insertion, payable in advance
Advertising rates will be furnished on application
Locals and
Neal Gray was home
week visiting his parents and
also Hubert Lacy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Da¬
niel and family visited her
mother and Mrs Irene Da¬
Mr. and Mr- Calvin Tinker,
former Margaret Gifford, Is
visiting her brother in West
Mrs Roy Cousins and boys,
from Greenville, Ga., were re-
cent visitors of Mrs. W E
Page and family
Mrs Dan Hall, former
Lci.s Holland, is back at work
at the telephone office after a
leave of absence of two weeks
Miss F McWhorter. County
Nurse, will leave on her vaca-
ticn Saturday, July 4th, and
will be gone for two weeks
On th sick list are: James
Goodwin’s daughter, Frank Me
Bryar’s boy and Dudley Cure-
tons two children.
Guests of Martin and Val
Net her y are Iyer mother, Ca¬
therine Krantz, her sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wierth and children, Dennis,
Lynne, Suzanne, and Mark, of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
(Intended for lant week)
Mrs. Joe Phillips Is sick at
her home.
The John Cureton’s return-
ed from a two weeks vacation
In Florida, last Saturday.
Mrs. J. E. Brasfield and
children spent Friday with
Mrs. Thelman Bell
Mrs. W H White and Na-
mio Allison were shopping in
Chattanooga Monday.
Mr. Canova Guinn and son
Charles, were home for the
Mrs. W. E. Page has bought
a new cow.
Abry Dyer was home this
week visiting with his parents.
Mrs. L. S. Blake and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Hogel McMillon, from
Tampa, Fla., are going to visit
their daughter and grand¬
daughter in Kansas City next
Rev. and Mrs. Joe E. Baker
are attending the Wesley Con-
tennial at Phil. Penn. They
will leave their children with !
their grandparents in Virgi- !
The Fletcher Allisons report |
a wonderful time was Daytona! had on j
their vacation at
Beach, Fla. Mr. Allison tells
of an eleven pound red snapper
he caught while deep sea fish¬
ing, but Mrs. Allison says her
vacation was spent in taking
care of the sweet seven-month
old grand-daughter.
(Mailed from Korea June 5,
With U. S. F’orces in Korea
—Pvt. Owen L. Norris, whose
wife, Bettye, lives at 3812 Ta¬
coma Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.,
recently arrived in Korea for
duty as a medical technician 1
at the Army’s 48th Surgical
Private Norris Is the son of
G. C. Norris (mother de¬
ceased), Long Island. Ala.
The 48th specializes in treat¬
ment of hemorrhagic fever.
Norris entered the Army in
April 1952 and a^ter basic
training at Fort Dix. N. J . he
was stationed at Fort Hood,
Texas. He has been in Korea
since April of this year
A former student at Bryant
High School. Long Island, the
private was a drawtwist oper¬
ator for the DuPont Nylon Co.
in civilian life.
WE SELL typewriting paper,
white and yellow' s e c o n d j
sheets, thin paper marked
“copy” and two sires of mi-
meo paper.
(Uiattzih ox
B> Barbara Hatfield
Dade has beauty, hid to
some but open to all who wish
to see... it around us. The ma-
gestic mountains, the water
rippling over pebbles and
stones, the large trees shading
the earth and permitting the
sunlight to play among the
leaves, the night shadows
creeping as • the golden
in the west . these and
many more are the beauties
around us that we seldom see.
We are so accustomed to these
beauties of nature that we are
not conscious of them until we
hear a stranger say... -What
beautiful mountains then'
we j 0 ok at the mountains and
5 , ay> . Yes, they are beautiful,”
but until then, we have not
actually seen them as they
really are.
We live in a country that
can feel proud of. Webster has
said, Lc; our object be our
country our whole country,
and nothing but our country.
And, by the blessing of God,
May that country itself be-
come a vast and splendid mo-
nument, not of oppression and
terror, but of \ysdom, and
peace and of liberty, upon
which the world may gaze with
forever.” Need we
Last week, I was startled to
x'e a Tennessee car going
aiound the wrong side of the
court house. It met a black
and a red truck but did
not collide. 1
With Saturday being a holi-
day, there is much more traffic
the roads so drive care-
fuPy -• rememb er “the life you
save may be your own -
You Get Service As Well As Savings... Vl^HEN YOU SHOP AT HOME!
AH Cars And Trucks Fully Guaranteed As Represented
New DODGE, 2 Speed, 825 2 x Ton, 20 Tires __________ $2652.00
New DODGE Club Coupe, Gyro Torgue, Fully Equipped $2839.00 New DODGE y^ Ton, DeLuxe Cab, 6 Ply Tires ________ $1762.50
New DODGE 4-Door Six, Fully Equipped, only.. .. ..$2564.75 USED TRUCKS
USED CARS 1952 DODGE, / l 2 ton, DeLuxe Cab, 17,000 miles,
excellent condition 1 _______________________ $1295.00
1951 DODGE 1951 DODGE y 2 Ton Express, Looks and Runs Like
4-Door Sedan, radio, heater, light gray .-1695.00 New, Good Tires $1195.00
1950 DODGE Club Coupe, Radio, Heater. All Extras. ________________________
This Cat Drives, Rides, 1951 CHEVROLET y 2 Ton, Perfect Condition ____ -.$1195.00
Looks and Runs Like 1950 GMC y Ton Pick-up. Drive This Truck For $1095.00
New $1395.00 2 _____
1949 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, ____ Radio, _________________ 1950 DODGE / x 2 Ton, Dark Blue, You Can't Believe It
Heater, Motor Over¬ Without Driving it; Come In Today $1095.00
hauled. Priced to Sell at __ __ __ ___ ..$1095.00 1950 DODGE l / Ton Pick-up. Priced to Sell __________ $ 945.00
1949 DODGE 4-Door Coronet, Radio, Heater, Gydro- 2 _________
inatic Transmission, Extra Clean, Good 1949 DODGE iy 2 Ton. Priced to Sell __________________ $ 795.00
Tires..$1195.00 1948 INTERNATIONAL y 2 Ton $ 350.00
1949 JEEPSTER, Radio, Heater, Overdrive ______ _.$ 795.00 1946 FORD l x / Ton ... _ _________ $ 595.00
1949 PLYMOUTH. 4 Door, good tires, 2 ___________________ ____
motor 825 x 20 Tires, 2 Speed Axle. Looks and runs good
completely reconditioned __ ____________ $1050.00
1948 FORD, Club Coupe, Radio and Heater .. $ 850.00
__ __
1947 FORD, 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater .. $ 795.00 SEE US BEFORE YOU TRADE FOR THE MOST LIBERAL
1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe __$ 795.00
__ __ ________
1947 CHEVROLET 4 door, Fleetrpaster. good condition $ 795.00 TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD CAR OR TRUCK
1940 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, Looks and runs good $ 295.00
tf&Jirestone AND ^ £lK>dP v>
» T,RES NTiactV
Dyer Motor Company
TRENTON. GEORGIA Open 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. daily, except Wed. 8 a. m. to 12 noon TELEPHONE 40
"If You Can Keep If'
Painting—SERVICE Magazine,
a publication of Cities Service Company
As Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall, a woman asked
him, “Mr. Franklin, what kind of a government have you given us?"
lie answered gravely, “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
In painting this Independence Day scene in Hometown, U.S.A.,
the artist, E. Franklin Wittmack, has found an echo of Franklin’s
warning in a quotation from the poet William Cullen Bryant. The
historic scene of Magna Charta, the -ignal light on old North Church
Tower, the embattled “rebels” of great new nation—symbolize the
hard-won victories, and the priceless freedom, which, on Indepen¬
dence Day 1953, are given every Hometown in the land—not done to
celebrate, but to protect.
Mrs. Marvin Dodd and chil-
dren, of Ider, Ala spent
week with her mother, Mrs
Fritz Schurch.
Our revival meeting will be-
gin next Monday night, con-
by our pastor, Rev.
Roy Groce and Rev. Manuel
of Chattanooga Valley,
Everyone is invited to come
out and be with us.
Our Bible School began last
Monday with the Rev. & Mrs.
Cochran, of Lookout Mountain,
as teachers, with the help of
of, the ladies, of the gom-
munity. Our enrollment was 35
first day and we hope to
have more come in later,
Rev. and Mrs. Grove and
children, of Chickamauga,
u/Aro were 4->-10 the guests nnoctc of Mr and
Mrs. Hugh Forester last Sun-
day and Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forester
and children visited relatives
in Birmingham recently.
The parking area in front of
the Gross building has been
black topped. It improves the
[looks of the building and keeps
down the dust.
Tn Gross’ ad last week we
carried the wrong name of
third place winner. It should
have been Dennis Sullivan and
not William Grant.
Take Home
The former skating rink in
Trenton, rang out with music
and laughter last Friday night,
June 26, when some of the
teen agers in Dade county met
and enjoyed a party planned
for them by the Trenton Com¬
munity Council.
Mesaames Monford Tatum,
James Morrison, and Ernest
F. Flurry along with twenty or
thirty teen agers enjoyed the
I r o!k games directed by Eugene
M’Haffel, of Chattanooga.
Rev. Rebert L. Hilton, Tren¬
ton Methodist Minister, also at-
| tended and joined in with the
Cokes were served to the
group. All enjoyed themselves
and if more will take part when
such activities as this are plan¬
ned, more parties and recrea¬
tion will be provided in the fu¬
We have a truck load of watermelons, cantaloupes, peaches,
< apples, tomatoes, and other vegetables
for The 4<th of July.
Hatfield’s Motor Court & Cafe
U. S. Highway 11
Between Rising Fawn and Trenton
We will inorease our stock as people learn we are open
Savings Accounts— To provide for the future -
Checking Accounts — To provide greater efficiency in
your day-to-doy financial affairs;
f!fv. " •’ v/ *
Safe Deposit Boxes— Offer your valuables protection
from fire and theft at low cost;
Bonking Services In fact, all financial services
which will add to your personal
or business efficiency are avail¬
able here!
Jd uni-
Market at Seventh
Main at Market—East Cliattanoega—Rossville, Ga.-Twnn.
1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
Stop Taking
Harsh Drugs for
Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This
Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way!
For constipation, tuvtr take harsh drugs.
They cause brutal cramps and griping,
disrupt normal bowel action, make re¬
peated doses seem needed.
Get surt but gentle relief when you
are temporarily constipated. Take Dr.
Caldwell’s Senna Laxative contained in
Syrup Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs.
Dr. Caldwell’s contains an extract of
Senna, one of the finest medicine. natural vegetable
laxatives known to
Dt, Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes
good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis¬
fying relief for every member of the
family. Helps you get “on schedule”
without repeated doses. Even relieves
stomach sourness that constipation
often brings.
Buy Dt. Caldwell’s 50 t size today.
Money back if not satisfied. Mail botde
to Box 280 , New York 18 , N. Y.