The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 02, 1953, Image 3
STOP! DON'T DO IT! Don’t try to fix your own electrical , , , appliances ,, unless , you are a qualified repairman. Today’s appliances have such intricate mechanisms that average person will only make matters worse by doing “home repair job Let us do the work and vou’ll know it’s done right. TATUM & CASE Radio Electric Co. TRENTON. GEORGIA WANT ADS WANTED AT ONCE. —Man for Rawleigh Business. Real op- portunity for worker. Expe- rience preferred but not ne- cessary. Write Rawleigh’s, Dpt. GA G - 10 - 234, Mem- phis, Tenn. 1 t — WOULD LIKE TO HEAR from man with car for Rawleigh Businens in Dade County. sell. B n y Write ™ ere ^ Rawleigh% it , Tl y . a V Dept. y0U GA G - 10 - 2163, Memphis, Tenn ’ 4 t — 7 - 23 FOR SALE — Shoats — J. E. Cole, Slygo Valley, Ga. 3 t p WANTED - Places for teachers to have room and board near Dade High SchooL J. C. Billue. 3 t c — 7 -16 FOR SALE 40 pigs two months old, $1,9 - $12.50—Bill Austin, Rising Fawn, Ga. 3 t p —7 - 16 FRESH MOUNTAIN GROWN, Master Mar-globe, Rutger}, New Stone, Earlina Tomato Planto. Charleston and Jer¬ sey Wakefield, Round Dutch, Savoy, Christams King Cab¬ bage Plants. Georgia Head¬ ing, La Sweet Collard Plants. Now Ready. Price by mail prepaid: 200 for $1.00, 500 for $2.00, 10C»J for $3.00. Prompt shipments. — Bruce Plant Farms, Mentone, Ala. FOR YOUR INSURANCE Automobile, Fire and See Mrs. Herman V. Moore, of New Salem. 3 t p — 7 - 16 MIRACLE HEARING AID Complete $19.85. Requires no batteries, cords or ear button. DR. G. K. MacVANE Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. WILLIE BRIGHT MARY BRIGHT THELMA LEE SMITH vs. BETTY RUTH BRIGHT WATKINS NINA BRIGHT CHESTER BRIGHT No. 82 Dade Superior Court SUIT FOR PARTITION OF LAND NOTICE To: Chester Bright, non-resi¬ dent defendant in above styled cause. You are notified that on June 19, 1953, the plaintiffs named above filed in the Su¬ perior Court of Dade County, Georgia, a petition for parti¬ tion of certain lands and tene¬ ments in said County, by a sale thereof and division of the proceeds, proceeds, in m which which it .c is - alleged that plaintiffs named above and defendants named above, including you, are co-owners or tenants in common of said lands In M J _ and A tenements. a »vt A M f C VOil You are q rp further notified that said peti¬ tion will be presented to the Court for a hearing on August 15, 1953, at ten o’clock A. M., at the Court House in Trenton, Ga., in accordance with order of the Judge of said Court en- tered June 19, 1963 Witness the Honorable Free¬ manl C. McClure, Judge of the Superior Court of Dade Coun¬ ty, Ga., this June 22, 1953. Grace H. Williams Clerk of the Superior Court of Dade County. Georgia. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TttfcSNTON, GEORGIA THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1953 RISING FAWN Brenda Lowery, of Fort Payne, Ala., has returned home ;after husband, a visit with her aunt and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fannin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tatum and little daugh¬ ter, Pam, were Sunday guests of Mr. artd Mrs. Ray Smith, Miss Judy Kenimer returned Chattanooga with the Ralph Smiths for a visit. M r. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, es ^ e Wilsin, and Mrs. Fred Harrison and daughters, Becky sj^d Patsy left Saturday night f or a jT° we eks J isit with the Jim T Wilsons 1 in Tucson, Ariz. The Rising Fawn Community I iS 3 t0Uri5t catching ®P ot | in Dade. Many traveling stop at the park to eat in the cool shade of the large trees. The Methodist church had visitors Sunday morning, some j tourists from Alabama Bro. Clyde Chadwick preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday and Sunday night. Bro. Tom Smith will preach Sunday and Sunday night, July 5th Don’t forget the barbecue in the Park, Saturday, Mrs. J. L. Fricks and daugh- ter, Ann Marie, are visiting re- in Newnon, Georgia, Mr* and Mrs. Ralph McMa¬ han have moved to Rising Fawn from Chattanooga and are Jiving with the former’s father, Jim McMahan and El- gar Haddon Charles Hitt and son, Ted, returned Monday to their home Jn Nebraska after a two weeloi visit with the C. W. Hitts. Truett Abercrombie is home spending a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Huil Goodwin and chil¬ dren, of Bessemer, Ala., have returned home after visiting Mr^ Mrs Goodwin . s pare nts, and Mr3 AIfred steele> and 0 t ber relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. T. C. Castleberry, who has been visiting the Dewey Bradfords returned to Besse- mer with them Mrs. Herbert Pangie is in Newell Hospital recovering from an operation. Dion Bradford spent several days last week visiting his cou- sin, Jimmy Bradford East Chattanooga. ■ Out of state singers at the concert Saturday night eluded Russell Riddle and the Harmony Boys of Lookout Church and quartet of young people from the Hixon Baptist Church. Truett Abercrombie acted as Master of Ceremonies. Visitors in the-Baptist Sun- day School, June 28, included: Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. Shanks and their daughter Clara, of West Willow, Penn., who were en route to their home from va- cationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bur- nett, of Fort Payne, Ala , Mr. and'Mrs. J. T. Comstock and daughter, James and Eddy Crawford, of Chattanooga, who are visiting Lee Elkins, and Mr. Clyde Chadwick, of Valley Head, Ala., were other visitors at the Baptist Church, Sun¬ day. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Homer and sons, David and Denny, have returned from a motor trip to Ohio where they attend¬ ed the wedding of Mr. Halls niece. MORE RED CROSS GIFTS Mrs. E. J- Bible, worker $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby; $2.00 from Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bible; $1.00 from Dr. j l. Gardner; 50c from John Black. NOTE OF THANKS The family of Gordon Brad¬ ford wish to take this oppor¬ tunity to extend their sincere appreciation to the many friends j) ade County for the kindness shown . the help ren- and the beau tifui floral dur ing this illness and ® death. •-I tanooga. Relatives present were: Mrs. Stone’s brothers: Mr. and Mrs. William Roden and family; Mr. and Mrs. George Roden, and Mi. and Mrs. Dosier Ro- den and daughter, all of Fort Payne, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roden and baby, from Chattanooga; Mr. Donnie Roden, from Lupton City, Ten- ne ssee; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford y oung anc j two daughters, and Mr . Arnold Corbin, all of Chat tanooga; Mr and Mis. Floyd Corbin, of Henegar, Ala. Also from Henegar, Mr. and Mrs Cecil Corbin and little son; Mr. and Mrs. Allie Corbin, son and daughter, and Mr. Tom of Long Island, Ala., and Miss Mary Gilbreath, of Trenton, Georgia. All had a good time. There was plenty to eat. Piatures were taken and nice gifts were received. NOTICE To the People of New Salem: I, Herman V .Moore, am re¬ signing as Justice of the Peace of the New Salem 1214th G. M. District of Dade County, as of this 26 day of June 1953. Herman V. Moore. NOTICE Regular meetings Trenton Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the second and fourth Saturday nights each month at 8:00 p. m. All qualified Masons invited to attend. Raymond M. Morrison, W. M. Early A. Ellis. Sr. Sec. » h n moo om o mm------------ cleaning. Bring us It your will laundry save you and effort dry Red’s time and money, too. Cleaners Phone 63 Trenton, Ga.| Jpen from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. J We are closed Wednesday j afternoons fepootmiri ^ i ninTrin i Wnn----------------- nnn nnnnnnn 1 CLOVERDALE (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bible all their children home on Father’s Day. Mrs. Evelyn Webb and daughter, Elizabeth, from W Virginia, and Mrs. D. H. Me Gehee, Dan and Bettye, from San Antonio, Texas, are visit¬ ing Miss Irene Forester, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bible have been busy combining. John O. Christy, brother of Mrs. E. J. Bible, and his wife and son, John Lester Christy are visiting with the E. J. Bi¬ ble’s. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Forester and Mrs. D. H. McGehee, Dan, and Bettye will visit Ci¬ cero Forester, who is ill, and his family in Aiken, S. C. CAVE SPRINGS i PARTY LINE By James C. Holder Mrs. Carroll Powell was call¬ ed to Detroit, due to illness of her daughter, Mrs. Dee Walk¬ er. She traveled by plane. We wish Jackie a speedy recovery. Mr. Lester Forester and Mr. Leon Keith are spending a two weeks vacation. j Mrs. Emma Holder is spend¬ ing a few days with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder and son, James. Mrs. Will Bradford had as her special weekend guest, Mrs. Annie Johnson, of Fairfield, Ala., and Mrs. Irene Barnett, of Birmingham, Ala Mrs. Dan Forester had as her weekend guest, Mr. and Mrs. John Plaster, of Chicka- mauga, Mrs. Lydia Keith and and Mrs. Gordon Massey, of New England. Mr. and Mrs. Webb McKaig, of LaFayette, Ga., were the G. ? und C. L ay McKaig of Mr - and Mrs ' Mr. G. C. McKaig along with the pulpit committee of the Rising Fawn Baptist Church attended a meeting at Suck Creek Baptist Church. Several in this community attended the funeral services of Mr. Gordon Bradford and we wish to extend our greatest and most sincere sympathy to his family and brothers and sisters. Mrs. Beulah Blevins had as her weekend guest her sister and son, Miss Willie Chadwick and Edward, of Atlanta; and Mrs. Mildred Bradford and children, from Chattanooga. STONES HOLD REUNION ON FATHER’S DAY There was a reunion at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone’s on Fa¬ ther’s Day. This was the first time in 20 years that all the family have been • together ■/ There were several guests present. 'They were: uiiw Mr. and Mrs. Troy Stone, oi Sand Mountain; Mr. apd Mrs. Ernest Stone and family, from Trenton; Mr. and Mrs.j Ri- chard Stone and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stone and fa- mily; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stone; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stone; Mr. and Mrs. John Stone and and family, all from nooga; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gormann and children, Pisgah, Ala., and Mrs. McMurray, from-Chat- CRISMAN Up-To-Date Lise of Hardware 11 Market St. Phone 7-1114 Chattanooga, Tennessee KATHLEEN MORRISON HONORED WITH SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dyer and daughter, Rose and Elene, honored Miss Kathleen Morrison with a supper party at their home on Lookout Mt. Those present were: Mrs. W. G. Morrison, Sr.; Mrs. J. L. Sells; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morrison; Mrs. Douglas Morri¬ y^OOOOOOOOOOO O OaOOOOO Q OOO O OO O OOOOQO O OOOOOr Complete Beauty Care Summertime is piobably the most important time for you to have regular and complete beauty care. Sun and hot winds are very hard on your hair and skin. You can enjoy carefree, outdoor life more if you depend on expert care at Sarah’s Coiffures to help you to look your loveliest this summer. Make an appointment without delay. Sarah's Coiffures PHONE 69 TRENTON, GEORGIA boooooooo o aoooooooooo o ow o oooooooooco o oooooooooot x* 1 THERMOS JUGS AND BOTTLES $3.49 $2.19 __ __ __ PAPER PLATES, CUPS, NAPKINS 10c 17c __ ____ __ _ PLASTIC SPOONS AND FORKS , Box 10c __ _____ BEACH TOWELS $1.19 __ __ __ __ ______ . ...... SAND . • ’ll , . BUCKETS FOR KIDDIES ____ __ __ 10c 15c 29c __ KODAKS FILMS J .. ||-v r\ jr fc:ni : “CUi 1i .*• ■.<) • ! V w . . Nos r; l2Q^46c „ n 127-x 41c 620 46c 616.. 56c 116 -.56c • BEACH BALLS 98c WADING POOLS $2.98 ‘ ____ 1 i M 1c. 1 ■ ■ • nii<: • Gannaway-Riley Co. TRENTON, GEORGIA FREE CHICK DAY Beginning July 6 th No Limit As Long As They Last 50 CHICKS FREE With 50 lb. Broiler Mash Feed Specials for Fri., Sat., Mon. 100 lbs. FUL-O-PEP Flock Ration, Print Bag, Laying Mash to be fed with 25% grain $5.15 100 lbs. FUL-O-PEP Egg Ration, Paper Bag. Complete Laying Mash $5.35 16% Red Top Dairy Feed $3.25 McBRYAR Your FUL-O-PEP Dealer Trenton, Georgia son, Mrs. Jackie Flurry; Miss Gladdis Morrison; Miss Patsy Renfroe; Miss Ellen Morrison; Miss Helen Sanders; Miss Kathryn Fricks; Lamar Moore; E. A. Ellis, Jr.; and Sidney Parker. After supper, which was served on the lawn, the young folks played games and others watched television.