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the dade county times
Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail.
MRS. CATHERINE C MORRISON ........ Owner and
One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents.
Plus State 3'i Sales Tax.
Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish
names, otherwise the communication will not be published. Name
will b. w ithheld on request, but all communications must be signed
Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be
charged at 50c and up for one insertion, payable in advance
Advertising rates will be furnished on application
Locals and Personals
Rena Culbert and Mac Med-
married on June 30th.
Joyce Connor and Billy
were wed on June
Mi-s Martha Stewart’s holi-
guest ws Master Frank
from Atlanta.
Mrs. Dwell Breedlove has
at . . home wnth ... infected ,
eD .
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bucha-
are visiting in Nashville,
Roy Moore made a trip to
this week in connec¬
with the school system
Pvt Jim Sargent, of Fort
Kentucky, was home a
hours for the 4th
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blevins
family are the proud own-
of a new Hudson
S. L. Johnson, from Chatta-
spent two days and
swi a he . eats of
Sonny Q „ Mitchell u and wife, , from
Ga., are visiting
parents, the L A Mit-
Mrs Mrs Glen uien Gray uray and ana son son re- re-
with her mother, Mrs.
to stay for a month’s va-
Mr and Mrs Bill Rewcastle
son, Douglas, are visiting
and Mrs Roy Cousins and
in Greenville Ga
Mr and Mrs. Vernon Curtis
boys, John and Jim, from
Wales, Florida, visited the
L Bigham’s Sunday night.
Mrs. Kate Hubble, from Grif-
Ga., is visiting the Misses
and Glive Reeves. Her
Aaron Hubble, spent July
with them.
Mrs. Otis Foster attended
Railway Mail Clerks’ Ban-
at the Read House, Mon-
night, where she was an
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Climer
daughter Dona, from At-
were Friday night visit-
of Mrs. Climer’s sister,
Montford Tatum and her
The paving in front of Gray’s
and Georgia Power
certainly improved the
of the buildings
makes easier walking for
Pvt. Lewis G. Blevins and
Middleton Castleberry vi¬
home folks over the week
They are stationed near
Ga., and are taking
basic training at Camp
Ga. They are both in
E M P R.T.C.
By Mrs. Hugh Forester
Miss Imogene Schurch, of
spent the week
with her parents, Mr. and
Fritss Schurch
Mr and Mrs. Tom Paris anti
visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor¬
Barnes last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Charlie Forest¬
of Birmingham; Mr. and
Lawrence Slaughte”. of
Tenn.; and Mr and
Fred Koger and children,
Chickamauga, all spent the
with Mrs. W J.
Mr. and Mrs. Pau 1 Owens,
Gadsden, visited Mr. and
R L. Ros last Saturday
J. M Payne, of Lake-
is also spending this week
the Ross here.
Weekend guests of Hugh
and familv were Mr
Mrs James Schrock and
family, of Rome, and Rev. and
Tom Phillips, of Chatta¬
Mr and Mrs B W Holtz-
attended the singng at
last Sunday
Mr & Mrs. Gordon Mathes
family, of Chattanooga,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark
last Saturday.
Dr. Stephenson’s family and
of relatives, from Chat¬
spent several days at
summer home here last
j Crhattzxijox
By Barbara Hatfield
~ ~
Well.’Tiere it is time to chat
with you ' and my mind is
blank A11 T can think of to
| talk . about t is the weather...
and all I ever hear is...
slot machines!
! There isn’t too much to say
about the weather except that
it is still hot, hot, hot. and as
for the slot machines, you
probably know' more about
them than j do if you don - t
don’t expect me to tell you
anything because I don’t know
only thing it seems that
;the on ] y publicity Dade ever
gets is it cacches front
page in the Chattanooga pa-
per s and leaves everyone with
’’-he impression that - if they
„.„ ;vani nt a „ peaceable, np „ pp ~ h i p nice place niaop tn to
)ive not tQ come t0 Dade. We
don’t want people to feel that
Way about Dade because-after
all _ the influence , it has is what
iv j( ., ’
i An . old , Chinese . proverb
You can t paper to wrap
up fir f/ and certainly we
«n , t We can’t expect to set-
tle petty things by arguing
or to say with OHver Goldsmith
^ always Set the better when
1 arglie alone ’ If we want 10
f y -'° m(? thing, it would be bet-
ter lo get alone and say [i and
Jater W T“ wouldn 't hav « to re-
: *' those w’ords actions
gre or
lbat came when we were angry
and our m i nd was^ confused
and disturbed -
Anatole France says “It is
better to understand a little
than to misunderstand a lot,”
so guess I better hush before
1 try to talk about things I
know nothing about and get
things all mixed up... so long!
You Get Service As Well As Savings... WHEN YOU SHOP AT HOME!
All Cars And Trucks Fully Guaranteed As Represented
New DODGE Club Coupe, Gyro Torgue, Fully Equipped $2839.00
New DODGE 4-Door Six, F'ully Equipped, only __ __ 2564.75
1951 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, radio, heater, light gray ..-1695.00
1950 DODGE Club Coupe, Radio, Heater. All Extras.
This Cm Drives, Rides, Looks and Runs Like
New _ _______ _____ __ $1395.00
1949 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Motor Over¬
hauled. Priced to Sell at ____ _______ ___ __ $1095.00
1949 DODGE 4-Door Coronet, Radio, Heater, Gydro-
matic Transmission, Extra Clean, Good Tires--$1195.00
1949 JEEPSTER, Radio, Heater, Overdrive __ __ ____ $ 795.00
1949 PLY MOUTH, 4 Door, good tires, motor
1949 MERCURY, 4 door, radio, heater, reconditioned
; motor, good tires __ __ __ ________ $ 995.00
m completely reconditioned __________I____
1948 FORD, Club Coupe, Radio and Heater __ __ __ $ 850.00
1947 FORD, 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater __ ___ __$ 795.00
1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe __ __ ___________ $ 795.00
1947 CHEVROLET 4 door, Fleetmaster, good condition $ 795.00
1946 FORD , 4 door , clean, radio, heater __ ____ __$ 695.00
VFjirestone ANr
Dyer Motor Company
TRENTON GEORGIA Open 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. daily, except Wed. 8 a. m. to 12 noon TELEPHONE 40
i Forester
\ W‘. II
Miss Irene Forester was
Iried last Friday evening to
' a
ford, former Cloverc.ale pa
tor, at his home in
The bride is a daughter
Mr and Mrs. Byron
of Cloverdale, and for
years has been the
face to greet you when you
to pay your light bill at
Georgia Power* Company
The groom is a son of Mr.
Mrs* W. M. Wall of the
Heme Community on Bond
Though the newleyweds
been engaged for some
the wedding came as a
to their many friends. Mrs
Wall was just beginning
week's vacation but it
they are taking their
moon fixing up a place to
* n sporting a new'
green with light top
Chevrolet in celebration of
event. pvpn ,
T h e annual Triplet reunion
was held this year at the L.
\\r Moore, Sr. home at
Sa]em Most of the
now' live in Cleveland,
and this was the first time
many years it has been
on the mountain. Approxim-
ately 50 guests enjoyed
’ grounds.
on the
M r. and Mrs. Homer
Moore and son from Chatta-
no0 ga spent the holidays
his u, parents, . Mr and Mrs.
e Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John
f have returned from a
canon m Jacksonville, TaP v<:nnviiiA m Fla. a
Mrs - Leon Moore has
three of her sisters
with her - Mrs - T J Roe
her husband, who is in
Navy, from Jacksonville, Fla.,
were here last week. Mrs.
Netsch and Mrs. Niomi
Mrs. Herb Netsch also
Miami are visiting with her
Mrs. Catherine Moore had
Mr. and Mrs. Driggs
from Murfreesboro, Tenn., Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Moore
Chattanooga, Mr. and Mrs.
Terrence Moore from
and Mr. and Mrs.
Moore from Flintstone as
holiday guests,
Carl Baker is ill in the hos-
pital. It is hoped he will
able to return home
this week,
Lewis Ramsey
Lewis Ramsey, 10, son of Mrs
Hassie Ramsey, of Sulphur
Springs, was killed instantly
late Sunday afternoon when
I he fell under a rear w'heel of a
truck diiven by his uncle Earl
Walraven told investigating
officers that the boy was rid¬
ing in the back of the truck
and apparently fell out as the
vehicle moved in reverse in
front of his home.
Dr. D S. Middleton said the
ycu»:h received a fractured
skull, broken neck, crushed
chest and other internal inju¬
ries Robert, a brother of
Lewis, was riding in the cab
with his uncle.
Lewis is survived by his mo¬
ther, a widow; three brothers,
Charles, Herschel and Robert;
a half-brother, David, of Chat¬
tanooga; a half-sister, Mrs.
Dora Hatfield, and his grand¬
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess
Adkins. Funeral services were
held at Glover Hill Baptist
Church with burial in the
church cemetery.
| (From ’‘The Chattanooga
. Times.”)
Bv Janies C. Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Holder
had as their Saturday night
supper guests, Mr. Owen
Woodyard Jr. and Miss Ann
Steele, both of Rising Fawn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shafer
bad as their Sunday visitors
Mr. and Mrs. E. O Shafer
and son Leon, of Soddy, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forest¬
er were shopping in Chatta¬
nooga Wednesday. Mr. Lester
Forester and Mr. Wesley For¬
ester were visiting Mr. Mark
Scruggs at Head River Thurs¬
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Grant
and daughter, of Chattanooga ’
and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley For¬
ester were the Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Fore-ter
spent Thursday with their
■daughter, Mrs. J. R. Reeves
and Mr. Reeves.
Several from this commun¬
ity attended the barbecue at
Rising Fawn the 4th of July.
We are sorry to report that
Up-To-Date Line of Hardware
511 Market St. Phone 7-1114
Chattanooga, Tennessee ;(!
New DODGE, 2 Ton, 2 Speed, 825 x 20 Tires __________ $2652.00
1952 y 2 Ton DODGE, Fluid Drive ________________ $1195.00
1952 DODGE, y 2 ton, DeLuxe Cab, 17,000 miles,
excellent condition ________________________ $1295.00
1951 CHEVROLET ^4 Ton, Perfect Condition ______ $1195.00
1950 GMC ]/ 2 Ton Pick-up. Drive This Truck For _____ $1095.00
1950 DODGE y 2 Ton, Dark Blue, You Can’t Believe It
Without Driving it; Come In Today _________ $1095.00
1950 DODGE y 2 Ton Pick-up. Priced to Sell _________ $ 945.00
1949 DODGE iy 2 Ton. Priced to Sell _________________ $ 795.00
1948 INTERNATIONAL % Ton ____ ___________ $ 350.00
1946 FORD D/ 2 Ton __ ____________ ________ $ 395.00
825 x 20 Tires, 2 Speed Axle. Looks and runs good
Mr. Roy Wallin is in a Chat¬
tanooga hospital. We extend
to him a speedy recovery.
’ Mrs. Caroll Powell has re¬
turned home after a short vi¬
sit with her daughter, Mrs.
Dee Walker (Jackie Sue) who
w r as ill in Detroit. She reports
Jackie as much improved, as
we are glad to report. ,
Mr. T. R. Tucker, of LaFa¬
yette, Ga., made a routine
check Tuesdry in this com¬
munity on the bell w'eevil.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Keith
and sons, M.s. Lydie Keith,
were vi iting in Camden, Tenn.
last week.
Little Jean Castleberry spent
Saturday night with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Holder.
Mr. Canova Guinn w-as home
on the weekend.
Several of this community
attended the Singing at Clo¬
verdale Sunday.
Unless sales on Vegetables increase these will have to be
We will continue to carry melons and peaches.
Next week's special will be canning peaches
Hatfield’s Motor Court & Cafe
U. S. Highway 11
Between Rising Fawn and Trenton
We will increase our stock as people learn we are open
Savings Accounts— To provide for the future;
Checking Accounts— To provide greater efficiency in
your day-to-day financial affairs;
Safe Deposit Boxes— Offer your valuables protection
from fire and theft ot low cost;
Bunking Services— In fact, all financial services
which wiIT add to your personal
or business efficiency are avail¬
able here!
Market at Seventh
Main at Market— East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-Tonn.
1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
Stop Taking
Harsh Drugs for
Avoid intestinal Upset! Get Relief This
Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way!
For constipation, neper take and harsh drugs.
They cause brutal cramps make griping,
disrupt normal bowel action, re¬
peated doses seem needed.
Get sure but gentle relief when you
are temporarily constipated. Take Dr.
Caldwell’s Senna Laxative contained in
Syrup Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. of
j Dr. Caldwell’s contains an extract
Senna, one of the finest natural vegetable
laxatives known to medicine.
Dr. Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes
good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis¬
fying relief for every member of the
family. Helps you get “on schedule"
without repeated doses. Even relieves
stomach sourness that constipation
often brings.
Buy Dr. Caldwell’s 30 i size today.
Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle
to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y.