The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 09, 1953, Image 4
». O O. F. TRENTON LODGE No. 38 TRENTON Regular meeting each Tues day night at 8:00 P. M. Harlan Taylor, N. G Gene Gene Brand Brandon on, Secy. Secv YOU’LL MAKE MATTERS WORSE Don’t make a monkey out of yourself by trying to fix your home appliances Chances are you will only make matters worse. Bring them to us for expert service. We’ll have them j n perfect operating condition in short order TATUM & CASE Radio Electric Co. TRENTON, GEORGIA Arthritis? I have been wonderfully blessed in being^ restored active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular sore¬ ness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and ray ankles were set Limited space prohibitis tell¬ ing you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I ceived this wonderful relief. Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 3122 Jack-son 7, Mississippi WILLIE BRIGHT MARY BRIGHT THELMA LEE SMITH vs. BETTY RUTH BRIGHT WATKINS NINA BRIGHT CHESTER BRIGHT No. 82 Dade Superior Court SUIT FOR PARTITION OF LAND NOTICE To: Chester Bright, non-resi¬ dent defendant In above styled cause. You are notified that on June 19, 1953, the plaintiffs named above filed in the Su¬ perior Court of Dade County, Georgia, a petition for parti¬ tion of certain lands and tene¬ ments In said County, by a sale thereof and division of the proceeds, in which it is alleged that plaintiffs named above and defendants named above, including you, are c*>-owners or tenants in common of said lands and tenements. You are further notified that said peti¬ tion will be presented to the Court for a hearing on August 15, 1953, at ten o'clock A. M., at the Court House in Trenton, Ga,, in accordance with order of the Judge of said Court i# • tered June 19, 1953. Witness the Honorable Free¬ man C. McClure, Judge of the Superior Court of Dade Coun¬ ty, Ga., this June 22, 1953. Grace H. Williams Clerk of the Superior Court of Dade County, Georgia. CITATION GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY. TO ALL CREDITORS AND ALL OTHER INTERESTED You are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordlnary _ .. to . . be . held ,. at . t court house in said County the first Monday in August. 1953, why the petition of Char¬ les Franklin Reeves, an heir law of the said A-a F Reeves, setting out that the said Asa F Reeves died intestate in the county of Dade, State of Geor¬ gia, and that the said estate owes no debts, and that the heirs a, law of .he aald A,a F Reeves have agreed upon a vision of said estate, and pray- ing for an order finding that no administration upon said estate is necessary, should not be granted and said order en¬ tered . This July 6, 1953 R. M. Morrison Ordinary of Dade Countv. Ga 4 t — 7 - 30 THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1933 Ray Bobo Accepts Georgia Scholarship Athens, Ga Ray of Rising Fawn, will 10Q outstanding Geo gia high school seniors [the jing University Fre-hman _ Scholarships ~ of Georgia the 1953-54 college year, ,cording mg to to an an the University Committee. ; zti : school grades and objective tests, character maturity, and educational pose in ^ erms of wbal the jplicants intend to studiy college' and of aims after uation . The scholarships were set recently by officials of University to assist students secure the of a University education at University of Georgia Athens. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Bobo, he is a graduate Dade County High where he was an graduate. Voted the most likely to ceed and the best boy, he was President of County Council 4-H Club, sident of the Community Club, Secretary and of Dramatics Club, Reporter Glee Club, Treasurer of a member of the ing Team, Beta Club, a 4-H Cluber, and a member the basketball team. After completing the veterinary medicine Mr Bobo plans to enter University’s School of ary Medicine which is accredited by the council of the American rinary Medical Association. NOTICE Regular meetings Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. second and Saturday nights month at 8:00 p. All qualified Masons to attend. Raymond M. Morrison, W. M. Early A. Ellis, Sr. Sec. LAND SALE WHEREAS, by Security dated January 26, 1953, R. Powell conveyed to Victor M. Quinton and wife, Mae land Quinton, the real perty hereinafter described, the purpose of securing an debtedness therein set out described, which Security is of record in office of of Superior Court of County, Georgia, in Deed No. 42. pages 372 et sea., which deed and the thereof reference is here for its terms and And, WHEREAS, default was in the payment of the ments due on said on May 26th and on June 1953 and because of such fault and pursuant to the of said note and security the holders of said ness have elected to the option contained in note and security deed have declared all of said to be due and payable at and default has been made the payment thereof and continues. NOW THEREFORE, of the default in the of said indebtedness as set forth, and pursuant to power and authority in said security deed, M. Quinton and wife, Rowdand Quinton will on day the wTthin 4th 1 day a ieKal of 1953. the sale. at the Couit House in Trenton. Dade Georgia, expose to sale and sell to the best and I bidder for cash the described real property, Mill property in land lot 322 in the 10th District and Section of Dade County. . mnsistino- nf ten more or less, about five of which lies on the West of Lookout Creek, and five acres of which lies on East side of Lookout which said property is fully described in a deed W I Price to A G and wife. Leona M. Beeler, deed being of record in the fice of the Clerk of the rior Court of Dade J property of R H and/or his assigns and to vest out of the said R. Powell and his assigns anv all right, title, interest, or demand which he or of them may have in and said property and vest same te purchaser. . This 6th day of July, 1953 Victor M. Quinton and Mae Rowland Quinton By Madox J. Hale Their Attorney at Thirty-four Enter County Corn Contest The Corn Contest, sponsored by the the Farm Farm Bureau, Bureau, had had five live entries last week: Jack Sells, Jack Sells, Jr . Athea Lee Sells, Leon t ,,— W. \it Moore haam gf and D. E Morrison Rules of the contest are that contestant shall ---- keep re- cords of production and make , records recoras available; avauaDie, the me size «« of - per acre and each year we have several who do this Those who do. meet with other farm- ers in the state, who have also raised a 100 bushel or more per acre and all are presented a key with their name and date. The farmers who raise the| most corn per acre in Dade . County will receive *25, prize $15 second and $10 third ■ ze 4-H'ers in Corn Contest There are twenty three 4-H Club members in the Corn Contest this year. Entered are Sidney Veals, David Moore,, Willard Stephens, Archie Ste- phens Buddy McCarty, Leigh- ton Moore Charles Higdon, Wayland Higdon, Jerry Hughs, Raleigh Hawkins, Billy Kon- rad Larry Konrad, Jackie Tin-1 ker Jimmy Stallings, Alton Ivey Rex Blevins, Russel Ble- vins’ Erbie Parsley, Andy New-1 by Aaron Wallin, Jerry Price, Hershei Dug|n. and Larry Moore. This contest is sponsored by the Georgia Power Company, and last week and this week J. T. Morgan, District Manager, and T. S. Renlroe, Local Man¬ ager with County Agent Adams have been visiting each en¬ trant’s acre of corn. They re¬ port it looked good though se¬ veral did not have as good a stand as others, but, even those who haven’t had such good luck are being encouraged to carry through and keep re¬ cords on the project. It is ne cessary that all who entered (continue to keep their up so that the entire project may be reported as a completed project. Also if there have been any particular reasons for a poorer stand these should be reported on the records so that next year’s group know and be able to avoid do- ing the same thing. As the 4-H Corn Project looks now perhaps 10 or maybe more of the 23 will make 100 bushels or more to their acre which will be a good percentage. Social Security Office Moved To New Address Announcement has just been made by Louis R Stein, Jr., District Manager of the Chat¬ tanooga office of the Social Security Administration, of the new address of the Chattanoo¬ ga office which has been at 100 East 6th Street for the past three years to 1001 Street, corner of East 10th Columbia Streets. This build¬ ing is just across the street from both Chattanooga news¬ papers and was occupied on July 1, 1953. The Chattanooga office serves « counties, 7 in Georgia, in¬ j eluding Dade County. They ' social security numbers sue I and . pay OIri olcl Age A ana d survivors burvivors Insurance claims. The more than 196 beneficiaries in this county know that! William Boulton is the Field Represen¬ tative who pays regular visits to this county for the purpose of furnishing Social Security information and assisting claimants to file for Old-Age or Survivors Insurance bene¬ fits. This move*, will not in any way effect Old-Age and Survi- vors insurance payments but the announcement is made in case you want to write or call at the office any time you are in Chattanooga. AMERICAN LEGION POST 106 First and third Friday every menth, 8 P. M. Legien Hall C. Raymond Street, Comm. Manuel Avery, Adj. NEW HOME , his r birthday , . with , Ivey a ce birthday e ^ atea ^PPe r a his home, Saturday g “ .J. 0 nis cni dren a 8 , barrel! Mg « e " * visitfng B his “ sranaparenus, Mr. ana Mrs. C. G Cooper Mr. ^ and ^ ^ Mrs. Jeff Johnson 4 visit ph Mr and Mrs - ^ E E p PortTno Eereucrm 8 son ^ and oriH ana family f>m Ian n t y ® „ ^ha> UI ’ _ nrt w w^nd nd G r nfs wit h E A Stallings <* d ^ Pf r f, nts * Ml \ and Mrs. T. M Stallings and Mr. ami Mrs^ A Ivey, Sunday Mrs Katie Dunn and dren - Eugene, Vernon and Mar y; and Diane and Donald Mackie, of New Jersey, are vi- sitin g relatives and friends of thLs community. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Williams hav « moved to South Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gray vi- sited Mr. and Mrs. Hansard Gray in Chattanooga this week end. Mrs. Robert Dunn, Eugene Dunn, Misses Shirley Stallings and Diane Mackie went Portland, Tenn., Friday, to the Robert Dunns to Jas- per. We’re glad to see them closer by. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith visited his mother at Gadsden, Alabama, Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Craw- frod. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dodson and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cagle at South Pittsburgh this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fergu- son visited his parents at Pis- gah, Ala., Saturday. Miss Jean Clayton, of Chat¬ tanooga, was home for the weekend. CLOVERDALE Mrs. Royce Bible has under¬ gone a serious operation in a Chattanooga hospital. There was good singing and lots of food at the Annual Singing last Sunday. Mrs Jo philips and Mrs. Lester Blevins attended the f une ral of Lewis Ramsey in Alabama. j services at the State Line ; Methodist Church are Sunday .school at 10 and Worship at ever y Sunday. Rev. Ortwine ^ pastor, BUY U. S. SAVING BONDS ■II -'.'3 is the other name tor DODGE! wmwmmmm H wm i i-: Dependable Economy In the 1953 Mobilgas Economy Run, the Dodge V-8 beat all other cars in its class . . . outperformed all I 1 8’s in every price class. Dependable Power-for-Safety Ten days later, the same Dodge V-8 set 2 new official AAA performance records for standard American cars. Proof of reserve power-for-safety. Dependable Comfort Dodge Modern Design does away with “meaningless metal” and waste space outside—provides more comfort space than ever inside. Dependable Handling Ease Dodge for ’53 brings you new mastery of the road, new maneuverability in traffic, new parking ease. It mugs down on curves like a true sports car. Dependable Extra-Value Features Safeguard hydraulic brakes with two Safety-Rim brake cylinders wheels in each front wheel. . . Oriflow ride control , . . . . . electric windshield wipers . . . foam rubber seat cushions . . . and many others. Here fe our invitation! Coma in for DODGE V EIGHT C0H0NET •IPIOKAT a "Road Test Ride.” Find out all that Dodge Dependability means DEPENDABLE in terms of economical power, safety power, riding comfort and handling ease. There is no obligation. You will discover a new kind of car, a new kind of driving enjoyment ... at prices that start below many V-EIGHT OR SIX models in the "lowest-pficed” field. You’ve Got to Drive It to Believe It! Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. Dyer Motor Co., Trenton, Ga. Lawson Reunion 1 The Lawson reunion was held July 4 at the home of thg George N Lawsons on Sand sand Mountain. Mountain. There There were were 1 100 present who enjoyed drinks a pic- nic dinner with cold and watermelons served r>« on tVip the lawn. I Present were Messeis Roy and anu John rlcuu Plemons, "“, Rossville, Ga Master Buddy Bechner, 'Amarilla, Texas, Mrs. Pearl “fwTh rs r»-»*xTr*ynorin nnr rr \nnnnn rirrr ^~ ~~*~~~~ " )JU w w , ...... _ cleaning. Bring us your It will laundry save you and effort dry Red’s time and money, too. . J Cleaners Phone 63 Trenton, Ga. j. Jpen from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. We are closed Wednesday afternoons Soo o ooooooooo o o oo oooooooo o ooooooooooooooo o oooooocg h j I , j Our readers read the ads as thoroughly as they read the news! Because advertising helps ( them decide what buy to . .. how much to pay . . . and where to buy it. i Advertising makes buying . . . local business bet*«r! READ 10CAI Y0CR NEWSPAPER Let The Times Do Your Job Printing J. A. Lawsons from Ky., the W. c. Tom Morrows and Ro Morrows, from Apison n.; the G . N . Lawsons, Morrows, and Richard Lawabns, Lawsons, Adrian Adrian Lawsons, Lawsons, from Trenton; the G. Ginns and Pat Ginns, wiiriumriH Wildwood; • tvio the nari Carl du-. Ple- and Jerry Gordons, from the George C. Bi- from ------ Higdon, ° ’ Ala., ’ the ' J. Morrows, from Coltewah, and Mrs. Leonia Hig- y ; from Grove -