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ntered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail
IRS. CATHERINE C MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents
Plus State 3 % Sales Tax.
wire - Protection
After Times editorial which pointed .
a recent out
he possibility of a volunteer fire department for
’'renton, public interest was aroused and several
usinessmen are known to have given the matter se-
ious thought. Moreover, the editorial was noted by a
Ihattanooga fire extinguisher company which sent
epresematives to Trenton with an entirely new sug-
t :estion for the problem confronting the
r Although the suggestion is not that made by The
'imes, we feel that this company should he heard
t ince their aim is the same as ours, to provide some
{ md of fire protection for a town overloaded with fire
j nsurance. This firm, naturally, is interested in mak-
ng a sale. That should make no difference to the peo-
>le of Trenton. If they are ever to have fire protec-
ion. salesmen must be met.
1 ho method suggested by this firm would require
he use of their product, of course. But it would elim-
nate the need for fire hydrants, expe'nsive hose
ines and similar equipment used in fighting
ire with water. Neither would the equipment he inde-
tendent on an ample water supply, which would be
he source of Trenton's greatest problem under any
_vater system of fighting fire.
Representatives of this company have suggested
»? chemical extinguisher which could be bought for
■fbout $600. It would he mounted on a small truck or
arrier for quick delivery to fires. Although it would
eem ahsurb to use a fire extnguisher to fight a rag-
ng blaze, this particular model is large enought to
iroduce ample pressure and chemical supply. It might !
lo the trick.
Of course, Trenton does not have money»enought
o enter the fire fighting business and city officials
ire quick to say so. This is as it should be. The point
ve are trying to make, however, is that a reasonable
ire department can be secured, even if it takes time to
<o it. In the meantime, nothing should be overlooked.
I Representatives of the firm mentioned here
lave planned a gigantic demonstration of their equip-
nent. The demonstration has been set for Thursday,
September 24 at 2 p. m. It will be held on the Dade i
hgh School grounds. We urge every resident of
Trenton to-be present. Let the demonstrators show
1 vhat can be done with fire then let the people weivh
j/ie matter and consider fire protection a little more, i
By Mrs. Thelma Bell
Sgt. Carl Harris received his
discharge from the Air Force
'teptember 11 at Lackland Air
w i
‘ Se ’ Cohimbus, , . Ohio, and . he ,
md his wife have returned to
heir home here
' Pfc. Bobby Douglas, who has
>een stationed in Korea for
the past three years, has re-
turned to the states and spent
; everal days wi;h friends and
elatives here this week
Mr and Mrs W S Winfrey
pent the week end with rel-
'itives here.
Private C. M. Smith has
lompletcd basic training at
'amp Rocker, Ala., and after
pending a leave with his par-
-'nts, Mr. and Mrs C M
Smith, has reported to Fort
Sragg, N c
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J
Does It Really Make a Difference?
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
It DOES .... Indeed!
Y<] These children wear
Your children go to 4TW... clothes bought in Tren-
school in Dade County ton because it’s home
because it’s home. They m ■ V :i j ilk store ...clothes because from we our are
trust their teacher be-
known to be depend-
cause he is dependable able.
Knowing how to trade with friends and get the best for your
money makes all the difference in the world!
John L. Case & Company
Stiawn Sunday were: Mr.
Mrs. Stanley Winfrey 0 f
Mr. and Mrs. Herman'
u \ , frey and , Mrs Kelmer of
1U . Mland
. ‘‘.l’.' . Tnd‘" ’ re°
,ie ' an and “ ^ Mr' ana Mrs. m Haydn Haydn
and Howard.
Mr. and Mrs Grady Bell
to Watts Bar Dam near
City. Tenn., Saturday
Mrs Dan Massengale is re-
from a serious illness.
Barbara Gail Johnson, of
is a guest of her
Mrs Ben John-
There will be an all-day
at Hooker Methodist
Mi and Mrs. Bob White
Mr. and Mrs. Odie Hos-
visited relatives at Hunts-
Ala., recently.
Henry Gier, of Chattanooga,
conducting a .meeting at
Church of Christ. |
Sulphur Springs
Miss Avis and Lillian Me
Guffey spent Tuesday in Fort
Payne visiting ‘ their sister,
Mrs. Cora Hill and family
Mrs. Elizabeth Mullinax and
s: n Buddy, also Mr. and Mrs.
B rnard Driscale were Sunday
gue ts of the Mrs. McGuffey.
Mf H L Dobson of Fort
Paynei was here on a business
trip Monday.
The state Line Methodist
Church had their House Com-
ing Sunday the 13th - which
p]p came from Cha ttanooga
and Birmingham and the coun-
t:y all around.
There were services in the
* ni ng, also in the afternoon
At noon tabic ''' on thp g round
food frGm baskets brough t. by
the people which came. The
people are those who have at-
tended church in past, pre-
:“*• °'f ' u ‘ ure , The “ owd !
Among the people that came
were the Rev and Mrs. char- |
le -s Burdette, of Ringgold. He
was our former pasto: We
’ ‘ al! gIad t0 see the Bui "
dettes They were so kind and
gracious when they were here.
We always welcome them back
So come again, Burdettes.
Harold Du^an w r as h/onored
w *th a birthday dinner at his
home Sunday. Those present
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Du¬
gan, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Dugan, of Fort Oglethorpe, Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin Shambaugh
and children - of Rossville, and
;, and Mrs ^-J on es Doyle and
° Z
Fletche" .
ed the reunion Sun~
cher^n day at the home of Ben Flet-
Mr - and Mrs. Ronald Tripp,
of Gill > Tenn - s P ent last week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Curetons are
at their home these days.
The E. F. Moore’s Sunday
guests were J. L. Moore, of
Chickamauga, Mr. and Mrs.
Be f° n Patt ? r ,f° n and children
and Mr. and Mrs Alvin Reeves
and children,
Speaking of something new.
A neW International tractor
was de ii V ered at Mr. Moore’s
farm Saturday morning .
Mr. and Mrs. George Good,
0 f Chattanooga, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Good's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Sanders,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy,
als0 of Chattanooga, were vi-
siting Mrs. Murphy’s family
here - the Elm6r Burns.
The Ed S ar Moores’ Sunday
guests Were Cynthia and Jimmy
’ ° f Jasper> and MrS ’
Moore’s sister and her husband
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Phillips,
0 f Chattanooga.
Mrs. Alice Phillips, of Chat¬
tanooga, is spending a few days
this week with the Edgar
Moores while Mrs. Moore is
still confined to her home with
her infected foot.
James Holder brought us se
veral clusters of hazel nuts
found on the Tom Holder farm
in Cave Springs near John-
sons Crook. He tells us
are growing abundantly along
the creek bank
When he brought them in,
James told us he didn’t know
of any other hazel nuts grow¬
ing in the county but Mr. Al¬
lison Blevins tells us they are
also growing in clusters on
large bushes up in
Any more hazel nuts growing
in the county?
“embers o! f New xt Home u Com- n
raumty Club met Thursday at-
ternoon to break the ground
for the , new community cen-
ter, a which .... is to . ^ be the , next .
pioject. p The land, donated by
Mrs W B Haynes is cen¬
trally located. Trustees for the
coming year were elected at the
last meeting. They are: Mr.
William Goff, Mr. J M. Craw¬
ford and Rev. L. J. Hurst.
ThLs meeting, held
night, September 8, at the
of Mr and Mrs J
progress Crtiwfcrd; has revealed^that been made in much the
community improvement drive.
Mailboxes have been painted
and names are on all of them.
The road signs are up and the
photographers and scrapbook
committee are busy.
Mr Hugh Clark showed a
film strip on soil conservation
which was enjoyed by all.
The next meeting will be
Tnfesday night, September 22,
at the home of Charlie Ballard.
Mr. and Mrs Jack Willis
and daughter Linda, from
Hillsboro, Tenn., were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Castleberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Castle¬
berry and family, of Trenton,
visited the Ben Castleberry,
Mr. M. R. Wilson has en¬
tered a Chattanooga hospital
for a major operation.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ailison
spent Sunday in Birmingham.
Kakie Fricks and Ray Bobo
this week to enter the
University of Georgia.
Rev. Taylor Castleberry, pas¬
tor of the Baptist Church, has
moved into this community.
extend to him a hearty
Seaman Mickey Bobo vfas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moley
and daughter have moved to
Lakeview, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Payne
and children. Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Street and son and Perry
spent last week end in
South Carolina visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Lee Payne
and family.
Foresters from Dade, , La
Fayette, Rome, Atlanta, Gads¬
den, Attilla; Chattanooga and
South Carolina gathered Aug.
23 for a family gathering.
This annual reunion, an all
day event, was held at the Clo-
verdale Baptist Church. Rev.
Vaughn, from Ider, Ala.,
brought them the message at
the morning service. Good
singing and fellowship was the
order of the day.
Gordon Forester was reelect¬
ed Moderator and Mrs. Van
Wall, secretary.
The Garden Club of Trenton
held its annual outing Friday
nigh,* (August 2D at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Jules A. Case.
The picnic took the form of an
old fashioned ice cream supper
and was greatly enjoyed by
different age groups.
A slide furnished much fun
for the youngest members of
the group as well as entertain¬
ment for those watching them.
The teenagers played badmin¬
ton and ’’horseshoes" was a
popular game with the men.
Mrs. Case was assisted by
members of her entertainment
committee and various other
members who helped furnished
homemade ice cream, cake and
punch Forty-eight were pres¬
ent including members and
their families.
Locals and
Mr T s Ren froe returned
Sunday from a fishi ng trip in
Gu]f with other me mbers
of the Georgia Power Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
lor’s Sunday callers were Mr.
and Mrs Lelas Mitchell
Fyffe, Ala.
The I. H Wheeler, Jr., fa¬
mily moved this week to their
new home in the Mountain
view Addition. Mrs. Asa
Reeves moved" an d her son Charles
have into the old
Mrs John Harrison and her
sister, Mrs T F. Temple, both
from Birmingham, were visit¬
ing with friends in Dade Coun¬
ty this week.
Public Health Nurse Miss
annlelu McWhorter was in
Tues day y and Atlanta
business, .
Col. D. E. Morrison ,
ed a District Soil Consei vation
meeting . in Rome, Tuesday.
City Policeman H. H Ru |._
chinson got his eye glasses
broken Friday night but Tues-
day morning he had them
. back \ and . was . his . smiling ... self „
p M A Administrat0 r Mrs.
Wright and Mrs c]ara
Mae Brandon atte nded a P. M.
A meeting in Rome> Thurs .
After having been extermin¬
ated for a generation, new
trees from the roots of the old
chestnut trees have been grow¬
ing and Col. Morrison gather¬
ed quite a few chestnuts re¬
Glass Attendance
Prize To Remain
Same As Last Year
Dade County school officials
have decided against a class
prize to promote better aver¬
age daily attendance and will
continue to award individuals
for attending school without
loss of a day.
According to present plans,
each student who completes
the school year without missing
a day will be treated to a day¬
long picnic, just as in the past.
A new plan, considered by F.
H. Cagle, visiting teacher,
would offer a similar prize to
the class having the best aver¬
age daily attendance for the
year. This plan was abandon¬
ed because it would penalize
students in losing classes who
attend each day.
An Important
Reports of Progress
October %
Are Due 22 ...
The work period for the 1953 Champion Home
Town Contest ends October 1, and it’s time to tally
up the results. Your town has worked long and hard
to accomplish the objectives in this year’s contest and
now is the time to cash in on those months'of work.
Your town’s Report of Progress is your bid for
the Championship. Give it the attention it deserves.
Make it attractive! Make it tell the whole story about
your town’s accomplishments. And make certain it’s
in the mail before midnight, October 22!
Bites Kill Two
: n Af* Wlrtkf Unnf
liOgS __ AlICY A1 , nlglll HUIlt
On Lookout Mountain
Rattlesnake bites are . be- j
lieved responsible for the death
recently of two beagle hounds
belonging to Art E. Moore of
Route 3, Trenton.
Mr. Moore said the dogs
scrambled home yelping with
pain after a night hunt. He |
said ° ne d °S was foand be '
neath his home the following i
morning and the other died a
’ short distance away.
The chicken stew and wiener j
roast served at the Rising
Fa ™ Community co:nm: park was a
most successful affair. About|
S64 was cleared, which with
other funds „ raised . previously .
----------- made enough to order the ------ Ium-
ber in preparation to making
the new church pews. Mes-
dames Pyrom Lambert, Clara
Sue Riddle, Van Wall, Harold
Forester, , and . „ Pat , Banugh „ , were
._ in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ros-'
and children and M:\ and Mrs.
Idas Payne and boys spent
Saturday night with Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Ross and family.
Savings Accounts — To provide for the future'
Checking Accounts — To provide greater efficiency in
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Sofe Deposit Boxes — Offer your valuables protection
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Banking Services— In fact, all financial services
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able here!
Market at Seventh
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1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee L-nil.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
Why Not Dine With Tho
Rest Of Dade County
Where Food Is Good And
Service Excellent?
Complete $19.85. Requires no
batteries, cords or ear button.
Chiropractor and Naturopath
720 N. Gault Avenue
Ft. Payne, Ala.