The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 17, 1953, Image 3
CAVE SPRINGS PARTY LINE 15, James C. Holder y.. Noah Forester is still on lin , the si < .!'.d Mrs. Roscoe Grant and c.n' 4 'hter, of Chattanooga. I- week end guests o thei , ( Jr; Mrs. J. R. former'- mother, j : and Mr. Carson. Cm- Brewer, of Rome Mrs Henry xas visiting vlMU1 ‘ 5 Mr. • and “““l Ga . Wesley Forester and Mi j . lit . Noah Forester over j « arte-.d the singing in Dear- h°aci Cave, Sunday. M ,., Myrl Holder gave a bidhd av dinner in the honor f husband an dher father , ;:, d mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johns.' 1 fof Rising Fawn *. T’lose present were Mrs. Joe John , n Myrl, Mr. and Mrs. . Tom Holder and son, James. The table was decorated with ■ ty 0 f fine food which was en - joyed by those present. ' M ; Tom Holder has re- turned home from her vacation Florida and she reports a splendid trip. Mr and Mrs. Asa Reeves and daughter, of Chattanooga, were the week end visitors of M:. and Mrs. J. A Reeves. and Mrs. Pearly of Birmingham was visiting Mr J. r . Carson. M Annie and Kathaleen It's a pleasure to fix food for your family when your mixer is working in top condition. It saves .0 much time and effort that you will enjoy extra treats too. If your mixer is giving you trouble, let us fix it for you. Don't 1 do your y cooking , . & t-u the hard way because you neglect to • ed. - have your mixer repa Call us today! TATUM & CASE Radio Electric to. TRENTON. GEORGIA OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING 17 EAST MAIN STREET CHATTANOOGA, TENN RESIDENCE PHONE 6-0495 BUSINESS PHONE *•’ 9 M "that*s l toe J » *» ■» •for t J When it comes to outright pleasantness, you can’t beat ? he folks at the American Na¬ nai Bank. Friendly.. polite- . ■ ; ke... they make me feel that none of my money problems * l e ever too small of trouble- ■ °me for them to handle.” lmerican National Hank AND TRUST COMPANY CHATTANOOGA MAIN OFFICE ST. ELMO BRANCH and Market Sts. 3734 St. Elmo Avenue , Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Lynch, from Atlanta, were vi¬ siting Mrs. Canova Guinn and other friends recently. M Canova ~ Guinn, of Birm- ingham, was home for the week end. The W. M. U. of the Rising Fawn Baptist Chinch was at the heme of Mrs. J. A Reeves, Saturday,. Mrs Roy Wallin and chil _ dren vds jted her mo ther Mrs. w R West on Puddin Ridg3 recently. Mr . will Bradford is ill in a Chattanooga hospital, re p 01ded NEW ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs Frank Hallum and Mary Patterson and Mr. T. A. Hallum visited Mrs. John Handork and daughter-in- law at Tiltonia, Tenn., last Wednesday, and had dinner with them. Mrs. R. L. Wilson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lorence Loy, in Atlanta. Mrs. T. A. Hallum is visit¬ ing her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Weeks, at Blue Ridge. Mrs. Mary Patterson is vi¬ siting Mrs. Sidney Hallum at New England. Mr. Bill York and Joe "Kirby visited Mrs. Mary Patterson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bella Long and Della Hallum visited Mrs. R. L, Wilson duiing the week end. Mr. B'jfdy Walkter is visit¬ ing his son and daughter in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Levine and Mr. and Mrs. Deedie Walker visited their mother and daddy last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keni- mer visited Mrs. Buddy Walk¬ er, Sunday. Benita Bryant and Linda Raines spent the week end with Mrs. Charles Bryant ani Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derry- berry spent the weekend with his nephew Paul Dutton and wife, of Tunnel Hill, Georgia Nancy Crumley spent Sun¬ day with Louise Bates. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tucker and family, of LaFayette, visit - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D’. T. Brown recently. Mrs. Glen Stephens and Dale and Mrs. Ernest Stone visited Mrs. Elmer Rames and Connie Monday. and Mrs lvli *• Wallace vva Bryant : family spent Tuesday m , with ... Mrs Charles Bryant and Ed- die and Mrs. Steve Derrybe.iy. j ^ and Mr . s . Roy Gcarrin visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Gearrin, of Rising Fawn, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dutton, vi¬ sited Mr. and Mrs. Steve Der- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stevens visited Mr. and Mrs. Raines recently. THK DADE COUNTY TlS IKS, TRENTON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1953 WANT ADS PHOTO SERVICE Developing , . and , finishing, ..... 8 - Prompt, expert service. In Rising Fawn, leave films at (. W. Hitt's Grocery; In New Salem, Bradford’s Grocery; In New England, T. P. Jef¬ feries Grocery; In Trenton, Rena Taylor’s. — Trenton Photo Service. _1 P 9 - 24 . F()!t YOUR INSURANCE on Automobile Liability. Fire and Theft, on Property Fire and Windstorm, See Mrs. Herman V. Moore, New Salem 6 t p — 9 - 24 * S AI. I. OR TRADE 4 room horse and large lot in Dry Valley just 5 miles from Peerlci s Woolen Mills. House has city water, telephone and on paved road and school bus route. Will sell or trade for place in Dade Coun- J. B. Allen Jr., viJlc, Ga., Phone 83-3239 R. •5 i c _ O IT FOR SALE —Reconditioned Che, vrolet motor, Model 38-41, ready to install complete. Also radiator for same. $35. See at home of E. E. Walraven, Sul¬ phur Springs. RESEEDING Crimson Clover 20c per pound; Ky No. 31 Fescue 20c per pound. All re cleaned and from certified seed sown 4 'years ago. — F. N. Belk, Route 1, Trenton, Georgia. 6 t c — 10 - 15 WE TAKE ORDERS and per- sonally bake Home Baked Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Dough- nu's and special orders for banquets, parties and the Lkc. Phone your order to Mrs. J. C. Billue, Trenton 4403 or Mrs. Hugh Clark, Trenton 87 -J. 3 t p 10 - 1 FOR SALE Used washing machines. $10 and up. — Trenton Furniture and Ap¬ pliance Co., Trenton, Ga. Top Value Special 1950 FORD 2 DOOR SEDAN EXTRA CLEAN GOOD TIRES' door, Meadowhrook --$1495.00 $995 .oo 1951 DODGE, 4 __ __ __ blue -- $ 1595 00 1951 DODGE 4 door Sedan, radio, heater, light — $ 599.00 ' 1941 DODGE, Club Coupe, rado, heater — -------- 1949 RLYidOUTH, Suburban, Radio, Heater New Paint ------------ — $ 995.00 NEW CARS i g PLY.YOUTH, 4 door Sedan „ __ — — ---- $ 995.00 1953 PLYMOUTH, 4 door Cranhrook .$2067.00 ,. f PLYi -OUTH, 4 door, special DeLuxe, new tires, 1953 DODGE 4 door Coronet, fully equipped ____ -$2909.01 hlrek finish ----- - 0J5.UU __ __ — ----- 1949 FORD Club Coupe, radio, heater, —* 795.00 NEW TRUCKS white side- walled tires __ --- -- New DODGE y Ton .$1753.61 1949 FORD, 4 door Sedan. New paint, good tires, A .. „ . upholstery ----$ 795.00 NE WDODGE. '/ 2 ton express .$1614.01 new --------- -- ------ -- 1947 FORD, 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater USED TRUCKS New Paint, Runs Good ---------------- --$ 725.00 1946 FORD 2 Door ------------ -- $ 1952 4 Ton DODGE, Fluid Drive __ ____ __ ____ $1050.01 - - , 1952 DODGE, ]/ Express $1050.01 1946 FORD, 2 door, new paint, good tires, radio, heater ua.oo 2 ton __—___________ 1940 FORD, 2 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Good Tires--$ 195.00 1951 DODGE, 3/4 ton Express __ __ __ _____ — — $1095.01 1951 CHEVROLET, 4 door Sedan, radio, 1950 DODGE y 2 ton pick-up. Fluid Drive ---------- $ 945.01 heater extra clean -- -- -- --$1295.00 1949 G. M. C., 2 ton, 2 speed __ __ — — -------- $ 795.01 ---- -- -- , power-glide $1095.00 CHEVROLET, 2-ton, 2 speed $ 950.0 1950 CHEVROLET, 2 door, fleet-lined, 1949 ______________ 1 1947 CHEVROLET, 4 door, heater, Fleetwood ------- $ 795.00 1948 MACK D/ 2 ton. Good tires, 1000 x 20 - 12 ply ____ $1095.0( EASY TERMS! Dyer Motor Co. See our wide selec¬ You can always tion of fine used TO depend on the De¬ ; •cars. just the 'You’ll model find to TO UP 24 Months PAY pendable sold by your Used Dodge- Cars 1 and Plymouth Dealer. suit your purse TRENTON, GEORGIA purpose. COME IN TODAY! WANTED AT ONCE. —Man for Rawleigh Business. Real op¬ portunity for worker. Expe¬ rience preferred but not ne¬ cessary. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. GA1-10-234, Memphis. Tennessee. I WANTED TO BUY good, gentle horse at reasonable price. Prefer young one. W. G. Mor¬ rison, Jr., Morganville, Ga. 3 t c — 10 - I FOR SALE — Reeleaned Ky 31 fescue seed .—Allison Blevins, New England. 3 t p — 10-1 FOR SALE—Coal and wood Ranged. Used but very clean. $10 and up. — Trenton Fur¬ niture and Appliance Co., Trenton, Ga. FOR SALE — Good used Refri¬ gerators, any make or size. Your price. Buy one. — Tren¬ ton Furniture and Appliance Co., Trenton, Ga. pQ R SALE Two used Electric Ranges> very clean , for as uttl $5.1)0 down. — Tren- i ton Furniture and Appliance Co., Trenton, Ga. F0R g ALE __ New wood coal and oil Heaters. 1 to 6 room sizes. See us before you buy. —Trenton Furniture and Appliance Co., Trenton, Ga. ATTENTION, COTTON FARMERS Yes, we are operating aur Cotton Gin this year, ginning gypry day now. We are paying the highest price for cotton and seed that the market will afford. If you want to pool your cot¬ ton with Uncle Sam we will j take care of that for vou ’ to °’ I Wil1 have C - S ' Meal very scon exchange for seed. | The false re P orts that have been circulating on us, don't pay any attention to them, just come and see what we are do- mg far yourself McBRYAR BROTHERS Trenton, Ga. WILDWOOD Hi Folks Boy, have we ever got the fish tale to tell. Fannie and Robert Lea went fishing over at Hale's Bar Monday and Fannie caught a bass that weighed 9 V 2 lbs. I don’t know who was the proudest of it, Fannie or Cal- sie. We had a humdinger of a j supper at the Community House Saturday night. Steak, no less, and all the trimmings, la sure was good, too. Lolly Cross is home for good and we are glad for his Mom and Pop. Jerry Neely is on his way home from Europe, too. He has been gone a long, long time. About two years, I think. Labor Day weekend wasj about time for some of these! folks up here. The Dantzlers | went to Augusta to see Mau- and Ray. They stopped on the way to visit J. R. and fa¬ mily . The Dub Harrisons went to Mobile and Akron, Ala., visit- ings. The Aid meets at my house this week. And I’ll have you know it’s mine and Leta Mae’s birthday party. You see, we have birthdays in the Aid, and everybody gets a party some¬ time during the year. I thought mine would never come. The Best Sn Southern Football Coverage ;• / Lively Articles • • Exciting Photographs } • Skillful Analysis t \\ If you are a football fan you'll become a Journal-Constitution fan the very first time you see the big Sunday sports section. Journal Sports Editor Ed Danforth and Constitution Sports Editor, Furman Bisher head experienced staffs of writer-experts trained to give you the complete picture of Saturday's big games, the color and sideline high j inks, personalities of coaches and players. Expert photographers operate the best in cameras and equipment to bring you live-action pictures of all major Southeastern games. The season will be more complete when you read The Atlanta Journal-Constitution every Sunday. ©he Atlanta Journal SUNDAY '('.mers Dixie Like (he Deie CIRCULATION * AND MORE THAN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION 474,555 “The South's Standard jSetvspaper' OWNSBY-JONES REUNION Over seventy members the Ownsby and Jones families met at Lake Winnepesaukah Mem-! j for a family gathering. bers of the Melvin Ownsby fa mily from Detroit, Michigan, the Verlin and Ambus Ownsby families from Birmingham, A1 and the Elma ownsby family from LaFayette, Ga., were re- presented. The C. M. Jones from Wildwood and the Ralph Jones family 1 from Hooker, Frank Jones family from Ross- ville and Charlton Jones family from Sand Mountain made up the Jones' representatives. The families spent the day visiting and recalling family events. Dinner was served on the grounds. Such a nice day was had by all that it was de- cided to hold another reunion the first Sunday in Septembef next year. I heard today that "Bunk” May was sick with pneumonia at Campbell Clinic. I declare your neighbors could be nearly dead and you’d never know it Well, have you all been won¬ dering how I happened to get a letter in? Well, you see it was this way. The puncher who punched the puncher punched me. Clear as mud isn’t it? Be seein’ you Mary. Fire-Fighting Show m | Q D q 0 ll II 6 IJ lfl At 111 H Ddu J 6 . . J^llOOl 1 HlirSday A city-wide demonstration of chemical fire-fighting equip¬ ment will be staged in Trenton next Thursday. Representatives of the Chat¬ tanooga Fire Protection Serv- ime will hold the demonstra¬ tion on the Dade County High School grounds at 2 p. m. Every resident of Trenton has been invited. The demonstration is being held to point out possibilities of a chemical fire control unit for Trenton. It will be given by John E. Smith and Dave Mit¬ chell, representatives of the company.