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. county & Only New^papei.
Lracting tne 4-H Rally Day paraue were Ray Bobo, driver; Kathi'yn Fricks, Joyce Ven¬
able, State 4-H President; her sister Patricia, and Faye Wheeler.
(Photo Courtesy of Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
True Bills Found As Grand Enters Third
r r.ranH Grand .Tnrv Jury indicted indicted
both Grant and Granville Da¬
niel for murder after a long
hearing of the testimony. They
have been indicted for the
ueath of DeForrest Powell on
September 12 after a fight near
the creek by their homes. It is
possible to have the trial this
te:m of Court but the Daniels’
lawyers were not available for
Among other true bills
in Monday and Tuesday were:
ive who were indicted for pos-
essing liquor and there were
twelve highway traffic cases!
foi speeding, driving drunk, j
reckless driving and driving
wit wnnout Tom a a license license. I I
Harry Treadway, possessing
' :
liquor. . iiquorj
Tro, J Crisp, ’ * possessing
___ _
Ga. Farm Bureau To
Conduct Opinion Poll
The Resolution Committee of
the Dade County Chapter of
the Georgia Farm Bureau will
be called together this week to
complete plans to conduct Geor¬
gia Farm Bureau’s Farm Po¬
licy Opinion Poll.
This poll is being conducted ;
to let the Georgia Farm Bureau i
and U. S. Secretary of Agrj-
culture Benson know what the
Dade County farmers are think ,
tng. Questions will be asked!
the farmer on Farm Income ■
Stability and Improvement,!
Productjon and Marketing Ad- 1
jnstments, Conservation, Agri¬
cultural Credit, Foreign Trade
and research and Education.
A Farm Bureau member will
conduct the poll in each com¬
munity. Before starting he will
have attended a training meet-
ting in Trenton. Every farmer
will be given an opportunity to
express his opinion whether he
is a Farm Bureau member or
A copy of the opinion poll in
Dade County will be sent to
the State Farm Bureau office
n ° later than October 12.
T-ie.-e will be summarized for
l; A at the Annual State Con¬
ation cn October 19.
On National
A11 0Ver the United States
people are being contact-
nd asked questions. Ques-
about how they feel on
important farm programs and
F - er since . the beginning of
-arm Bureau, they have
car ned on these farm opinion
p -- : but now t La S Secretary
« Agriculture
all farmers , what they
tiis th?flrsr P art
-s the present farm pro-
------ .
a' ■;—■> ami perhaps recommend
a _ - Program. Farm people
bef-4. "con^re-^ m ^^t ^ex '
A fanttijf iitncs
Devoted to the Best Interests o? Dade County and Georgia.
Tobv Toby Powell, Powell, larceny. larceny. ;
Ralph McMahan, larceny. I
Alfies O. Brown, reckless ,
C. S. Lowery, Jr., U. I.
Ruell Brock, assault and
John Harold Ostman, aband¬
Grant Daniel, murder.
Granville Daniel, murder.
Billy Walter Castleberry,
R- 3 y Gass, driving drunk.
John West pcwell > driving
Glenn tag.^-------- N. Stephens, speeding. ----—
Franklin M. Morgan, spee
Abe Posey, public indecent
Floyd Dan i e l, reckless driv-
Charles Brent Baty, rtrivihg
hhout licerise
Kathleen Carroll, selling beer
Eiieben Arnold Carroll, selling
Marlon C0chran possessln6
Jackie Wilson and Judy Kenimer, outstanding Rising Fawn 4-H Club members, are shown
they select canned fruit and vegetables for the 4-H Exhibit this Friday and Saturday at
the Skating Rink. Journal-Constitution) I
(Photo Courtesy of Atlanta
press ^ their thinking . . . „ on future
™ pr ° g ^® nolieies It
^ e 0 thnt th* statistics
„ and from
to b e held over
the if entire nation farmers to get
g o( to the
memoers , ° - r
n e ° r Q]1 j being
conducted °, D >' thp Georgia * Farm
^B?rS,» nf L carter .^n^orm Pittman,
which ... gives you fhrpp three choices choices
and “1 ^XidedTittixHSpi^’ “
® ir ' Income
Stability a: 00 Tmnrovement
and there ar £ J motions
^hould be^ there
Government price
Alvin Alvin Elrod, Elrod, driving driving U. U. I. I.
Geoige Shipp, possessing li-
Rex Powell, public drunken-
Jess Hester, possessing li-
Alfred Lee Connor, speeding.
Henry Franklin Dickerson,
obscene language
There were 15 who pled guil-
ty before Judge Freeman C.
on Monday. Ten of
were liquor cases and the
rest highway traffic cases. |
CuU Clarence
w Harris Harris and and NopI Noel Edward Lciw ara
Cloud — Reckless driving, fin-.
ed $45.50 each, including costs.
Mary Ward, possessing non
tax paid liquor, fined $53.00.
Joe Hun t. possessing non tax
paid liquor, fined 553.00.
Robert Palmer, possessing li-
quor, fined $53.00.
Clyde McBryar, public
enness, fined $53.00.
support snnnort program^ nroffram' 5 And And it if your vour
answer is “yes” only at a level
which will prevent disaster or
at 907' of party on basic com-
modifies or at 75 to 90% of
on basic commodities. (2)
! Do you favor a two-price ays-
tern (One price for the portion
; of the crop used in U. S. and
another price for that portion
Sold abroad#) (3) D o you favor
government crop insurance?
| under There Production are three and Market-
[suwlits^rrHn Surplus, (1) when
production control be required
for price supports? (2) Should
this nation carry a reserve
supply of storable farm com-
‘modities to protect the public
Judge Stresses School Attendance Am
Use Of Juvenile Court In
Judge Freeman C. McClure
in his charge to the Grand
Jury, stressed compliance with
the School Attendace Law. He
said that the Court was going
to back up the VLiting Teacher
in keeping children in school,
that he would be sorry to have| 1
L ° do but he might even i
have to send the children to i
the Training School if it took'
this measure tq keep them
school. He might also, he con-
tinued, have to fine the par-
as the law allowed, if co-
operation could not" be had
from the parents.
Sherman Sherman Crisp, Crisp, public public drunk- drunk
enness, fined $53.00.
John Bishop, public drunk¬
enness, fined $53.00.
Orell W. Farris, public drunk-
enness, fined $53.00.
Paul Thomas Kessler, public
drunkenness, fined $53.00.
George Bodine, possessing li¬
quor. ,
John Whitt, Peace Warrant
continued in force.
John B. Harrison Peace War -
rant continued in force.
Willie A Clark, improper tag,
^mie^Ray Holbrook, posses¬
sing liquor, fined $53.00.
Dennis Mahoney, possessing
liquor, fined $53.00.
Tho Piney ' Grove Baptist
Church will hold its Annual
Singing next Sunday, Septem-
ber 27. Dinner on the grounds
noon. A special invitation is
extended to all special singers.
against g emergencies? ego (3)
Should the government through
loans and guaranteed use, help
private industry provide srfor-
age space for surplus and re-
serve supplies of farm commo-
For your opinion on Conser-
vation you are asked, (1< Do
you favor Agricultural Conser-
vation Program payments? (2)
Should farm programs favor
the development
family-type farms?
Under Agricultural Credit
the questions are, (1) Do pres-
ent credit sources meet your
needs? (2) Is there a need for-
long-term farm adjustment
loans? (3) Do you favor gov-
ernment loans to potential
If non-attendance at school
C£uses were brought before the
j Grand Jury, they were to in-
diet if they saw just cause,
However, Judge McClure said,
these cases which pertained to
the children would be trans-
' p red from the Superior Court
and hear in the Juvenile Court,
Two years ago, the legisla-
ture passed an order for Ju-
veniie Courts to be established.
In counties with a population
50,000, it was recom-
ed that the Judge of Superior
Court be required to sit unless
it was felt, and so passed by
the Grand Jury, that there was
enough business to create a se-
The above group are pictured at the Legion Hall during the recent 4-H Rally; (left t<
right) Sid Chandler, district agent; Dade County Agent L. C. Adams, Kathryn Fricks am
Joyce Venable, State 4-H President. Ray Bobo ii> standing below and in front of the stand.
(Photo Courtesy of Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Parade, Ball Game, Poultry Show
And Exhibits Featured 25—2t
Friday and Saturday, Sep¬ |
tember 25 and 26, has been
set by the Fair Committee as
the date for an exhibition of I 1
community, commercial and
individual displays. The event ! |
will be held at the old skating i
rink in much the same man¬
ner as last year’s fair, with
the exception of the livestock
show, and the awarding of
cash prizes.
Judging will take place
around noon, so exhibits must
be arranged before twelve
o’clock. A football game be¬
tween Dade High and the
Georgia School for the Deaf,
will be a feature of the after¬
noon on the Dave L. Brown
field in Trenton, and the coun¬
ty’s 4-H Council will sponsor
the annual Poultry Chain Show
and Sale.
Two communities have an¬
nounced plans to sponsor an
exhibit. The New Home Com¬
munity Club and the Trenton
Hobby Club are expected to ar¬
range an exhibit for judging.
It is hoped that there will be
other entries, also. The best of
the community exhibits will be
taken to the Coosa Valley later
this fall to compete for a $300
cash prize.
farm couples who cannot
this credit from other sources?
Foreign Trade has three
questions for the farmer with
several subheads. (1) Do
favor more trade with foreign
countries even though more ;
sales of our cotton, tobacco ;
and other products abroad may
mean we will have to buy more
of their farm and industrial
products? (2, Do you believe |
that tarmers will benefit more
!by: A high tariff policy or j
agreement to gradually reduce
trade restrictions between policy? na-j
tions or a low tariff
(3) Should we continue to aid
friendly nations by supplying
them with our farm surplus?
if answer is yes, by gifts, by
Published Weekly—Since 1901
parate court. The Judge of Su -1
perior Court sits without com-
pensation, holds private hear-
ings and there is no jury,
Judge McClure said he was
very glad to do this in the
counties in his circuit for all ■
boys and girls under 17 years
of age for all offenses except
Continuing his charge, Judge
McClure said that many cri-
minal cases would be brought
before the Grand Jury. He had
had many complaints about the
disturbances around the Court
House. He was giving no di-
rections, he said, but this was
to be considered along with
The Fair Committee has
individuals to bring ar-
for display, such as hand
clothing, crafts,
goods, . and , other miscellaneous . „
Schools in the county
are — readying ----«» exhibits, and it is
that all will be repres-
Dade - Daisy To Battle For Championship
Dade and Daisy are tied for
place in the second half
the Volunteer Baseball
They will meet this
at 7:30 P. M. at
Field for the play off.
ccach has asked that all
County players be at the
by 6 P M
The winner of this game will
into the City Series and
meet with Hixon at Darwin
Field on Sunday afternoon at
3:00 P. M
Dade Takes Whitwell l'J-2
Junior Williams led Dade at
bat with four for five hits.
obtained 19 hits against
Doug Carter on the mound
and Jakie Smith catching for
Davis Walloped Harrison
Bay 12 to 1
Sherman Avans pitched a
their kind of money,
loans, loans, by----- by trade? i
Two questions under Re- j
and Education are: (1)
favor of strengthen-
research as one means of
handing surplus and increasing
farm income? (2) Are you in
of strengthening our edu-
programs as one
means of handling surplus and
increasing farm income?
On septt 24 in Valdosta, Ga..
thre was an open hearing be-,
fore a ‘Congressional Commit-
tee_ of a delegation ^of farmers
and the plans called for repre-
sentatives of all commodity
groups including farmers, pro-
cessors, bankers, and commis-
sioners of agriculture from
other matters, He spoke
charged with drivir
drunk, saying this w;
dangerous and they we
not to be given too much cot
He reminded the Jury th:
was the term of Court
the pay for jurors, the Ju:
Commissioners and the Cler
this Grand Jury would r<
six persons for tl
of Registrars from who:
Cou:t would appint thre
would begin a four ye;
the first of January, 195
E. M. Parker was electe
N. C. Ellis, clerk an
A Jenkins, bailiff.
ented in the parade, which wi
open the two-day exhibit o
Prid at ten a m gpectato;
will watch . , the parading an
competition from th
sidewalks around the court
house square.
neat six hitter to beat Harri
son Bay 12 to 1. Robert Free
man led Davis at bat with fon
for four trips to the plate.
4-H’ers To Hold
Poultry Show Sat.
The 4-H Club Poultry Chai
Chow will be held in Trento
Saturday, September 26 durin
the fair, with 4-H’ers to brin
twelve pullets each for eac
100 chickens received throug.
the Chain. 114 pullets will t
sold ,imm B iately following tl
judging, which will begin i
ten a. m.
Coops will be furnished fc
the exhibit and youngster
bringing chicks are requester
to come a little early. Tb
show will be held at the ol
skating rink.
Florida, Alabama an
South ------- Carolina. -----------
The Farm Bureau is plannir
meetings to obtain mated;
and instructions for stagin
individual community a n
county .....- policy meetings. All lc
cal meetings are to be coir
pleted by October 15 with tl
county results filed with tl
state Farm Bureau offjee.
The material for these pol
and hearings has been pre
pared by the Georgia Fan
Bureau, asssted in research 1
the Georgia Agriculture Extei
sion services.
Local Farm Bureaus are cor
ducting this policy opinion pc
in over 3,000 counties jn tl
Unted States.