Newspaper Page Text
iUecte County s Only hiewspaper
-- “
volume liii
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NEW TRI-COUNTY HOSPITAL. — This is an aerial view cf the new 110 bed, $1,600,000
' . .. .
TSrt-County Hcrpital at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., which was dedicated Sunday afteHno-m.
, . (Photo by J. B. Collins, Courtesy of Chattanooga News-Free Pre s.)
^ .
•f'Dciiic-tfen Services, held
S.nday, for the opening of the
new Tri-County Hospital were j
attended by about 3,500 people,
A speakers stand had been
erfected in the center of the !
parking space in front of
hospital and both hospital and j
stand we:e festively decorted
with bunting which blew in the!
Bands from Rossville
Lakevicw High Schools played
until the ceremonies began. The
playing of the Star Spangled
Banner opened the exercises,
Rev. James M. Moors , Jr.. Pas-
tor of the Elizabeth Lee Meth-
odist Church in Chickamauga
gave - the Invocation.
Frank M. Gleason, Chairman
of the Board cf Trustees gave
the Welcoming Address, and
Houston Jewell, vice chairman
introduced those on the plat-
form. The nine members of the
Board, the t*e .Hospital Commissioners Administra-j of
tor and
Walker, Dade and Catoosa Coun-
ties were on the front row. Be-
hind them sat the doctors who j
had worked with the Board,
from te beginning of the bui d- ■
ing of the hospital, representa -1
tives to the State Legislature
from the three counties, repre¬
sentative from the State offices
who had played some part in
the work of planning and
building of the new' hospital,
and others who had had a part.
Lanham Gives Dedication
Cengressman Henderson
ham, introduced by Mr.
son, gave a splendid
Address. He spoke briefly about
having to pinch hit at the
last moment for Governor
Talmadge who was unable to
come. He told how sometimes
it is necessary to have publicly 1
owned institutions and told of
the-experience -with our I
-irr r=.=, PS S2SSZT“
Ue v °ted to th e Best Interests o> Dade County and Georgia.
schools. These had started he
as private schools but
this was net successful and
had to be taken over by
the state. This is Socialism, he
continued, but it is good social¬
and not to be feared and
certainly far, far different
Mr. Lanham tied in this
need of the states running our
and the need of the
Federal and State gove:n-
ments, to assi-t the counties
and the people in the counties
to finance the buildine of ade-
quate hospital facilities. He
spoke cf the contributions of
the 5 'counties and of the people
in %>e three counties who had
faith that we now could dedi -
c ate this hospital. He closed
w itli these words, "I hereby de-
dicate this fine new - hospital to
the health and welfare of the
people of this area.’’
^ ^
Mr GJeason saW that now
the ^ would be d and
hg h ever yone would stay
fo through and , ee for
themsdve3 this new T ri-Coun-
aJ serying the peoples
Wa]ker Dadc and Cat , osa
After the Benediction by
Rev. Gordon Sterchi, Pastor of
the Simpson Memorial Meth¬
odist Church in Rossville, most
of the people did stay to inspect
the hospital and what they saw
amazed them. There is so
much color everywhere, low-
pastelson the rooms for
w i 10 are sick, green oper-
and delivery rooms to
aV e glare to the eyes of the
and bright dark colors
for the doctors and nurses
lounging and dining rooms.
wall of the patients
in patterened wall caper in-
cf draperies came in for
delighted comment.
The people saw wonderful
vw intricate X-ray machines
operating room equipment and
nany things most of us didn
understand or know the use of.
They saw a compact well ar
ranged kitchen with modern
machinery to make the serving
of meals faster and the making
of them easier. They may have
even the autopsy room and the
emergency auxiliary electric
unit which automatically goes
on if the electric power gees
There were no guided tours
but members of the ho pital
staff were everywhere to an¬
swer questions and you ccuM
move on or loiter to see some¬
thing which interested you.
Hospital Staff
The hospital is staffed by all
the doctors in the tri-county
area plus some 100 physicians
and surgeons from the Chatta¬
nooga Hamilton County Medi¬
cal Society. Dr. Charles Ste¬
phenson, who is a Board mem¬
ber, has the honor of being the
first Chief of Staff. Oscar Hil¬
liard is the Administrator for
the hospital and Cardin Askin
is his assistant.
Mrs. Margaret Messick is Di¬
rector of Nurses; Mrs. Louise
Ledyard, Chief Dietician; Mrs.
Frances Short_ operating room
supervisor. Dr. John Adams is
pathologist and Dr. Paul Die¬
trich, radiologist.
Mrs. Willene Wyse per-
onel manager; John Fletcher,
accountant an d Mrs. Vida H.
Guy Chief of Medical Record
Librarian. Haney Elrod is Chief
This hospital, for the use of
( the three counties, wa
in business on ay rcm rn ^
with three major operations o
^rt it off.
In Dade
Looks like a rampage of bur-
glaries have hit Dade County.
La t Friday night the Davis
School on Sand Mountain was
entered and a typewrite:, ad-
ding machine and some beef
vva. taken. Two doors were left
°P en - 1
Monday night or Tuesday
morning the Morganvi H e
School was broken into an^
typewriter, adding machine, I
and At some the cokes Rising were Fawn taken. j |
the door was broken and some-j
one took an electr ic typewriter.!
We don’t knew how
a person would have to be to
do jobs like these, but as
hard as the people of
have to work to equip these
schools_ it would seem if the
rascals should be caught and
hanged by the heels to the top
of the Flag Pole cn the Court
House Square, as an example to
others ----puuwu- like them, the punish-,
nrn* w,.H serve them, right.
DELIVERY ROOM. — One of the air-conditioned delivery roomu with all mode n facil¬
ities, including the “Air-L«k” resusciiater f or new-born s at the new Tri-County Hospital.
(Photo by J. B. Collins, Courtesy of Chattanooga News-Free Pre s.)
— _____________________ __ ___ ___ • __ • -————_
_ __ ___ _________ __________
Shown New Home Improvements
The New Home Community,
with apparent calm and effi-
ciency, met the Chattanooga
Area Improvement C ontest
judges when they visited this
community Wednesday after¬
noon .
The judges one lady and two
men, met in the County
Agent’s office before going to
the mountain Mis Douglas
Morrison Chairman of the
Farm Bureau sponsoring com-
mittee gave a brief outline of
the Farm Bureaus part in the
contest and told a little of the
history of New Home
judges, County Agents L. C.
Adams and C. L. Bigham, Su-
penntendent .... of , Schools Roy 0
W. Moore ,, State „ Extension . . „
Farm Agent . Sid Chandler, ’ Mu-
zen Peters „ r from the ,, Chatta- .,
nooga & Times and Mrs. Morn-
son then drove to the „ New
__ Home Baptist Church . where .
"he , New „ „ Home Improvement T .
Committee „ ... met . them.
A program at. the Church,
v/iiich was decorated with f wo
large baskets of flowers, open-
ed with a hymn and a prayer.
Mr. J. N. Cnv.foid, welcomed
:,he judges to their community.
Mrs. Virginia Ferguson spoke
of their community ^rganiz,.-
ion (which was excellent),
Mrs. Su'an Morgan spoke on
Church and Youth Activities,
C. L. Ivey on Farm Improve-
ments and Mrs. Joe Nelly
Home Demonstration work, the
Family Food Supply and Im-
provements in the Homes,
Farms and Community.
Improvements made at the
church were shown Th * au-
ditorium had been enlarged,
four new Sunday School rooms
. dded, new light fixtures and
wiring, 22 new chairs, 2 tables
and a bench for the smaller
tables outside built to
lunches, a new flue, new
front steps, a well drilled, a
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Tuesday afterneon, Sheriff
Ilex Richey and Detective H. J.
Laub arrested Clyde Crane, H.
J Crane and Paul Crane, alias
Leonard Beck.
'1 he Crane brothers were j
Working on a 1951 Ford car !
side the road near Chickamau-
Lake when the officers stop-
ped and asked them a few
questions. The Crane brothers
seemed very nervous and the
sheriff said that he and the
detective made a search of the
our and a Chevorlet that
was parked by the Ford. The
Ford had been wired around
switch. The officers found
$1,000 worth of mechanic I
tools in the cars, along with
some butter and cheese that
bad been distributed to a
school by the government with
a government stamp not for
rafale. L' uio. 4 A a. typewriter wi nci tuva cover was W
in the loot, but no type-
bell secured and an acre of
ground donated for a cemetery,
New Home and New Camp
With organized dispatch all
settled in waiting cars and
the tour began. First around
jjew H 0me circle, then New
Camp circle to a stop at the
c L Iveys Here the judges
were ^own into a basement
w here they saw the home
f reezer filled with a variety of
f ru jts, vegetables and meats,
par ^ 3 QQ j ars D j- canned
f codS| f er ns, flowers and vege-
tables being grown and some
0 f Mrs. Ivey’s handiwork.
The next . stop . was at , the
spot * , where , the Community J
House T is to be built. The land
donated , , , . by the ., W. „ B.
Haynes TT and , is . not , , far from
their new store. It will be built
on the ... top of „ a knoll , ,, and . . have
a beautiful , ... , view. . The third .. . .
stop was at . the .. Haynes „ oc
, new
store , where , Coca-Colas , were
served These were doubly wel-
CO me as the dust on the road
wag SQ ff 1 i c j c there were times
W hen the road right in front
following cars was lost to
v j ew _ 0ne 0 f judges said he
Mrs E A stallings,
W ho was driving him, must be
driving by radar.
Lediman Circle
Back to the autos for the
stop at the Kirk Ellisons,
A Chicken house with running
water with an automatic switch
and improvements to the home
were shown. A stop at the
Harvey Rochesters showed a
new' home with a pretty mo-
dern kitchen and living room
at the front and three good
sized' bed rooms and a tiled
bath at the back. The judges,
returning from the Smoke
House, said it was the first
place, in all the communities
they had visited, where they
o - aiding machines,
On further investigations th
she - .iff found that the Ford car
had been stolen Tuesday from
Benton Godsey, an elect:icion
at the Volunteer Ordimnce
The tools were identified by
L. Minnis of Wauhatchie.
Minnis’ garage was broken in
Sunday night.
Sheriff Graham, deputy
Smith, J. P. Alvin Whited
along with the principals cf
three Dade County schools
went to see if they could iden¬
tify or find out anything about
the typwriters or adding ma¬
chines that were taken from
the schools recently,
Sheriff Graham left a mur-
der warrant for Paul Crane in
connection with the beating
and torture of June Nesbitt
The Crane brothers are un-
der $ 5,000 bond each, with an
UI order Ut?I to 10 held IlulQ IOr for investigation
by Sheriff Richey.
saw hams from this year’s hog
Last Stop
Trough the dust the group
continued to the Wheeler
Smiths which was the last stop
and where welcome refresh¬
ments were served. The quilts
hanging on the line outside
brought color and cheerfulness
to the dusty outside. The
Smiths concrete block chicken
house with automatic water¬
ing system was inspected.
Inside the house, the ladies
had made a display of articles
and canned foods which they
had made, some in connection
with their wo:k in their Home
Demonstration Club, which is
still active, A cluster of mag¬
nificent cocks comb an d a
table arrangement of flowers
added to the beauty of the ex¬
Before the judge" If t ne f
them told how in cr s*/
were in w - lrrt thi
had done becaue they had
started by having to cl ar t 1
land and to work hard bef.r
they could start to impro - e
their community. He said what
a fine job they had done and
congratulated them.
The Dade County Licqs Club
will pre ent “Southern Cap°rs".
a minstrel show, at the Deds
High School Auditorium, No¬
vember 19 an d 20 at 8 P M.
Approximately fifty local peo¬
ple will appear in the cast.
An Interlocutor, End men
and a “Male Girl Chorus’’ will
jbe featured. Nineteen talented
i young mat ons will appear in
a chorus and dances.
This premises to be an even-
ling full of surprises and fun.
; Proceeds for the Lions “Sight
'Conservation Program.”