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^7 County s O nly Newspaper.
Dade "Hottest" In North
For a week now, Dade Coun- i
ha- been the “hottest” coun-
northern Georgia accord-:
n ,"'. () the Georgia Forestry ;
c '-’nmission. A big blaze cover-:
. stimated 1500 acres on
j : Mountain near Head
River and in Walker County
plus three fires in Cloudland
Canyon State Park, a fast mov-
ing fire in Pudding Ridge and creeping in from Tennes¬
see and Alabama on Sand Mt.
has caused Dade County to be
put on the critical fore. fire
0 vernor Herman Talmadge
has ordered a H woods in north
G on’ia closed to hunters as
the already highly critical for-
situation has worsened.
The combination of tinder-dry
f ii ts and ground cover, high
winds and inaccessible mcun-
tain terrain is making the fire
Governor Reports To Legislators
Tie Georgia State Legisla¬
ture convened this past Mon¬
day with a flood of local bills
going into the hoper. This
session is a 25 day hold-over
an will be devoted largely to
the introduction of new legis¬
lation .
Governor Herman Talmadge
speaking before this adjourn¬
ed session of the General As¬
sembly told of the progress
made in the various depart¬
ments during his administra¬
He recommended that the
date for holding the Democra¬
tic primary be set for the se-
cond Wednesday in September
and that it be fixed by law and
not by the political party.
recommened that a study and
fact finding commission on
public school and high educa-
tion institutions be established
so that Georgia may be
pared with a plan to save the
system of separate education In
Georgia in the event the U. S.
Supreme Court rules segrega-
tion Is ilegal.
Saturday night about mid-
night a car from Kentucky,
driven by a colored man ac-
companied by two colored wo-
■mpn men failed to stop ____ at the iroer inter-
Sept section inn nf of Hmtor Hooker mnH road and !>n[l
highway 11.
The driver over ran or is
brakes failed to to stop stop the the car car
and it started to cross highway
U when Mr. Burton , Martin, ,
from Valley Head, Ala., ran
his 53 model car into the right
side of the 1950 model car be¬
longing to the Negro.
The frontend of Martin’s car
“ damaged very badly. The
r l”ht side of the colored man’s
ca r from the front door back is
banged up. The Negro was
charged with reckless driving.
These two cars were pulled
nether the New Home Com-
naemity wins the grand prize in
plement Chattanooga Area Im¬
contest or not, they
*e congratulations for the
ln •*“ progress they are making
their area.
J virgin timberland tract
the northern boundary of
ade County on top of Sand
fountain was only opened to
® --Oid off in lots fifteen
People bought these lots,
“■ • ed in, and built cabins to
_y a ’ ' a Place to live while they
parted ln S the the hard work of clear-
land There were no
r °ads and those that had
at ales or wagons rode the 10 to
hiies to Trenton for mail
and supplies.
194 0 tnere were enough
yatmiies ,
living there for the
- to be brought them—as far
r - e road went. A school bus
*-• e was started. It was not
-047 when the trails had
e ;° me roads that the mail
' C "' e wa s extended and Geor-
Devoted to the Best Interests ot Dade County and Georgia.
supression job exceedingly slow
and difficult Fires in Fannin
Hall, Lumpkin and Dawson
counties have been brought un-
der control and the tenacious
fires in Pickens Murray and
Catoosa counties are abaiting.
Dade County has been put
on an around-the-clock alert
and emergency fire
crews and a detail from the
Fish and Game Commission
have been sent here to help
and take preventative mea-
sures. Emergency heavy fire
; suppression equipme nt and
bulldozers have been dispatch-
ed here from south Georgia.
There ’mere are are 15 m or or 20 20 men men pa pa-
troling the county at all times
In lal there are almost 100 men
here on call for duty. Fish and
Game Wardens from Gaines-
ville are here until the
emergency ends. They are
In other recommendations he
urged the review and study of
the Georgia Workmen’s Com¬
pensation Act that where found
below average of other south¬
ern states to be adjusted. He
recommended effective amend¬
ments to the Anti-Subversives
Activities Act such as being
extended to all agencies of the
The governor spoke of the
4 lane highway to be built
from a point near Chicago to
Nashville, Tenn., and from
Miami 110 miles north with
the connecting link being eith-
er Georgia or Alabama and he
urged this matter be given
The Uniform Traffic Code or
Safety Code was getting
wit priority by being one of the
first bills to come under consi-
deration in the Senate. This
applies to Georgia’s traffic laws
being modernized and more in
accord with other southern
states. This bill was still under
debate when the
Legislature closed last Fe-
in by Mr. Dewell Breedlove
with the Williams Motor Com-
P an wr ^ cl * er :
Wreck ~, at R,s,n '' Fawn Sunday
j Sunda y mornin S Donald Far ’
from Texas ’ rammed
front end of his car into the
. Ir
Dack of Raymond , Howells „ car car.
Howell lives at Rising Fawn,
his car wasn’t damaged
muc j 1> k u t the Texas car re-
! ce i Ve d considerable damage in
the front end.
Last Friday night, Brent
Baty, Jimmy Morgan, and Carl
Haney were arrested for break-
ing and tearing up fixtures in
the men’s rest room in the Ste¬
phens Restaurant in Trenton.
These boys were tried before
tt H. F. F Allison Allison and and bound bou a over
'j mt gia^u jmj.
Made In New Home
“ H b • sing
—r’o ia Power started sr t 77 ring 8
bHecling the 1885 M bo- D
There have to be 100 able
died men available for militia
d itv to become a Georgia Mi-
S litia District This same year
a „ second econd school school cpvmnl bus bus Dus was was was * added aaaeu
to take care of the increasing
* 7 hno, ^ nonulation ,,L a*'
Xnlo 1 . year, r the judges
toured the community, progress . _
was evident in almost every
home We told of the improve-
ments at the New Home Bap-
tist Church last week. Follow-
ing the path" of the tour other
improvements were evident or
pointed out.
New Home Circle
lu^'br^ and" have' 1 < acE^ 11 ^ pi-
home nome ana nave 5 in
tU 10
aJes The £ Lcyd Morelands have
cultivation and have
looking for anyone that wants
to take a chance and hunt. The i
hunting season has been
closed until it rains. These i
men keep a close watch, and a
close check on people wander-
j ing around. Monday afternoon
j s troling °nae of the Rangers were pa-
! near a fire on Sand Mt.,
they saw a man come out of
the woods near the fire. While
Questioning him they asked
what he was carrying under
hie oat. The man had a chicken
that he had taken from his em-
ployer. The chicken carrier was
lodged in the county jail. These
nien are on the ball don’t be
* n ^e woods if you don’t int¬
end to fight fire. That is about
' he on] y !e S al excu.e a person
has in the woods in Dade
Co ™ty right now.
I i Outside of the Forest Ran¬
gers Headquarters in Trenton
the Fire Crew set up a tempo¬
rary headquarters at New Sa¬
lem in the old store building
that belongs to Leon W. Moore.
These men have several trucks,
bulldozers, tractors, plows and
about any kind of fire fighting
equipment that you are look
ing for. They have two way
ice. radios and are on 24 hours serv- j
The unusual amount of haze
Election December 1-6
The election for officials for
the City cf Trenton is on Tues¬
day, December 1, and this is
not far off. The time runs out
1 this week for who
wishes to qualify for any of the
City of Trenton offices.
To date those who have qua-
lined with the City
are, for Mayor—A. L. Dyer j
for City Recorder—J. G. Pace:
for Councilmen—Cleron Kyzer,
James E. Morrison, T. M. Ta¬
tum and I. H. Wheeler, Jr.
Registration Book in Clerk of
Court’s Office
The Registration Book for
Garden Club To Sponsor Outdoor
Christmas Lighting Contest
The Garden Club voted to
again this year sponsor the
County-wide Christmas door¬
way and yard decorations. The
details for this were turned
over to a committee with Mrs.
Douglas Morrison, Chairman, |
Mrs. M. J. Hale and Mrs. |
Mcntford Tatum.
It was also voted to plant
blubs in front of the Trenton
Baptist Cemetery and at the
- M
School. „
'a. L. Dyer, chairman of nf the , hf
; Junior Garden Club at that
school, said they had met,
elected officers and were very
j enthusiastic about the pro¬
g ram -
A card of sympathy and a
Qf prayers is to be sent
fall garden. They painted
instnlipd plec-
tables C canned this year
The E E. Ferguson,
take the survey for a telephone
route for the community. They
have added new furniture to
their meir home and there ------ are 350
pounds -- nf of fnQd food , m n theif their freezer freezer
and 100 jars of canned
on their pantry shelves. Mrs.
—, Ferguson has Uor. made *Yiorlo 5 R Hrp dresse,, csp>
2 shirts and many of the chil-
dren’s garments,
At the Jess Nexons 14 acres
have been cleared with a bull¬
dozer, a new barn built ana
the in ide of their home remo-
deled. deled. They They have have a a fall fall garden
they have canned 600 Jars
™ F, r Pattons have
d inside of their
home and purchased furniture
and a power mover.
" Circle
New Camp
The Leedell Trips have paint-
an d smoke in the air has
greatly hampered fire detec-
tion. it is making it virtually
impossible for the lookout tow-
ers to see the fires, and crews
are unable to find and start
fighting the fires rapidly. Spe¬
cial fire patrols are covering
our forests and the Forestry
Commission’s fire suppression
plane service has been in¬
creased to four for use in de¬
tection and to direct fire crews
to the scenes of the blazes.
Major fires in Dade County
were Cole City on Sand Moun¬
tain, Pudden Ridge, near Ris¬
ing Fawn, three fires at Cloud-
land Canyon and a large fire
at Head River all .cn Lookout
Mountain. About two thousand
acres of timberland burred
over by these fires.
Rotating crews are maintain¬
ing a constant battle against
all of these fires. Fire Com¬
mission officials have listed
some of the most important
ways everyone can help. Stop
burning and avoid starting
of any kind until a pro-
rain reduces the hazard,
report immediately to the For¬
est Ranger any fires sighted,
give volunteer help in fighting
these fires and report any
of fire seen.
City of Trenton voters has been
open for registration since Oc¬
tober 27 at the City Hall. Sat-
u:day, November 21 until No¬
vember 26 it will be in the Clerk
of Court’s office in the Court
[House. R ^ve * ^he City of
! y° u n
Trenton and are over 18 years
| oId be sure your name is on this
Registration Book so that you
can vote on Tuesaay, December
1. Remember, Trenton resi¬
dents, you can be registered
with the Tax Commissioner
but if you are not on the City's
Registration Book you cannot
| vote in a city election.
Mrs. S. L. Sells, who lest
her sister and who was her last
surviving relative.
The Club will sell tickets to
the Christmas tour of Chatta¬
nooga homes and it was hoped
a u would also go to see the
o u t s i d e Christmas lighting
there during the holiday sea¬
A talk on the planting of
bulbs was given by Mrs. E. L.
Raulston and the monthly
flower show held.
This November meeting with
17 members present, was held
at the home of Mrs. Larkin and
Mrs. Rufus Blake with Mes-
dames E. A. Ellis, Williams
and Bob White co-hostess.
ed their home inside and out.
Thev have r four acres in cover
put up this year.
The CIaud Smlths have
f enced 12 acres with 3
of wire> have 6 acres in p „ t
and 2 in cover crop. They
built ount a a stock slock pond puna this uus year.
|......, papered 4 , room s inside
housej inatal i ed a we u
and bought an elec tric stove,
; and , cooker, «
pre _ sure
The Virgil Coshers b.»«
raised 50 turkeys this
purchased a washing machine
and canned 300 jars of fruits
and vegetables.
, At the Curtis Hardemans
a fl’trn ac^es^ AACaiv A# pasture^ nnplnvn ^a^ A Del A 4
I re P aired ^eir home, bought a
TV set, raised 40 hens and
canned 600 jars of food.
The E. A. Stallings have
sowed 4 acres for grazing,
acres in permanent
• |||5p
___£ .:. At, Smm ■ — - **
------ ■ ...
. .. .. ._
Joan Crowned Homecoming
Festivities at the half of ^ the
Dade-Murray „ , u„„o„ fnnthaii football n- gam n m e P
featured the crowning ot Miss
Joan Craig ~ as Homecoming
Queen. Joan is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craig who
live on the Dade County side of
Mt. Olive community on Look-
out Mountain
Joan an attractive young
ladv lady, was was radiant raaiam, during our ig me her
crowning ceremonies. She wore
a pink tulle evening dress with
matching tulle stole. Her
crown was silver color glisten¬
ing with many brightly colored
...... “'7, ' “ r
stones. Football captains, ,
by Joe Gifford and Tommy
Sunday afternoon Carolyn
Hixson, of Flintstone, Ga., fell
from a 50 ft. clift on Sand Mt.
She is a daughter of A.
R. and Mrs. Hixson. The Hix¬
son family were visiting Frank
Hixson a cousin. She was stand
ing near the edge of the clift
when she slipped on some
leaved and fell.
A stretcher was made from a
blanket and the family along
with others started carrying
her to where they could reach
an ambulance. The ambulance
driver along with Sheriff Gra¬
ham and a truck driver who
took his truck to meet the
wounded, hauled her back to
the ambulance.
Carolyn was taken to a Chat
tanooga hospital, whei'e she
was reported to be in poor con¬
dition, but expteced her to live.
The Tip-O-HoLston M. Y. F.
will hold a “Sing” at the Tren¬
ton Methodist Church Sunday
afternoon, November 22.
^ 1
_ .
and 2 acres in cover crops this
year. year. They They have have also also purchased purchased
3 registered white face cattle
this year and they have 3 re-
gistered pigs. They have one
acre in 4-H Club Corn Contest.
They 1 ney have naV e planted pl “ med 2,200 *7 UU pine pinc j
'seedlings thus , , year and opened
a 7', qu ' rry 7 a
| home freezer and 300 jars
0 canned cannc foods. 0 _ , - s
The Henry Grays have re-
[ modeled their home, put siding
I i on nn t.V»D the mif out side. QiHp They TTVipt/ installed InctollpH
, a a pump pump and and installed installed a a hot hot . .
Im , Ki st0 ve and sink. They
bave 500 pounds of f . rn7Pri
(foods and 144 jars of canned
The The W. w M M^ Goffs have have rA re- _
modele^thei^home and canned
The Q H C layton s set out
5 acres 0 f strawberries, raised
; 100 chickens and have canned
400 jars of food.
The Charley Gords have
built a barn, improved their
Published Weekly —Since 1901
MitpVmm Mitchum were wprp thp the leaders leaders in in
the ceremony with Tommy do-
f J actual crow „i„ e .
lso partldpatlng tha ce
remo nies were the football
squad and the Queen’s attend-
ant -, Elsie M c K a i g, Patsy
Wheeler, Shirley Debtor, Faye
Wheeler and Shirley Keel.
Mr. Cleron Kyzer made a
’brief talk cn future plans for
th e lighting of the field.
loses Homecoming nomeiunung Game
I ThS Dade High football team
lost its Homecoming game to
Murray 41-0 but the half time
festivities made a pleasant in-
tprlnrip terlude.
I Dade was very much out- ■
Asks Talmadge For Speed Trap Lav
(From “The Atlanta Consti-tution”.>
Governor Talmadge was ask¬
ed yesterday to promise legis¬ ;
lation to abolish the lee sy > 1 eir.
under which some Georgia a:- |
resting officers and judges are (
paid from traffic lines.
The request came in a letter
from the American Automobile
Association relaying complains
frem motorists that 13 Georgia
towns are “speed traps
Russell Singer, AAA executive
vice president, declared ‘in the
letter that more motorists com¬
plain of unfair treatment in
! Georgia than in any other
Ludovici in southeast Geor¬
gia “is in a class by itself,”
Singer said. He said complaints
indicote Ludowici is "the na¬
tion’s fonemo.t speed trap.”
Other towns Singer named as
possible speed traps are Sylva-
nia, Attapulgus, Bremcua, Brun¬
swick, Butler, Cordele, Hines-
ville, Kingsland, Marietta, Na-
hunta, Pembroke and Rich¬
mond Hill.
home grounds and canned 550 j
jars iars of of food. food.
^ ^ Jenkins have can- I
ned ^qq j ars 0 j f ru ^ and vege- j
tables ‘
this year
6 Morgans have 4
acres in strawberries and made
& stock pond this year Th y
have remodeled their home
J purchased an electric stove
and ewing machine
The Chester Lanes have in¬
stalled a well pump and in-
stalled a hot water heater, ,
have booght a th TV 53 t and ^
^undromat their home. and and remodeled remodeled
" p ^ ie ^ *“■ G Dells have made
a 5 P r ^ n S and fall garden and I
canned 400 jars of food. They ;
purchased P a new washing ma ;
The R T Pattons have re-
m odeled their home an i
bought new furniture. They
installed their bathroom thi
y ea r.
j At the Hassel Coxes there
as as as as
this powerful Murray twice, team] but
Dade did threaten
times near the end of th
Playing for Dade were: End^
Charles Shankles and Rober
Lee: Tackles, Jimmy Wooh
bright and Terrell McCauley
Guards, Billy Whited and Der
rell Gaddis: Center Tomrd
Mitchum, Backs, Harold Shah
kies. Bobby j Joe Gifford, - Bern ■
Carl Steele and Phi,
Ryan. Other members of th,
are, Jimmy Sutton Billj
Slack, Dickie Sutton, George
Wil on, Dale Sims and Davit
Pattern.__ _ J
Singer said “sound state le
gislation” would solve Georgia
speed trap problem.
He contended the substitu
tion of fixed salaries for traf
lie officers and judges is th
first step in ending speed trap
and “helping Georgia dleveloi
tourist travel into a majo
state industry.”
Singer also asked laws re;
quiring that officers wear uni»
form? and that their cars b'
clearly marked, restrictin,
towns from establishing speet,
limits outside business and re
sidential areas and requiring
officers to accept recognizee,
bail bonds.
Talmadge said the letter ha.
been received at his office bu
lie has not had an opportunity
to see* it himself. He withhelc
comment until he reads it. •
Last month Talmadge told a
AAA representative he woul«
rid Georgia of speed traps eve:
if it means revoking- charter^
of offending towns.
have been 9 acres cleared fo
pasture, 600 acres fenced, anr
30 seeded to permanent pas
ure. Two barns have beei
and two ponds. 60 heac
of cattle, 12 sows, 15 feede
hogs and a tractor \yith equip
merit and a crusher were pur
cha ed. Siding has been put ol
two houses and a bathroom in
stalled. A sink, hot wate
heater, stove and refrigerator
were added this year. 50*
pounds of food was frozen anc
500 jars of food canned.
The Aubrey Harmons had |
spring garden an c j canned 40'
of food with a new pressuri
cooker. place for They the canned made foods a storage anc j |
improved the home grounds *
They have planted IV 2 acres ii
cover crop and plowed unde: t
IV 2 acres of cover crop.
Lediman Circle and Coal hom Cit. J
Read Improvements to
places will be carried nex 1 j