The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 03, 1953, Image 6
CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS People like to attend ChrRt- is programs during the holi- y sea cn so went you < and u means you who are read- g this) .send u.s the program your community early en- gh so that it wifi be in our r istmas edition on Decem- r 17. Even if you only know the ace and the date, please send i this much information. ilk; do like to see the pro- ams in other communities if ey know when to go. REAR THAT STRIKE A strike means a stoppage of ork whether it is in a ■ in a home. Hew about your home., are some of your jpliance.s on strike? We can csstne you that your ppliances will work pr perly nger if you depend on our uaranteed repair work. It is teedy and reliable and our rices are reasonable. Give call. let reak that appliance strike’! TATUM & CASE Radio Electric Co. TRENTON. GEORGIA 1 PLEASE //' Anyone —Dies —Gets Married —Has Guests —Goes Away —Has a Baby t —Has a Fire —Is 111 —Has an Accident —Builds a Home —Wins a Prize —Moves into the Community —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in Any Event Unusual If There Is A —Church Meeting —School Meeting —Farm Meeting That's News We Want It tUr ?Tulc ffmmln Eitncs PHONE 28 TRENTON. GEORGIA States of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation N MINA I IONS MADE FOR COMMUNITY GMMITTEEMEN AND DELEGATES TO COUNTY ( (INVENTION Dade County ASC committeemen from the six communities in county met at the in Trenton, No- vember 30 at ! PM for the pur¬ pose of nominating candidates i to the of .ices of committeemen and delegate to county convention. Below i the list of candi¬ dates nominated for each of thc ix communities: SAND MOUNTAIN (North) Committeemen Ledell Tripp Kirk Ellison Mack Crisp Joe Townsend Wayne Leverette W B Haynes I) legates Claude Smith Kirk Ellison Ledell Tripp SAND MOUNTAIN (South) Committeemen R D. Smith Lyman Taylor Myrcn Gass C. A Pike J B Boydston, Jr. W. H Gray Delegates C. C. Stephens J. H Bone Henry Long W R Duncan TRENTON Committeemen D E. Morrison J. H. Carter I C. L. Holmes Robert Forester J. B Sullivan Delegates A S Doyle J. B. Sullivan D E Morrison WILDWOOD Committeemen J D. Massengale T G. Tudor Tom Carroll Davis Carroll Earl Cole Delegates E. R. Wells Tom Carroll Earl Cole i TB* DADE COUNT! TIMES, TRENTON. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1953 RISING FAWN Committeemen J. P. Lambert Grady Hawkins G. V. Green Byron Forester C. W. Wallin Chester McCarty Delegates R. C. Thomas Otis York W L Fannin NEW SALEM Committeemen B W Holtzhower C. G Collins Grady Bradford Woodrow Gray Harold Moore L. E. Holtzhower Harold Ccx Delegates C G. Collins Grady Bradford J^. E Holtzhower The ballots will also provide for “write-in” votes. The no¬ minee for committeemen and alternate committeemen re¬ ceiving the highest number of votes shall be chairman; the second highest vice-chai: man, the third highest, member; the fourth highest, first alternate and the fifth highest, secon i alternate. The nominee for de- legate and alternate delegate ; rceiving the highest number of votes shall be delegate and se- cond highest alternate delegate.; Each farmer — ow r ner, ten- ant or sharecropper — who is participating in any program administered by the county ASC committee is eligible to vote in his respective elecUon. The county committee urges all farmers to vote in this elec¬ on December 15. ___ THE RISING FAWN W. M. S. HELD MEETING The Rising Faw ; n W. M S. met at the church at 10:00 a. m. Tuesday, December 1st for their Foreign Mission Study. The pastor Rev. Taylor Castle¬ berry very ablely gave a lec¬ ture on the book “Lets Listen.” We also enjoyed the Hinkle’s W. M. S. ladies meeting with us. Lunch was served at the noon hour. Recpecfully, Mrs. Harold Castleberry. - YESTERDAY IN DADE COUNTY CLOVERDALE Dr. and Mrs. Gardner have Morganville, spent the weekend Quite a number of our people spent Saturday fishing near Rising Fawn with the u ual re¬ sults. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bible and son, James, spent Satura- day night and Sunday with home folks returning to their home at Rome Sunday night. Mr and Mrs. Joe Phillips, of with the latter’s parents here, returned from Crossville, Ala., where they have been visiting Mrs. Gardner’s parents The Georgia State Highway cook camp arrived in Dade County this week and will do fancy cullinary stunts while the work p f graveling and oil- ing our roads goes forward. Farmers had better get busy after the good rain Sunday night for weeds will grow as well as corn. Davis Carroll made a busi¬ ness trip to Chattanooga Sat- urc j ay anc j brought back a new car ^rs. j 0 hn Morgan, from Birmingham, is spending a few ^ er Morganville home ________ TENN _ . GA BOUNDARY LINE IN DISPUTE Attorney General Napier said this week that it will be prob- ably be some time before he can complete the report Gov. Walker has called for on the boundary line dispute between Georgia and Tennessee. The area involved in the dispute is a half mile wide by 109 miles long, and a further study of the records today indicates that there is more in the mat ter than has appeared not only from the Georgia but from the Tennessee side. Though Governor Walker is out of the city today. It is learn that he is proceeding un¬ der a resolution of the Georgia legislature approved August 16, 1922, instituted by Represent¬ ative Tatum of Dade County. a part of the importance of the transaction is indicated in a considerable file of corres- pondence between Governor Walkr’s office and the office of Governor Peay, the attorney- general of Tennessee and othrs dated through 1924, the imme¬ diate impulse being the state¬ ment by B. W. Uewson o„f Chattanooga that he has pur- Headline News FOR TRUCK BUYERS! w:wav.;.;. ..... NEW CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR'54 They’re the most powerful, finest performing, NEW POWER IN THREE GREAT best-looking Advance-Design trucks ever built! NEW HEAVY-DUTY 3-SPEED HIGH-COMPRESSION ENGINES They’re engineered to do your kind of hauling TRANSMISSION* • more efficiently and at lower cost. Come in, • NEW COMFORTMASTER CAB see these great new advances in the completely NEW, BIGGER LOAD SPACE new 1954 Chevrolet trucks. ♦Optional at extra cost. Truck Hydra-Matic transmission; Ride RUGGEDNESS NEW RIDE CONTROL SEAT* Control Seat is standard on C.O.E. models, available on all other NEW CHASSIS cab models as extra equipment. Rear corner winoows in standard cab, optional at extra cost. NEW AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* NEW ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING MOST TRUSTWORTHY TRUCKS ON ANY JOB! Williams Motor Company 9N THE SQUARE PHONE 37 >TRENTON , GEORGIA large land properties in County for the purpose extensive developmnts . , . and , tound in his financial ne¬ that all Dade and county properties as as properties in Hamilton Marion counties in Ten¬ are looked upon by fi¬ agencies as “frozen as¬ because of doubte of the boundary line, and for reason developments on large scale cannot be car¬ forward in any part of territory. NEWMAN AFTER CERTAIN Sheriff Tom Newman has very busy lately enforc- the prohibition law in our to the terror of those o have no respect for law Recently he captured and c^~f HduIouci ^M/atcii -- *U(iz lJ~*z < y ijzct ^ij~t BULOVAS FOR WOMEN BULOVAS FOR MEN Visit our Store and receive a chance on a LIVING ROOM SUITE A chance will be given for each visit to the Gross Mercantile Store. An additional chance will be given for each purchase. Living Room Suite and other prizes will be given away CHRISTMAS EVE. USE OUR EASY LAY-AW AY PLAN Gross Mercantile Company Trenton, Georgia a large still with g allons of beer ° n Look ~ Mountain near Rising But tot Monday was a ban- cers r /*L cap t ur °LJ ing m two ,.^ cars sons ° and t: a^out thirty gallons of moon L. C. Owens, who lives at foot of Hjle’s Gap is now on bond waiting trial on three charges; making, possessing IS IT INSURED? Complete Coverage On Fire, Accident and Auto Insurance H. F. ALLISON INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE Times Building Trenton, Ga. and transporting and his Che- vrolet car is in the Sheriff’* Irr possession s H a ■ 1‘bansporling h Monday Tlharj night j LOCAL MENTION j The P. T. A. gave an ente tainment auditorium at Friday the High S’V'j \C evening 6 program was well rendered