The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 24, 1953, Image 2
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class n at! MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON Owner and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES- IN ADVANCE: One Year, $2.00; Six Months. $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents Plus State 3", Sales Tax Teisoii* \uiujig lot publication are requested to lunnsn then aain^h, oiiiv i Vt i.M. lit- cummunication win uot ue puDli^neci Nanu j Will be withheld on request, but all communications must be sinned Memorials, Caras at Thanks and articles of like nature will oe charged a 50c and up for one Insertion, payable in advance Advertising rates will be furnished on application Locals 2nd Personals Julian Gra.v a student at Bcr- _ . , . , . .. , .. ! v ,v " ’ " ‘‘ 0I “ ° r e 101 - Mr. and Mr;\ Hugh Clark and boys were visiting in 1 ren- ton, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Brock have to Florida for w * n t er - Mr. and Mrs. j. c. Billue have gorn to his home for the holi- days. Miss Edna Scruggs, from Wamingtcn, is home for the holidays. Mi s Murlyn Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark, v. a-; married Thursday night t Willis Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Haston Cohcran from Cleveland, Ohio, are visit¬ ing with home folks during the holidays. Trenton Methodist Church entertained a group of young people home for \ with a upper Tuesday night. Granville Barker is spending his leave from the Air Corps at New Salem with his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker. Mrs. Harry W. Moore and daughter Debbie are spending the holidays with her husband’s parents, Mr. an Mrs. Roy W, Moore. Harry is still in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pullen and son Billy have gone to Mr. Pul¬ len ’.s home in south Georgia for Christmas. They were driving a new Chevrolet Bellaire. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal and Mr. and Mis. Martin Bradford and family from Texas are vis- tli’^ friends and relatives in New Salem. Our printer, Mr. Jorge Mas- cunana, with his wife and their son Jorge, is visiting their fam¬ ilies in Tampa, Florida during the holidays. Mr. James G. Cureton. who has worked in/ Chicago for a number of years, has retired and is now living in Indianapolis near his daughter, Mrs. R. W Gilbert Home for the holidays are Peggy Renfroe fiom North Ga., College, Sidney Parker, from Vanderbilt, R. M. Morrison from Georgia Tech and two young ladies teaching this winter. Miss Roselyn from Dalton and Miss Merrill Stewart from Smyrna. A double wedding was cele b r a t e d Wednesday evening when Mrs. Bonnie Lacy was married to Mr. Nathaniel Thack¬ er of Chattanooga and her son Hubert was married to Miss Bobbie Roden also of Chatta¬ nooga. Congratulations to the new brides and grooms. Thirst, Too< Seeks Quality We will he closed from 5:00 P. M. December 24, 1953 until 7:00 A. M. January 4, 1954. This is the only time we can Cj take a vacation so we will appreciate your cooperation. Thanks, for your patronage in the past. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. REDS CLEANERS TRENTON, GEORGIA 1.0 DADE COt NT* TIMES. TRENTON. CiEORGIA. THURSDAY, DE( I MBI R ( IIRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST Winners in the County-wide Christmas yard and do.rway r , | decoration contest were chosen Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. obie Allen in K i S j n g Fawn won pi ace 2n th e y a :d contest jwith a Nativity scene. They will .receive a radio courtesy of John Case Company. j First prize in the doorway CO ntest went to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tatum j n Trento4 They will 1 receive an electric clock witn a i arm( courtesy of Georgia Pow- er company. More on the contest next week. U()ME LADIES HOME DEMONSTRATION CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. W. B. Hayrtes was hos¬ tess at the Home Demonstra¬ tion Club Christmas party, Tuesday evening at her home, which was decorated for the h°lidays with holly, candy, fruit and a pine Cristmas tree. Mrs. Nola Crisp read the Christmas story from the Bibje. Mrs. Myrtle Hurst led the group in the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Vir¬ ginia Ferguson led the carols. Santa Claus stopped in for a lew minutes. Mrs. Haynes gave each lady a cut glass candy dish. Gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Eula Stallings won a nice gift for recruiting the most new club members for the past year. Mrs. E. E. Ferguson won the large doll in a drawing. Mrs. Melrose Lee and Mrs. Eunice Harmons won prizes playing the Christmas games which were directed by Mrs. Fae Neely. Those receiving birthday gifts for December were Mrs. Eunice Harmons Mrs. Ida Belle Davidson and Mrs. Madge Bal¬ lard. Mrs. Haynes, assisted by Mrs. Crisp and M rs. Claia Mae Gar- ner serve d a delicious dinner to seven t e en club members and six visitors. The food also was arranged to carry out the Chris- tmas theme. The club voted to observe an¬ niversaries of the club members the coming year instead of birthdays. Mrs R . T. Patterson Secretary. ----- BUFF BRADFORDS ENTER- tain with dinner party Mr. and Mrs. Buff Bradford j entertained wi*h a dinne. i-r honor of Mrs. Bradford's birth¬ day on Friday night December 18 at their new home cn Look- out Mountain. Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Whitaker and children of Chattanooga, Mrs. Lloyd Yates and som of > | Chattanooga, Lookout Mr. and Mountain, Mrs.C. G. Collins of Mr. and Mrs Bill Bradford and daughter of Trentort. Richard Bradford and Mr. and Mrs. Her¬ man Fulghum of Chattanooga. ► CRISMAN J w Up-To-Date Line of Hardware^ ^511 Market St. Phone 7-1114^ ► J HOLIDAY DECORATIONS STORE WINDOWS HAVE Some of the Tienicn stores have decorated windows cin'. sLu a : agaui thLi >car. e John L. Case Company has a trimmed Ch i tmas tree rounled by toy ; in each win dow end one window has a large striped candy cane at either i:’3. G o Power has banks of . now, pine cents and g:eenb fer a white Chri mas effect. Tin- s.l gli tens tom with many San- fas and a Merry Christmas trearr: 1 Dyer Mot r ni>. - ^rge «<*> “ ' :r r large v inaow an i the other It banked with now Ilaket topped with a M rry Chr-e-n-as. Sarah 0 11 « ; ». ,I,er - b0rd “I r0UDd win ow wth h . pictures T 0{ i cve i y ladies hanging in front of a ni ght, blue background. __________ MRS. SARAH JENKINS Mr t; Sarah (Sallie) Jenkins, 78j 0 j Trenton, died December Mrs. Jenkins was a member . the Trenton Church of Christ and the widow of the late Joe Jenkins. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. George Eavis, Mark Veal, both of Tren- and Mrs. Arthur Sutton of N. C.; one son, Claude of Chattanooga; 18 and 4 great¬ Funeral services held at the Trenton cf Christ with the min¬ Jce Mahew, officiating. Pallbearers w!:re James Case, tin Carroll, John Murphy Cureton, Bus Stephens and Randall Mayhew. Inter¬ ment was in the Deer Head .Cemetery. DADE T H E A T E R SUN., MON., DECEMBER 27-28 The Adventure of any Lifetime! JOHN WAYNE In Island in the Sky Llcyd Nolan - Walter Abel TUESDAY, DEC., 29. Diplomatic Courier With TRYONE POWER CALENDAR NITE **★* + *★★★■** ****** ******* WEDNESDAY, DEC., 30. KENTUCKY With LORETTA YOUNG THUR., FRI., DEC.,31, JAN., 1 DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS Scared Stiff ,+*■*•*★**♦* *★★++*-*•*+■*■*★*★< SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 THE LONF HAND Joel McCrea, Barbara Hale Alex Nicol ,■**★* ****+*+*•*■*■*++**-****< OPENING TIMES Week Days: 7 :t )0 P. M. Saturday: 2:30 P M. Sunday: 3 P. M. (two shows afternoon). Close for md reopen at 8:45 P. M. | ( LOOKOUT DRIVE THEATER Cummiiyrs and Birmingham j Highway SUNDAY. DECEMBER 27. t CROSSWINDS In Technicolor Jchn Payne - Rhonda Three Top Cartoons Closed Monday Thru THUR.. FRI., Dec.. 31 Jan.l THUNDER BAY In Technicolor James Stewart - Joanne Dru Two Color Cartoons SATURDAY, JAN., 2 THE SAVAGE In Technicolor Jharlton Heston- Susan Morrow 3 Cartoons Comedy Gifts > AVANS H. D. CLUB MEETS rp be Avans Home Dem.ns ra¬ ticn c] ub me t a t the home of Mrs. J. o. Gas on December for ^ their ^ ^ annua! ____ Christina’ p ar ^y The borne was beauhful- ^ decorated for the occasion. there was a Chri ,mas tree' gifts that were exchanged bv members. Eight members were present and one new member joined, Mr Novella Ga3s following program was enjoyed by all: Meeting called to o:der b Y president, Mrs, Ken a;th Eodenhamer. Scripture, ,1. II. E... .Vi. hamsr L:rd . s Pra Iod L Mr8 Q H Klrtland. "Silenti R “First Christmas," b, Mis. J | Q ^ c , m group. Reading: “Snow at Mid- j 1 gi t, by Mrs. W. F. Talley. Pcem: “Peace Be With You,” by w rs oveila Gas3 - D 11s” J by. group. Christmas prayer “Bless This Home” by Mr ;. D. | ^ 0 °d- Delicious as well as beautiful refreshments were served by ih hostess. The next meeting jvill be hell at the home of Mrs. alary El-; ]jqj 2 ;anuary 15, 1S54. Verna M. Hood, Reporter. jWw'icoc.. * # _ ______Q TIME TO _ BUY! © © mu 9 © Special sale!, © % # USED™ m §§ TI0N 'llP flEPtHPAjSI © ©1 © 0 BAY* OMIT! a B © We’ve got a good used car for every purse and purposeI Q a a a m a © © . J 1950 ODGE, 4 Door, Coronet Radio, Heater — — _^$1095.00 © j J © i a 1950 ODGE, 4 Door, Coronet-One Owner, Clean 1095.00 9 $6 95.0L © $ 1947 ODGE, 4-door Sedan, R dio, Heater — __ ---- © £ 1947 ESOTO, Club Coupe, Reconditioned Motor $695.0C a ------- j _ a 1952 LY MOUTH, 4-door Cranbrook, __________ $1395.0( a Heater, Overdrive, Extra Clean © S 1951 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, Clean —$1195.00 0 _________ a * 1950 a 1948 1947 CHEVROLET, 2 Poor Sedan __ ____ —• $ 695.00 _ __ 1946 CHEVROLET , 2 Door Sedan, Clean ________ $ 595.00 1941 FORD, 2 i oor Sedan __ __ _ _ — -- -- —$ 125.00 USED TRUCKS 1951 FORD % Ton Flat - Looks and Runs Good __ __ $1095.0( 1950 DODGE, 2 Ton, 2 Speed ------ $ 895.00 __ __ 1949 G. M. C., 2 Ton. 2 Speed __ ______________ $ 795.00 See our wide selec¬ EASY TEEMS! tion of fine ured You can always UP 24 Months TO depend on the De¬ cars. You’ll find pendable Used Cars just the model to TO PAY sold by your Dodge- suit your purse end Plymouth Dealer. purpose. COKE IN TODAY! Byer Motor Co. TRI.NTON GEORGIA aaaaaaaeaooo©Qeaoaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa W A N T n<; l i. e; FOR RENT - 5 room house 1 V 2 mil’s scihh r f Trenton on ’ ly 11 Fred A- Morgan : rr f ’ E — Three pairs of R'r»r N ek Pheasants — See P : '<- Bradford, 2 miles j ' 'nC h of Trenton. F O II Good G-E | Wringer washer f r - hot gun, *ifT* o»- skill caw. —■ Newton Rvr.n, R - 'ta 4, St. Elmo T nn„ Phone Chattanooga 39S17-W 3 tp — 12-24 ’.ATTn'ISSI S rm»<te or mad. new, innersprings or cottons. See Virgil Daniel, just beyond eiV limits c?n Sand Mountain Road. 1 - 8 ----- FOR ‘ ' ......... SALE htitig Fawn Methodist Church Oil Heater and two oil drums........• $75.CC Monkey Heater........ 8.90 A addin Oil Dealer.....15.00 Coal Circulator........15.00 n-'-rr<r f hrr! . . . 2.00 If interested contact church pastor or J. L. Fricks, Rising . Fawn. FOR RENT — St^e building with Texaco Gas f'r rent. Bradford’s Store in the New Salem community, RE " Ris¬ ing Fawn, Ga. Si , vn.e or call Sherman C. M err. own¬ er at McBryar Fur ral Home l o t Payne, Alabama, t f— FILMS DEVELOPED One Day Service Complete Line Films & Camera Suppli s At PLAZA COURT New’ England, G- mgia 3 t p—12 - 24 50.00 REWARD for infer:..a- tion Leading to the surest and conviction of any fa;*:. , tearing down and dost: jying sign put up by New Horn. Community Club. — N. Home Community Club. 3 tp — 12 - 24 .MIRACLE HEARING AID Complete $19.85. Requires no batteries, cords or ear button. I)R. G. K. MacVANE Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue Ft. Payne, Ala. FOR SALE — 285 gallon oil drum with Steel oil rack. Price $20. Perfect shape. See at Buck’s Service Station. t p — 12 - 31