Newspaper Page Text
WHEREAS, by Security
dated December 31, ly48, s
jynn Littiegreen convey ea
the American National
ance Company, a
under the laws oi the state
i exas, the real and
property hereinafter
ior the purpose of securing
indebtedness therein set
and described, which faecunty
Deed is of record in the office
of the Clerk oi the
Court of Dade County,
in Deed Book No. 3(5, pages *10
et seq. to which deed and the
record thereof reference
here made for its terms
provisions; and
WHEREAS, default was
in tiie payment of a note
constituted an installment
said indebtedness due
ber 1, 1953; and default
made in paying interest
the entire indebtedness
November. 1. 1953; and
w T as made in paving taxes
the ytars iyaS ana isos aue
on tne property securing
indebtedness, the amount
wmch has been paid by said
grantee and has been added
the amount of said
inuebicuness as provided by
terms oi said security deed, and
because of such deiaults,
pursuant to the terms of said
notes and the security deed se¬
curing same, the holders of
indebtedness have elected to
exercise their right to" acceler¬
ate the maturity of said entire
indebtedness and has declared
the entire debt to be due and
payable, and default has been
made in the payment thereof
and still continues.
of deiault in the payment of
said indebtedness as above set
forth, and pursuant to the
power and authority contained
m said security deed, the Ame¬
rican Nat.onal Insurance Com¬
pany will on Tuesday the 4th
day of May, 1954, within the
legal hours of sale,, at the
Court House door in Trenton,
Dade County, Georgia, expose
for sate and will sell at auction
to the best and highest bidder
ior cash the following des¬
cribed real and personal pro¬
perty, being the same property
described in said Security Deed,
and being known as the Look¬
out Mountain Hotel Property
Certain lands and buildings
in Land Lots Fifty-Three (53)
and Fifty-Four (54) in the
Tenth District and Fourth Sec¬
tion of Dade County, Georgia,
located on Lookout Mountain
and immediately surrounding
the Lookout Mountain Hotel lo¬
cated on what is locally known
as Jackson Hill, and shown on
Plat of First Unit of Lookout
Mountain Estates, of record in
Plat Book 1, page 28, in the of¬
fice of the Clerk of the Supe¬
rior Court of said County, par¬
ticularly described as iollows:
BEGINNING at a two inch
boner iuoe set in concrete on
the Southeast side of the Road
of Jupiter as shown by said
Plat, where said road intersects
the West line of what is gen¬
erally known as the Carter 5
acre tract, and being imme¬
diately south of the point
where the tract known as the
Ochs Gateway, a plat of which
is of record in Plat Book 1,
Page 17, in said clerk’s olfice,
meets on the Northwest line of
said Road; thence running
Southwestwardly and South¬
wardly along the Southeastern
and Eastern line of said road
1,310 feet, more or less, to the
Northwest corner of Lot 1,
Block 17, Lookout Mountain
Estates; thence continuing
along the East side of said
road and along the West line
of said Block 17, of Lookout
Mountain Estates, a distance of
803.5 feet to a point where said
road intersects an unnamed
road running East and West
said point being the Southwest
corner of said Block 17, and be¬
ing 20 feet North of the divi¬
sion line between Land Lots 53
and 56, in said District and
Section; thence Eastwardly
along the South Lines of Lots
8 and 9, in said Block 17, Look¬
out Mountain Estates, a dist¬
ance of 290 feet to a point
which is 30 feet, measured at
right angles, from the center of
the Scenic Highway; thence in
a Northeastwardly direction, in
a curve to the right, running
30 feet from and parallel to the
center of the Scenic Highway,
and so as to include within
these boundaries a small trian¬
gular tract ’ocated at the in¬
tersection of the Road of Mars
with the Scenic Highway, a to¬
tal distance of 250 feet, more
or less, to a point in the East
line of Lot 23, Block 17, located
a distance of 47.2 feet North¬
eastwardly from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence run¬
ning in a Northerly direction,
along the Northwestern and
Western line of Scenic High¬
way, a distance of 672.3 feet,
more or less, to the Northeast
corner of Block 17, Lookout
Mountain Estates; thence con¬
tinuing on Northwardly along
the West line of Scenic High¬
way 842 feet, more or less, to a
2 inch boiler tube set in con¬
crete on the West side of said
Highway, being the Southeast
corner of said Carter 5-acre
tract; thence South 88 degrees
9 minutes West along the
South line of the Carter 5-acre
tract, 380 feet, more or less, to
the Southwest corner thereof;
thence North 1 degree 25 min¬
utes West along the West line
of the Carter 5-acre tract 337.5
feet to the point of beginning,
Lots Nos. 11 and 12, of Block 17,
of Lookout Mountain Estates,
as shown on Plat of record in
Plat Book 1, Page 28, aforesaid
the Southwest corner of Lot 8 ,
Block No. 17, of Lookout Moun¬
tain Estates, as shown on said
plat, taken in rounding the
Miss Barbara Jo Hatfield of
the Rising Fawn Baptist Church
is the winner in the SPEAK¬
Lookout Valley Association. She
goes to Dalton to the semi¬
finals in this BaDtist Training
Union sponsored Tournament.
The largest crowd of singers
gathered for the Dade Rolling
Chorus at Rising Fawn last
Thursday * night. There was
great along with inspiritional singing j
many fine specials. j
Numbers were rendered by the j
Marion County Quartet, the; i
New England Quartet, the Ris-
ing Fawn Quartet, and by Mrs. witlj! |
Crow of Mentone, Ala.,
her heart-warming songs.
Mrs. Naomi Steele under¬
went surgery at the Campbell
Clinic last w'eek, and is report - 1
ed as slowly improving.
Mrs. Ray Steele was admitted
to Campbell Clinic last Sunday
and underwent surgery Mon¬
A large number of the Young
Adult Sunday School class of
the Baptist Church met, at Mr. 1
and Mrs, Friedman’s last Sat-1
urday night for their monthly
class meeting.
Fishing was very good last:
week for a few of the men of
this community. Ray Smith
turned in the best catches and
the most trips of the week. Mr.
and Mrs. Dewey Bradford pick¬
ed a day to get wet on their
trip fco Hale’s Bar. Ray Smith
and Taylor Castleberry were on
the river last Thursday when
it rained so hard. However, Fri¬
day was a good day for the lat¬
ter two, who turned in a catch
of 39, mostly Stripes.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis York and
LaDonna spent Sunday at Ider
Ala., with Dr. and Mrs. W. S
Mrs. Nell Harrison, Brenda!
and Freddie, Mr. W. H. Harri¬
son and Judy Kenimer visited!
Sammy and Aileen Harrison at ;
Berry School Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orman Smith
Pensacola, announce the Florida birth of Wednesday a boy in j
morning. The proud grand-j
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wilson and Mr. and
Mrs. Russ Smith. "
The monthly pot luck supper
enjoyed by the Young Adult
Class of the Rising Fawn Meth¬
odist Church, was held at the
school house Monday night.
After the supper, the group
worked on the minstrel which
they are presenting April 23.
Mrs. Walter Wilson is suffer-!
ing from a throat infection.
Two new stock ponds in the!
community are under construc¬
tion, one on the McMahan farm
and one at the Walter Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Low-j
ery and Donnie, of Long Beach j
Cal., and Mrs. Roy Lowery o |
Fort Payne, Ala., were dinner
guests of the W. L. Fannin’s ^
Monday night. The Lowerys are'
spending a month’s vacation j
with relatives in Georgia and
The New Salem P T. A. held
its regular meeting Thursday
night with 38 present. The in¬
stallation of the following of¬
ficers was held: Mrs. G. C.
Reese, re-elected president;
Mrs. Ray Johnson, vice presi¬
dent; Mrs. Shirley Logan, sec¬
retary; and Mrs. Ernest Haws,
Mrs. Irene Moore’s room gave
a very interesting Easter pro¬
gram. Among the things dis¬
cussed was sending a delegate
to the convention of the na¬
tional P.T.A. to be held in
Brunswick, Ga., April 27 - 29
The cleaning off of the I
school grounds was discussed. !
Quite a few are interested in
this project; it is very badly
needed in order* that the chil¬
dren may have a place to play
So all of you that have chil¬
dren in this school, or will have
soon, please come out and help
get this work done. When lit¬
tle Junior or little Sue comes
home with mud in their hair.!
eyes, ears, and all over their
clothes, the first thing we think j
of is going to the school and j
bawling the teacher out.
The children have no place j
to play except in a mud hole. J
So it is up to us as parents to
help finish this job while the
ball players are interested in
helping us.
Mrs. Monroe McKaig.
1 curve at the intersection of the
East line of Road of Jupiter
; with the North line of an un-
name <f road.
Together with the buildings
thereon known as cooKOut
Mountain Hotel and cottage
together with any and ail build¬
ings, improvements and ap¬
purtenances now or at any
time nereatter constructed or
placed upon said land, -or any
part thereof, including ail dy¬
namos, motors, boilers, screens
window shades, curtain fix¬
tures, awnings, ice boxes,
ranges, furnaces, vacuum clean¬
ers, reirigeratmg, heating,
plumbing, ventilating, gas and
electric light fixtures, elevators
and maemnery, appliances,
plants, apparatus, equipment
nttings, machinery, lurmture,
fixtures and personal property
of every kind belonging to the
Grantor, in or that snaii be
placed in any building or build¬
ings now or hereaiter standing
on said premises, or any part
1 thereof, together with all of
the appuitenances, heredita-
rents, issues and pronts,
or hereafter belonging to,
and all the right, title and in-
1 terest of Grantor in and to all
leases and subleases, now or
hereafter on or to said real es¬
tate; all dower, right of home¬
stead claims and demands
whatsoever of the Grantor, and
the reversion or reversions, re¬
mainder or remainders, in and
to said premises, and each and
every part thereof, and toge-
ther with all the rents, issues
and profits theieof (which are
I hereby specifically assigned)
and together with all operating
equipment and assets of every
description, and all other pro¬
perty necessary or incident to
the operation of said property
as a hotel, now or hereafter
owned by the Grantor, as well
as any and all renewals and
additions to said property,
which may be made prior to
the payment in full of the in¬
debtedness secured by this
deed, including therein, among
all other items of personal pro¬
perty, ail right, title and inter¬
est of the Grantcr in and to all
furniture, furnishings, equip¬
ment, bedding, linens, towels,
dishes, cooking utensils, car¬
pets, rugs, office furniture,
work of art; piancs, fixtures,
paintings, statues and lamps
radio apparatus, equipment and
instruments, paintings, motors,
tools, lathes, tanks, pumps, air
compressor machines, rheostats,
charging boards, electrical ap¬
pliances, service or other trucks,
carts and wagons, it being fur¬
ther understood, however, that
the enumeration of any speci¬
fic articles of personal proper¬
ty shall in nowise exclude or be
held to exclude any item of
personal property not herein¬
above specifically mentioned.
All of which land, estate,
property, real, personal and
mixed, and rights hereby con¬
veyed or intended so to be, are
hereinafter in this instrument
sometimes referred to as the
“premises. ”
The real estate hereinabove
described is that conveyed by
the Lookout Mountain Compa¬
ny of Georgia to Alaga, Inc., by
deed dated May 31 1943, and
now recorded in Book 34 of
Deeds, Page 593, et seq., in the
Office of the Clerk of the Su¬
perior Court of Dade County,
Georgia, to which deed refer¬
ence is hereby made for further
Said S, John Littiegreen be¬
ing now deceased, said proper¬
ty will be sold as the property
of the Estate of said S. John
Littiegreen or his heirs or as¬
signs and to divest out of said
Estate or heirs or assigns any
and all right, title, interest
claim or demand which they or
any of them may have in and
to said property and vest same
in the Durchaser.
The proceeds of said sale will
be applied first to the payment
of the principal and interest
owing on said debt and the
amount added to the debt on
account of payment of delin¬
quent taxes and the expenses
of this sale, and the balance, if
any, delivered to the Adminis¬
trator of the Estate of said S.
John Littiegreen, deceased, or
his successors. April,
This 5th day of 1954.
By: C. G. MILLIGAN, Attorney
Maxie C. Tatum, Adminis¬
tratrix of the Estate of Lulu C.
Case, deceased, represents to
the Court in her petition, duly
filed and entered on record,
that she has fully administer¬
ed said Estate. This Is, there¬
fore, to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can,
why said Administratrix should
not be discharged from her ad¬
ministration and receive Letters
of Dismission on the first Mon¬
day in May, 1954.
This April 5, 1954.
R. M. Morrison
4 t — 4 - 29
Saturday, April 17
0 2 Pieces Fried Chicken, French Fries, Green
0 Beans, Lettuce and Tomato Salad,
0 Coflee or Tea
With French Fries, Lettuce and Tomato Salad
Coffee or Tea
French Fries, Lettuce and Tomato Salad,
Coffee or Tea
I Stephen's Restaurant
Sealtest Ice Cream
For Grand Opening
s' 'jt
I Gal. Southern
Ice Cream .. 65c
2 Pints for . . 41c
Free Ice Cream
With Pie
Stephen's Restaurant