Newspaper Page Text
WHEREAS, cn August 10, 1949,
Cauaell Clayton, executed ana
delivered to Felix C. Graham,
a certain security deed convey¬
ing the property heremaiter
described to secure an indebt¬
edness therein set out and des-
cubed, which security deed is of
lecord in ottice ot Cierk oi Su¬
perior Court, Dade Courtfy,
Georgia, in Book 37, pages 130
SadTVVS/and*provi- et seq., to which reference is j
sions And j
WHEREAS, on January 3,
1951, Felix C. Graham tran-
sferred and assigned said. s ® -
cu ity* deed and indebtedness
and all property and rights
conveyed thereunder to A. W,
*Feck, and cn June 14, 1954. A-
W Peck transferred and as-
signed said security deed withi
conveyed all property and and the powers unpaid therein ba- j j
cu ed to
which assignments are of re-
cord in Book 44, page 473 of
Dade County Deed Records, to
which reference is here made.
A September 25,
1952 title J. D. Smith, a successor
in to Caudell Clayton, exe¬
cuted and delivered bo Roy R.
Turner a second security deed
conveying the-same property to
secure an indebtedness therein
set out and described, and
providing therein that in
event of any the^debt" default in the pay-
ment of secured by
the first security deed, the
grantee in said second secun y
hL ed opU°on d ia V e debt
to d e clare the
secured by said second security
deed, to be due and payable at
once. Said second security deed
is recorded in office of Clerk of
Superior Court, Dade County,
Georgia, in Deed Book 41, pages
4*31 J&SM 432 And SC
first first security security deed uttu hereinbefore -------------
described is now past due and
elected to declare the debt se
cured by said second security
deed, to be due and payable at
once and default has been made
in the payment thereof. And
WHEREAS, on June 22,
1954, Roy R. Turner, the hold¬
er of the debts secured by both
security deeds, gave notice to
j D Smith by and through
his attorney, Maddox J. Hale,
bhat unless all of said debts
were paid cn or before Septem-
ber 1, 1954, that said property
X!? the both security deeds
tamed in attorney’s pro-
and that iees as
vided for in said nntp notes * would would be be
C 'nOW, defaults THEREFORE, hereinbefore because re¬
cf the to the pow¬
cited, and contained pursuant in both se¬
er of sale hereinqbove
curity deeds re-
leired to, and for the purpose
of effecting collection of the
principal, interest and attor¬
ney’s fees owing on said deot-s,
the undersigned Roy R. Turner
will, on Tuesday, the 5th day of
October, 1954, within the legal
hours of sale, expose to sale at
the Court House in Dade Coun¬
ty, Georgia, and will sell to the
best and highest bidder the fol¬
lowing described property, de¬ be¬
ing the same property deeds
scribed in both security
above referred to, to-wit;— (W
The northeast one-fourth
of Land Lot No. 49 in the 19th
District and 4th Section of Dade
County, Georgia, containing 40
acres, more or less. ----- Mineral
rights and
property formerly known as the
Felix C. Graham property and
land known as the
C 'sald n will be
property unpaid taxes ow-
subject to any
ing thereon. and
Pursuant to the power
S y C ,Xhe e d emdbl h e
d r v e
ferred to, the said Roy R. Tur-
ner will execute and deliver
conveyance of said property at
fee simple to the purchaser
such sale, thereby divesting out
of the said Caudell Clayton their and
the said J. D. Smith or
successors in interest, any and
all right, title, claim or demand
which they or either of them
have in and to said property,
vesting same in the purchaser.
This September 4, 1954.
Roy R. Turner
By: Maddox J. Hale
His Attorney.
4t c — 9 - 30
To all whom it may concern:—
Glenn Snyder, as Adminis¬
trator of the estate of Joseph
Franklin Snyder deceased, hav¬
ing applied to me by petition
for leave to sell the real estate
of said deceased, this is to no-
tify the creditors and kindred
that said application will be
passed upon at the October
term 1954, of the Court of Or-
dinary of said County, and that,
unless cause is then shown to
the contrary, said leave to sell
will be granted.
This September 6, 1954.
R. M. Morrison
4 t c 3ft
Make »75£? and More
by showing big-**iuo morimem.
of Charm all-oeeaafon Wanda. _c*rth No oager- cn ;
mart lima, to today tor
tenco ooodad. Writo
FREE Imprint aamplaa of PV“-
lar moooy-mafcara
'CHARM CAM C 0 -. toe
Amendments To Be Voted on
in the November General Election
Resolution No. 243
Act No. 199
Proposing an amendment to
of the Constitution, relating
to home rule, so as to authorize
General Assembly to pro-
vide viae for ILr the tne self sen government government of or
to provide fo*
the submission of this amend-
ment to the voters for ratifica-
tIon or rejection; . and for other
Article XV, Section I, Para¬
graph I, of the Constitution,
relating to home rule, is hereby
amended by striking the pro¬
visions of Paragraph I in their
entirety and inserting in lieu
thereof new provisions to read
as follows:
“Paragraph 1. The General
Assembly is authorized to pro-
vide by law for the self-govern-
ment 0 f municipalities and to
end is hereby expressly
the authority to delegate
its powers H so that matters per
taining . to municipalities ...... upon
which, prior to the ratificaton
of of this this amendment, amendment, it it was was ne- ne-
cessary for the General Assem-
without the ^v. necessity ------ of -- action
by the General Assembly. Any
ject only to statutes of general
application pertaining to mu¬
When the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution
shall have been agreed to by
two-thirds of the members
elected to each of the two
brancbe s of the General Assem-
same has been en-
s with the
“Ayes” and “Nays” taken there-
Qn the Q 0V ernor is hereby au-
thorized and instructed to cause
such proposed amendment to be
published as provided in Article
XIII, Section I, Paragraph I, of
the Constitution of Georgia of
1945, as amended, for 2 months
previous to the time of the gen-
eral election at which the above
proposed amendment shall be
submitted for ratification or re-
jection to the electors as pro-
vided for in said Paragraph of
the Constitution.
The ballot submitting the
above proposed amendment shall
have written or printed there-
on the following:
‘For ratification of amend¬
ment to the Constitution so as
to authorize the General Assem¬
bly to provide for self-govern-
m ent of municipalities.
j “Against ratification of amend-
' t to the Constitution so as
tQ au t bor i Ze the General As-
sembly to Provide
government of municipalities,
j All persons desiring the to proposed vote in
f cf adoptlng
| amendment aha,, vote for rat,
fication of the amendment,
J and aP p ersoniS desiring to vote
agams . t the adop £ tion of the
; proposed amendment nt shaJ1 shaJl vote vote
against ratification.
If the people shall ratify such
amendment by a majority of
the electors qualified to vote
'voting I ' thereon, such part amend- of
. sl aJ1 become a
_______ —
the Constitution of - this ■*-*- State
The returns of the election
shall be made in like manner as
returns for elections for mem-
bers of the General Assembly
and it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of State to ascertain
the result and certify the result
to the Governor who shall, if
such amendment be ratified,
make proclamation thereof.
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
President of the Senate
secretary of the Senate
House Resolution No. 85 I
Resolution Act No. 202
Proposing to the qualified
voters of Georgia an amend-
ment to Article IH. Section IV,
paragraphs I and III of the
Constitution of Georgia, relat¬
ing to the term of office and
the meetings of the General
Assembly, so as to provide for
the time cf the convening of
General Assembly; to pro
that the General Assembly
meet in annual sessions
to exceed forty days; to
for the submission of
proposed amendment to
voters for ratification or ..
and for other pur-
Article III, Section IV, Para¬
graphs I and III of the Consti¬
tution of Georgia, relating to
the term of office and the meet¬
ings of the General Assembly, be
hereby amended by striking said
paragraphs in their entirety and
in lieu thereof new Pa¬
ragraphs I and III to read as
“Paragraph I. The members
of the General Assembly shall be
elected for two years and shall
serve until the time fixed by
law for the convening of the
General Assembly in the year
following the second year of
such members term of office.”
“Paragraph III. The General
Assembly shall meet in regular
session on the second Monday
in January, 1955, and annually
thereafter on the same day un
^ be cbanged by
g y concurrent resolution
bers bers elected elected to to lboth both Houses, Houses,
the General Assembly may ad¬
journ any regular session to
such later date as it may fix
for reconvening in regular ses¬
sion, but shall remain in regu¬
lar session no longer than forty
(40) days, in the aggregate, in
each year during the term for
which the members were elect¬
ed. All business pending in the
Senate or House at the adjourn
ment of any regular session
may be considered at any later
regular session held in the
-me year as It there hah
been no adjournment. Nothing
herein, shall be construed to af-
feet the power of the Governor
to convoke the General Assem-
jWy the in duty extraordinary of the Governor session, or to
convene the General Assembly
in extraordinary session upon
the certificate of three-fifths
of the members elected to the
Senate and the House of Re¬
presentatives, as provided in
Article V, Section I, Paragraph
XII of this Constitution. If an
impeachment trial is pending
at ^ the end ena of oi any regular or
extraordinary session, the Sen-
| ^ continue session un _
fn til such tria] trial is , a pnmnlRted completed. .»
When the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution
shall have been agreed to by
two-thirds of the members
elected to each of the two
Houses of the General Assem¬
bly and the same has been en¬
tered on their joru lals with
the “Ayes” and “Nays” taken
thereon, the Governor is here¬
by authorized and instructed to
cause such amendment to ce
published in one or more news¬
papers in each Congressional
District of this State for two
months previous to the time of
holding the next general elec-
tion, at which election mem-
bers of the General Assembly
are elected and the above pro-
posed amendment shall be sub-
mttted for ratification or re-
j ec ti 0 n to the electors of this
All persons voting at said
election in favor of adapting
the proposed amendment to
the Constitution shall have
written or printed on the bal¬
lot the followinng:
“Ffcr ratification of amend¬
ment to Article III, Section IV,
Paragraphs I and III of the
Constitution so as to provide for
annual sessions of the General
Assembly not to exceed forty
(40) days ”
All persons apposing opposlne t h e
adoption of said amendment
shall have written or printed
the ballot the following:
“Against ratification of
amendment to Article HI, Sec¬
tion IV, Paragraphs I and III of
the Constitution so as to pro¬
vide for annual sessions of the
General Assembly not to exceed
forty (40) days
If the people shall ratifiy
such amendment by a majority
of the electors qualified to vote
voting thereon, such amend¬
ment shall become a part of
the Constitution of this State,
The returns ot the election
shall be made in lik£ manner
as returns for elections for
sembly members of it the shall General >be the As- j
and duty
** of the Secretary -----*— of State to *- as __
certain the result and to certify
the result to the Governor,
who shall, if such amendment
be ratified, make proclamation
cf the House
of the House
of the Senate
of the Senate
He use Resolution No. 225
Re:olutkn Act No. 156
Proposing to the people, for
ratification, or rejection, an
amendment to Article VIII of
the Constitution iof the State
of Georgia, adding a new sec¬
tion relating to education.
General Assembly cf Georgia:
That Article VIII of the Con¬
stitution of the State cf Geor¬
gia be amended by adding
thereto a new section, to be
numbered Section XIII, as fol¬
“Section XIII, Paragraph I,
Grants fer Education: Notwith¬
standing any other provision of
this Constitution, the General
Assembly may by law provide
for grants of State, county or
“atCTpU“ of
poses, in discharge of all nil ohli- obli¬
gation of the State to provide
adequate education for its citi¬
zens ”
har'See^agr^toSy two-
thirds of the members elected to
each cf the two Houses of the
General Assembly, the same shall
be entered on their journals with
the yeas and nays token thereon.
The Governor shall cause the
same to be published in one or
more newspapers in each Con¬
gressional District for two
months previous to the next gen¬
eral election at which mem¬
bers of the General Assembly
are chosen, and it shall be sub¬
mitted miuea to io the uie people P^me for ratifi-
cation or rejection at such elec-
tion. Those desiring to vote in
favor of ratifying the amend¬
ment shall have written or
printed on then ballot-v
‘For the amendment to A
ticle VIII of the Constitution
adding a nev» section relating
to education.”
Those desiring to vote against
ratifying the amendment shall
have written or printed on
their ballots:
Against the amendment to
Article VIII of the Constitution
adding a new section relating
to education.”
If at said election, a majority
of the qualified voters voting
thereon shall vote in favor of
the amendment, the same shall
become a part of the Constitu-
ticn of Georgia, and the Gov-
ernor shall make proclamation
thereof upon the certification
of the result of sai$l election by
the Secretary of State.
All laws and parts of laws in
conlict with this resolution are
hereby repealed.
Speaker ^ cf the House
c i erk 0 f the House
PreS j den t of the Senate
jSecretary isecretary of of the the Senat Senate
| _______ APPROVED:
This 11 day of Dec. 1953.
— 7 —
House Resolution No. 229
Resolution Act No. 163
Proposing to the qualified
voters an amendment to Arti-
cle VIII, Section XII, Pa:a-
graph 1, of the Constitution,
' to taxation by ooun-
ties for education, so as to pro-
vide for a P roce ure by which
a « county t i t rr may m n XT remove rP m ! or in¬
crease the limitation cf the tax
levy for education; to provide
for the submission of this
amendment to the voters for
ratification or rejection; and
other P u ^P°“ e ‘ s
Article VIII. Section XII, Pa-
ragraph 1, of the Constitution,
relating to taxation by coun-
ties for education, is hereby
amended by adding a new pa-
ragraph to read as follows:
“The fifteen mill limitation
in this Paragraph may
be rem oved or increased in a
county under the proceduce
set out hereinafter. The Coun-
ty Board of Education, in order
to instigate the procedure, must
pass a resolution recommend-
ing that the limitation be re¬
moved and upon presentation
of such resolution to the Or¬
dinary it shall be his duty,
within ten days of the receipt
of the resolution, to issue the
call of an election to determine
whether such limitation shall
be removed. He shall set the
election to be held on a date not
less than twenty ncr more than
thirty days from the date of the
issuance of the call and shall
have the date and purpose of
the election published in the of-
ficial organ of the county once
a week for two weeks preceding
the date of the election. If a
majority of the electors qualified
to vote for members of the Gen¬
era 1 Assembly voting in such
election vote in favor of such
proposal, there shall be no limi¬
tation in such county and the
County Board of Education may
recommend any number of mills
not less than five for the pur¬
poses set out above. In lieu of
recommending that the limita¬
tion be removed entirely, the
Board may recommend that it be
increased and shall specify the
amount in the resolution. The
election provisions for increase
shall be the same as for removal
and if the proposal is favorably
voted upon the Board may re¬
commend up to the specified
amount. It shall be the duty of
the Ordinary to hold the elec¬
tion, to canvass the returns and
declare the results. It shall also
to the Secretary of State. The The
expense of the election shall be
borne by the county.”, so that
when so amended said Para¬
graph 1 shall read as follows:
"Paragraph 1. Taxation by
counties for education. — The
fiscal authority of the several
counties shall levy a tax for the
support and maintenance of
education not less than five
mills nor greater than fifteen
mills (as recommended by the
County Board of Education)
1 j upon the do n a r of all taxable
^ ^ J county located
outside independent school sys¬
tems. The independent school
system of Chatham County and
| the City of Savannah, being co-
extensive , , with ... said ., county, the
levy of said tax shall be on all
property in said county as re¬
commended by the governing
body of said system.
“The fifteen mill limitation
provided in this Paragraph may
be removed or increased in a
county under the procedure set
out hereinafter. The County
!Board instigate of Education, the procedure, in order to
P a5S a resolution recommending
that the limitation be removed
and u P° n presentation of such
resolution to the Ordinary it
shall be his duty, within ten
days of the receipt of the reso¬
lution, to issue the call of an
election to determine whether
such limitation shall be remov¬
ed tu. He xie shall set “ the election
be held on a date not less than
twenty ncr more than thirty
days from the date of the is-
suance of the call and shall
have the date and purpose of
the election published in the
official organ of the county
once a week for two weeks pre-
feeding the date of the election.
We invite you to make the Hamilton National
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a majority of the electors
qualified to vote for members
of the General Assembly voting
in such election vote in favor of
proposal, there shall foe no
limitation in such county and
the County Board of Education
may recommend any number of
mills not less than five for the
purposes set out above. In lieu
of recommending that the li¬
mitation be removed entirely,
the Board may recommend that
it be increased and shall speci¬
fy the amount in the resolution.
The election provisions for in¬
crease shall be the same as for
removal and if the proposal is
favorably voted upon the Board
may recommend up to the spe-
eified amount. It shall be the
duty of the Ordinary to hold the
election, to canvass the returns
and declare the results. It shall
also be his duty to certify the
results to the Secretary of
State. The expense of the elec¬
tion shall be borne by the coun¬
When the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution
shall have been agreed to by
two-thirds of the members
elected to - each of the two
branches of the General As¬
sembly, and the same has been
entered on their journals with
the “Ayes” and “Nays” taken
thereon, the Governor is hereby
authorized and instructed to
cause such proposed amend¬
ment to be published as pro¬
vided in Article XIII, Section 1,
Paragraph 1 ,of the Constitu¬
tion of Georgia of 1945, as
amended, for two months pre¬
vious to the time of the general
election at which the above
proposed amendment shall be
submitted for ratification or re¬
jection to the electors as pro¬
vided for in said Paragraph of
Sthe Constitution.
The ballot submitting the
above proposed amendment
shall have written or printed
thereon the following:
For ratification of amend¬
ment to the Constitution so as
to provide for a procedure by
which a county may remove or
increase the limitation of the
tax levy for education.
“Against ratification of
amendment to the Constitution
so as to provide for a procedure
by which a county may remove
or increase the limitation of the
tax levy for education.”
All persons desiring to vote
in favor of adopting the pro¬
posed amendment shall vote for
ratification of the amendment,
and all persons edsiring to vote
against the adoption of the pro¬
posed amendment shall vote
against ratification.
If the people shall ratify such
amendment by a majority of
the electors qualified to vote
voting thereon, such amend¬
ment sjiall become a part of the
Constitution of this State. The
returns of the election shall be
made in like manner as returns
for elections for members of
the General Assembly and it
shall be the duty of the Secre¬
tary of State to ascertain the
result and certify the result to
the Governor who shall, if such
amendment be ratified, make
.proclamation * thereof,
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
Secretary of the Senate
President of the Senate