Newspaper Page Text
By Mrs. M R. Wilson
Larry Castlberry. son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. S. Castleberry, had
his tonsils removed Thursday.
He is recovering nicely.
Mrs. Ernest Minor is still a
patient at Tri-County Hospital.
A major operation was perform¬
ed last week from which she is
Mr and Mrs. Herschel Dean
and Gale were called to Peggatt,
Ark. last week because of the
serious illness of an aunt of
Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Annie Grisby of Pana¬
ma City is visiting Mr. and Mrs.,
Glen Hatfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDa¬
niel and their three children, of
Bessemer, spent several days
last week with the Taylor Cas¬
tleberry family. Mrs. McDaniel
is the .former Dorothy Castle¬
Mr and Mrs. Frank Cantrell
of Etowah spent several days
last week visiting the Middle-
tons and Woodins.
Miss Ann Mitchell of Nash¬
ville spent last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell Thomas.
Mrs. Bill Ausin and Lionel
and Mrs. B B Kenimer and
Don attended the wedding of
their nephew, Jack Arnold at
the East Lake Methodist Church
last Sunday.
Sam Kenimer enjoyed the
fishing trip to Coon Creek Fri¬
day night of last weekend with
■ the F. A. boys.
WHEREAS, heretofore on the
6th day of April, 1949, DR.
I cute and deliver to CHATTA¬
NOOGA HOMES, INC. his cer¬
tain security deed of record in
Deed Book 36, pages 447 , 448,
449 and 450, in the ofifce of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
I Dade County, Georgia, for the
purpose of securing a debt
therein fully described and re¬
ference to which deed is made
I for its full terms and provi-
I sions; and
WHEREAS, said debt and se¬
curity deed having been assign¬
ed to the Tide Guaranty and
I Trust Company of Chattanooga
I by instrument dated April 27,
1955 and recorded on the 3rd
I day of May, 1955 in Book 46,
page 453 in the office of the
I Clerk of the Superior Court of
Dade Countv, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of the
I indebtedness secured by the se¬
curity deed aforesaid, and fully
I described in the note represent¬
ing said indebtedness; and
WHEREAS, the said DR.
i failed and refused to pay the
indebtedness so declared due
and payable, and the owner and
holder thereof under and pur¬
suant to the power of sale made
■ and contained in the security
deed and assignment afoiesaid,
has elected to exercise said
power of sale and sell said pro¬
perty at public outcry for the
purpose of realizing from the
property described in said se¬
curity deed the payment of the
debt unpaid, as aforesaid, but
secured thereby.
to the powers and authority
j oiler aforesaid, tor sale tne and undersigned will sell will to
the hignest and best bidder for
cash, at the courthouse door, in
Daae County, Georgia, on the
l9o5 (JUNE 13 >, between the le¬
gal hours of sale, the following
described real estate:
j Lot No. Forty-one (41), of the
, Town of Trenton (now called
City of Trenton), according to
original survey of said Town of
1 record in the office of the Clerk
ot the Superior Court of Dade
I County, Georgia in Plat Book
No, 1. Said lot. according to
said plat, is approximately
132V 2 fee* square and is the
property upon which the build¬
ing known as Dade Theatre is
now located, and was formerly
known as the Gardenhire Hotel
much of the East side thereof
as now lies within the right-of-
way of U. S. Highway No. 11.
also known as Main Street, in
the City of Tren.on; and right-
of-way as granted by W. T. Me
Cauley to State Highway Board
of Georgia by Instrument dated
March 1, 1940, recorded in Deed
Book 27, page 338, office Clerk
‘ Superior Court, Dade County,
Holmes Projectors Type 8, Se¬
rial Nos. 12775 and 12776, and all
seats, now located in the build¬
ing on the above described pre-
’ mises known Dade Theatre,
which shall as between the par¬
ties hereto to be treated and
. considered as a part of the real
Said property will be sold as
the prqpertv of DR. CHARLES
; J. COSTNER, and will divest all
of the right, title and in.erest
of the said Dr. Charles J. Cost-
, ner in and to the property
aforesaid, and will vest the title
i thereto in the purchaser, and
said sale will be in bar of all
equities of redemp.ion, and
will be sold subject to the pay-
, ment of all unpaid State and
1 County taxes.
This the 5th day of May, 1955.
The Title Guaranty »nd Trust
Company of Chattanooga
Charles O. Hon, Jr.
’ 2
the qualified voters of Dade
County, Gergia:
on the 4th day of June,
an election will be held in
County, at which will be
to the qualified vot¬
thereof for their determina¬
the question of whether or
bonds in the aggregate
amount of $108,000.00
be issued by the County,
Dade County School District
for the purpose of equip¬
repairing, enlarging and
the school facilities
the Dade County School
and paying the expen¬
incident thereto.
All bonds shall bear date of
1 1955, shall be in denom-
inations of $1,000.00 each, num-
turing in the years 1956 to
inclusive, bearing interest at the 1
rate of three (3%) per centum 1
per annum, and bonds number¬
21 to 108, inclusive, maturing
the years 1961 to 1975, inclu¬
bearing interest a t the
o f three and one-fourth
(3-1,4%) per centum per an
all interest payable semi¬
on t h e ■ 1st days of
and July in each year,
the principal shall mature
the 1st day of January, as
$4,000.00 in each of the years
1956 to 1960, inclusive,
$5,000.00 in each of the years
1961 to 1966, inclusive,
$6,000.00 in each of the years
1967 i.o 1971, inclusive,
$7,000.00 in each of the years i
1972 to 1975, inclusive. »
Thc principal and interest of
bonds shall be payable in
money of the United
of America Bank Chattanooga, at Hamilton j
r TS e
de S irin E to vote tor said
Bonds shall do so
their ballot having
or printed _thereon the
"FOR $108,000.00 DADE
and those desiring to
against said School Bonds
do so by casting iheir
navmg having written wiwuen ui or printed piiiipuu
the words: "AGAINST
DISTRICT holding BONDS.”. said
The places of
shall be at the several
precincts of the militia
of Dade County, Geor¬
and the polls will be open
uni 7 i A. n M. ’vi to l-u 6 u P. r M„ ivi Eastern Dnoit ul
Time, on the day fix-
for said election.
All persons qualified to vote
general elections and only
registered and qualified
vote in said general elections
be allowed to voce in this
This notice is given pursuant
a resolution of the Dade
Board of Education
on the 3rd day of May,
Dade County Board
of Education
By E. R. Wells, Pres.
W. C. Cureton, Jr.
John G. McGuffey
C. E. Kyzer
Robert Freeman
W. Moore, Secretary
t — 6 -2
ADS are a cent a word
a minimum of 25c for one
Our Want Ad
New Dodge Custom Royal Lancer 4-Door Sedan—up to 9 inches longer than other cars in its class,
Perhaps you’ve told yourself: “Some day I’m going any car, even the most costly, offer more roomy DODGE
‘all out’ on a car—get the best that money can buy luxury, or more beautiful fabrics and appointments?
in style, luxury and comfort.” Well, before you throw Is there anything the road to the brilliant TUB THE
on surpass
your money around, better ask yourself a few questions. performance of the Dodge aircraft-type V-8 engine? NEW
Have you ever seen a car with more style distinction The answer to these questions is waiting at your Dodge
than this new Dodge—long and low and dashing? Can n dealer’s. It will save you a great deal of money!
Flair - Fashioned . , . and Flashing Ahead!
DYER MOTOR CO., Trenton, Ga.
▼ In . - what 1 a he 1. termed a i "the , a l hap- 1 _
day of my life,” County
Supt. Roy W Moore of¬
started the half-million
Dade County school
program when he broke
Tuesday on the site of
proposed Dade County
In a ceremony at which school
and other officials from
over the county were pres¬
the Supt. of Schools spoke
an assembled crowd of school
persons ' teachers from ’ Dade and ‘“‘"f County.
he 5P oke, engineers
surveyors were busy near¬
laying off the foundations
the new building.
Mr. Moore stressed to the
that even though the ce-
was conducted on the
of the new high school, it
launching all the projects
will proceed simultane¬
The service was opened with
by Rev. Ed Kelly, pastor
the Trenton Baptist Church
n which he made supplication
safety in the work and pro-
ress in 111 education eQUUl1 in Dade
Mr. Moore reviewed the pro-
resa 0 f education in Dade
during He mentioned the past tne j™ tact
citizens of Dade County
always been willing to float
bonds for buildings. He
as examples the bond is¬
voted in 1924, 1935, 1937,
1940 and 1946. He also
, that a school bond
f s to be submitted to the
of the county on June 4
supplement the money that
State of Georgia had given
county. He said this is ne
to finish work on New
and Rising Fawn Schools,
and for equipment for
schools and for which insuf¬
money was included in
state grant.
Mr. Moore introduced a num¬
of people who were present
who were important to the
of education in Dade
Included in those he
were the architects
the program, the -Sheriff F.
Graham, Tax Commissioner
W Murphy, State Senator
Wilkins, former Represen¬
Maddox J. Hale, former
Board members Henry
Lewis McBryar, Cheffey
and T. S. Ren f roe,
Board members E. R.
chairman, Cleron Kyzer
John McGuffey, School
J. C. Billue, David O.
L. C. McHughes and
Hall, Mrs. Catherine C.
Morrison, ^ i . publisher . . • t% tin t, n of n f The ' I ’ t~» /\ Dade T'V -» rl r\
County Times, Clerk of Works
August Lotos, and the engineer
of the project.
Mr. Moore, in telling the
crowd of the continuing needs
of the county’s schools, said
that "our children are of great
value.’ He said that although
the new building program was j R
a large stride forward, more ;
and better schools are const- i
necessary if education of
the county’s children is to pro- ;
gress and meet the needs. He ,
said . , that ., , school , , systems , all n |
over the state are realizing . , this i
and that over half of them had(
already recently voted school
to supplement the state i
Alter Supt. Moore had turn-
ed over the first shovelful of
the service wa j closed
prayer by the Rev. R. L
pastor of the Trenton
MB' C 0 il|( AGENL
A Brucellosis — free Georgia
You will be hearing that slo¬
gan a lot during the next five
years. It was adopted in Athens
recently at the first meeting of
the State Brucellosis Commit¬
tee. You probably read in the
about the meeting and
of the plans that are be¬
made to wipe out Brucello¬
just here in Georgia,
all over the country. The
that it causes untold suf¬
in human beings unfor¬
enough to contact un-
fever is reason enough
trying to do something
the disease. This disease
a $58 million annual loss
the nation’s cattle industry.
it causes millions of dol¬
loss to the swine business
We are now in a better posi¬
to stamp out Brucellosis
at any other time in the
We know how to do the
and funds are available to
us get on with it. Additional
money has been set up
pay veterinarians for testing
and also to pay for the
used in calfhood vacci
Farmers can receive in¬
payments for animals
because of Bang’s.
to $25 will be paid for grade
and up to $50 for pure
State and federal gov¬
are cooperating in the
Brucellosis eradication
The farmer has bis choice of
plans under the setup, but
o* the disease than was pre-
viuusly ...... thought * to exist. Tnis ’ T ’ w4 " l
is no reason to let up in our
fight against Brucellosis. We
* ***“
should step up the campaign
___uii- while we — — have this ic sicDcicp disease on on
the run.
Here in Dade County we are
unfortunate by next having a
veterinarian located in the
county. This service, however, is
available ___ for all ___ Dade _____ County _
farm owners. It may be neces-
is encouraged to carry-out
of two. One plan calls for
of cattle with perma-
identification and prompt
of reactors for slaugh¬
only, with or without vacci¬
of calves. The other re¬
plan calls for calf
without test of any
of the herd.
The program is moving right
Georgia is taking the
with its testing program.
thousand cows were test
in the state during March,
The surprising thing about
50,000 animals checked in
last month was that
^y *-87 percent of them actu-
had Brucellosis. The inci-
of , the ,, disease in . 42,000
t es ted in February was
j y ^ w0 percent. Thirty-two
were tested in Jan-
an d 2.4 percent of them
found to have Brucellosis
this a lower incidence
Also complete coverage on fire
and accident insurance.
Times Building Trenton, Ga,
Now that Easter and all the hurried
preparations that go into making
Let's that season of the year such a
make memorable of and turning Mother the one has house are completed behind upside the us down . job
the for its annual spring cleaning, we
most of still focused is out have and on a vacations. few all weeks attention before So let’s will school make be
the most of those days ahead to
put the rest of the town in order
for those happy days of carefree
summer living.
/. .»/'* x ,i
It’s time right now to do something about those clean-up programs
and beautification drives you and your friends have been talking
about all winter. Get on the telephone today and get your neighbors
together to decide the best way to tackle your problem. Also contact
one of our Area Development representatives through your nearest
Georgia Power Company office. He will be glad to meet with you
and to offer suggestions to help spark your campaign. Time is short.
Act today!
in order to secure the
of veterinarian Serv '
a f or
farmers Se
to ask for the
at the same time i m n
to or-
have 50 to 75 cattle to
in in one one dav day.
Farmers who are interested
this service should contac*
County to Dr. Agent C. or write Vete¬ di¬
J. Mikel,
State in charge of Di$ e ^ e
Department of
Atlanta, Georgia.