The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 07, 1955, Image 3
Famous Southern Pie for Company «•> Reputations are made with this luscious pecan-and-Karo filling! Here’s a conversation-making dessert, a pie that’s a real stunner! Eyes light up, and requests for the recipe are sure to follow the first bite. Pecan Pie is a Southern heirloom recipe, so delicious that it has gained country-wide fame, simply on the strength of its mellow, luscious flavor. This easier-than-ever recipe makes it as simple to fi» a pack¬ age dessert. 0 CLOVERDALE “Aunt Mollie” Amos remains seriously ill at her home. There was an all-day singing and dinner on the ground Sun¬ day, July 3 at the church. Se¬ veral quartets from other parts of the county were present to sing for the crowd. TRENTON CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC The Trenton Home Demon¬ stration Club held a family pic¬ nic at the home of Mrs. Virgil Jenkins Tuesday night, July 5. Assisting Mrs. Jenkins a£ co¬ hostess was Mrs. James M. Ro¬ gers. members and About thirty good their families enjoyed a meal in the Jenkins picnic area. The children took advantage of the swings, seesaws and bad¬ minton to thoroughly enjoy themselves during the WANT ADS FOR RENT—2 room and (garage $15.00 per month. Sea Mrs. Lewis McBryar, tonj ............. DR. G. K. MacVANE Ft. Payne, Ala. Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue LAWNMOWERS repaired and machine-sharpened. Also en¬ gine parts for lawnmower mo¬ tors. E. H. Burns, ort the square. 4 t p - 7 - 14 FOR RENT — One house with 214 acres land and a good well. Va mile from Davis High School. $25.00 month. — Mrs. J. F. Cloud. 3 t p — 7 - 14 WANTED — Salesmen; men women, full or part- time. Average earnings $100 week. Write Houston H. Smith, Trenton, Route 2, Ga. 4 t p — 7 - 21 SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE — Excellent con- ition^ $30.00, terms. Private party. Write Houston H. Smith Route 2, Trenton, Ga. 4 ft p — 7 - 21 FOR SALE-314 acres with four- room house. 210 feet off paved highway. See J- F. Page. 3 tp 7-7 _____ SEE Jim Murphy at Bert Brown Motors, 4509 Rossville Boule¬ vard for the BEST DEAL on a new 1955 Ford car or truck. Phoine 4-1541 or 9-2796 collect 4 t pd 7-7 HIGHEST prices paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. __ WANTED AT ONCE; Older man not subject to military serv¬ ice for good Rawleigh business nearby. Stop working for others. Be your own boss. Good profits. If interested, write at onlce. Rawleigh’s Dept. GAG-10-AA, Memphis, Tenn. 1 t p— ___ DO YOU HAVE A FRIEND OR RELATIVE IN SERVICE? What Better Way Is There To Let Them Know About The News At Home Than To Send Them A DADE COUNTY TIMES Each Week. Honestly, It’s Like LETTER FROM HOME. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY JULY 7. 1955 PECAN PIE < .......... —..... Vi recipe pastry 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup Karo Syrup *Vt teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 cup pecan meats Roll pastry H inch thick. Line a Sc¬ inch pie pan. Mix remaining ingredi¬ ents together, adding pecans last. Pour into pastry shell. Bake in hot oven (400° F.) 15 minutes; reduce heat to moderate (350° F.) and bake 30 to 35 minutes longer. *If salted nuts are used omit salt in recipe. CAVE SPRINGS PARTY LINE By James C. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hene- gar of Chickamauga were the recent visitors of Mrs. Earl Ble¬ vins and children. Mr. C. W. Wallin is still on the sick list as we are scrry to report. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holier vi¬ sited the former’s sister who is in the hospital at Sewanee, Tenn. J. B. Blevins killed a rattle¬ snake last week, size unknown. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shafer of Soddy were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shafer. We want to extend a speedy recovery to Mrs. W. C. (Aunt Mollie) Amos of the Cloverdale community. Mr. J. A. Reeves is spending his vacation at home doing some visiting. It looks gcod to see these fine showers we are having. So long until next itme. HEAD RIVER by Mrs. Hugh Forester Mrs. Fritts Schurch, who was stricken ill several days ago and rushed to a LaFayette hospital, is much improved and has re¬ turned to her home here. Miss Willie Johnsdn, Who has been employed at the Georgia Baptist Orphanage in Hapeville, has been visiting her brother, Griff Johnson, here for the past week. Two of the children from the home, Dennis Wiggins and Mrs.Douglas Miller accompanied her on this visit. Other visitors over the holiday weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Douglas and daughter, Martha Grace, of Nashville, Tenn., Miss Joanne Massey cf Chattanooga, Mrs. Frank Massey of New Salem and Miss Grace Johnson of Chattanooga. f Miss Athene Holtzhower o Nash vie lie has returned home after spending a few days with father, Mr. L. E. Holtzhower. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and children of Rome spent the weekend visiting relatives here. Mr. A. Z. Ross of Cleveland Ohio, visited relatives here dur¬ ing the weekend. and Mrs. R. K. Hunt and Mr. Mrs. Lester Wray of Rossville visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond e weekend. Forester family had r guests over the and Mrs. James children of Rome, Weir of St. Louis, and Mrs. Troy Ha¬ ul Billy of New Sa- mday evening they at the picnic area : site near the old ie and enjoyed the a p fry with all rs Walter Smith of . spent the week- ross and ck has returned n Rome after l week with his ters, here. ; MISSION SERVICES Preaching Service sec¬ ond ar¥l fourth Sundays at 2:30 P. M. Masonic Lodge. Trenton, Ga. News ROUTE 2 NEWS B»y Mrs. Fred Cooper The Pleasant Grove Church an all day singing and din¬ It was enjoyed by all. A is in progress with Tcm doing the preachng. Winifred Workman and Thel¬ Cooper were married Sun¬ Mr. Will West and Carolyn are visiting in Florida. Cooper has returned home Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crownover Chattanooga visited her and sister over the 4th. Eugene Crownover is a week with his aunt Viokie Ocoper. Mr. and Mrs. Odie Carter and Cooper took dinner on 4th with Bill Lancaster. Mrs brother also visited Lancasters during the after¬ Elizabeth Cooper spent 4th with Vickie. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wooten visited Bethunes and Brady Boatner. Jimmie Williams Monday night with Buddy Coo¬ per. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. son visited on the over the holiday weekend. Mrs. Fred Cooper and visited her father last Friday. Cooper visited the Wil¬ liams in LaFayette and Mr. Mrs. Bim Patten and visited Mrs. Patton Mrs. Ruth Hand visited mother Tuesday. SHOP! SAVE! At CR1SMAN HARDWARE CO. CHATTANOOGA PHONE PHONE 7-1114 7-1114 "'-OOK won Vxb B.Q Kftftl npj 513 MARKET ST. FREE PARKING NEXT CRISMAN’S ON BROAD ST. I : . .. . TUST FOR FUN, jot down on this page J the names of the freight cars pictured here that you recognize. Only ten types are shown — but we have more. Why so many? Because the railroads carry anything, any time, anywhere. So our equipment is 3 “tailor-made” to handle all kinds of ship¬ ments in the best, most efficient manner. Wherever you live in the South, freight cars like these are mighty good friends of yours. There’s hardly a thing that’s made or used that doesn’t involve rail transportation somewhere along the way. In fact, railroads are often the only carrier equipped and geared to do the job. Today the Southern operates some of the fastest regularly scheduled freight service in America. To our fleet of 50,700 freight cars are now being added 1,200 new-type “easy ride” steel box cars, costing $ 10 million. And we are ordering 1,500 more steel hopper coal cars costing an additional $10 million. We are growing with the growing South, with modern equipmentandever-improving service. All in the Southland benefit. \sy 'if, » President S L V G 0 By Mrs. Edgar Moore Most cf the folks i n Slygo spent a quiet holiday weekend at home, and I might add, a thankful one, for the rain we had Monday afternoon. Things were beginning to need one. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Street and Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross and children all attended the an¬ nual Doyle reunion last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle in Whiteside, Tenn. The Leon _Mocre’s Sunday gueests were Leon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dugan and Mr. J. L. Moore of Chickamau¬ ga. Hobert Patterson and John Thomas are both home on fur¬ loughs. Hobert is in the U. S. Navy stationed in San Diego and John is i n the Air Force stationed in Texas, but is to be sent to Japan on returning to the base, we understand. Karleen Gross returned home Sunday after a two weeks visit with friends and relatives in ^Chattanooga. in a previous report we men- tioned the Lawrence Dugans and John Curetons vacationing in Florida. Well they brought back a “fish story” only they had the fish to back it up with. Seems there were 12 in their party and they caught over 700 lbs. Not bad, not bad. Mr. and Mrs. Benton Patter¬ son and chidren and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Patterson spent the weekend with relatives in Ken¬ tucky. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Street and children were the gusets of Buford’s parents, the Martin Streets, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Patterson spent Sunday with K. D.’s par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pat¬ terson. K. D. is with the TV A and is being transferred to the Kingston TV A plant. They are moving to Harriman, Tenn. this week where they will make their home. Little Miss Ann Patterson is visiting one o f her sisters in Florda. Saturday nighf, July 9, Miss Masy Doyle cf Chattanooga will be at the Slygo church with her pictures to show that she LIFE INSURANCE Ipif Also complete coverage on fire and accident insurance. mjwowjK/ H. F. ALLISON INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE Times Building Trenton, Ga. CO ME IN OFTEN! We invite you to make the Hamilton National Bank'your Chattanooga headquarters. The Hamilton National has seven conveniently located offices, each one offering a complete banking service in a friendly atmosphere. We will be glad to see you—any time. (/Hamilton NATIONAL BANK Or CHATTANOOGA rENNESSEE Market at Seventh 1500 McCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd. Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-Tenn. Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ! made while overseas in her mission work. Time, 8 O’clock. The Public is Invited to come and see and hear what she will have for us. I’m sure it will be most interesting. She is only heme on leave and will be re¬ turning sometime this fall, I be¬ lieve, but to some other field, than to where she was first stationed.