The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 11, 1955, Image 3
CLOVERDALE By E. J. Bible "Aunt Mollie” Amos is im¬ proving very slowly. She is able to sit up and take nourishment and is quite jolly. Ernest Riddle has returned from Erlanger Hospital where he had a foot removed after an accident at the shop where he works. Ed and Willie Grace Bible were visiting Royce and Martha Bible last week. They have bought a home in the Burning Bush community. H. D. Council Picnic The Home Demonstration Council will sponsor a Picnic Monday night, August 15, for all clubs in the ^county. The outing will be held in the Ris ing Fawn Community Park, and plans are being made to pr-ovide the kind of wholesome entertainment that will make everyone remember the picnic for years to come. All club members are asked to come at six-thirty p. m. with their families and a bas¬ ket off food. The Rising Fawn club will furnish the drink. Dcn’t miss this important event! SHOP! SAVE! At CRISMAN HARDWARE CO. CHATTANOOGA PHONE PHONE 7-1114 7-1114 ~ VOOK ■'ox tub bio mxrj 513 MARKET ST. FREE PARKING NEXT DOOR CRISMAN’S ON BROAD ST. LIFE INSURANCE Also complete coverage on fire and accident insurance. H. F. ALLISON A lineman’s “climbers” have shori. sharp, thick steel called gaffs. Whenever a lineman sinks his spurs he gaffs into a creosoted Georgia pine power pole, leaves his marks of service. You have seen them everywhere, along dusty country roads and busy city streets. The lineman leaves these marks when he builds a line to bring you electric service, when he power from being works on the line to keep your service interrupted, and when he makes emergency repairs to restore your service. More than 500 of our employes are qualified to The thousands of marks they leave wear climbers. when daily have single objective: to make sure that a switch, the lights go on, the motor starts, you flip a the work gets done. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A H E R E V E R WE SERVE c i t i z E THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AUGUST 11, 1955 News CAVE SPRINGS By James C. Holder Mr. .and Mrs. Lonnie Reeves of Rising Fawn were the Sun¬ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallin and children. Mr-, and Mrs. Cecil Guinn and daughter of Birmingham were Sunday guests of the Arthur Wallins. The Cave Springs community had an ice cream supper Sat¬ urday evening which was en¬ joyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallin and children of Hixson were the Silnday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. (Doodle) Wallin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shafer has recently purchased the Will Bradford farm. Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Holder and daughters and Mr. Charles Holder of Hollywood, Fla. were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holder and son, James. James Holder was the Sunday afternoon guest cf Mr. and Mrs. W. R. West and children in Ris¬ ing Fawn. Wcrk is progressing o n the newly-developed telephone sys¬ tem in the community by the Trenton Telephone Co. Mr. C. W. (Doodle) Wallin still on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Jack have constructed a board around their yard which things off nicely. MISSION SERVICES Preaching Service sec¬ ond an*d fourth Sundays at 2:30 P. M. Masonic Lodge. Trenton, Ga. NEW SALEM by Mrs. Harry Moore (Written for last week) There will be a concert by the Melody Masters Quartet of Rome at the New Salem Meth¬ odist Church Sat urday night, August 13 at 8 p. m. Admission i will be $1.00 for adults and 60c for children. Proceeds will go to help complete the church building. The quartet sings on radio and TV in Rome. Every¬ one is invited to attend the concert. The Quartet will also be at the church on Sunday for the all-day singing. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKaig have as their guests this week, Mrs. McKaig’s sister, Mrs. Bessie Berrin of Palmyra, N. J. She has been visiting other friends and relatives. Mr. Frank Ottensman j of Wiiksburg, Pennsylvania has 1 also been visiting Mr. and Mrs. McKaig. We are very happy to an¬ nounce the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mocre on July 21. They have named her Pamela Jeanene, and she weighed a b i g 9 lbs. 1 oz. I’m sure Pamela’s brothers, David and Richard, are very proud of their sister. New Salem really is bursting with new babies. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Logan are also parents of a b a b,y boy, John Gerald born the last cf July. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawes, Dianne and Anthony visited Mr. and Mrs. George Getters in St. Elmo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haygood and children and Charles spent the week before last in Rose- land, Fla. They enjoyed their trip, and also sunbathing and fishing. They returned home with good sun tans. Charles re¬ mained in Culladen, Ga., with his uncle, Dan Haygood. The MYF of New Salem Methodist Church has four cf its youth planning to attend the Methodist Camp in I'hke- ville August 8-13. Those plan¬ ning to attend are Carolyn Fulghum, Therel Fulghum, Dale Mocre and Jerry Gray. Mrs. C. L. Mcore and Mittie had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mi-s. Paul Craig. Mrs. Harry Mocre, Debbie and Carol had surprise company Thursday afternoon. My Mrs. George Foster, her children, Terry and Mrs. Foster’s sister-in-law, Charles Hendrix and Cynthia of Cohutta, Ga., Mrs. Foster’s from Trezenant, Tenn. We a very enjoyable talking and watching the chil¬ dren play. This Week’s News Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moore and and Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family. Mr. Will Wall and Mr. Mrs. Van Wall visited Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Wall Sunday even¬ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bradford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimsey at Watts Bar, Tenn.. Demeree Bradford was on leave last week visiting re¬ latives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mclnnis and daughter visited in the community Sunday. Mrs. Joe McDaniel Wednesday with Mrs. Kelly Ad¬ kins. Mrs. Claud Bradford visited relatives and friends in Flori¬ da last week. She spent Sun¬ day with her daughter, Mrs. Buddy Adkins. The community was sadden¬ ed at the news of the death of Billy O’Neal, son of Mrs. C. A. Gray Billy was a passenger on the air liner that crashed in i Missouri last week. He was to be buried in Chicago this week. Carolyn and Therel Fulghum, Jerry Moore and Dale Moore left for Vacation Bible School Monday in Pikeville. They will return home Saturday. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mocre and family were Mrs. M:ore’s parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McGoldrick and George of New Market, Tenn. George is spend¬ ing this week with the Harry Moore family. The Harry Moore family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mocre, Mr. and Mrs. McGol¬ drick and George enjoyed an outing to Lake Winnepesaukah Saturday night. LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK THE DADE COUNTY TIMES I. O. O. F. TRENTON LODGE No. 38 Regular meeting each Tues¬ day night at 8:00 P. M. W. C. Durham, N. G. Dennis V. Brandon, V. G. COME IN OFTEN . 1 We invite you to make the Hamilton National Bank'your Chattanooga headquarters. The Hamilton National has seven conveniently located offices, each one offering a complete banking service in a friendly atmosphere. We will be glad to see you—any time. u AMILTON NATIONAL OF CHATTANOOGA n riNNESSEt BANK Market at Seven! b 1500 MeCallie Ave.—3200 Brainerd Road—1 Cherokee Blvd. Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Rossville, Ga.-Tenn. Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ‘ • T= 1 _ TO GEORGIA COUNTIES Coweta County THRIVING INDUSTRIAl- AGRICULTURAl AREA Newnan, Coweta County Seat, is one of the richest cities, per capita, in the United States and has one of the highest rated school systems. It is a showplace of fine homes painstakingly cared for—both antebellum and modern. The center of a rich agricultural section, Coweta County has 37 industrial plants including 6 giant cotton mills, and rayon, latex and metalworking plants. Newnan has given Georgia two distinguished governors, William Atkinson and Ellis Amall. In Coweta County and throughout Georgia, the U. S. Brewers Foundation works constantly to assure the sale of beer and ale under pleasant, orderly condi¬ tions. Believing that strict law enforcement serves the best interest of the people of Georgia, the Foundation stresses close cooperation with the Armed Forces, law enforcement and governing officials in its continuing "self-regulation” program. Georgia’s ^•oi ***United Foundation States lireivers Beverage off \ M 9 Suite Georgia Peachtree Division St A. E. Moderation 219 , 7 IO .» Atlanta , Georgia -v- r ' WANTED AT ONCE Rawieigh Dealer in Dade Co. See S. Duke, 1816 S. II a wA h orne, Chattanooga, Tenn., or write Rawleigh’s, Dept. GAH-10-R. Memphis, Tenn. 1 WANT ADS SAVANNAH BEACH Beach View Holiday House; Rooms cottages, apartments. Sleeps 6. $25.00 weekly and up. Two blocks from beach, pavillion, and public fishing docks. But¬ ler at 17th. For reservations call 9116 Savannh Beach. 3bp DR. G. K. MacVANE Ft. Payne, Ala. Chiropractor and Naturopath 720 N. Gault Avenue HIGHEST prices paid for pine and poplar logs. Sec us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FOR SALE: New Hamphire red 1‘nllets, laying strain. Will be layirjg soon. Can be seen at Lyman Taylor farm on top of Sand Mountain from Trenton. Houston Smith, Trertton Rt. 2, Ga. . 2tp 8-11 FOR SALE—Fresh, Jersey Cow first calf from r e g i s tered stock. See Mrs. Buff Bradford, Lookout Mt., Trenton, Gap. 3tp—8/12 WANTED — About 100 bushels of corn in the shucks. — D. E. Morrison. WE SELL typewriting paper, white and yellow second sheets, thin paper marked “copy” and two sizes of mi¬ meograph paper. FOR SALE: — 39 acre farm on Sand Mountain. House has 5 rooms and complete bath. 40 x40 chicken house; garage; I8xl8 stone storage house; blacksmith and work shop; well house 5V 2 xl2 ft., insulat¬ ed can be used for food stor¬ age; 3 wells oil place, 1 elect¬ ric. Running water to chicken house anti home. Telephone, school bus and mail route run through farm. $6,500, time payments can be arranged on part of this. L. E. Taylor, Rt. one, Flat Rock, Ala. 4 tp 8/25 WANT TO RENT A PLACE for 1956 crop. Want good land and a good house. Am well known in Dade County. — A. D. Wake¬ field, Rt. 1, Harrison, Tenn. 3 t p — 8/25 WOULD $100.00 A WEEK IN¬ TEREST YOU? The J. R. Wat¬ kins Company is seeking a livewire man, or a qualified lady, to distribute nationally advertised products in this vicinity. Are you the one whom we are trying to contact? Write, or wire us at 629 West Peachtree St., N. E. Atlanta, Georgia. FOR SALE — Semi-automatic (wringer type) washing ma¬ chine, %y 2 years old, good condition. Will take $50.00. — G. W. Massey, Wildwood, Ga. 3 t p — 8 - 25