Newspaper Page Text
Improvement Column
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Fores¬
ter have moved into their new
home on the scenic highway,
north o f Reece’s Service Sta¬
tion. New residents of the com¬
munity are Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Rice, from Chattanooga, who
have had a lovely new house
built in a grove of trees near the
old ball diamond. They moved
the first of July, and the house
was completed this week. Five
rooms and bath make up the
floor plan, including a large
living room and half basement.
The living room walls are ply¬
wood, but the bedroom walls
have been built c f wall-board
and ceiled with celotex.
The Olin Kings are adding
three rooms and a bath to their
home, and the Leon Moores
have had a new bathroom in¬
stalled. Thomas Fulghum is
having three houses built t o
rent behind the Joe Fulghum
Council Members,
Families Gather
For Chicken, Cake
There was fried chicken, meat
loaf, salads and cakes galore cn
the picnic table at the county’s
Home Demonstration Council
Picnic Monday night, and there
were just short of a hundred
persons present to eat all the
delicious food that was pre¬
pared for the event.
Three clubs were represented
—the Avans, Trenton and Ris-
j n g Fawn clubs made u p the
gathering which was held at
the Rising Fawn Community
Mrs m. R. Wilson, presi-
dent of the Rising Fawn club,
was in charge of arrangements.
Miss Naomi Hubble, home
demonstration agent, brought
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hubble who live on Dry
valley Road in Walker c-cunty.
W hile the older members of the
picnic group visited with each
other, the children were enter-
tained on the swings which are
U p j n p^j-k.
j n s p j t e of a cool breeze
which made coffee a welcome
treat, every one was in good
spidts and th , crough]y enjoyed
Council’s first picnic.
j^ ade county farm families
The Mickey Cochrans are
having redwood put cn the
front otf their new home in
South Trenton. Their neighbors
across the highway, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Wisner, have begun
construction of a block house.
They are living at present in a
trailer and have grown some
lovely cannas on either side of
the drive.
A short distance down the
highway, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Hawkins are building a ranch-
style home. The foundation has
been laid and they have had the
framework put up.
Trenton Cemetery Beautified
A committee from the Look¬
out Baptist Association has had
the cemetery at Trenton cleaned
off and the grounds are look¬
ing very neat and lovely. The
committee purchased a flame¬
thrower and a new mower which
helped to make the working a
thorough one. The work was
financed through donations,
Raymond Street Home
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Street,
who have been residing in Dade
County since coming here in
1951, when Raymond assumed
management of the Dade Coun¬
ty Co-op, and who have been
building a new house on Mis¬
sionary Ridge, plan to move
this week t o their new home
which is located on South Crest
Road. Illness o f Mrs. Street
caused post ponement of an
earlier contemplated move, but
she is a little improved.
Framing for their new house
was cut from their farm in Sly-
go Valley. The house was built
with white shakeline siding and
black knight rocf. Inside has j
been done in the latest sand
finish, the living room ^
dawn gray, bedrooms pink dog¬
wood and French green, the
dining area and kitchen jvory.
The kitchen is on the front
and joining it is a utility room
which will house deep freeze,
washing equipment, etc., side
entrance into kitchen being
through the utility room.
When yard -work, which they
are doing themselves, is com-
pleted, the house, on a large lot,
will be partially encircled by an
old-fashioned rail fence, built
with rails also .from the fa™-
These were split by Raymond s
father, the late ompson .
Street, and many of them are
still well-preserved. The
setting will be enhanced by the (
utilization of a wooden brdge,
across a small stream running
in front of the house. In the
back will be a generous paved
terrace for play, outdoor dining
space, barbeque pit, hobby shop,
relaxing area, herb and vegeta¬
ble plots, night lighting for af- (
ter dark enjoyment, with com¬
plete enclosure for privacy. Be-
yend this will be lawn and or¬
Weekend House
Miss Geraldine Pace is having
another rental house built in
northwest Trenton. It is located
between the Freeman and Mit¬
chell homes. Getters
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
of St. Elmo have built a con¬
venient little vacation house on
their farm, which is part of the
old Frank Morrison place. The
house is just right for week¬
ending in the country after a
busy wetk in the city. Mr. Get¬
ters is a contractor and recent¬
ly purchased the farm.
He has had a lake built m
front of the house which lie
plans to stock with fish. Dur¬
ing the summer, the lake will
be very pleasant for canoeing
or fishing. has '
A. P. (Steve) Stephens
been getting quite a bit of ex¬
ercise this summer gardening j
and keeping the grounds about |
his home clean. The Stephens j
grew so many vegetables that
they canned some o f them to |
cut winter food bills.
New Salem Homes
Quite a lot of building and
remodeling is going on at New
Saiem. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mc-
Kaig moved laat week into their
new home on the Trenton- La-
Fayette highway. The front is
veneered with stone, which is
very attractive.
The Bunk Foresters have also
used the rock veneer treatment
on the front of their heme,
which is a short distance from
the McKaigs on the highway.
They moved in before the house
was finished, working on it in
their spare time, and have now
only a little trim work to do.
First for Ga. Farm Families
school will be conducted
each morning at 10.
After lunch, movies will be
shown for children and a style
revue presented with Putman
county Home Demonstration
and 4-H Club members as mod¬
els. Three outstanding Georg¬
ians have accepted invitations
to speak. They are Commis¬
sioner o f Agriculture J. Phil
Campbell, who will speak on
are urged to make plans to
tend the Farm Festival at the j
4-H Club Center at Rock Eagle i
State Park August 22 through
August 26, a big event in Geor¬
gia farm life. This is the first
time such a meeting has been
planned, and many interesting
and worth-while exhibits are
being set up.
There are three phases of the
festival, according to L. W.
Eberhardt, Jr. assistant direct¬
or cf the Agricultural Extension
Service College of Agriculture.
One phase, he explained, is
to see the new $2,500,000 Center
itself, another is exhibits to be
seen inside -the buildings show¬
ing the use and care of the very
latest in farm and home equip¬
ment, and the third is to enjoy
an interesting daily pregram,
wth something special planned
for every age greup.
‘ Any one of the three phases
would be reason enough for a
rural family to plan to attend
all or part of the farm festival,”
Eberhardt said.
“The center of attraction, so
flar as exhibits are concerned,
will be the Charles A. Collier
Farm Electrification Building, ’
he stated.
Interesting Electrical Exhibits
Eberhardt said the T-shaped
structure, 92 feet wide and 80
feet deep, will house exhibits
placed there through the co¬
operation of ore than 50 elec¬
trical appliance manufacturers,
distributors and dealers. The
building has three main dem¬
onstration and assembly rooms.
These will be devoted to dis¬
playing the uses o f electricty
on the farm inside and outside
the home—such as automatic
water systems, pipeline milking
systems, automatic poultry feed
ers, feed mills, plant hotbeds,
grain conveyers, and the like.
It will include a complete farm
shop. A second area will have
electrical kitchen aplliances, in¬
cluding ranges, refrigerators,
water heaters dishwashers,
freezers, and small appliances.
The third will have laundry
equipment, television and radio
*ets, and small appliances.
The daily schedule as planned
for the festival will start at 5
in the morning with fishing fc”
Izzack Walton fans. Exhibits
at 9 eac»b day and cook- 1
open a
Sizes 6-16
Slip-Over __ __ $2.98
Cardigans __' --$3.98
Childrens’ $2.59, $2.98
mm School Supplies ’s* w
Gannaway'Riley Co
Drive it home today!
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New Dodge Loronet v-o uud oeaan wim luiu-ci
We’re out to put you behind the wheel of a big new Dodge with a price
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big new Dodge. bottom. And the deal we are prepared
Our “Drive It Home” deal will put this to make is the best deal you have ever
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Dodge Dealers present: Danny Thomas in ‘ Make Room for Daddy,” Bert Paiks rn "Biea* me SaiiK, The Lawrence WelK Show-all on ABC-W
DYER MOTOR CO., Trenton, Ga.
Wednesday; Former Gev. Her-
man Talmadge, Thursday, and
H. L. Wingate, president of the
Georgia Farm Bureau Federa¬
tion, Friday. These talks will
be given at 3 each afternoon.
Movies, folkgames, handicraft,
swimming, outdoor c o n t e s ts
fishing, and organ concerts al¬
so are on each day’s agenda.
G. I. Johnson, Agricultural
Extension Service engineer, said
some 10 to 15 thousand persons
are expected to attend the fes¬
tival. Reservations may by made
by writing to Cecil Johnson,
res i 6 ent director, State 4-H
Club Center, Eatontcn, Georgia.
First Friday every month 7:30
P. M. Legion Hall.
Herman V. Moore, Comm.
E. L. Raulston, Adj.