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Have You These Library Books?
If So, Please Return Them
The following Cherokee Re¬
gional Library books have been
borrowed irom the bock depo¬
sitory in Trent*, n and have not
been returned. Won’t you look
on your shelves to see if ycu
have them and return them to
Sally’s Beauty Shop that others
may also enjoy reading them?
Adult b oks: The Escape by
Aidanow; A Shroud for Grand¬
ma by Ashe; Black Grape by
Babcock; Snips and Snails by
Baker; And Stars Burn, Look¬
out for Liza both by Baldwin
Give us our Years by Bannine
Nav.ijo Canyon by Blackburn
Twilight of the Dragon by
Bourne; Cabin Fever by Bower;
Bridget Malwyn by Boyd; Trou¬
bled Spring bv Brick; Deep Sum¬
mer by Bristow; Wild Is the Ri¬
ver by Bromfield; Gray Bon¬
nets bv Brown- Too Many Cou¬
sins by Browne; The Good
Earth b y Buck; Peggy Covers
the News by Bugbee; Carle-
The Bride Regrets by
ton; Laura by Caspery ; Dove me
Seiler by Close; The Widow had
a Gun by Ccxe; When Cometh
Peace by Cranford; The Cinna¬
mon Murder by Crane; This
Pleasant Lea by Crone; Beyond
This Place by Cronin: Case of
the Eighteenth by Curzon; A
Gentle Murderer by Davis;
Candy for Breakfast by Daven¬
port; Pam Wilson, Registered
Nurse by Deming; The Quiet
Light by deWohl; My Late
Wives by Dickerson; Northward
the Whalers Go by Douglas;
Hungry Hill by DuMaurier;
I Have Just Begun to Fight by
Ellsberg: Three at the Wedding
by Erdman; Saratoga Truck by
Ferber; Bright Leaf by Fitz¬
simmons; Queen’s Gift by Flet¬
cher; Hold Back the Dawn by
Frings; The Lost Trail of the
Sahara by Frison; First on the
Rope by Frison-Roche.
Loving you Always by Gaddis;
The Case of the Angry Mourn¬
er, The Case of the Drowsy
Mosquito. The Case of the Green
eyed Sister, the D.A. Cooks a
Goose all by Gardner; R-'ck
Taylor, Football Coach by Gart¬
ner- The Canvas Coffin by
Gault; A Breath of Air by God-
den; Fortune is a Woman by
Graham; Loving by Green; The
Dude Ranger, Desert Gold, To
The Last Man, The Hash Knife
Outfit, Rainbow Trail, Roping
Lions in the Grand Canyon,
The U P. Trail, The Young
Forester, The Ghost Mare all by
Grey; Smcky Road by Gru/ber;
Bluegrass Doctor by Hamil;
Action by Night by Haycox;
Trail Town by Haycox; Love is
a Wound by Heddon; The Old
Man of the Sea by Heming¬
way; Cotillion by Hayer; Beau¬
ty for Ashes, Best Man, Chance
of a Lifetime, Exit Betty, Found
Treasure, Happiness Hill, The
Honoe Girl A New Name, Patri¬
cia, Rose Galbraith, Time of
the singing of Birds. In Tune
with Wedding Belts, Chance of
a Lifetme, By Way of Selver-
thorns all by Hill; The Band
played Murder by Howie; Bride
of Fortune by Kane; The
Corpse Escort by Knight.
Stranger in Angel Town by
Lester; Payoff for the Banker
by Lockbridge; Unchartered
Seas, As Long as I Live, I Hear
Adventure Calling, With Ban¬
ners all by Lobring; Missing
Years by McGerr; Sawdust in
His Slices by McGraw; Cooper’s
Chance by Mcllvanie; I and My
True Love bv Mclnnes; Goodby,
Summer by McKay; Jane Had¬
den by Marshall, Dark Dream
by Martin; Suddenly a Corpse
by Masur; First the Blade by
Mayrant; Return to Paradise
by Micliener; The Pursuit of
Love by Mitlord; Pony for a
Prince by Moore; Bar 20 Rides
Again by Mulford.
Shadow Marriage by Norris,
Return of Silver Chief by O
Brien; Dawning of the Day by
Ogilvie; Green Grass of Wyom¬
ing by O'Hara; Tomorrow the
Harvest of Paradise, Hear My
Heart Speak by Paul; I he
Chieftain, A Story of the Nez
People by Payne; The Winds
in the West by Porter; The
Do:r Between by Queen; Jus¬
tice Deferred by Raine; South¬
paw Fly Hawk by R'and, Room¬
mates by Redina; She
Yellow Stallion bv Reed; Alibi
f.r Isabel, The Frighteneu Wile
both by Rinehart; Sabatim, w .. ..
Master at Arms by Schley,
D r e a m Sinister by The
Chucklebait by Scoggm, j^’
Stranger Beside Me bv See
The Long Love by Sedges, The
Turquois Trail bv Seifert, The
Witch of Spring bv Shore; Di¬
vine Mistress by Slaughtei,
Lost Hill by Smith; Wagons
Westward bv Sperry; Murder
Leaves a Ring bv Stanley; Ann
Fitzalan by Steen; Love is
Eternal bv Stone; The Gauntlet
bv Street; An Island Summer
bv Teller; Further Adventures
of Lad by Terhune; Within the
Vault bv Thayer; Renegade
Sheriff by Tuttle. Walk¬
Five o'clock Surgeon by
er; Sons of Oce'an Deeps by
Walton; Step to the Music by
Whitnev; The Lovers by Win-
s'r- The Caine Mutiney by
Woiik; The Red Carper by
Wickenden; The Young Trea¬
sure Hunters bv Webster; Sun
Eagle bv Wyatt; The Man Who
Went Away by Wright; Great
Oaks by Williams; Maid to
Murder bv Vickers* Roni&nce
for Rosa by Varble; Bridal
Journey by VanEvery: The Con¬
queror by Tebbel; The Dukes
Daughter bv Thirkell; In a Mir¬
ror by Stolz; Gail Gardner Wins
Her Cap bv Sutton; Hurricain
Mvsterv by Sackett;
. The Canvon Trail by Rodney;
Kathie the New Teacher by Ro¬
senheim; Clattering Hoofs by
Raine: Hear Mv Hear Speak by
Paul; Deepwood by Perrin; The
Last of Summer by O’Brien; Se¬
cret Marriage by Norris; Sher-
idan Road by Miller; Liberty
Main by Morgan; Shanghai
Bund Murders by Mason; Died
in the Wool, Chipmunk by
Marsh; Ud Goes the Curtain
Lambert; The Call of the Wild
Cocker by Laurian; Heart
cialist by Lorlmer; —*---- Each Shin¬ oui.,
ing Hour by Larrimcre; First
Love Farewell by Lorlmer.
Tornado Boy by Hinkle; The
Challengeis, The Red Signal.
Lad\bird. Girl of the W.ods,
All Through the Night, Tomor¬
row About this Time. Stranger
Within the Gates, Partners,
Northern Conqueror, Duskin,
Cloudy Jewel all bv Hill;
Ranger by Hampleton; Forge
for Her es; The D. A Breaks an
Egg Case of the Silent Partner
both bv Gardner; Sun Set
Wilderness Trek both by Grey;
The Shadowed Trail by Gooden;
Nevada bv Gray; Stevenson by
Franklin; Guns from Powder
Valley bv Field; Storm of Time
by Dark; The Black Rose by
Costain; Murder in Three Acts,
Crooked Hcuse both by Chris¬
tie; Bird of Prey by Canning;
The White Sail by Bassett;
The Unlike Twins by Beckner;
The Dark Corner bv Blizzard;
The Gol den Shoestring by
Baldwin; Burning Beauty by
Bailey; Bird in the Forest by
Bangert; A Strange Husband
by Bowman; Man Alive by
Overstreet; Bible Friends to
Know by Barnard; The Great¬
est Book Ever by Oursler; Jesus
and HLs Friends by Jones; Why
We Celebrate our Holidays by
Curtis; Wicked John and the
Devil by Chase; Saint George
and the Dragon by Dalgliesh;
You can write Chinese by
Wiese; Story book of Oil by Pe¬
tersham; Leaves bp/ Parker;
Coyotes by Bronson; Wonders
of the Sea by Freud; Birds in
the Big Woods by Bieugh; An
Introduction to Birds bv Kie-
ran; The first book of Nurses
bv El ting. by
Pride of the Saddle Horse
Ency; Merry Songs by Gomez;
Parties on a Budget by Bell;
The Wild Wild West bv Daugh¬
erty; I. Married a Redhead by
Musselman; History can be Fun
by Leaf; Kana, Prince of Dark¬
est Africa by Solem; Six Great
Men of Brazil by Kelsey* Chris¬
topher Columbus by Weir; Call
me Lucky by Crosby; Lookout,
Story of a Mountain by Walker;
Captain James Cook by Cook;
Benjamin Franklin by Aulaire;
Winks o n my Feet by Henie;
Burma Surgeon by Seagrave.
JUVENILE Books —Billy and
Blaze by Anderson; What Mir¬
anda Knew by Adshed; Run¬
ner for the Kins by Bennett;
Augusta by Bishop; Andy and
the School Bus, Saska and the
Samovas, Burro that had a
Name, Gauntry Garage all by
Beim; Dusty Star by Baker;
Katy and the Big Snow by Bur¬
ton; Pelle’s New Suit by Bes-
kow; Stars in my Crown by
Brown; The Ferryman by Bis¬
hop; Day Before Yesterday by
Bowden;"Julie by Babcock; Lit¬
tle Circus Dog by Barr; New
York by Baily; Stoohen and
Sandy; Bennett; Stories cf
American Music by Buchanan;
Spoodles and the Puppy by
q 1 1 \ c k
Who Blew that Whistle by
Adelson; Turtle River Filly b/
Armstrong; Watchdog by Bran-
nen; The Jolly Barnyard by
Bedford; The Pet Show by
Beebe; Mick and Mack and Ma¬
ry Jane by Bennett; Pancukes-
Paris by Bishop; The Little Bey
and his House by B:ne; Haunt¬
ed Hut b y Bonner; Lappy in
the Forest by Bosa; A Pet for
Barbie by Brock; The Golden
Egg Book by Brown; Let’s Play
by Buckingham; Smokey and
Pinocchia bv Carter; Parade of
Obash by Chalmers; A Round¬
about Turn by Charles; Stubby
by Christensen; Magic Money
bv Clark; The Wishing Pear,
The Little Haymakers, Kitten
Stand all by Coatsworth.
Down by the Sea by Coplan;
Blackie arid his Family by Cook;
More Pottleby Adventures by
Crampton; Little Skipper by
Creekmore; Fluff and the Fire¬
man by Cross; The Brownies
their Beck by Cox; Light of the
Bird by Carroll; Red Wind by
Chandler; Six Good Friends by
Crowell; The Magic Monkey by
Chan; Bird o f Prey by Can¬
ning; School House in the
Woods by Caudill. Picken’s
Great Adventure. Picken’s Ex¬
citing Summer both by Davis;
A Summer with Ted and Nina,
Ted and Nina go to the Gro¬
cery both by DeAngeli; Little
Boy Dance by DeHuff; Flip and
the Morning by Dennis; Storm
of Time by Dark;
Animals of the Farm by Eng;
Handy of the Triple S by
Eames; The Right Dog for Joe
bv Elberle; Hector bv Ernest;
Cheeky Chipmunk by Evers;
The Restless Robin by Flack;
Anne and Marvke by Fabres:
The Good-Luck Bell by Farwell:
Wee Jack and his Neighbors by
Fenton; Tim TadDole by Flack;
The Wide-Awake Angel bv Flo-
rv; Gunner and the Dumbo by
Follett: Small-Trot by Fran-
coise; The House that Ran
Away by Friskey: Now we go
Again, Polly the Kid both by
Gates; A Joke on Cinder, Cin¬
der’s Secret, The Funny Thing,
The Romney Gay ABC all bv
Gay; The Taming of Giants by
Gordon; The Pink Maple House
by Govan; Hercules by Gram-
atky; Kamanda an African by
Gatti; Banana Tree House by
Hallowe’en Fun and other
Stories, Garden Time both by
Hahn; World Round. Nieodemus
ancTTris new Shoes, Nieodemus
and his little Sister, Nieodemus
and his Gran’piappy all by Ho¬
gan; The Race between the
Monkey and the Duck. The
Race, both by Hard; Rags’ Day
City................................. State.
Don't Turn This Page
Until You’ve Clipped This
NOW! Finer Premiums Faster!
Because every day, more and more merchants are giving
King Kotton
Redeemable for the Premiums Everyone PREFERS!
Shep an dthe Doctor both by
Hoke; Shep a Collie of the old
West by Hinklyv Wide Road by
: Hu Herman; Pancho and the
Bull with the Crooked Tail bv
Tornado Boy by Hinkly;
1 Armadillo and the Monkey by
The Lonesome Bear by
Kinney; The Butterfly that
Stamped by Kipling; the Back¬
ward Day by Krauss; Gramp.s
Desert Chick bv Kessin; Plouf
by Lida; Arabian Nights by
Lang; Deborah’s white //inter
by Littimore; Little Farm by
Linski; Yeaton Boy cf the Back
woods by Lincoln; Meriwether
Lewis Boy Explorer bv Lewis;
Black River Captive bv Lath-
rop; Each Shining Hour by Lar-
Irimcre: Fire Eye bv Linden.
|Now Its Fall by Lenski; Scrap-
I L’Hommedieu;
All around the Town by Me
Ginley; Jack O’Lantern Twin
'of by McCauley; Stripe the Story
a Chipmunk by McClung,
Ivitt; I Mr. Apple’s Family by M&De-
Mr. O’Riley and Brownie
I by Meehan; Kentucky Derby
Winner by McMeekin; Died in
the Wool by Marsh; The Story
of the Sandman by Mallon; The
Egg Tree by Milhouse; The
Taxie the Hurried by Mitchel;
The Lest Children of the Sho¬
shones by Nevin; Friskey the
gcat, Huridreds of Turkeys both
by Osswald; The Journey of
Josiah Talltatters by Payne;
Auntie and Celia Jane and Mike
by Petersham; The Good Part¬
ner by Pinkerton: Leaves by
Parker; Lazy Liza Lizzard’s
Trick by Rains; Clattering Hoof?
by Raine; Donkey eads by Rat-
zesberger: Whitey’s First Round
up by Rounds; The Canyon
Trail by Rodney; Nicky’s Foot¬
ball Team by Renick; Billy’s
Picture by Rey; How Far by
Ridgway; The Dog next Door
by Robertson:
Red Eagle of the Plains by
Smith; Play with Trees by Sel-
Sanders; same;_Good Valentine Timrf in Winter by by
Schenk; Jonathan, Tippy trie both
by Scott; iBiddy and Ducks
by Sondergaard; First Steps by
Suzzallo; Mary Poppins in the
Park by Travers; The Little
Lost Squirrel by Tresselt; Echo
Hill by Turpin; The Camel who
took a walk by Tworkov; Trou¬
ble in the Gulch by Tousey;
Wallie the Walrus by Wiese; Be¬
linda Blue by Wood; E-Tocks-
Shoo by Wilt; The Young Trea¬
sure Hunters by Webster; Would
you like to be a Monkey by
Weisgard; Widow Woman and
her goat by Walsh; Jeeps a Dog
for Defense by Watkins; Liang
and Lo by Wiese; Toby the lit¬
tle Lost Dog by Williams; Story
of Seeds by Withrow, Little
Lost Dog bv Wright; Pablo of
Mexico by Yeaton.
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