The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 22, 1955, Image 2
Till DADE COUNTY TIMES Mrs C. C. Morrison. Publisher Entered at he Post Office ai Trenton, Ga., a ; 2nd class mail. Locals and Personals Watch fcr more court news next week. District Forester Frank Cra- ven was in Trenton, Friday. The Dudley Curetons vaca- tion i in Florida last week Neal Grav is home on leave f: m the Navy and is the guest of Hubert Lacy. At** F r, ink Nptherv in Trenton for several 'days re- renfiv visiting relatives and friends Mis* Mary Foster, of Winder, O', was the weekend guest of her aunt. Miss Fannielu Me W ort'-r and Miss Naomi Hub- fj] e M and Mrs J C Allison nd Mr Lois Tate from Chat- la not:? a were the Sunday guests of Me dn:nes Grace Nethery and Pearl Swanson James William Cureton. son of the Dudley Curetons, fell from his pony hitting his head and had to have five stitches taken Several persons have been seen driving new cars They are Hubert Lacy, who has a two- tone green Ford, and “Red’’ and Wayne Harrison, both of whom have bought Fords. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Blevins from Auburn, Ala., spent the weekend with thear parents, Mrs M M Blevins of Deerhead Cove and Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Spencer £.ptnear J enk inf, Mr and Mrs. Rill Austin, Don and Sam K n nimer were among the Dade Countians who attended the Go Teeh-Miami football game in Atlanta Saturday Mr, and Mrs John Tatum Mike have returned from a week’s vacation in St. Peters- burg, Fla., where they visited relatives. During their absence, Greg was the guest of his grandparents, the Tom Williams, in Chattanooga. A/3c Russell Morgan, son M C Morgan was home this week for a five day leave. He recently graduated from Areo Medical Specialist School and received his "Wings’’ from that s-hool at Hunter A. F. B., Ala. He Is now stationed at Brookely A. F. B.. Mobile, John Murp h y has been brought from Tri-County Hos- pital to the home of his son, Johnny Murphy, and Mrs. Mur¬ phy in Byrd's Chapel, where he h convalescing from an opera- t ion Mr. . and j Mrs. W. I. Price „ . , had . as their weekend visitors, Mary Tread vay and husband of Birmingham, Mrs. Ann Bry- son and family and friend John Garwood, Charleston, S C , Blanc c Ryan and family of St. Elmo, Bill Price Jr. and family, and s„e chandler and all Ireni Br.alnerd and Bettye Price 0 . Chattanooga The Jack Blevins family had a home coming and supper Sun day night Those present were: Mr. and Mrs R. E. Baker, Ryall Springs, Tenn., Mr Wins- foil Blevins, Minneapolis, Minn., Mr, and Mrs. Morris Barnes and (wo daughters, Lakeview, Ga.. Mivs Carl Brook 5 and daugh- tei, Tiffconia, and Mr. and Mrs. \> R Hamic and grandson Billy from Dunnellon, Fla. This was Ricie's first time to bf in Dade County in 15 years and he ~ the" sure had been let of changes ’---- and --- 1 --------- improve- rnents during these years. I. O. O. F. TRENTON LODGE No. 3* Regular meeting each Tues- day night at 8:00 P. M F. C Graham. V. G W. C. Durham, N. G. AMERICAN LEGION POST r .H First Friday every month 7:30 M Legion Hall. Herman V. Moore, Comm. E L. Raulston, Adj. SHOP! SAVE! At CR1SMAN HARDWARE CO. PHONE PHONE 7-1114 7-1114 ^ "‘on nr** n, f r **7*^ 513 MARKET ST. CHATTANOOGA DRISMAN’S ON BROAD ST FREE PARKING NEXT DOOR rrtl. i>ADE COVSTt TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, AUMDAt SEPTEMBER 22, 19o5 Grand Jury Presentments September Term, 1955 GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY 1 To the Honorable John W Davis, Judge of the Superior Court of said County: We the Grand Jury for the I September 1955 term of court, make the following presenT- ments: The Grand Jury has examined criminal matters and have re- turned 56 No Bills and 4< Ttue Bills. We reconimend that Dr. N. H Hutchison be appointed County Physician j We recommend that the fol- lowing men be appointed N. P. Ex-Officio J P Joe Doyle..... District 873 R. S. Townsend District 974 Allison Blevins.....Districtl037 Walter H. Wilson District 103G We recommend that the Sher- Iff of said County be paid *215.00 for extra expense. Bill Attached. We recommend that the Cleric of the Grand Jury be paid *1.00 per day additional. We recommend that these presentments be published in the official newspaper of County, and that the usual fee be paid therefor. Respectfully submitted, F. Q. Avakian Clerk. Allison Blevins Foreman. GEORGIA. DADE COUNTY The appointm e nts of Joe Doyle, N. P and J. P for the 873rd G M District: R 3. Townsend, N. P. and J P for the 974th G M District Alli- son Blevins. N. P. and J P for the 1037th G M District; and Walter H Wilson N P and J P for the 1038th G M Dis- are hereby confirmed 1 The foregoing presentments are hereby approved. All sums to be paid thereunder shall be subject to the opinion of the County Attorney to the effect that the same may lawfully be paid from public funds. It is further ordered that these pres- entments be published once in The Dade County Times at the expense of the County. This the 21st day of Septem- ber. 1955 John W. Davis J. S. C. L. M. J C. ROME CALF SAIE ER j gjrpj 93 The Seventh Annual Fall Feeder Calf Sale, of the Coosa Valley Livestock Association, Inc., will be Ijeld at the Coosa | Valley Commission Co Sales .. _ ' ” 11 urna ce Road, ’ an 11 ay ’ Se Ptember „ _. ? Sa P W e ” in at 12 <l(l Noon _. pL,rp °f e ... sale is to Provide a time and place for fV ,„ . ^ ° le „ oosa Val " lev ey A A, * a t0 sel1 t helr “' V “ '“ »f raon5 , “uy Feeder calves, and the heifer paiv»s caives to persons wanting to buy breeding stock Buyers are accepted from many parts of Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Ten- nessee, Kentucky, and Ohio- there will be plenty of buyers f 0r all typ€S of cat ti e Anyone wlth bee . type steers and he i fers to sell will have an excellent opportunity to do so ^ calves c win be graded on a F eeder 5 as j s (l j y Mr Ralpli stupp, & Marketing Adminis- tration. Atlanta; Mr. Ralph ~ william* ‘ A ............. t“nd . ,■ w Lawhin, Southern, Railway, At- lanta. TRENTON CLUB DOFS f OPPER TOOLING | Copper tooling occupied the ; time of twenty-three members | cf the Trenton Home Demon- j.stratum they Club on Sept. 6 when ! met at the home of Mrs J. G. Pace. Mrs. Bob Alexander iwas co-hostess. Mrs. Raymond Townsend de- monstrated the process and several beautiful pieces were completed under her instruc¬ tion, the most popular being a horse’s head. Four of these were finished from the same pattern and each was quite different. The pattern is traced onto sheets of thin copper and then “pushed out.” The picture is then bru hed with acid, scoured with steel wool and coated with : lacquer. A black background may be painted on. During the short business meeting, the Fair Committee gave its report and a request tonrads, Visitor !n __________________ Mountain Mishap , Mrs. Bill Konrad, clerk In the County Agent’s office, her son Billy, and Stanley Walsh No- York. »-cre slightly Injured Sunday morning m an automo- bile accident as they were their .. . way „ to church. The accident took place about 7:30 a. m. on the Trenton-La Fafayette highway. Mrs. Kon- rad. Billy and Larry were sengers in an automobile driven by Walsh, who is Mrs. Konrad’s brother-in-law, when they forced to slow their speed su d- denly for a dog that was cros- sing the road j A truck which was behind ! them ran into the rear end of the Walsh car, knocking it down an embankment. Fortun- ately, no one was seriously in- jured. Billy Konrad received a head cut, while his mother and brother and Walsh received bruises and were shaken up. Walsh also was injured about the arm. No injuries were re- ported from the workers in the , truck, which was en route to the radar station under con- struction near the Lookout Mt. No charges were made by in¬ vestigating officers. Improvement Column The Edward Carters moved recently to their new home south of Trenton. Mr. Carter did all the work, with some outside help, and plans to complete the house in his spare time. He is installing sheet rock this week, and will build a breezeway and garage next spring. Bill Presley, who has a carp¬ entering shop in Trenton, has purchased two lots in the Mountain View Sub-Division and began work this week on the basement of his home. The Presleys will move Into it when it is finished and will build their home over it later. The footing f 0 r the Moore Funeral Home was poured Mon¬ day. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Moore, who have been ope rating a funeral home at Fort Payne for several years, will move the first of October into their home across the highway from the Trenton Baptist Church. They are having an addition built on¬ to the house for use as a fun¬ eral parlor. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Brown of New England have had beige and green asbestos siding put on the walls of their two-story home BOY SCOUTS BEGIN FALL ACTIVITY PROGRAM The Trenton Boy Scouts ga¬ thered Monday night a t the Morrison farm for a weiner roast. The boys, accompanied fhy Rev. R. L. Hilten, camped out overnight. On Sat. morning at 8:15, the Trenton Scouts will meet at the square to go to the Cravens House on the side of Lookout Mt. There they will partici¬ pate in the re-enactment of the “Battle Above the Clouds’’ in which all area scouts will take part. The “battle" ? s scheduled to begin at 2 p. m. Committee meets Committeemen for the Tren¬ ton troop held their regular monthly meeting Tues. at the Da de H. School lunchroom. The committee is composed of three members from eacn of the four churches in Trenton and the jS and coutmaster ’ assistant Spencer scoutmaster Jenkins Rev. R L. Hilten. Attending this meeting were James M Good¬ win, I H Wheeler Jr., Mr. Fer¬ guson, j. c. Billue, R. M. Mor- 1-15011 and A - L. Dyer Jr., sub- [stituting , for his father. Scout Tro °P 143 business and activii- ! ties were discussed, j for exhlblts * as made, ! Four new members were pres- ent: Mesda mes Aubrey Dyer, Jack Cash, Asa Reeves and Troy Wisner. Mrs. Martin Nethery, Reporter WANTED TO RENT a farm in Dade County with good land and house. Would consider small crop and working for landlord part time. Can give good references.—A. D. “Wake¬ field, Rt. I, Rising Fawn. Ga. 3 t p — 10 - 6 MISSION SERVICES 'Preaching Service sec¬ ond and fourth Sandavs at 2:30 P. M. Masonic Lodge. Trenton, Ga. irih$ Mr - and Mrs Barney "^ th^blrth <it“he Howord on Sept S P ' 1 .7 Trenton Clinic. Sandra Porester , daught . Mr and Mrs John L For . .ester, was . born Sept. 0 . 17 at . fVl the „ . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Heath o. Risln S Fawn are the parents cf a ^ 15 n - at Garry rhe Tren ^ on len ’ °°, n rn c. I Mr - a n d Mrs. Leon Gifford are announcing the birth of a daughter, Leonda Ann, Sept. 12 the Tren t°n n c -_______ Money! Money! Money! THAT’S WHAT YOU’LL SAVE BY TRADING WITH DYER MOTOR CO. DURING OUR Fall Clearance Sale 1954 G M C Ton ___________:_________.______ 995.00 1952 DODGE 2 Ton __ __ ._________,_____________ $ 725.00 1950 DODGE y 4 Ton ___________________________ $ 475.OO 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-Door ________________________ $ 895.00 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-Door ________________________ $ 795.00 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-door ____ .4 695.00 „ 1951 STUDEBAKER 4-Door _____________________ $ $25.00 1951 BUICK 2-door. _____ j 795.00 __ _______________ 1951 PONTIAC 4-door _________________________ $ 795.00 1948 PACKARD 4-Door f gg.$0 __________________ ______ 1946 PLYMOUTH 2-Door 117.50 ____ __ _____ __ _ THESE AND MANY OTHER FINE USED CARS It Pays To Trade With Dyer Motor Co. TRENTON, GEORGIA DEALER FOR DODGE-PLY MOUTH l i “KNOW YOUR SCOUTS" First Class Scout Tommy Wheeler — Age 16 Tommy wheeler, son of Mr. nd Mr5 E ” rl wheeler ; L ’ ' h ‘ ! ; Patr Troop °' lead 143 "2“ He has *° earned in ‘ four merit badges and needs only one more to qualify him for a Star Scout. Tommy earned a third place -------- ribbon in the Junior Training Lg aC | er ’ s Course last year in the ------------- ----- j Bat ti e iieid District. with He basket- enjoys all types of spor.ts ball and baseball as his choice. Dade County Ranger Position Open Anyone interested in applying tor the Ranger’s job in Dade County, please .:ee Mr. J. C. Pace at his office In Trenton. The job begins at $219.00 per month. Following is a list of qualifications which must be met: 1 . Must be between 20 and 40 years of age. 2. Must be a graduate of an accredited senior high school. 3. Must pass a prescribed physical examination. 4. Have a drivers license. Those interested should apply by September 29 so that their applications may be reviewed by the Forestry Board. MORGAN V1LLE M. Y. F. MEETS The M. Y. F. of the Morgan- ville Methodist Church met Sunday night at the church for a program. It was led by Caro- lyn Hartllne We had 30 pres - ent - Refreshments were served by Mrs. Imogean Rhyan in the basement of the church, We will meet Sunday night at 7:00 o’clock. Everyone is in¬ vtted. Reporters Louada Lynn and Evelyn Smith. ----- BUY U. S. SAVINGS BONDS